m Pare Four THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, Nbrth Carolina Friday, August 7, 1936. Resettlement What and Why Editor's Note—This is quest ion two of a series of questions and answers aljout the Resettle ment Administration which ar® being published each week in the Pilot. The Week in Vass Young people of the Presbyterian of Troy spent a part of the week church at Lakeview presented an in- with relatives here. teresting program in the Vass Bap- chandler and Mrs Es- tist church on last Sunday evening ‘-nana'er and Mrs. Ka- . with a large crowd in attendance. , ther McDaniel of Souther Pines called I The Rev. and Mrs. Castevens of'on Mrs. R. G. Rosser Friday after- j Mineral, Va., are conducting revival ^ noon, services in the tabernacle at 7:45 o’clock each evening through this, Tractor for Use of Farmer Available New 45 Horsepower Diesel Is Put to Work on County Lands Sunday guests at the home of Mr. The new tractor and terracing equipment for which the Moore Couii- „ , ty Soil Conservation Committee re- week and next. The public is cordially' Mrs. W. T. ox included ^ c^ntly closed a deal was received on Is the program of the Resettle-; invited to attend. The regular service Boggs, Donnie Kelly and Mr and ^nd was immediately placed ment Administration Communistic or ^ scheduled to be held at 8 o’clock! Mrs. Walter Wilson and child, all of in operation on the lands of John,Will. Utopian ? I next Sunday evening at the Meth- Broadway community. upper Moore county. The trac- Answer , I odist church has been called off on Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter jg ^ Diesel 45-horse power wide The program of the Resettlement j account of the tabernacle service. Margaret of Southern Pines and Mrs. guage caterpillar tractor of the Administration is in no sense of the . Rev. and Mrs. L. M. Hall met with ^ visited Mrs. crawler type. word communistic. It is an attempt ^ gfoup of local church people at the Rosser Monday afternoon j Broadus, Assistant Extension on the part of an agency of the gov- i j^g^jjodist church Sunday afternoon A delightful day was spent by the i Engineer from State College, is in ernment to offer new opportunities formulate plans for a Religious ' members of the Parker family when the county this week to help get the in rural areas. In order to do this Emphasis Week for Young People” | they met on Sunday for their annual' work started. Wilbur Phillips is driv- Resettlement is advocating a live-at-1 jQ^al Methodist | reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing the tractor and Carl Gulledge is home program of diversified farming, | j.j,yj.ch on the evenings of August J. J. Parker in Vass. Dinner was running the terracing machine, which «nc! urages the ownership of | through 20th. These services,' spread on a long table beneath the ^ The terracer builds a standard 18- small familysized farms. If we can! precede the revival ser- trees and during the afternoon water- foot Mangum terrace and can com- vices which are to begin on the; melons and lemonade were served, plete from six thousand to eight fourth Sunday evening, are to be The invocation was spoken by W. A. | thousand feet a day, depending upon carried out by the young people of ^ Parker of Wadesboro and an inter- the size of the field and the type of SOUTHERN PINES Bapttit Charch Rev. J. Fred Stimsun, Pattar. 10:00—Sunday Schotil. 11:00—Morninff worithip. 7:00—B. Y. P. U. Service. Thuriiday. 7:30 p. m.—Prayer meeting and Lesaon Study. The Church of Wide Fellowship Rev. C. Rexford Raymond, D. P., pMtor. 10:00—Church School^ 11:00 a. m.^Moriiintf worship, i 7 :00 p. m.—Vesper Service. Thursday, 8:15 p. m.—Choir Rehearsal. ? :30—Epworth Leavue. Youns People. R08ELAND Deep Creek Baptist Church llyron M. Adams. Minister. 0'*der of Service# Sunday School at 10:15 a. m. every Ix>rd’a day. Preaching services at 11 o'clock a. m., th# first and third Sundays. MANLY tion' is encouraging the development of co-operatives among the farming population, but far from being com munistic and radical, the co-operative movement is as old as America; in fact older. Co-operation was estab- together to get the household tasks done. A co-operative is just a private business owned by all those who use make home owners out of our rural population we have preserved one of the strongest bulwarks of a democ racy. The Resettlement Administra- community, but the older peo- j esting talk was made by Mr. Guy ‘ soil. More can be accomplished in "pie will be invited to attend. of Concord. I large fields where the terraces are The members of the Vass Pres-, ^11 of the, relatives who live in the longer and less turning is required, byterlan church have given their pas- i Vass community were present and The price charged for the work Is tor a vacation to extend through the' ^^e relatives and friends from $3.00 per hour which takes care of month of August and there will b«: » distance were the following: Mrs. the fuel and the labor. The cost per — ^ ; no preaching service in their church' ®tra Abernathy and children of Maid- acre will run from around $1.50 to lished when the first family worked | Sunday morning, nor on ihe ! ^ Parker of Wadesboro, O. F. $1.90. according to Mr. Garrison’s fig- i r ' I Parker and daughter of Concord. C. I ures. fourth Sunday evenmg. 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . . , ^ J » i Parker and family of Cordova, L. The work is being started in the I Mr. and Mrs. W. as one spe | Parker and family of Hamlet, the upper section of the county where I last week-end with relatives in Grepn- j brothers of Rockingham, Claud much of the land is planted in small it. Co-operatives are not experimen- j Parker and family of Cardova, “Dad" [ grain, and the plan is to work on tal ; they have done a constantly in- | Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Beasley have| Concord, Mrs. Wilson of Nisg- [down through the county as the to- creasing business in America and in | returned from a week s visit with j gQ(j ussery and family and John bacco is harvested. Mr. Garrison says neatly every country in the world ^ Mrs. Beasley s people in White Oak. | xjssery and family of Rockingham, ! that any who are interested will be for taiany generations. \ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eurey and child- Jim Newell and family of Cameron, welcome to see the machine in oper- The program of the Resettlement dren, former Vass residents, spent j Mr. and Mrs. Noah Cockman and j ation at any time. Any one desiring Administration is a practical, busi- Sunday night at thehome >of Mr. and j Grady Cockman and family of Rock-1 to have field or farm roads which j Mrs. W. B. Graham. On Monday they ingham and Roy Kelly of Wadesboro. | are not maintained by the State moved their furniture from the Me-1* | worked can have them pulled at tl.a Lauchlin house here to Ruffin, S. C.! ABERDEEN NEGRO BOY ' same price per hour. Anyone desiring where Mr. Eurey has a position with | CONFESSED TO MVRDER to have work done should communi- Chriitian Science New Hampshire Ave., near Anhe St. Service* are held every Sunday at 11:00 a'clock. " Emmanuel Epiacopal Church Kev. F. CraiKhill Brown, B. A.. B. U., Rector. Sunday Services—The fipHt Sunday in the month. Church School 9:80 a. m.; Holy Corn- j muniun and flermon 11:00 a. m. I Other Sundays, Holy Communion, 8:00 a. m.; Church School. St:30 a. m. • MornmK Prayer and sermon 11 a. m. Saint’s Days Service, Holy Communion, j 10:00 a. m. t Presbyterian Church Rev. C. I. Calcote Pastor Second Sunday—Preaching 8:00 P. M. Fourth Sunday—Preaching 11:00 A. M. Sunday School — Every Sunday 10:00 A. M. Sunday School—Every Sunday 10:00 A. M. Christen Endevor—Every Sunday 7:00 P. M. Presbyterian Church in The CIvIe Club E. L. Barber, Pastor Services Second and Fourth Sunday morn- incs 11:00 a. m. First and Third Sunday evenniics 8:00 p. m. Sunday at Church School each Sunday morning 9:46. W. E. Blue, Superintendent. Rev. Marcus A. Brownson. D. D., Tocher Adult Bible Class. I CHURCH NOTES Baptist Church services will be held in Pinehurst at 10:00 and* Southern Pines at 11:00 o’clock a. m. The sub ject of the sermon will be "Sacred Places.” The subject of the lesson sermon the Christian Science Church will be "Spirit.” On Sunday, August 9th, the ser- I vices at the Church of Wide Fellow- 81. Anthony's Catholic Charch | again be Under the direc- Rev. Thomas A. Williams, Pastor ' ^ , MasH will be offered every Sunday at ^:00. tion 01 Arthur W^lls o£ New XOFK. ^nfessions will heard on Saturdays from jg gerving the Church dUF- 4:S0 to 6:S0 and from 7:30 to 8:>0. I •' ° Mass will be offered every week-day at 7 :S0. > ing the vacation Of the paStor, the pinehitrst ^ Rev. Dr. C. Rexford Raymond. The Community Church Rev. A. J. McKelway. Pastor. 9:45 a. m.—Sunday: Church School and Sandhills Brotherhood. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship. 7:15 i>. m.—Young Peoples* Worship 8:00 p. m.—Eveninir Worship. Wednesday, 7:S0 p. m.—Mid-week worship. nesS-like way of helping destitute and low'income farm families. The rehabitltation program is pri marily concerned with making loans to needy farm families. But Resettle ment is practical about these loans. Graham Brothers Lumber Company, Miss Elizabeth Keith returned the have failed because they did not have ; Pa., where she had been for some the proper training. After providing! time, to spend the remainder of tha loans by which they can obtain pro- j summer at home. I>er land and proper equipment. Re settlement undertakes also to see that they have the advantage of ex pert assistance. A farm and home plan is worked out for each family Miss Mary Beasley and R. P, Bea sley spent Monday in Apex, their former home. W. A. Shaw and James Shaw of Cameron route visited Mr. and Mrs. (Continued from vaffe 1) We know that many farm families , first of the week from Pittsburgh, i ° November . They stayed ' about twenty or thirty minutes and I went with them to the door. I saw Robert Lucky lying near the door. I then went back to my room, smoked a cigarette. I waited about twenty minutes. I then went to the room where my mother and father werfe ' sleeping, got the kerosene can out of who receives a loan. If the plan is , B. H. Wood Sunday. | closet. I slipped to the front door, satisfactory, the family can be put j Enroute to Mississippi w-here the iback on its own feet, will no longer I Calcote family is to hold a reunion, be on relief, and will be able to repay Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Saunders, Mrs. its debts to the Resettlement Ad- j Catherine Calcote and Miss Rose Cal- ministration and to other creditors, i cote, all of Richmond, Va., spent Sun- ’The Resettlement program first of ‘ day at the manse with the Rev. and all sees that the families who move ' Mrs. C. I. Calcote. Mrs. Calcote and from poor land to good land are rap- ' Miss Calcote remained until Monday able cf producing a fair return per i and Rev. Calcote and son, Billy, join- acre. The farms are large enough to . cd them on the trip, furnish tnough acreage for a profit-1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buice, Mrs. able full time farm. The families sel- Ollie Semmleman and little Joyce Mi- ected are those who are capable of chon returned Saturday from a visit operating a farm of their own. The i Smithfield and New Bern, families are given forty years in | Mrs. S. W’. Lassiter and daughter which to pay for their farms and the Doris of near Smithfield visited rel- interest is three percent. They are ^ atives here over the week-end. provided with well-built homes in ord- > Miss Mildred McGinnis of Sanford ^ three feet from the steps on the left as you go out of the house. I poured some kerosene on Robert Lucky about his right hip pocket. I then struck a match and set him on fire and went in the house, locked the door and run and jumped in bed. "About twelve or twelve-thirty that night Mother and Daddy woke me up and told me a man had been burned up in front of our house and that the man had been carried to the hospital, so I went back to bed. "Next morning Daddy woke me and j told me to tell Mr. Dees (the officers) the truth about who burned Robert cate with the county agent. Sandhills Photo Shop Fine Finishing Can’t Be Done For Less Aberdeen, .North Carolina ABBRPEKN Aberdeen Baptist Chnrch Rev. Ernest M. Harris, Pastor. Sunday School every Sunday morning at lu :00 a. m. J. A. Bryant, Superintendent. Preachine and Worship Service each second and fourth Sundays at 11:00 a m. and 7:46 p. m. B. Y. P. U. every Sunday at 6:S0 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7:46 p. m. service for morning worship will be held in the church at 11:00 a. m. with Mr. Wells preaching on the top ic “Walking with God,” based on Wil liam Cowper’s hymn “O, for a Clos er Walk with God,” which will be Roman Catholic Charch sung in a special arrangement by the Mass eac'lr Sunday morni'n/“*"8':00 o’clock c^oir. At the Community Vesper Ser- durine summer months. vice at 7:00 p. m. in the Garden Mr. Wells will give the second in a series of five addresses on Great Personal ities of the Bible, and will speak or “Ruth.” The Sunday School will meet at 10:00 a. m. and on Tuesday morning at 8:30 a. m., the Junior Christian Bethesda Presbyterian Charch Endeavor Society wUl meet Under the Hour, o?" wo®sh?p:®‘s^nday“‘^U^ each ‘ joint direction of Mr. Wells and Mis« Sunday 9:45 a. m.; Worship First and Third Sunday mornings 11:00 a. m.; Second and Fourth Sunday eveninvs :00 p. m. Paire Memorial M. E. Charch Rev. L. M. Hall. Pastor. First Sunday—Preachine 8:00 p. m. Second Sunday—Preaching 11:00 a. m. Third Sunday—Preaching 8:00 p. m. Fourth Sunday—Preaching 11:00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. PINEBLrFP Methodist Church Rev. Clyde O. Newell, H. A.» B. D. 9:45 a. m.—Churoh School. 11:00 a. m.' Preaching Service, firao p. m.—Kpw<>rth I>eatrue, Junior. Mary Jane Prillaman. A new course of study is to be begun this week and it is hoped that there will be a large attendance. There will \>e open house for. young people on Tuesday and Friday nights when Volley Ball and Folk games will be played. In the near future it is hoped that the pl{iy “Cleopas ’ may be pr esented, and rehearsals for it have been cfdl* ed. er that the maintenance costs will the guest of Miss Margaret Bet- not be great. j from Sunday until Wednesday. Next week’s question: "Is the size Worth McMillan of Fort Bragg of the Administrative staff of Re-' spent the week-end at home. On the settlement Administration justified in return trip he was accompanied by the light of the number of people parents. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Mc- helped ? REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Millan, Misses Marion and Vivian Mc Millan. Little Miss Mary Elizabeth Davis returned recently from Greensboro Vinson L. Johnson and wife to ^ making her home with Standard Mineral Co., Inc., property ^^r aunt, Mrs. J. s. Caddell. in Glendon. ' M. Smith of Jacksonville visit- George W. McNeill, Commissioner, home-folk during the week-end to Flora J. Wadsworth, property in Carthage township. Patuxent Development Company to Lee R. Page and wife, property in McNeill township. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cameron, Etta and Joe Cameron of Manly visited Mrs. Sue E. Cameron Friday night know, and Daddy told me to tell him the truth for they might electrocute him. and they would only send me to Morrison Training School, and I told them I did not know who burn ed this man.” ABERDEEN CARTHAOE SPRINC8 lake. VIEW JACK90H SPRiriO« AtHLEV MftlCMTS BLUFF The Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Harris are in Ansonville this week where the Rev. Harris is conducting a revival. Miss Dorothy Sue Hay of i-«ong Is land. N. Y., and Miss Catherine Yoe of Chicago are visiting their cousin, ilrs. Victor Tyler. Mrs. R. E. Rollins of Miami is vis- Ida P. McLeod to C. H. Causey and over the week-end. Earl Edwards of Charlotte was the iting her sister, Mrs. J. G. Farrell, guest of Mr. and Mrs^-C. P. McMil-! Mrs. J. J. Brvant of Durham, sister wife, property in Moore county. ADIVnNISTR.4Tr\'E UNIT FOR SC HOOLS IN PINEHURST (Continued from page 1) brary; Miss Eloise Summerford, Com mercial and Miss Catherine Blue, Music. The Rev. A. J. McKelway will of fer a course in Bible during the year. This was recommended by Mr. Thom as and the County Board of Educa tion before Pinehurst became an Ad ministrative Unit. The Pinehurst Schools have made marked progress during the past sev eral years It has, perhaps, one of the strongest Parent-Teacher Associa tions in the state Mrs. True Cheney will again head this association for the'coming year. | weeks. Quoting from Mr. Morton in a re- ^ The V»ss Woman’s Club will meet port to The Pilot this week, he says, j a.t 8:00 o’clock next Friday evening, “The schools, churches and commun- August 14, at the home of Mrs. G. ity work together remarkably in i W. Brooks with Mrs. W. E. Glad- theiir efforts to make the Pinehurst j stone, Mrs. R. G. Ro.sser, Mrs. W. D. School District an ideal place in^hlch j McCraney and Mrs. W. C Leslie as to rear children and to develop a > hostesses The Literature department. of H. A. Gunter, his aunt, Mrs. A. i J. E. Byrd. Jr., of Ramseur visited B. Johnson of Lemon Springs, and his , his parents Suncay. ' sister-in-law, Mrs. J. H. Gunter of j Mrs. W. E. Gladstone, Mrs. W. H. Tampa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. | H. A. Gunter last Thursday and Fri- day. , Miss Sarah Weaver is spending her i vacation in the mountains of North I Carolina. Mrs. E. B. Maynard entertained her '• finer type of citizenship. Pinehurst has an excellent faculty, a strong school board and a splendid P. T. A. Association. They understand and ap preciate the value of a good school to a community.” Keith and Mrs. G. W. Griffin were Fayetteville visitors W’ednesday af- 1ernoon. Mrs. B. H. Wood and children call ed on Mrs. M. McQ. Bailey of the Union section Sunday afternoon. After spending a week with rel- bridge club at her home last 'Tuesday atives in High Point, Mrs G. W. Sut- night. Tnree tables were in play. Mrs. ton has returned to her apartment in Gordon Keith received the club prize the Beasley building. and Miss Elizabetff Taylor the guest ; Mr and Mrs. Alton Chappel and prize. Guests included Mrs. S. C. Bar- ! little daughter of Sanford visited at rett, Mrs. S. L. Windham, Mrs. Wal- | the J. E. Byrd and Mrs. Annie Chap- ter Childry, Mrs. Bill Maurer and \ pel homes Sunday. Misses Elizabeth Taylor imd Edna ■ Vick Keith and “Pete” McRae left Maurer. Monday for a motor trip to Califor- ii ; nia. They expect to be away about! WILDC'AT VETERANS TO MEET | IN REUNION IN FAYETTEV1LLF , Veterans of the historic 81^t or; “Wildcat” Division will meet in Dia ' trict reunion in Fayetteville, Tues- ' day, August 11th. at 8:00 p. m. at: the Hotel Prince Charles j Jas. E. Cahall, Natl. Adj. of tne j “Wiljcat Veterans Ao?o''iaiioii' will: j he^idquarters in Washington, D. C. j will attend anu tell of plaiib 'for the | great State reunion of the 7200 North ] Carolina Wildcats to be held in of which Mrs. D. C. McGill is chair man, will have charge of the pro gram. , Mrs, Walter Holt and Miss Mary Alice Freeze of Concord are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney, Mrs. A M. Hemphill and little son 7th XHe F^ilot Covers the Sandhills Like the Sand If you would keep up with the news of Your Neighborhood, Read The Pilot Each Week. FIRST IN THE NEWS FIRST IN ADVERTISING FIRST IN CIRCULATION Our Job Department Is fully equipped to give you prompt and efficient iseryice in all lines of commercial printing. Greensboro, on September 6th and | I.