Moun. \ HOC 1 I. FIRST ly NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 16, NO. 32. THAOK LAKEVISW PinGS tilted PI L^:'T MOORE COUNTY'S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina DR. BROWNSON IEVANDER McIVER I HONORED IN NAME INSTANTLY KILLED OF NEW CHURCH IN AUTO ACCIDENT Southern ^‘res and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, July 3, 1936 FIVE CENTS State T ) Be Well Provided With Airpaits When W. P. A. Ends Labors l i TURNER RETURNS NORTH CAROLINA WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION AIRPORT MAP ‘The Brownson Memorial Pres byterian Church” Decided Upon by Congregation ACTION TAKEN SUNDAY Methodist Preacher Third of j Highly Respected Colored Res idents to Meet Tragic Deaths WRECK ON MIDLAND ROAD In honor of one who was instrumen-1 third of a series of tragedies tal in Its organization, the new Pres- . in which highly respected colored cit- byterian Church of Southern Pines j izens of Southern Pines have been has been named “The Brownson Me-, the victims, Evander Mclver, one of morial Presbyterian Church.” It takes the oldest and best known residents its name from the Rev. Dr. Marcus the community was instantly killed A. Brownson, pastor emeritus of the : In the wreck of two automobiles on Tenth Presbyterian Church of Phila-! Midland Road last Saturday ni^^t. He delphia, Pa„ whose long residence in I was about 75 years old. and for some Southern Pines and quiet ministry 20 years had been an itinerant preach- among the people are a distinct bene- i^ the Methodist Church. He made diction to the community. [ West Southern Pines. Mclver and William Hainsworth Roanokd Rapids Wlatton-telen □ □ Grevnsboro ount EUXovfth Ooldsboro □ Hiokorv Southttrn Nav Barn Shelby 4sbs*lll«- HtadaraooviUa © OF HIGHLAND PINES Selected Over H. I. Treadway by Directors of Highland Park Hotel Co. DR MUDGETT RESIGNS The name was selected at an enthu- Alrport* in Coattruetioe Airport laprovaoanti Airport* Aptrov*! With the completion of the Works Cleared and grubbed, 48 acres; ex- see how thorough and convenient our ; M. H. Turner of Meriden, Conn., I will return to the management of Highland Pines Inn, Southern Pin* I next season, as the result ^f a aeries i of meetings of stockholders and di- I rectors of the Highland Park Hotel ; Company held during the past few 1 weeks. The former manager replaces equipped with modern landing fields nme acres; roots), eight acres. I. were returning from a fishinE- trio i revealed by the map herewith. It i The WPA is building or improving ^ & & QVinii'f 11 .fiA nnri (■.a ^ ^ that Nforth Carolina should I airports in the following’ localities be- forge ahead in the development ot ; aides Southern Pines: Winston-Salem, aviation facilities, for it was at Kitty j Charlotte, Salisbury, Rocky Mount, Hawk that the Wright brothers first , Goldsboro, Wilmington and New Progress Administration’s Airport cavated, 58,000 cubic yards of dirt; | airways will be. The present set-up : propram. North Carolina will be well ' graded, 14,444 square yards; top for airports of the NCWPA calls for Beaton I. Treadway, who operated the I soiled, of the newly organized .<,oriety crossing ' the Midland Road at the intersection between the Home of W. C. Fownes, Jr., and Halbert J. Blue. Their car last Sunday morning in the Civic Club here. Dr. Brownson was appriz ed of the action at his summer home. Center Lovell, Maine, on Sunday af ternoon, to which he affectionately re plied expressing his appreciation. Un der the new name the church is planning to move forward steadily and constructively during the summer fnd fall. Mr. Brownson has been making Southern Pines his winter home since had almost cleared the eastbound roadway when it was struck by a station wagon driven by Everett Shef field, the Impact demolishing the Chevrolet coach which Hainsworth was driving, and badly damaging the station wagon. Mclver was dead when picked up, his neck broken. In the station wag- grass planted! a total expenditure of nearly $625,- ! 000.00, exclusive of the one anticipat ed to be constructed at New Bern. Airport construction plays an im- hotel last winter. Mr Treadway, son of Congressman Allen T. Treadway of Massachusetts, manages the Red Lion Inn at Stockbridbe, Mass., in the demonstrated that man could fly. , - w ... on, the property of George P. Vail his retirement from active ministry , ^ , of Pinehurst, In addition to the driver, Sheffield, were Cecil Frye and George a number of years ago. He has, how ever, preachpd in Sandhills churches on many occasions, and has endeared himself to one and all in the com* munlty. Prior to the organization of the new church he addressed an adult Bible class each Sunday at the Pres byterian Mission held in the Civic Club, and continued to lead the class after the mi.sslon was taken into the Fayetteville Presbytery several weeks ago as one of its established churches. The Rev. E. L. Barber of Aberdeen is pastor of the new’ church, and Dr. Brownson was one of those whose help and enthusiasm led to the church’.s establishment. $183,264 Sales in A. B. C. Stores Here Hunt. They were rushed to the Moore County Hospital, and Sheffield is still a patient there. Though Coroner D. Carl Frye deemed an Inquest unnec essary, he has ordered Sheffield held for trial upon his release from the hospital. Porter at Plney Woods Inn Scores of friends, both white and colored, attended the funeral services portant roll in the WPA plan to keep j summer season. men on a job for it uses much un-1 The meeting at which the decision skilled labor and the work upon the i return Mr. Turner to command of Bern; while proposals or WPA air- | grading Is so elastic as to easily ab- j weymouth Heights hostelry was The work on the Knollwood Air- ,norts are pending are Lenoir, Shelby,, sorb more workers when it is needed ; featured by the resignation as port here is now reported as 62 per- ; Hickory. Lumberton. Fayetteville and i to reassign workers to a job when | president of the Highland Park Hotel cent completed. A report to The PI- Raleigh. If you will notice the North | the work upon which they had been • company of Dr William C Mudsrett let from the WPA gives these figures: : Carolina WPA airport map you will P'aced had been completed. , instrumental in bringing Mr. Treadway to Southern Pines and in efforts to revitalize the inn after sev eral years of unsatisfactory business. S. B. Richardson, former president of the company, was elected to succeed him at the last of the series of meet ings, held in the office of Mayor D. G. Stutz on Tuesday of this week. SC' few directors of the company weie in town it was necessary for Dr. F. W. Bush to return from Hendersonville to make a quorum. At the meeting were Stutz, Richardson, F. W. Van Camp and Dr. Bush. Hugh J. Betterley has been elected to the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Mudgett. Wherein Bre’r Possum Goes to Town Hamlet Puts One Over on Southern Pines When Bre’r Rabbit’s Friend Stalks into the Depot and Looks Over the Time Tables SECOND PRIMARY SATURDAY FILLS DEMOCRATIC LIST BV K.\THARINE L. BOYD If Uncle Ilemus had happened through Hamlet last week and ?one into the station he would have fcund himself quite at home. It seems that one of his critters had come to town. The ticket man, drowsily waiting for "Well, now. Uncle Remus," sez he, “that’s where you got me,” sez he. "I might he sod then I might not To tell you the truth,” sez Bre’r Possum, sez he, "these yer timetableses hsis got me all set ambled up. I declare I wish Bre’r Rabbit was here to give me some of his advice. Seems like I Run-Off For Nominations For Governor, Lieutenant Govern or, Secretary of State ONE CONTEST IN COUNTTY No.' 3 to blow, heard a scratching noise in the waiting room, a scuffling' cain’t tell one from tother.” and scuttering. Too hig for a rat. He ! -Whereabouts is you want t^ go, for Mclvfsr on Tuesday During his j went to the window. There walking I Bre'r Possum?’’ sez Uncle Remus. I career here he had been at various , across the waiting-room floor in an | -Mabe I can help you out ” times a porter at the old Piney Woods ! easy, at home sort of way was a ' Inn and an assistant for R. W. Brown, possum. The ticket man was consid- Southern Pines’ first plumber. i erably surpri.sed. Hamlet is a Pretty j ^ gathering Last time thev i to Clyde R. Hoey, but | Walter Fletcher, colored employe of big town; several railroads meet J . . . C. L. Hayes in the Sandhills Bookshop ' there, the yards and shops stretch Richmond County Passums they en-! o" the Fourth of July, when thous- for 20 years, was shot and killed in ' their s: ot and steel network over a neighborhood quarrel early in June. ; many acres. Hard-surfaced streets bound the tracks and the houses are “Well now. Uncle Remus, you see it’s this way. The Possum clan is Tomorrow, Saturday, settles the is sue of the Democratic candidate for Governor of North Carolina. Polls will be open from sun-up to sun-down for the second primary, called by Dr. Ralph W. McDonald, 33-year old ex- Southern Pines Evens college professor of Winston-Salem. TJp SerieS with CCO Pitching On June 16th James Douglas, kennels manager for James and Jackson Boyd, was burned to death in a fire which destroyed one of the small kennel buddings on the Boyd estate. Fletcher, Wilson county’s ABC stores and the Douglas and Mclver were among the Wilson County Sees Net Profit of $119,000 From First Year of Operation all come down to my place and all the ' ^^®'t the second primary falls 11-6 Decision in Slow Game ^ ^ J Featured bv Errors and Wild I tertained for the rest. But this time,” I Pi^n to be at beach and moun- j.sez Bte'r Possum, sez he, “all of my , tain res. rts, may make a difference. ! f Iks is going their way,” ' Unless these take advantage of the close together. In the center is the ; . , . i .u . -.i v, station. A po,.„m would have to tr.-, ""U " h I vel acv«ral miles to town to reach It., >»« » '“"ere do you meet "SW, a .d pr. MeDonald m.ght co„. this time, Bre'r Possum ?” So the ticket man was considerably surprised. The possum, on the other ; ceivably outpoll his adversary, “Trot, tha’s where we meet,” And j There is but one Moore county con- two stores operated in Moore county better known and most by the Wilson board will realize a to- thought of in the local colored colony. ui.rv.1., hand, did not seem surprised at all.' then the possum glanced around the highly __ test, that for the Democratic nomina- The S(ji^he|n Pines baseball team evened up its series with the CCC's on Wednesday afternoon by taking a 11- <1 decision in a game featured by er rors and the wildness of the camp hurlers. Both teams were minus sev- Stimson New Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor tal net profit of around $119,000 for the first year of their operation that ended yesterday, according to an es timate made by Thomas H. Woodard, chairman of the Wilson County Com- missloners President of Local Club Named Chairman Woodard made the eati- to Fill Out Unexpired mate the basis of 22 per cent of the Term of H. D. Vail total gross sales of all the stores. It 1 was estimated before the stores be- The Rev. J. Fred Stimson of South- gan active operation that the county ern Pines, president of the Kiwanis would realize this profit on the storea Club of Aberdeen, has been appointed Gross sales for the five stores in i lieutenant governor of the 4 th Dlvls- Wllscn county and the two In Moore ion of the Carolinas District of Kl- up to June 26 totaled $477,945.36 with wanis International to fill out the onl.y a week to go for the end of the unexpired term of Herbert D. Vail of fiscal year of the stores. Pinehurst, resigned. Of this amount $294,681.52 repre- Mr. Stimson, delegate from the Ki- sented the gross sales of the liquor vvanis Club of Aberdeen to the In- Btores in Wilson county, while $183,- ternational convention held recently , He walked steadily along, nose to floor station and appearing to make up his , t*on for member of the lower house ^ral cf their regular players. . stopping to sniff occasionally. A twist ’ up to the ticket window, of the General Assembly, J, Hawley; Four runs in the first inning on three of silver paper which might have held “Please suh,” he said. "I’d like a gum inteiested him and he examined ; ticket for Trot. N. C,” it carefully, opening it and smoothing' "Trot?” said the Ticket Man, tak- it out with his delicate black hands. . en by surprise, "Trot? Well now, Mr. Poole of West End outpointed W. R, hits, a walk, and a passed ball sent Clegg of Carthage, present incumbent, the locals off to a lead that was nev- in the first primary, Clegg asked for er lost. Parker, Ketchum and Millar a run-off to which he was entitled, performed on the mound for Southern Disappointed, he dropped it, sneezed . Possum, I’m not quite sure. What’s i has been making a campaign to pines, while Hendrix and Hale tolled 263,84 represented the gross sales in Mcore county from the stores in Pine hurst and Southern Pines, OPEN BIDS FOR POSTOFFICE SITES ON MONDAY, JULY 18 Bids on sites offered for the new United States Postoffice In Southern in Washington, rendered his report on the convention at the club’s weekly meeting here on Wednesday, That much was accomplished at the con vention and that Kiwanis is doing a world of good throughout the United States and Canada where it has sev eral thousand clubs was evidenced by his report, A Copeland Callen of Ur- Pines will be publicly opened at the. jjana. 111., was elected president of Postoffice on Monday, July 13th at Kiwanis International for 1936-37. 9:00 o’clock a. m. All bids in pricr to the 9th. They must be open ed in the presence of a government employe. Blank/s on which tenders of property must be made, with instruc tions, are available at the office of Frank Buchan, postmaster. Five thousand registered at the con vention. BAIX G.4.ME SCHEDULED HERE FOR TOMORROW AFTERNOON and fluffed himself out, then moved on over to where the rack of time tables stood. Here he came to a halt and sat down. Hi» sharp little old gent an’s face tilted up, his eyes peered shrewdly along his long' nose. He studied the rack, obviously con sidering something very Important. The ticket man watching from the window caught himself wondering what it was. He had been a ticket man a good while, and when you see someone looking like that at the rack you—well— Page Unele Remus “You looking for a timetable, suh?” The possum’s face turned quickly to ward the voice, showed no fear. The Ticket Man felt suddenly a strong Triendliness for this creature sitting 90 confidently on his station floor. Still there were practical difficulties. Of course, if Uncle Remus had hap pened along he would have understood , the situation. One can imagine the; scene: “Well, well! Good eveln’ Bre’r Pos- win over the votes given Edward 1 for the losers. (Flcaite turn to page 5) I Burns of Carthage in the first con- ; test. .AUSTIN GETS CONTRACT | There are also contests for Secre- FOli PINE NEEDLES CLUB tary of State between the present In- I cumbent, Stacey W. Wade, and Thad C. L. Austin, Southern Pines con- i Eure of Winton, and for lieutenant tractor, has been awarded the con- governor between W. P. Horton of tract for the erection of the new Pine Fittsboro and Paul D. Grady of Ken- A small and apathetic crowd of less than 200 watched the slow contest, the start of which was delayed for 30 minutes by a shower. Because of the late start, only seven innings were played. Needles clubhouse, was announce'', this week by Harrison Stutts, sec -e- tary of the Pine Needles Company. Mr. Austin will begin work at onc^ ly- Army Officer ‘Bill” Fisher Wfrs Commis sion as First Lieutenant in Air Service It is important that those who plan to be away tomorrow procure and fill out absentee ballots at once. They on the attractiv e building on the site i may be obtained from election o'^fl- of the present golf house, and expects I ciala in the various towns cf the to have it completed by October 1st. county, from Hiram Westbrook in i Now It’s Lieutenant One hundred and twenty-three men! Southern Pines, J. Vance Rowe’s of-, Fisher, U. S. Army, are at work under Frank Maples on 1 flee In Aberdeen. ! ■•Bill,” son of Mrs. Nellie Fisher, li the improvements to the Inn’s 18-hole I Citizens ought to vote in this far- brarian of the Southern Pines Ll- golf course, which is being entirely j reaching important referendum. The brary,, received his commission In the renovated preparatory to the 19.?6-1 Governorship of the state Is Involved. Army Air Corps on Wednesday, just 37 season. William P. MRS. BARBER DIES AT HER HOME IN PINEBLUFF A large congregation, considering the hot night attended the talk giv- ed byCale K. Burgess, chairman of the United Dry Fc rces of North Car olina, at the Aberdeen Methodist Church last Sunday night. The Stedman “Plowboys,” who will be remembered as a snappy ba.TCball outfit when they played here two years ago, will return to Southern Pines for a balKgame tomorrow after noon, July 4th, the game being called for 4:00 o’clock. Only on« game will be played. And it Is entirely conceivable that the two years after starting training at man whom thousands of North Caro- Randolph Field in Texas. Bill weath- linians might favor could be defeat- ered the rigors of training "with fly- ed by the inattention of these men ^ ing colors” and is now launching upon and women voters strolling off on his career, as a reg:ular army pilot. sum, suh. I’se mlghtly glad to see you' Wednesday June 24th Mrs. primary day in a spirit and attitude That he knows how to handle a ship 11 ®arber passed away at her j of overconfidence in their sure tri- he has revealed to his friends here on x-his cvcriin • Y^ovi &11 orcssfifl ^^ i , »• « <* you might be going travelin’ Bre’r f«‘8^hts to the Sandhills from I years she resided in Clinton, Conn. I Get the absentee ballot blank to- his present station, Mitchell Field, Possum,” sez Uncle Remus sez he. “Good evenin’. Uncle Remus,” sez the Possum, sez he, "Yes. .suh, that's just wl-' I’m aimin’ to do, I just walked into the station here to get my ticket.” “Goln’ up the line, Bre’r Possum?” sez Uncle Remus sez he. The Possum scratched his head. She came to Pinebluff seven years j day and have done with this import- Mineola, Long Island. ago with her brother, George W. Bell, jant duty at cncel She was a faithful member of the M. E. Church, Ladies Aid and Mis sionary Society. She leaves a brother, Capt. George W. Bell of Pinebluff, and two sisters, Miss Edith Bell and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin of Huntingtcn, N, Y. ober 13th. NEH’ FAIR BUILDINO Bill Fisher ig a graduate of South ern Pines High School, was one - of the star local tennis players In school . days, and afterwards shone aa catch- A new building 60 by 100 feet is er on the Southern Pines team in the- to be erected for the Moore County Moore County Baseball League. Ha ^ prior to its opening on Oct- will have the well wiahe* of a host of ’^air friends in his army cvvei^' .... •- -^"

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