Fiday, July 17, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Thre« To Give Red Cross Course in First Aid Classes To Be Htld at Night For Persons 17 Years of Age or Older A standard American Red Cross course in First Aid will be conducted in Southern Pines under the direction ; of the Moore County Chapter Amer- j ican Red Cross, This course requires a minimum ot ; fifteen hours for completion. It com- ; bines the lecture and diskcussicn me thod, with regular review covering oach lesson. The also includes ^ a demonstration and explanation of First Aid methods^ fcllowed by actual practice by each student. The class man ial used is ihe Red Cross First Aid Text Book. Kach stu- | dent is required to have one. The | price of this book is sixty cents and ■ Is the only expense to the student. Those eligible for enrollment are students w'ho have completed the sec-' end year high school work or have ; reached their seventeenth birthday. ! Classes will be held at night only | and all those interested in taking the course are urged to get in touch with i A. L. Adams or L. L. Woolley im-. mediately and make for enrollment, as classes will started within the coming week. Pinehurst Paragraphs M1.SS Lorena Montesanti returned the forepait of the week from Wash ington. D. C.. where she visited Miss Geitrude Kelly for two weeks. Mrs. Robert F. Shaw and her young daughters, Patsy and Louise spent week visiting relatives at Eller- be. Mrs. L. J. Pegram returned Sunday fr m a week’s visit with Mrs, Sher man Clapp in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Clapp accompanied her home and were guests for the day of Dr. arid Mr.s. Pegram. Thelma Bliss has gone to Bur lington for a visit with her college room n.ate. Mrs. Harold Rush and two children, Ann and Richard of Louisville, Ky., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Picfiuet. Mrs. Donald Sherrerd was a Char lotte visitor last week. Mrs. L. G_ Sanders has as guests for several weeks, her cousins, Mrs. Bradford Norris, and son Bradford Norris, Jr., of Plymouth, Mauss. Miss Bema Kirk returned Sunday from a three weeks’ visit with friends in Kenly and Four Oaks. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Keith E. B., Jr., EUREKA arrangements | Catherine Keith spent several i aunt Mrs R days week visiting Mr. and Mrs. I L. R. Beam at their home in Ashe ville. Mi.s.s Cornelia Bateman and Poe Taylor of Lynchburg, Va., were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Ruggles are spending the summer at the Farragut Hotel in Rye, N. H. Chailes Bebe cf Baltimore visited in the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hagood tlie past week-end. Mrs. Hagood and Miss Martha Ellen Westcott returned to Baltimore with him and will visit rel atives there for some time, j L G, Sanders has gone to New Philadelphia, Ohio for an extended I visit with his daughter, Mrs. W. E. ; Stoller. I I Mr. and Mrs. Hulon Coi > and son ■Richard left Wednesday f r a two weeks’ vacation and visit with Mrs. Cole’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis in Waynesville. j Margaret Kelley is spending her vacation at her home near Car thage. The Misses Lorine Price and Betty Ruth Sheiwin of Rocky Mount were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sutton. Mrs. L. P. 'i-y^jon oi Curthage if spending the weeks with Mr_ and rMs. Herman Campbell. Billy Keith returned Tuesday from an extended visit in the home of his E. Sumner in Sum- rela- Zolda King has returned home af- ^ ter a two weeks’ visit with relatives xhonips n. On their return home they in Dallas. I wore accompanied by Miss Adelaide Mrs. F. W. VonCannon and child ren and Mrs. Hcb.son Tucker of West End called on relatives in this com munity Wednesday. Miss Annis McCaskill has returned to her home after a two weeks’ visit with relatives in West End and Jack son Springs. Bateman and Miss Elizabeth Taylor, who have been visiting in the county the past month. R. P. Harriss of Baltimore W'as the guest last week of his sister, Mrs. Hornuiii Campbell. Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Cheatham have I returned from a very delightful stay Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ray were in the north. While away they were luncheon guests Sundays of Mr. and guests for ten days of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Worth Blue. : p'^vmontl S. P’arr at Bass Rocks, M!. and Mrs. Sidney Lee and baby Gloucester, Mass. They also visited of Eastwood, Mr. and Mrs. Will Black \Ir. and Mrs. Henry Hornblower at of Pinehurst, and Mr. and Mrs. Worth Blue and baby called at the home of A. A. McCaskill Sunday af ternoon. Plymouth, Ma.'ss., for several days. Enroute home they stopped at West Point. Miss Kitty Carter spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. George McDermott and Tuesday in Greensboro. and children, Mrs. McDermott’s moth er, Mrs. McCallum of Cameron, and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Blue of this sec tion visited in the home of John A. McLeod Sunday afternoon. Lois McLeod has returned from a w'eek's visit with her aunt, Mrs. Janies Teabeau of Fayetteville. Miss Windora Hardie .spent the week-end at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Guin of near Haeford visited their son, D. R. Guin iSunday. Mrs. Tom Bailey of near Union Church, Mrs. Clayton Evans and Mrs. Therlow Evans of Vass called on Mesdames Alton and C. B. Blue Sun day afternoon. Nancy and Clara Buie spent last week with their aunt, Miss Lillie Buie. Jean McCaskill came home Sunday after a two weeks’ visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam of Sanford Route. Pilot Advertlstng Hays After a stay of two months in the home of their uncle, W. P. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Wertz Saunders left Monday for Colum’oia, Tenn. Leila Seagroves, Ike Blount and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blount spent the week-end at Myrtle Beach. The Cubs. Bobby Dupont, Horace Kelly. Jr., and Wilbur Currie return ed Monday from a week’s .stay at Camp Steeie. Mrs. F. L. Dupont and Herbert Ehrhardt motored to camp .and brought the boys home. Mrs. Randolph Grimm^ Mrs. Foster Kelly and Melvin McCaskill were shopping visitors in Fayetteville Sat urday. Mrs. Norman Calcutt, who under went a tonsil operation at the Moore County Hospital Friday, i.s convales cing at her home. Mrs. E. C. Swaringen and baby son returned home from the hospital last week. Mrs. Alvin Leavitt has as her guest this week.her sister-in-law, Mrs. K. V’. McLeod of Charlotte. Mrs. H. H. Thoma.? visited tives in Hamlet last week. Mrs. John K. McQueen left Tues day for her home in Linville after a week’s visit with her m ther, Mrs, Catherine McNeill at the homo uf Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Sledge. Mr. and Mrs. David Hartzell of Greensboro, have recently moved to Pinehurst and are occupying the cot tage next to the Manse, formerly used as a nurses’ home. Mr. Hartzell is employed by the Stutts Supply Co., as bookkeeper. The Rev. and Mrs. A. J. McKel- way left early Monday for a month's vacation. They will visit Mr. McKel- way’s mother in Washington, D. C., and friends and relatives in New York, while away. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Wicker had as week-end guests Mrs. O. W. Loving and little daughter Carolyn of San ford. Mrs. Mollie Walters spent several days last week in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Keith were hosts at bridge at their home Friday ni.ght, having as guests Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R Cole. Mi', and Mrs. Ralph Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tay lor. Mrs. John G . Fitzgerald and Mrs. Willard Dunlap entertained at a pic nic one evening last week, honrring Mis. Harold Rush. Guests included, besides the honorec, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Picquet. Mrs. Mildred Rush, Ann and Richard Rush, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Sledge. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Fitzger ald, Misses Belle and Eva Fitzgerald and Delores John.son. NIAGARA DIGESTION GOES ALONG SMOOTHLY’' JOHNNY FAR. RELL (lefi) says: ''SmokingCamels during and after meals is a great aid to my diges tion.” Enjoy Camels steadily! They never get on your nerves. FIRE.CH.’CF FRANK GIL. LIAR says: "i>^y digestion goes along smoothly when I smoke Camels.” Camels increase the flow of digestive fluids — alka line digestive fluids. COSTLIER TOBACCOS R. B. Smith and family of Raleigh visited relatives here the past week. N. P. Ray and family left the past week for Atlantic Bcach where they plen to spend several weeks. Miss Berline Garner returned Sun- fi'.y from several weeks’ stay among relatives near Carthage. J .e Ellis, who is employed in Ral eigh, spent the week-end with his family here. Mrs. Rachel Palmer of Cuba, Mo., arrived the past week to visit her mother, Mrs. Mehitable Mosher, who has been critically ill for some time. W. L. Parker of Manly who has been quite feeble for some time, is somewhat improved. Little Nellie Doris Morgan who has spent some time visiting relatives in Raleigh returned to her heme here on Saturday. Mrs. Rena Simms of Orlando, Fla., spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Lura Rav. HERE ON VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McElroy of Springfield, Tenn., havo arrived in Southern Pines to visit their son, H. G. McElroy, for two weeks. Boy Scouts Have Fine , Time at Mossffiel Lake Tr(M)p 2 of Southern Pines .loins With Aberdeen Boys For Tno-Diy Outinjj Last Thursday morning 14 Boy Scouts of Troop No. 2 left Southern Pines for Talbot Johnson’s log cabin on Mossgiel Lake for a two-day and one-night camping trip, invited there by the Abt'r iooii Hoy .Scoiit Troop. They all arrived at this ideal spot In o^ood sea.son and there were no dull m r ents from then until they left for horn > on P’riday afternoon. Li.wience Farrell, assistant Scout Master of Aberdeen Troop, was in chaigo of the boys and proved hi.<! adai'tution for the work. The fore- ■'oon v. as taken up in swimming and i boating. The three boats on the lake .veil' in great demand. On Thursday ifte n on fishing was in order and uitr I variety were caught. Hoy Dut- on 'looked a Jack measuring 18 in ches in length. All the fish caught were di.sposed of at supper. The boys lad five open fires for cooking meals ind all took a hand. On Thursda.v evening, Dan Farrell. Scout Master of the Aberdeen Troop, Ralj;’! Chandler, Jr., and Tommy At kinson, treasurer of the Scuthern Pines Troop went down and spent the night with them. The evening was ‘ake;i up by doing stunts and a va- : iety of games. A hard shower at 7:00 o’clock prevented the boys sleeping ont as planned. At 5:00 o’clock Friday morning all weie up and made a rush f»)r a dip in the lake and the last one in was obliged to go through "the belt line,” which fell to an Aberdeen boy. All arrived home for supper Fri day night and reported the trip the best ever. CAME^N Mrs. Grace F. Fai'rell of Raleign ; announces the marriage of her daught- ' pr, Gaynelle, to Robert E. Wooten | of Cameron, in Canton on June 17, they will live in Canton. Ml', and Mrs. J. V. Sherrill of Gran ite F'alls announce the marriage of their daughter, Allie Sue, to Angus Pete Phillips of Cameron on July 5th 'n Granite Falls. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mann and chil- clren i f Simcoe, Ont., Canada, who have been visiting relatives here, left for home Monday. Norman McLeod of Sanford visited James McDonald last week. | Mrs. Paul Joyner and children, Win nie and Billie of Fayetteville are vis- ' iting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wooten. Mr.s. Georgi;i McFadyen and son Frank are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Beatty in Ivanhoe. j Mrs. D. B. Teague of Sanford spent ; Thursday and Friday with the Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill. | Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Snow and daughter Evelyn Ann. Mrs. J. D. Mc Lean and Miss Margaret McLean spent Sunday at White Lake. Harold Stutts cf the CCC camp at Durham spent the week-end here. Mary Bess Irwin was a Sun day dinner guest of Mrs. Raymond Thomas on Route 1. Miss Alice Tally of Bonsai was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tally. Raymond Spivey spent the week end in Washington, D. C. Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian Woman’s Auxiliary met Wednesday ; afternoon with Mrs. J. B. McDonald i and Mrs. J. B. Spivey at the home of ! Mrs. McD nald, circle chairman Mrs. J. E. Stiow was program leader and ^ Mrs. M. D. McNeill conducted the ! Bible study. Neill McKay of Georgia spent last ' week with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mc- i Donald. { Mr. and Mrs. J. W'. Rogers and j children, Mr. and Mrs A. A. Graham I and children are spending this w'eek at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. J. W. Cameron and daughter, Opal spent Thursday in Lakeview with Mrs. T J. Coore. Misa Imogene Whittle of Dalton^ Ga., spent last week with Miss Helen ' Cooper. Mrs. R. C. Davie and Miss Jessie , McFadyen of Fayetteville and Miss • Ruth and Bruce McFadyen of Lum- berton spent Sunday with Mrs. Ge< r- gia McFadyen. Miss Viiginia Stutts is visiting rel atives in Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cooper and .amily and Mr. and Mrs. P'red Smith and family spent last weeV at Myrtle Beach. I Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parker and Marie Parker visited relatives 'in Washington, D. C., recently. Kate Hall, who has been vis iting Mrs. Graham Bullock left Sat urday for her home in Georgia. Ml’, and Mrs. Graham Bullock and Mrs. Asa Yow spent Sunday at Lake i Waccamaw. Why Gulf is the Gas for July THE "DOG DAYS" start in July. Hot, sticky days that play hob with your car’s mileage—un- less you use a fuel tailored to the weather. If you don’t want part of your gas to go out the crhKLZtunburneci, wasted—get That Good Gulf in July. It’s specially refined for summer driving—“Kept in Step with the Calendar.” And that’s why all of it goes to work, none of it goes to waste. Try it. SUMMER SALE opened on Wednesday, July IS Our U.sual Value.s are Offered during the Entire Month. New Special Items Will Go on Display Each Day. For your Convenience We Remain Open Wednesday Afternoons Williams-Belk Company Saiifi rd. Incorporated North Carolina BUSINESS back: xo normal. A New Solid Car of Flooring-, Ceiling: and Trim t )day. All at no extra cost ab< Ke-shingle or lepa^r that roof now while help is available. Use Bird’s Shingles, none better. fr .m Sumter, South Carolina, the best mills in the south t >day. All at no extra cost above the inferior grades of local mills. We invite you to come and look at this stock even t* ough not in need. EVEKYTHINT, FOR THE liril.DER SoutHern F^ines WareHoxises, Inc. TELEPHONE 7131 TRITCK DELIVERY

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