B THE PILOT, Southern Pinea and Aberdgep., North Carolina Friday, June 26, 1936. The Week in Aberdeen the help of the many volunteer work' i|.EGALj NOTICES ers of the community who asslsited, and contributed to Its succeaa. ; NORTH CAROLINA, Miss Nora Norris of the State Blind, Miss Thelma McFarland of Raleigh ' Miss Janie Garrett haa returned to' roilRT =scliool, Raleigh, Is spending the sum-, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McFar- Greensboro after a visit writh her fath- , NOTICE OF SERVICE BY iier vacation in Aberdeen, visiting i lar^l last week-end. , er, C. B. Garrett here. Ernest Harrif Jr., who has recent-' ' Vliss Minnie Pleasants. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leach, Mrs. ly graduated in Law from the George Sadie Leach. Miss Janette Loach and Washington University in Washing- Mrs. Rena Sims spent last Sunday at Myrtle Beach. Katharine Page and Rudy Page are leaving for the western part of North Carolina this week, where Katherine will attend Camp at Greystone, and ton, D. C., Is spending some time with his parents. Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson attended the Institute for Officers of Federated Clubs In Chapel Hill last week. Mrs. H. A. Gunter is visiting in Rudy at Mondamln, both camps be- Durham this week where her mother ing near Tuxedo. is very ill. Chris Page ShamDurger and his ^rs. W. T. Huntley has returned sister, Myrtle Alice, are visiting their f^om the Sanatorium In Charlotte uncle. J. R. Page. Jr., at New Bern y^rhere she has been undergoing hospi- thls week. tal treatment for several weeks. Woodrow McDonald, a member of j^jrs. E. P. Blackley and Mrs. H. C. the CCC Camp at Burlington, spent gherren of Hamlet were guests of last Sunday with his parents near ^ ^,.3. Lizzie Thomas last Tuesday. Aberdeen. Miss Margaret McNeill celebrated Mrs. G. A. Charles is in Flaleigh tenth birthday at her home on visiting Dr. Charles, while taking a Tuesday afternocn with a delightful Teachers Extension Course at State party. College. Miss Martha Lou Bryan entertaln- Mlss Frances Wimberly Is leaving | ed a large number of her friends on this week for Dixville Notch, New : Wednesday afternoon at her home, Hampshire, where she has accepted a ; the occasion being her ninth birthday, position for the summer at The Bal- Mrs. Charles E. Pleasants, Jr., was sams Hotel. j hostess to the Walter Hines Page Mrs. J. R. Page and Mrs. Frank Book Club and a number of addltion- Shamburger left Wednesday for Lyn- ai guests at the Community House - - At this (!ll|urrl|0a SOt'THERN PINES PUBLICATION Lindsey H. Cameron, Plaintiff vs. Lula Brown, widow, Nora Bowman, widow, Muriel Bowman, Lula Bow man, Ruth B. Oam^^on, T. C. Bowman, Willie Bowman, and Nora Bowman. Guardian ad litem of Muriel Bowman and Lula Bowman, minors, defend* ants The defendants, Lula Brown, T. C. Bowman and Willie Bowman, will take notire that an action entitledf as Baptist Choreh Rev. J. Fred Stimwn. 10:00—Sunday School. 11:00—Mornin* worship. m D Y p TT SCTViC^ Thurnday. 7:30 p.' m.-Pray#r meeting and above has been commenced in the Su- Lesson Study. perior Court of Moore County. North I Carolina, to foreclose a certain tax The rhnrch of Wide Feiinwihio i aales certificate issued to the plantiff Rev. C. Rexford Raymond, D. D., Faator 10:00—Church School. 11:00 a. m.—Morninit worship 7 :00 p, m.—Intermediate C. E. Wednesday. 8:15 p. m>—Cboir Rehe«r»*l. Community Sanitation Left to Wishes of People ^rhoHe Desirous of VV. P. A. Pro gram Should Write In Iheir Expressions An important letter concerning all W P A Projects has been received at the Moore County Public Health De partment anc^ we give it as follows; "The continuation of the Community Sanitation program in ycur county After July first will be largely the responsibility of your W P A district director. It Is to be expected that in aelecting the projects to be continued by the W P A that the W P A district director will be guided largely by the wishes of the people who are directly affected by the project. In fact, the W P A officals in Washington have indicated that this work will not be continued unless the need and value of such projects can be affirmatively de monstrated. “Inasmuch as you and I are desirous «f having the Community Sanitation Program continued by the Works Pro gress Administration in your county, we believe it is highly important for the local health workers and influen tial citizens to make known their pre ference of projects by writing the WPA district I chburg and Lexington, Va.. motoring I last Thursday afternoon. this type on file in the WPA district ■ shenncdoah Valley, and meeting Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson gave | R<-v. Marcus a, i TION. from heaUh worker., influen- “ by «'m.msbu,g ’ a ,.po« on her vlM, to the Club In-' H. Caih.ron PlaMift, tial citizens and others Interested, ju;,i o. u ' ^ula Brown, widcw, Nora Bowman, LEGAL NOTICES claims or demands against the said estate arc hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at Aberdeen, N. C., within twelve months from the date hereof, duly attested. All per sons indebted to said estate are not ified to make immediate payment me. ELLA J. HECKART, Administratrix. Aberdeen, N. C. June 12, 1936. Jull7 Chrlitltn S<I«nc( New Hampshire Ave.. near Ashe St. Service* are held every Sunday at 11:00 o’clack. Emmannrl Epiuo^al Chnrch Rev. F. CraiKhiil Hrown. B. A.. B. D.. Rector. Sunday Services—Thj (irat Sunday in the month. Church School 9:30 a. m.; Holy Com munion and sermon 11 :00 a. m. Other Sunday.*). Holy Communion. 8:00 a. m.; Church School. »:30 a. m. ■ Morninn Prayer and sermon 11 a. m. j t,,-„ or Tull7 Saint's Days Service. Holy Communion, j JUne M JUIK. 10:00 a. m. NOTICE OF LAND SALE 'Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Moore Coun ty. North Carolina, in an action therein pending wherein L. E. Smith o . . J is plaintiff and J. W. Smith, Admin- cnSeptember 10th 1934; and the said of the estate of Emery defendants. Lula Brown, T. C. Bow- smith, deceased, et al, are defend- man. will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County within thirty days from the service of the Summons, and answer cr demur to the Complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Dated this 22d day of June, 1936. JOHN WILLCOX. Clerk of the Superior Court. Prfsbylerian Church in The Civic Clab E. I.. Barber, Pastor | Services Second and Fourth Sunday morn- j ings 11:00 a. m. | First and Third Sunday cvenniKs 8:00 p. m. I Cl.urch School each Sunday morninit 9:45. | W. E. Blue. Superintendent. | NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. IX THE SVPERIOU COURT NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS CL.AIM- INO ANY INTEREST IN THE sub.if:ct matter of this ac- will show the necessity and desirabil ity . f Community Sanitation projects. And will, therefore, be of much value in securing the continuation of the sanitation pi'ojects in your county. It is felt, therefore, that letters from j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leach are mov- stitute In Chapel Hill. The program , st. Anthony-, C^thoiir tnurch , Bowman, Lula Bow ing to Fayetteville this week. ,was a .study cr tne state or soum ; *, .00 man, Ruth B. Cameron, T, C. Bowman Billy Bethune left Wednesday night. Carolina, with an interesting paper io:»o. » 7.«n 1 Willie Bowman, and Nora Bowman. * J ^ I ^ ^ ^ I npvotiona everv Sunday eveninz at 7:30. i ^ ^ aci litem for Muriel Bowman Bowman, miners. Defend leave shortly for the Naval Training and another interesting reading by Instruction class will be held for Krartiinar j Mi <? H W Doub on “Authors of i »''>’ooi children on Sunday at 11 ;30. and for j All other persons claiming anv in- • • • lHi.rh School pupils on Saturday at 10:00. subject matter of the piNEHi'RST ! above named action, will take notice .or Raleigh where he was enlisted at given by Mrs. Forrest Lockey on, Srjns wuUeTard^ the Navy Recruiting Station. He will , ‘ South Carolina, the Palmetto State" i ‘7:30. i . ’ . Station, Norfolk. Va. you and many others m your county | pjeasants, cashier of the South Carclina. The musical hour, as you and ycur sanitarian can induce ^ pmehurst, Aberdeen branch ^ with Miss Ruth McFarland singing to write will be of inestimable value ^ vacation, and Dwight and Mrs. E. T. McKeithen accompany- in promoting commumty sanitation, the Carthage Branch is sub-' ing her at the piano was much en in your county after July 1. We should , have copies of these letters on file n who .. , - v w .• this office, since they will be of help Metropolitan Life Insurance birthday last Thursday, June 18th.' m.-Even.n« Worsh.p. joyed. associated Mrs. Lillie Blue was honored on her to us in contacting the WPA officials., WPA Community Company in Chicago, isjrspending his when she was 81 years old, by a large that an action entitled as above has Community Church j been commenced in the Superior Rev. A. J. McKelway, Pastor. m i ^ 9:4.^ a. m.—Sunday: Church School and 1 <^onrt rf Moore County, North Caro Sandhills Urotherhood. 11:00 a. m.—Morninjr Worship. 7:15 p. m.—Vounif Peoples' Worship —Evening Wors Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.—Mid-week worship. Roman Catholic Church Rev. W. J Dillon, Pastor Mass each Sunday morning at 9:00. ■The present WPA Community j jjjg parents. cake present*”* to ’ f b;,he Woman’s Sanitation projects, as you know will Charles B. Thomas, Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church, expire on or betore July 1, 1936. This Stewart Weaver, Mr. During the day many friends and i-el-, o’clcck during summer months, makes it important that the above ^nd Mrs. George Martin and Fred’wea- atives called. | Weck-day Masses at S:oo a. m. mentioned letters be dispatched , ^er have leturned from a fishing trip ^ Aberdeen the WPA district director i^med- ^ JACKSON SPRINGS I Aberdeen Baptist Church . J Melvin Jernigan is making a satis- at "Please send your letter to District factory recovery at the Moore County Jackson Springs Home Demonstra- i«:oo a. m. J. a. Hryant. Superintendent. Director, H. J. Thurman Greensboro, Hospital following a recent appendl- tion club met Monday afternoon wirh ' 8nrt"'fou"^h"sun^yTat'' n-oo''a m*'and*?:45 and a copy t Warren H. Booker, citis operation. Miss Dorothy Fishel as hostess. Elev-[ ^ every Director Collaborating Sanitary En- The Rev. John R. Williams, evange- en membeis and two visitors were p. m. ^neer, Raleigh N.C.’* | ijgt, went to Norton, Va., last Satur- present. Miss Flora McDonald gave Kcthesda Presbyterian Church ^^ I day to conduct a series of services, af- an interesting account of her trip to , Hours o”*“''wo^r»h\-p :”“s!Tnyiay“^^^^ each VASS DEWBERKY M.ARKET I ^gj. closing a most successful meeting Wa.shington to the Farm W §ien’s | Sunday 9:4r> a. m.; Worship First and Third closes rOR the SE.ASON Aberdeen Presbyterian Church, convention. Missc McDonald urged j Fnurt”h S'JTda'y'rveninBs'*8;M p.^m^ I John D. Thompson of Winstou-Sa- the women '« try attend the Short The Vass dewberry auction mar- jg spending some time in Aber- Course in Raleigh this year. ket, which for the fourth season was ^s the guest of his brothers, I. A. Miss Floyd Richardson, a student operated by the Chadbourn Market- Thompson and Jesse D. Thompson. nurse in the Thompson Memorial Hos ing Company, closed on Tuesday. Con- j yy Newell and daughters, pital, Lumberton, is spending a two gidering the quantity and quality of ^is. J. D. Ellis and Mrs. J. A. Sturdi- wesks’ vacation with her parents, Mr. the berries which the growers had to vant of Florence, S. C., are visiting and Mrs. O. S. Richardson, offer, prices were very satisfactory, ^^s. Joe Pleasants. D, H. Matheson is home for a few much more so than would have been yiy ^lud Mrs. Dill, n Jordan are vis- days from Raleigh. He had as his received by the old system of mar- iting in Newark, N. J., the guests of guest through the week-end, C. A. keting. their daughter. Mrs. John Schafer. , Shelly, a student at State College. The spring drought cut the crop Misses Jane Holcombe of Fayette- ' Misses Lucille Barber, Sarah Ruth «hort ar}d the berries failed to develop ville and Nina Ferguson of Pittsboro Cuirie and Sarah Margaret Clark are to their full growth, many of the last are guests in the home of Mr. and attending the Yeung People’s Confev- ih some fields drying up. The heavy Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson. ence at Flora Macdonald, rains cf the past several days pro- Mrs. B. Deaton and daughter. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Huey Autry from Au- kmged the season and helped quite a Dorothy, visited K. G. Deaton last tryville visited Mrs. O. S. Richardson bit. but. were too late to bring the week. . Sunday. Miss Eva Richardson retum- ■crop to normal. Mrs. Sophia Hicks of Raleigh was ^ ed home with them after a visit of ] the guest of Miss Elizabeth David for ■ two weeks with her grandfather. J. HEAL EST.ATE TR.ANSFERS several days last week. V. Autry of Autryvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Byrd, with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas and son Charles Jackson Dellinger to W. V. W. M. Byrd and Miss Julia Hardister Gerald of Southern Pines spent Sun- Williams and wife, property in Moore of Asheley Heights, attended the fun- ■ day atemoon with Mr. and Mrs. T. eonnt.v. Chartes Jackson Dellinger to Walter Silyeu aaid wife, property in Moore eounty. Catharine E. Aeschlimann to Rob ert Alex. Aeschlimann. property in Southern Pines. eral of Tcmmie Talbert at Mount Gil- C. Thomas. Joe, Jr., returned home ead last Thursday. with them after having spent the Miss Mary Harrington of Winston- , past week with his grandparents. Salem spent the past week-end in Miss Zelma Clark o New York City, town visiting her father, John T. Har* is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. rington. ' M. A. Clark. Mrs. Jesse Carter of Raleigh arriv- Mrs. C. E. Russell from Greenville, ed last week to be the guest of her Miss., is visiting her son, Willard C. ' Johnson here. Robert Johnson, a student at Elise Irvin Markham spent last week-end founty. W. R. Clegg. Commissioner ,to G, ^ ^ ^ barter. Sr. J. Thomas, property in Carthage township. I High School. Hemp, was the gviest of , In Greensboro. Richard W. Lachlne to Elizabeth June Campbell last week. j The Daily Vacation Bible School Hanna Davidson, property in Moore Miss Flora Lee Freeman of Wash- closed last Friday night. June 19th. ington, D. C., is spending two weeks Forty diplomas were given for at- " in Aberdeen, visiting her parents. tendance and accomplishments and Professor R. C. Zimmerman and the school wa.s regarded by all as a I family are spending some time visit- very successful one. Charles Garrett I ing relatives at Duncan, S. C. presented the diplomas. He was the Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown cf Mur- jptincipal cf the school and the Bible I freesville were guests of Mr. and Mrs.; teacher. The pastor, the Rev. R. G. ' Jack Taylor last Thursday. Spinning Wheel Aberdeen All Kinds Breads and Pastries Cakes sind Candies Paice Memorial M. E. Charch Rev, L. M. Hall, Pastor. Kirst Sunday—I'rearhin* 7:30 p. m. Second Sunday—Preachinif JI :00 a. m. Third Sunday—Preaching 7 :JIO p. m. Fourth Sunday—Preaching 11:00 a. m. and I ::10 p. m. Sunday Schoo! every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. MANLY Pretbyterian Church Sunday School at 10:00 a. m Young Peo- pleii meeting at 7:00 p. m. Preaching second Sunday niicht a 7 ;30. Fourlh Sunday morn- intr at 11 :00 o'clock. PINKBLiJFF Methodist Church Rev. Clyde O. Newell. B. A., B. D. 9:45 a. m.—Church School. 11:00 a. m.~Preachinp Service. b:30 p. m.—Epwurlh Lca^uo, Junior. 7:30—Epworth Leaeue. Youns People. CHURCH NOTE8 "Christianity versus Communism” is the topic of Dr. Raymond's sermon, Sunday at 11:00 at tne Church of Wide Fellowship. At the Commun ity Vesper service at 7:00 p. m. He will give tho second in the series of addresses on “The Life of St. Paul.” At the Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Sunday, June 28, Holy Communion will be at 8:00 a. m., Church school at 9:30 a. m. and Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11:00 a. m. The Rev. Harvey A. Cox of St. Sa viour’s Church, Raleigh, will have charge of the service. There will be a meeting of the con gregation of the Southern Pines Pres byterian Church immediately after the morning worship, Sunday, June 28. This meeting is called for the purpose of deciding upon a name for the church. The lesson-sermon at the Christian Science Church Sunday June 28, will Matheson expressed his gratitude for be “Christian Science." lina, to foreclose a certain tax sale'< certificates and lien for taxes held by I indsey H. Cameron, the plaintiff, for the year 1933 mentioned in the Com plaint against that certain lot of land, lying and being in McNeills Town- ."hip. S"uthern Pines, Moore Countj', North Carolina and more particular ly described as follows: BEING LOT NO. 6 In Block L&13. as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the town of Southern Pines, N. C..” pnd recorded in the Moore County Registry. And all of whom will further take notice that they are required to ap near before the Clerk of the Superior stake corner in the Court at his office in the Court House in Carthage, Moore County, and pre sent and defend their res^'ective claims within six months from the date hereof, or be forever barred from any and all interest therein or claims in or to the proceeds from a .sale thererf. Dated this 22nd day of June, 1936. JOHN WILLCOX. J26Jull7 Clerk of the Superior Court. ants, the undersigned wlU offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door or Moore Coun ty, North Carolina, In the Town of Carthage, on Monday, the 6th day of July, 1936, at twelve o'clock Noon, those certain tracts or parcels of land situate in Moore County, North C^r^ olina, and In Mineral Springs Town* ship, described as follows, to wit! (1) One tract of land beginning at a stake beside the peach orchard, a few yards South of the Old Morgan- ton Road, In the original dividing line between J. R. McQueen and after wards Ehrnardt, and Page lands, and running thence as the line of the or chard, North 14 3-4, Eaat 10 88-100 chains to a stake, a corner of the orchard; thence as Cracker's line, South 73 West 20.17 chains to a stake Corker's corner; thence South Four West 5 chains to a stake Corse Burna corner on the Morganton Road; thence as Burns line along said Mor ganton Road, South 78 East 15 chains to a stake; thence as another line of Burns land South Four West 9 chains to a stake, in the Old Mc Queen line. North 71 East 10.22 chains to the beginning, containing 34 1-2 acres more or less. (2)—Second Tract. Beginning at a stake the original corner of the Page 'ind McQueen, later Ehrehart lands, and running thence as another Page line by its corner North Four East 18.38 chains to a stake beside the Morganton Road, Emery Smith’s corner; thence as the Emery Smith line South 78 East as the Morganton Road 15 chains to a stake Smith’s corner; thence as another Smith line. South Four West 9 chains to a stake in a Page line; thence as said line South 71 West 16 chains to the be ginning, containing 20 acres more or less. (3) Third Tract. Begimiing at the run of the Supply Branch Dr. W. L. Kingsleys North West corner and running thence as the original line of the J. R. Page Agent South 56 East 3 chains and 50 links to a Emery Smith NOTICE OF SALE OF L.AND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and enter“d by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 18th day of May 1936 in the matter of the TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES. Plaintiff, vs. ANNA LUTHER WILLIMS and hus band. JOHN WILLIAMS and A. J. BUIE. Defendants, same being record ed in Land Tax Sales Judgment Dock et No. 1, at page 109, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, the undersigned Com missioner, will on MONDAY, JULY ISth, 1986 at 12:00 O'CUOCK NOON at the Court House door in Carthage, Aloore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands: BEING LOT No. 2, in Block N & 12. as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.,” and recorded in the Moore County Registry. Dated this 12th day of June, 1936. J. VANCE ROWE, J19JullO Commissioner. .VDMINISTRATRJX'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has qualified as Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Mary John son. Any and all persons having FELLrrS At.'! N.ov? Whf> TK« Ba’T4anasT ene i.*y;*ties » cM’r MRS Moors. ClftSS Scrto^v. \ Come -To SEE Cftvise .HES 5»CK FRf\Kv<lE: Hov/ T>> Va FEEl! pRETTy E VhV- AFTCR » WALldtl> tWq to Pi ClA 55 v/rto's SVCK t Kg)B73 6 Ampriran New» Fontiircn Irvc line; thence as Emery Smith line also and original line of the J. R. Page Agent land South Four West 123 chains and 45 links by a stake at the edge of the Pinehurst Sandy Run Road to the center of the road; thence North said road three calls as fol lows; (1) North 80 1-2 West 12 chains and 84 links; (2) North 58 West 1 chain and 25 links; (3> North 36 West 2 chains and 70 links to the center of the dam across the supply branch used as a bridge by said road Dr. Kingsley’s South East cor. ner; thence up the various courses of the supply branch to the beginning, containing 14.6 acres more or less. (4) Fourth Tract. Beginning at a concrete block at the southwestern intersection of the Sandy Run Clay Road and the Pinehurst-Jackson Springs Clay Road; thence with the Scuthein edge of the Sandy Run Clay Road North 72 3-4 West 580 feet to a concrete block, a corner of Peach- land. Incorporated; thence parallel with the peach orchard Peachland, Inc.. and 16 feet East of the nearest row of peach trees South 33 1-4 West 230 feet to a concrete block; thence with a line of Peachland. Incorporat ed. South 78 1-4 East 588 feet to a concrete block on the Western edge of said Pinehurst-Jackson Springs Road; thence with the said road North 35 3-4 East 17.3 feet to the beginning, containing 2.68 acres, more or less, being a part of the o- riginal tract known as Peachland, Incorporated. (51 Fifth Tract. Bee'uning at a stake on the North edge of the Old Morganton Road and the Southeast ern edge of the Pinehurst-Jackson Springs Clay Road, a corner of the six acres now owned by Frank Smith and runs thence with the first line of said six acres South 56 1-2 East 15.45 chains to a stake in A. S. New comb’s line; thence as Newcomb’s line South 26.8 East 10.20 chains to a stake in said line; thence North 5(i 1.2 West 24.2 chains to a stake be side the Jackson Springs and Pine hurst Clay Road; thence with the road North 34 East 5.2 chains to the beginning corner excepting a space 25 feet wide along the road way to be reserved and kept for a park way, walk and planting space containing over and above 10 acres. Excepting a small lot one acre more or less deed ed to L. A. Dunn this year. This 28th day of May, 1936. U. L. SPENCE. J12 Jy3. Commissioner. ADMINISTRATION NOTICF. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has qualified as administra tor of the estate of H. A. McCallum. Any and all persons having claims or demands against the said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at Southern Pines, on or before May 2, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned. M. DAVID McCALLUM, Administrator. May. 2, 1936, , l Southern Pines, N. C.

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