Page Eight WANT'S WANTED; Young girl desiring to go to nigtit school in Washington, D. C., to look after two small child ren in daytime for Government couple. Room, board, tuition and transportation, Sept. 1. TWICL.V’^E large Guernsey Lily (red spider) bulbs, $25 per bu., $10 per 100, $2 per doz. Plant now for fall bloom. Also other spring bulbs at . reduced prices. Mrs. O. L. Cloud, Hamlet, N. C. Smashing- Sale of Summer Goods Continues. Big Reductions on All Lines. But Don’t Forget The NVw Fall Goods Are Coming: in Dailv. Women's Dress Sandals $1.98 W'bm^n’s Dress Ties $1.98 ( VAimen’s Sport Oxfords $1.98 Men’s Oxfords, five new styles, black and brown at $1.98 Better Oxfords at $2.98 Famous “Friendly" Shoes „.,$5.00 Vacations are in full swing. We have just the thing you need for your trip. Suitcases at $1 00 to $1.50 WTien you buy here you. get full value fftr your money. Nelvin Bros. Abeidecn and Southern ?Slte3 TtCE PILOT, ^aihertt Pines attrth Cai'ollritf Friday, August 14, 193tf With Alice Faye swinging torchy new tunes and romancing with Mich ael Whalen, Adolphe Menjou going dai'fy and roaming around in his nightie, Gregory Ratoff, the demon dialectician, mangling the Eiiglish language, the king and queen of com edy. Ted Healy and Patsy Kelly, smashing all laugh records, and the Ritz Brothers bringing a new kind of musical clowning to the screen. “Sing, Baby. Sing” comes to the Southeni Pines Theatre. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 17-18-19, with a Tuesday Matinee. A laugh-jammed, song-crammed acramboree of itars, songs and show-stoppers, “Sing. Ba- I by, Sing" starts crowding the laughs Resettlement What and Why editor’s Note-'This is ques- tioil- three of a serJea of questions and iSaisw'ers about the Resettle ment AdministratioA which are being p'tnblished each week in The Pilot. I Is the size of the A(-'»nlnistrati»fe | staff of Resettlement Administration j justified in the light of tint number i of people helped'7 I Answer j The administrative staff of toe Re- I settlement Administration i.*r more i than juatified in the light of the’ help | being g^iven to the needy. The Il'wret-; tlement Administration has helped, on the opening scenes and only the! over 700,000 families tbmugh losns siz ilii.g songs and romantic love-ma-|and grants under [i:5r r«habilitatton kmg provide interludes froni the side splitting mirth.. The Motion Picture Daily .tays that ‘“Sing, Baby. Sing’ merits top rung on the musical ladder. It’s cfialogue is witty, sparkling and smart and its tunes exceptionally good. The per formances by the entire cast are smooth and ably executed. goudecJ by directorial tempo and gusto which kept a preview audience roaring throughout from footlights to I'he rear of the balcony. They got an eye ful and earful of Alice Faye swing' program. Nearly 3,000 fatnilies hftwfr been relocated from Iwd land to goiAtl land, and projects are now' under de*- velopment that will provide bome» and farm.s fiTr an adifitionaT 10.000. Wore than Iff.OOO famifies are living on the land boing purctiasecf by the Resettlement Administr.«4on for re tirement from agricultui-e. Some will be .tble to' Hi0ve with the mont^y they obtain from the .lale of their land. Other* will' find wwrk on the 4evrf- opmeiat projwts thHt will lie c.vrrie«l on to improve the land. Some ^,000 Good* Neighbors PartXdRe and Hen Get To gether on Incubation I*roposition Hughie Allen of Va3S tells Tls» Pilot the following story and vouches for its authsntlclty; The other day Mr. Allen was ploughing in * field near his home wb«n he heaj'a! a hen cackling in the edge of th»' woods. Not want ing to leave his^ mule unattended. hiJ' CJiIIed to his x'S'ife to go cnut and look for the hen’# nest. Jirs, Alien went' lin the direction from which tUe hew was seen to c'*mS iSftVf found nol' one, but two nests, cme a hen's aiPf the other a partrld^re's. The two iT^>»ts were on the’ gl-oimd within aUtnit five rn- chesj of each rther. Thevw were sev en iten effgs and eleveTC partridge eggs; two of tfie hen eglfs being in the bwd’s nvst and two of the par tridge’ eggs' being in the' 'ififcken’s nest. NeiMtiborlmess. we call” tt. OUR SUMMER ^ CLEARANCE SALE \ CONTINUES ONE MORE WEEK CAMERON Mr, and Mrs.- Fiaak Mc.Kiill of | Richmond, Va.. vaa i recenrt visitor j of th.t Rev. ind Mrs. 5t. D. MtSTeill. ing her torchy new ditties. They how^i them will receive furthur a.'-wist- Mrs. Peail Thomas spent la^f weefc To IVfake Room for ^ NEW FALL GOODS Arriving in September All Piices Drastically Reduced C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE led as Menjou went flighty,' they went' ga-ga when the nit-wit Ritz Broth- I ers went hot-cha; they laiighed the roof off at Gregory Rat off Who shows ance from the Resett'fement Admmis-i sister, Mfs. Marris CamHroc. J fration tn order to move to iQore oro- • cypre is coiinnurjtty. fitable itcres. In adililuin. a •lai’y av- j jnd Mrs. T. M‘. E.'«rftced by Howard F: Burns:. do. and advance reports have it ttiat the role is by far Miss- Harlow'S fme- st screen characterization. The pic ture was adapted from Herbert Ger man’s best-seller novel and it races excitedly from London to Paris and the advanced airplane bases, on ctte ■ Western Front, Benita Hume plays ! the bewitching spy: Lewis Stone* is : Andre’s father: Inez Courtney iS Sti- ! zv’s friend and Greta Mevor is the I *■ I airplane factory propnetress. i It was peculiarly fortunate chat I when Metro-Goldw>Ti- Mayer deter- j mined to produce the picture called I “His Brother’s Wife", W'. S. VanDj'ke ' was available to direct it. The pic- ' ture comes to the Southern Pines Theatre, Saturday tone day only) ^ * T XT 'T' I IT'C August 22nd. with a Matinee at 3:00 It A 1^ IS U I I P. M., with Hollywood’s most roman- ' tic team Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck heading a remarkably fine ! cast. VanDyke, of course, is a veter- i an not only of the camera but of jun- | gle adventure, and “His Bmther’.'? | EVERYTHING WASHED FLAT W ORK IRONED Ask ti.>« about this ectonomical sei*vice Southern Pines LaHodry Company, Inc. Telephone 6101 \V. IVew York A\%i^ Plant Now ,\0TK r OF SALK OK BDNOS rowv OK scrtTHKHX ■\OKTH rAKOI.JN.X l‘l Bl.If’ n»l*KOVEMKNT BCJNHS Sealed bids will be receive-J unliT' Wife” is a drama of the tropical wild- j n :00 o'clock A. M., Eastern StandaiAi'i erness. VanDyke has resorted' to his , Time, August 1936, by the under- , inrif>iihio mpmnrv of the .qteaminp' in- i Signed at itsf office in the City of I Raleigh, N. e., for $2roOO PivOllc Tin- ' provenient Bimds of the Town of 0^, JOSEPH CAILEIA • a W. S. VAN DYKE Pictnrt ^roductiow Sat. (one day only) Aug. 22nd—8:20 Matinee at 3:00 indelible memory of the steaming in terior to produce an effect or real~ ism that is truly astounding. Robert Taylor, right now the .screen’s moarf popular young star of the masculiae ranks, has a daring role that he por trays with the daring it demands. He Southern Pines, N. O’., dated July t, ^ I 1936, maturi'ng annually, July 1, $1,- ; 000 t938 to 1948 and $2,000 1949 to 195<5, air incrusive, without option of i ' prior payment. Thei'e will be no auc- , j tion. Denomination- $1,000; cwrpon appears as a scientific explorer . principal aird interest (J" and' falls in love with a beautiful red- j i ( payable in lawful nroney of the | headed girl on his last fling in civil- | United States of America «C the ization. His brother urges the boy to 1 Chemical Bank & Trust Civnpany, forget the girl and carry on with his expedition. He agrees and in her re bellion the girl marries the brother, and when he returns to find that the woman he loves is his brother’s wife a dramatic vehicle is provided for these distinguished stars. AVOID EMBARRASSMENT OF FALSE TEETH DROPPING OR SLIPPING Don’t be embarrassed again by hav- your false teeth slip or drop when jou eat, talk, lai^h or sneeze. sprinkle a little F^STEETH on your Mates. This new. extremely flne j)ow- Jer gives a wonderful sense of comfort «Bd security. No gummy, gooey taste •r feeling. Get FAS- TKETH today at any good drug store. MOORE COUNTY HOSPIT.\L GIVES REPORT FOR 1935 I Pilot AdvertistnK Pays, (Continued from vage 1) superintendent, and Dr. F. L. Owen is the resident physician. In the Hospital Auxiliary, the coun ty is indeet? fortunate as the women in this organization are untiring in ^heir efforts of aid. both financially and materially. The Auxiliary is composed of four chapters, Aberdeen, Carthage, Pinehurst and Southern Pines, and has for its members those who are intensely interested in the welfare of the Hospital. Their finan cial contributions are of great im portance. There will be found elsewhere in this paper a contribution blank and the Directors desire to inform bene factors that gifts of securities, wheth er by personal contribution or be quest, will be most welcome, and will receive competent handling and care. New York City, New Tork; general obligations: unlimited tax; delivery on or about September 10, 1936 at place of purchaser’s choice. Bidders are requested to name the interest rate or rates, not exceeding six per cent per annum in multiples of one-fourth of one per cent. Each bid may name one rate for part of the | bonds (having the earliest maturi- • ties), and another rate for the bal- | ance, but no bid may name more than i two rates, and each bidder must spec- | ify in his bid the amount of bonds of | each rate. The bonds will be awarded*| to the bidder offering to purchase j the bonds at the lowest interest cost | to the Town, such cost to be deter* mined by deducting the total anwunt j of the premium bid from the aggregate | amount of interest upon all of the j bonds until their respective matur-1 Ities. No bid of less than par and ac- i crued interest will be entertained. | Bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked ‘‘Propo.sal for Bonds” and be accompanied by a cer tified check upon an incorporated bank or trust company, payable un conditionally to the order of the State Treasurer of North Carolina for $540. The right to reject all bids is re served.’ The approving opinion of Storey Thorndike Palmer and Dodge, Boston, Massachusetts, will be fur» nished the purcha-ser. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION. By W. E. Easterling, Secretary of the Commission. < / Hi I' T urnips—Spinach Mustard—Carrots Siberian Kale (frost proof) s fl SEEDS from Woods and Son and that, in itself, is a guarantee that the seeds are in perfect condition. After the fine rains during the past few weeks, a garden planted now will be bearing within a short time. Stutts Supply Co. INCORPORATED Pinehurst, N. C.