Friday, Auguqt 28, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdten, Nbrth Carolina Page TbvM Grid Practice at Carolina Under Way Coach Ray Wolf Invites Fifty- Two I*rospects to Report on Tuesday 4 Football followers of the Univer sity of North Carolina in this section will be interested in the announce ment from Chapel Hill that fall prac tice will get under way next Tues day, September 1. Head Coach Ray Wolf has Invited 52 prospects to report at that time. *rhe opening game for the Tar Heels will be with Wake Forest in Char lotte September 26. The first home game will be with Tennessee at Chap el Hill October 3. This promises to be one of the outstanding early sea son games in this section. Among the 52 candidates invited back are 12 lettermen: Bershak, Buck and McCarn, ends; Trimpey and Bar- tos, tackles; Webb, Mclver and Palm er, guards; Avery, center; Little, Dashiell and Hutchins, backs. Paul Pendergraft, another eligible letter- man, who played well at guard, is not expected to reenter the Universi ty. Eleven lettermen were lost by grad uation, They were Jackson, Montgom ery, Snyder, McCrachren, backs; Dan iel and Watts, centers; Evins and Ray, tackles; Joyce, guard; Moore and Barwick, ends. Coach Wolf, who comes to the Un iversity from Texas Christian Un iversity to replace Carl Snavely, will have as his varsity assistants Bill Lange and Johnny Vaught. Lange coached football for 13 years and was athletic director for three years at Muskingum College in Ohio. Vaught was All-American at guard on tho Texas Christian team of 1932 and coached at a Fort Worth High School. Walter Skidmore, backfield coach for the last two years, has been plac ed in charge of the freshman squad at his own request. He and Coach Bob Fetzer and possibly one of two student assistants will attempt to de velop a strong frosh outfit. Pinehurst Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. John F. Taylor and sons John and Jack and Janet John son left Sunday for a stay of two weeks at Kure Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tufts of Chap el Hill were Pinehurst visitors a day last week. Mrs. John D. Paul of Washington visited friends here last week. Prior to her marriage two years ago, Mrs. Paul taught for a number of years in the Pinehurst public schools. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Thompson left Sunday for Myrtle Beach to spend a week’s vacation. Miss Hilda Sally of Durham arriv ed Saturday and is the guest of her cousin. Miss Laivora Sally. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oglesby left this week for Kannapolis where Mr. Oglesby will assume the management of a cafe. Miss Verdun Shaw went to Char lotte Sunday and is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. Hilland Smith. Furman Calcutt left this week for Los Angeles, Calif., for an indefi nite stay. Herbert Ehrhardt, Jr., John Ogles by and' Junior Hardison spent the week-end at Myrtle Beach. Miss Berma Kirk spent several days here last week, returning on Saturday to Four Oaks where she is making an extended visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Banks Richardson, who have been house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Richardson for some weeks left today for their home in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Kate Gibson of Jacksonville, Florida arrived this week for a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, the Rev. and Mrs. A. J. McKelway. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ewing have returned from a month’s stay in York and other northern points. Georgiana Black, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L, Black is recovering from a tonsil operation which she un derwent at the Moore County Hos pital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. f)onald Stewart of Add good cheer |o Eating! Lumberton visited Alex Stewart, Jr., on Monday. Mrs. Foster Kelly has returned from Washington, D. C., where she visited her daughter. Miss Gertrude Kelly. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kelly, their sons, Ray and Jack and Mrs. Julian Kelly who were guests in the Kelly home until Tuesday. David Powell spent the week-end at his home at Lake Waccamaw. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKelway hac' as guests for dinner Friday night, the Rev. and Mrs. A. V. Gibson of San ford and their guests, Mrs Lena Price and Miss Nancy Wooten of Georgia, sisters of Mrs. Gibson. T. S. Van Namen, editor of The Pinehurst Outlook, has returned after spending most of the summer in Beth lehem, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. John Biggers, who spent the summer here with Mrs. Biggers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hu- lon Cole left Monday for Conitoe where Mr. Biggers is principal of the Conitoe school. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Sledge and chil dren Nancy and Bill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T Sledge in Whitevllle Helen Ruth Cole, Melba Wicker, Jimmy and Clarence Graham will re turn tomorrow’ from Lake Geneva, Wis, where they attended for two weeks a youth’s training conference. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Currie and two children have returned to their home in Boston after visiting Mr. Currie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller C. Cur rie. Frank L. DuPont left Monday for a trip north, including stops at Wash ington, D. C., Camden, N. J., New York and New Rochelle, N. Y. Mrs. W. R. Bevins of Kingsport, Tenn., arrived Wednesday for an ex tended visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cam eron. Harry Hogg left Tuesday to spend some time at Englewood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Robertson spent the past week-end at Roaring Gap. Miss Frances Ehrhardt returned Saturday from Plant City, Fla., where she visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boring. Miss Margaret Kelly has as guests this week, her sister, Mr? M. G. Boy ette and children, Mary Nellie, Helen and Catherine of Carthage. Miss Sara Cobb of Parkton spent several daj’s last week visiting Mrs. W. R. Viall. Aliss Belle Fitzgerald and E. G. Fitzgerald left Wednesday for a mo tor trip through the mountains of the state. Mrs. Frances Nicoll of Carthage and Miss Pefway were guests last week of Mrs. A. P. Thompson. Horace Kelly, Jr., of Washington,L). C., has returned to spend the winter with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Kelly and attend school here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomas and children,. Whit and Elizabeth were guests week of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Tate at Blowing Rock. Members and friends of the Com munity church enjoyed a fish supper at Juniper Lake Wednesday night, and the vesper service which followed on the grounds, conducted by the Rev. A. J. McKelway. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Swaringen and the Rev A. J McKelway spent Tues day in Durham Lawrence Miller of Charlotte was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Elhrhardt. The committee in charge are an nouncing a chicken supper to be serv ed in the dining room of the Commun ity church next Wednesday night, September 2, the proceeds to apply on the building fund of the proposed new church in the vicinity of Smith s store. The plates will be 25c. Raymond Johnson, who holds a po sition with the PWA has had his headquarters transferred from Hills boro to Waynesville and has moved his family to be with him in the new location. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCaskill had as their guest the past week-end Harry Hannah of Baltimore. Mrs. Ellis Fields celebrated a birtn- day night with an informal party at her home. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fields, Miss Della Freeman, Louise Fields, Mrs. Ethel Journey, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. DuPont, Peter and Bobby DuPont and Nita GciJ. Mr. and Mrs. I. C Sledge entertain ed Monday night at supper at their pool, Mr. and Mrs. Banks Richardson, Miss Kitty Carter, Mrs. Alex Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Richardson and Nancy Richardson. Bridge was enjoy ed after supper. E^ EKESTS LE.VVE FOR RE.VDING Following a brief visit to their home here Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Everest left on Monday afternoon for their new home in Reading, Mass. Residing here for the past fourteen years they took an active part in the social life of the town and will be missed by a host of friends. Does Housekeeping Make You FROWN or SMILE ? Let Cheap Electricity Bar^ish Household Worries! I.ifc is too short to work and worry with old frshioned, tedious mctliods of handling houseiiold tarks wiicn a BETTER and CHEAPER way is yours to enjoy! Let CHEAP Electricity tal