Friday, September 25, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page TIizM Electric Dealers Plan Novel Election Campaign Elec Thrifts Announces Candi dacy for Commissioner of Hap piness of the Carolinas on StroHK Platform With the avowed purpose of bring ing greater happiness into the homes of the CSirolinas, ELEC THRIFT, well known throughout the Tarheel and Palmetto states as a staunch ad vocate of efficiency and economy in home management, today announces his candidacy for Commisioner of Happiness, with an appealing plat, form containing many unique yet practical planks. “Upon the solicitation of thousands of friends among the home-makers of the Carolinas, I have consented to become a candidate for Commissioner of Happiness” says ELEC THRIFT, ■whose campaign is being sponsored by the electrical dealers, “and I pro pose to wage an active campaign for election to this important office. "From the Atlantic Ocean to the western borders of the Carolinas, there is a crying need for more hap piness in our homes, declares the Happiness candidate “and I pledge my every effort to seeing that Com fort, Convenience, Economy and other contributing factors to happiness are brought to the doors of every Caro lina home from modest cottage to palatial mansion | “As I look upon the faces of thous ands of fair women in these glorious states and think of their youth, strength and joy being despoiled by that monster. Drudgery, that con temptible scoundrel who lurks in the kitchens and other places in our homes eager to commit our woman hood to virtual slavery, I boil with in dignation” says ELEC THRIFT. “Happiness in every home shall be my guiding instinct if elected to the office of Commissioner of Happiness’.’ states ELEC THRIFT, “and before the campaign ends my slogan, “In dependence for Carolina Housewives” shall come to have a meaning with as much import as Patrick Henry’s famous declaration ‘Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death'! From sandhills to towering peaks, ‘Happiness in every Home” shall echo and re-echo ere my campaign ends in victory. “Away with old tedious methods of handling household task.s, bring on the new and let Drudgery be forever barred from the homes of the Car olinas” proclaims ELEC THRIFT, I shall strive to see every woman has the chance to save her Time, Labor and Money through the use of modem home-making methods”. Campaign managers for ELEC THRIFT predict that the Happiness candidate will be swept into office by an overwhelming vote. From every section of the Carolinas messages have been received pledging support to the ELEC THRIFT campaign. In connection with the campaign, several features of unusual interest to the public have been arranged and every homemaker is urged to visit an electrical dealer’s store for complete details of the most novel election campaign ever sponsored in the Car olinas. The Candidate ELEC THRIFT NIAGARA Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Covington and children motored to Durham Satur day. Clarence Ferguson, who has been in the CCC camp at Madison spent the week-end with his family here. R. B. Smith and family of Raleigh, spent Sunday with relatives in Nia gara. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Irving and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Carter of Washington, D C, arrived Sunday to spend a few days at their winter home on Virginia avenue John Michael motored to Carthage Monday. Home and Garden Club, Aberdeen, Again Busy Group Doing Great Work in Cleaning Up and Beautify ing the Town The Home and Garden Club of Aberdeen has again resumed its reg- ularmeetings, the first of the fall being a business session at the home of the president, Mrs. E. L. Pleasants. Plans were made for the tea to be held for the teachers, which is al ways the first social meeting of the fall. Although disbanded during the summer as far as regular meetings were concerned, this organization with twenty members has been far from idle. Recently, with the coop eration of the Town Commis.sioners, the club sponsered Clean-Up Week. This has meant a great deal to the tow’n in appearance and tends to pro mote a friendlv competitive spirit with the good Sf the community at heart. The club spent more than $100 dur ing the past year in permanent im provement to the town. Two out standing projects have been the plant ing of permanent evergreens and flowering shrubs about the Commun ity House and the lot around the City Hall The club feels deeply indebted to its many friends who have contrib uted so generously in the causes it has sponsered, for it has always taken an active part and stood for the things that make a more worthwhile and attractive community. Two distinctive features the club sponsors yearly are the Fli^wer Gar den contest and the Christmas Tree Lighting contest.. Each contest is open to interested residents of the town, and do much to make homes attrac tive. The prizes offered are an in centive to each competitor to do her very The club is now reminding property owners to plant Winter rye grass. 0 0 OWL Happiness -MISS McQUEEN OUTLINES I M.ATERNITY CLINIC PL.\NS j Miss Margaret McQueen, materni ty and infant nurse for Moore county, outlined plan? for conducting six monthly maternity clinics in as many different communities of the county when she spoke Saturday in the court house to a representative group of public-spirited women, called togeth er for the second county-wide meet, ing by sponsers of the work- The speaker discussed the time and placc of the clinics, told of the equip ment needed and outlined plans by which the women could help in car rying out the program. RiSiARCH KiiPS GINEitAL ELECTRIC G-E Refrigerators now give "double the cold" and use less current than ever! Sealed-in-steel Thrift-Unit has forced-feed lubricotiorf and oil cooling—exclusive G-E features that mean quieter operation, longer life and lower operating cost. C. J. SIMONS, East Broad St. Tel. 7151 Upon the urgent solicitation of thousands in all walks of life the great friend of Carolina homemakers, the )eerles8 champion of Joy and Contentnient, ELEC announces his candidacy for COMMIS SIONED OF HAPPINESS and presents the following PLATFORM upon which he will campaign for the promotion of HAPPINESS tliroughout the Carolinas: Convenience HAPPINESS shaU prevail throughout tlie Carolinas! Every member of every home should enjoy HAPPINESS in abundance, particularly the glorious HAPPINESS which conies with the helpful use of CHEAP Electricity! Comfort COMFORT shall be eeioyed to a new degree in every Carolina home with the woman of the home and her family sur'-ounded by every COMFORT which modem Electrical appliances provide! Education Every woman m the Carolinas should have a liberal EDU CATION in the uses of mod ern Electrical Household Helps and awarded the de gree of DOCTOR of BETTER LIVL\G when she completes her ET3ITCA- TION and decides to have an ALL- ELECTRIC HOME! Gold Standard It should be proclaimed throughout the Carolinas that neither ‘•ilver nor gold in any large quantity is needed to enjoy the abundant use of Electrical conveniences, all o( which may be bought on easy term«* Parks and Playground» I favor the building of more PARKS and PLAYGROUNDS for the use of families of the Carolinas who live in homes where the use of CHEAP Electricity allows ample leis ure time for wholesome recreation! Public Work. I favor the continued use of Steam Shovels, Excavators, Wheelbarrows and other cum bersome equipment for road building and kindred PUB LIC WORKS but hold that PRIVATE WORKS such as Cooking, Water Heating, etc., in our homes should be done by convenient, econc»nicaI Elec trical Household Helps! Public Health Th# HEALTH of the thous- andfl of families In the Caro- Unas should be safeguarded —* by the universal use of BSec- trle Refrigeration No greater protection of PUBUC fflSALTH can be recommended than ftsr *** brfow the Away witfc tedious, unhandy mfthods of home making in the Carolinas! Under my ad- ministration, every home- y maker shall have the oppor tunity of enjoying the CON VENIENCE of many Electrical House hold Helps! vocate ..a Protection adoption The welfare of all Carolina homes must be afforded every PROTECTION against the waste of Time, Labor and Money in handling household tasks by the widespread of Electrical conveniences. Waterways May the WATERWAYS of all Carolina homes carry an abundant supply of HOT WATER, instantly available for every personal and house hold ne^. To this end, I ad- universal adoption of Auto matic Electric Water Heaters! Foreign Relations All RELATIONS, foreign or otherwise (including mother- in-laws) shall be encouraged to have their own Electrical Household Helps instead of borrowing those needed daily in the home! Economy Agriculture I believe in ECONOMY in government, especially in the government of our homes and urge that ECONOMY be practiced through the wider use of CHEAP Electricity in place of more costly methods of Cocrfting, Water Heating, Refriaeraiion, Washing, Ironing, etc.! CASH Pi^IZES 1st FriLe $25.00 Nothing to buy! Nothing Id sell! Nothing to submit in competition I Ask any Electrical Dealer Listed Below for Complete Details Civil Service The operation of Electrical Household Helps ia such a simple matter that no exam ination shall be required. Furthermore, homemakers of the Carolinas are urged to patronize their Electrical Dealers and en- lOr the courteoua, CIVIL SERVICE they r^er. It is my desire to see Rural Homes and Farms along Rural Electrification lines en joy the manifold t)eneflts of CHEAP Electricity as do their urban neighbors. AGRICUL TURE will become a more pleasant, profitable avocation with the help of ef ficient Elccteical equipment! Balanced Budget Every Carolina heme can have a BALANCED BUDGET by discarding costly, old fashioned methods of handling household taslcs m favor of the convenient, thrifty CHEAP Electricity way! Old Age Compensation The greatest COMPENSA TION which Carolinians of any age can secure is the en joyment of living where the comfort, convenience and economy of CHEAP Elec tricity is available! Bonus Users of Electrical Household Helps shall continue to re ceive a liberal BONUS of con tentment, leisure, health and happiness in addition to a substantial CASH BONUS in the form of the savings over costly, old fashioned methods. Every home should participate in this BONUS by enjoying MORE Electrical services! Industry -i'-hi- lYou Are Invited To Participate In This Interestkig Campaign Viait your Electrical Dealer and learn full details of the ELEC THRIFT ^mpaign. He will present you with an ELEC THRIFT ballot with candidate for COMMIS- «f2oS? wlwch entitles you to participate in the I advocate INDUSTRY in the home but homemakers should have their working hours re duced and labor made ai light as possible through the abundant use of modem Elec> trical Household Helps which not only promote Thrift but provide more leinfiw hours for Rest and Recreation. • ' .1, 'r CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. L. V. O’COLLAGHAN C. J. SIMONS East Connecticut Avenue Telephone 5341 East Broad Street Telephone 7131 ELEC THRIFT SAYS: “INDEPENDENCE FOR CAROLINA HOUSEWIVES”