Tug* Four THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, Nbrth Carolina Friday, September 25, 1038. CAMERON Floyd Keith, Jr., attended the birth day dinner of hia grrandmother, Mrs. A. J. Keith on Cameron Route No. 1 on Sunday. Mrs. Pearle Thomas returned Sat urday from a week’s visit with rel atives in Oliv'ia. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McDermott and children and Mrs. H .A. McCollum visited Miss Margaret McDermott at Flora Macdonald College Sunday Miss Flora Phillips of Deep River School spent" the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald and chil dren and Mrs W. M Wooten spent Monday in Fayetteville The W^k in Carthage Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bridger of Clin ton spent the week-end in Carthage with Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Stutts. Mrs. F. S. Cole spent the week-end in Greensboro with her daughter Miss Dorothy Cole. Misses Sara Louise Thompson, Mildred Cross, Rozelle Williamson, and Miss Shankle spent the week end in Greensboro and attended "De cision Day” at Greensboro College. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bartlett, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bartlett, Jr. of Warsaw spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bartlett. S. B. Bart. let, Sr. is spending a few oays Mrs. Martin McFadyen and child- j with his daughter. Mrs. O. D. Wal- ren returned to Manchester Monday lace. after several weeks visit with rela-1 Miss Ola Cowing of Apex spent the lives here. week-end at her home here. Mrs. O. C. Britton is visiting rela tives in Charlotte. The Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill visited Mrs McNeill’s sister, Mrs J. A. Bryant in Aberdeen Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Davis of Guil ford College, J. E. Davis and J, G. Greene of High Point were guests of Miss Ethel Davis on Sunday. Week-end guests of Misses Mae and Mirs*Hele^Pa7kerVas"7eturned to Bess Stuart were. Dr. and Mrs, W. I Owensboro. Ky., are here for the to- her home in Washington. D. C.. after | C- Houston and Miss Pat Adams of I bacco season^ Mr. Clark represents Concord. - - > m.i gan of Raleigh spent Sunday in Car thage. Mrs. Nelia Black spent Tuesday in Pinehurst, the guest of Mrs. A. P. Thompson. Mrs- McArthur, Mrs. Currie Horne emd Miss Catherine Shields spent Wednesday in Charlotte. Miss Eliza Greene has returned home after a visit to Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Watson of Laurens, S. C. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L McGraw Mrs Howard Gardner has return ed to her home in Greensboro after spending last week in Carthage with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Lang. Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Womack of Greensboro are visiting Mr. and Mrs- Fred Womack. Mrs. Hardy and baby daughter, Mil dred Ray of Birmingham, Ala., have joined Mr. Hardy here and are mak. ] ing their home with Mrs. R. L. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. William Clark of Pinehurst P. T. A. Gives Reception to Faculty Organization Also Holds First Meetinfi: of Year and Plans Activities sociation held the first meeting of the year in the high school auditorium selection by Miss Mary RawUnson, in structor in piano and high school on Wednesday afternoon, the 16th. | music, was enjoyed by all. The Pinehurst School faculty was honored at an informal reception giv- i en by The Parent-Teacher Associa tion on Tuesday in the ladies parlor ‘ at the Community Church- Mrs. I. C. Sledge greeted the guests I on the porch and Mrs. E. C. Cunning- I ham introduced them to the receiv- I ing line, composed of the 16 faculty • members. Punch and home made' j cookies were served by Mrs. T. R. I Cole, Mrs, Herman Campbell, Mrs. j W. R. Viall and Mrs. Willard Dun- I lop. i Just before leaving the Rev, A. J. j McKelway led the singing of a j group of old familiar songs. The parlor which was attractively I decorated with vivid zinnias in tall ! vases, and other fall flowers in bowls ; I formed a pretty setting for the large ; I party. , I The Pinehurst Parent-Teacher As-' The association voted to subscribe to the P. T. A. magizine for the year. Mrs. Herman Campbell, chairman of the nominating committee, offer ed for election the names of Miss Mil dred Petway, for vice president and Miss Summerford, tresurer. They were unanimously elected to fill these offices the coming year. Mr. Morton announced the appoint ment of Mrs. Wilbur Currie, as chair man of the committee in charge of the annual supper for the benefit of undernourished children, which will be given a little later. He also ex plained, briefly, the different courses, The following grade mothers were presented; Mrs. A. J. McKelway, Mrs. Ralph Sutton, Mrs. A. P. Thompson, Mrs. T. R. Cole, Mrs. Willard Dunlop, Mrs. F. L. Dupont, Mrs, R. E. Wick er and Mrs. A. M. Oglesby. The meet ing was adjourned to meet again the third Wednesday in October. HENDRICKS LOSES BARN AND CROP OF TOBACCO visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parker. James McDougald has returned te Florirla and Julian McDougald has returned to Hamlet after spending several days here. Their grandmother, Mrs. Julia McDougald, continues quite ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D Tally. Miss Jeannette Wooten of Fayette ville spent the week.end with her par ents. Dr. and Mrs. C. N. Eckerson have i moved to the home of Mrs. O. C. Brit-' ton at the edge of town. They former ly had rooms at the home of Mrs George Matthews. In last week’s school news an error made by the correspondent stated that the Rev- M. D. McNeill taught the first school in Cameron. This, however, should have read the first school on the site where the present school house stands. Also, the names of two teachers, Mrs. Herbert Mcln- nis and Mrs. W. H. Abernathy, were omitted from the list of Cameron teachers. Mrs. Mclnnis has for several years been the talented music teach er at Cameron. Mrs. Abernathy is the efficient teacher in the Home Eco nomics deparXment which was install ed last year in high school. On Tuesday night, September 29th. at 8:00 o’clock a four act musical comedy, "Glad Rags,” spon-; W. H. Dupree is visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. Clarence Dowless in Alber. marie. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Humber, Mrs. Dawson Smith of San Francisco, R. L. Humber, Jr. of Paris France, and R. L. Humber of Greenville visited relatives in Carthage last week. Dr. Humber is a cancer specialist and is an associate in the Coffey-Humber Cancer Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, Ed Watson and son Frank of Charles ton W. Va. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E- Muse last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Smith spent Sunday in Lenoir. the Imperial Tobacco Co. Mrs. W. H. Currie, Mrs. E. H. Morton, and Mrs E. S. Adams spent Thursday in Dunn Mrs. Joe Allen is visiting in Liles- ville. ’The Carthage P. T. A. held its first meeting of the year on Monday at the High School Auditorium. Mrs. Chas- Cox presided in the absence of the president. Mrs. Graham Caldwell- Mrs. E. S. Adams is the secretary for the coming year. The topic for dis cussion was as to whether or not the P. T. A. would sponsor and aid in the tuberculosis and monthly maternity clinics. This was acted upon favor ably. A piano solo, Gypsy Rondo,” Firing a tobacco bam for the sec- cond time in order to cure some greea stems which did not turn out to his satisfaction in the first curing result- offered this year, the electives re- j ed in the loss to L. H. Hendricks Of quiring a class of not less than five the barn and its contents one day students for organization. It was sug-' last week when it was consumed by gested by Mrs. I. C. Sledge that a fire- There was no insurance- Mr. list of required subjects be sent into Hendricks resides two miles from the homes giving the parents an op- ^ Vass on the road that leads to Car- portunity to familiarize themselves thage by way of Deaton’s nursery. with their children’s courses. i New and former teachers were pre- j Mr. and Mrs. L. V. O’Callaghan and sented by Mr. Morton and each re-' son Bobbie spent the week-end In sponded with a short talk. A piano Roanoke and Natural Bridge. J. V. Williamson spent Sunday in , w’as rendered by Miss Minnie Belle Durham visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claude : Frye. Kennedy. ! Mrs. John Beasley and Mrs. U. L* Misses Helena and Eula May Mor- ' Spence spent Saturday in Raleigh. The Week in Vass ' G. W. Grifdn. Mrs. Griffin went with B. Lambert and I them for a day’s visit. Time to Plant Grass For Your Winter Lawns Wood’s Italian Rye Grass Seed ‘Good wine needs no bush” And Wood’s grass seed used successfully in the maiing of beautiful lawns for the Sandhills need no panegyric. ' We are ready to fill your orders for any quantity. McNEILL & COMPANY FEED and SEED STORES Southern Pines, Phone 6244 Fayetteville, Phone 455 The regular fourth Sunday services! Mrs. Dan Cameron and Fairley will be held in Vass on this Sunday, Cameron left Monday for a visit with preaching at the Baptist church r with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cameron in in the morning by the pastor, the Rentz, Ga. Rev. Frank Hare, and at the Pres- Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney and byterian in the evening by the Rev. grandson, Duncan McGill, Jr., spent Mr. Calcote- The public is cordially; Sunday in Hamlet with Mr. and Mrs. invited to attend. | H. L. Thompson. A challenging program on “Mak_! Little Carolyn Morgan of Vass sored by the school, w’ill presented in in the Bible a Living Book” was pre- Route 1 is the attractive guest of the school auditorium. The play i.q, sented under the leadership of Mrs. j her aunt, Mrs. Fairley Camei'on. the story of the employees of an ov- N. N. McLean at the Presbyterian ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gladstone vis. erall factory who try to crash society auxiliary meeting held on Wednes- ited relatives in Greensboro during and one of the highlights of the pro- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. last week-end. gram is a fashion show. Several high i C. I. Calcote, with Mrs. Ben H. Wood Miss Helen Klingenschmidt and school girls in costumes will do tap' Mrs. D. C. McGill and Mrs. R. G. ^ Charles Gschwind spent Sunday with dances and sing a number of novelty Rosser taking part. Mrs. Calcote sang fiiends in Mullins, S. C. songs. The cast includes high school i “My Task”, and Mrs. McGill conduct- 1 Mrs. Bryce Griffin and baby, Car- students, faculty members and town ed the Bible study. i olyn Elaine, returned last week to people, and the comedians a designing Miss Eunice Setzer of Farmer w'as i their home in Sanford after a visit count, a social-climbing mother, and a week-end guest at Hotel Char- of several days with Mr. and Mrs. a henpecked husband—will furnish mella, plenty of laughs. The play is under j Mr. and Mrs. W. the direction of Miss Helen Cogbum Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Callahan attend, j Paul Gschwind and Mr. and Mrs- Clark who is well-known for her abil- 1 ed the funeral of Eli Richardson at j Ed Gschwind of Kansas City, spent ity in the dramatic field. The admis. I Rockingham Sunday morning. | Thursday of last week in Fort Bragg, sion is 15c for children, 25c for adults. ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin and ! calling on friends and visiting the Reserved .seats, 30c. ; children of Hamlet and Mrs. Griffin’s many points of interest at the post. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McKinnis of sister. Miss Sterling Williamson of Mr. and Mrs. Gschwind left on Fri- Cameron were the guests of Mrs. C. I Florida, were Sunday guests in the day for their home in Missouri. O. Doughty last week. | home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. C. P, McMillan had as their guests for the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Clayton. Franklin Matthews of Louisburg College spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Bertie L. Matthews. Mrs- W. C. Bjrd and children, Mary Lou and Keith, of Albermarle came Friday for a visit with Mrs. J. A. Keith. Mr. Byrd joined them Sun day and they returned home with him. Mrs. W. B. Graham and Miss Kath arine Graham visited Mrs. W. D. I Matthews of Southern Pines Sunday I afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Koustenis are I now occupying the W. D. Matthews _home in Vass. Mr. Koustenis is with the Vass Hardware and Grocery Com pany. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Davis, W. P. Davis, Miss Virginia Davis and Bob by Hodgins, all of Guilford College, and James Davis and J. G- Greene of High Point spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman P. Davis on Route 1. Mrs- J. W Crouse was carried to the Lee County Hospital in Sanford on last Saturday for treatment. Her stepdaughters. Misses Leaman, Blan- nie and Raynor Crouse of Greensboro came to see her during the week-end and Miss Raynor remained for a few day’s visit. Mrs. Clayton Evans and children, Alice and Ernest, returned Tuesday from a visit with Mrs. Evans’ parents, Mr- and Mrs. M. B. Clayton, at Cog nac. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boggs and Norris Cox of Broadway spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cox on Route 1. Mrs. Laura McCrimmon and daugh ter Wilma of High Point were Sun day gruests of Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Da vis on Route 1. F^ENDER Quality Foods LOWEST PRICES TOBACCO MARKET OPENING SPECIALS Best Pure Lai fd 50 ib Tin $0.00 OjM Compound La rd 48 lb Tin $0.00 Dry Salt Fat I 3ackl2 27* Triangle Ship stuff Zt 2-10 Fancv Bulk Granulated RICE SUGAR 4 23' 100 Ib $B.25 hi O Circle Flour Plain or SeK'^ising OQ ll> HO hit ^ Fine Alaska Pink Salmon Tall Can Best American Cheese lb Penders Finer-Fresher BREADS Our Pride, 20 oz. Loaf ....Oc Brownie Boy, 14 oz. Loaf 5c Pullman Loaf, 20 oz. 9c Colonial Old Fashion 8c Delicious Cocoanut Layer CAKE 'Z 35^ Red Wing Presrves, 1. lb. Jar 21c Gortons Ready-to-Fry Codfish, 10 oz. Can ... ISc Fine Dried Pinto Beans 4 lbs - 25c Phillips Delicious Tomato Soup, can, 22 oz. ,..10c Southern Manor String Beans, No. 2 can 19c Standard Quality Tomatoes, 4 No. 2 cans - —25c Green Peas, 3 No. 2 Cans 25c Southern Manor TEA 15c CIGARETTES 1-2 ib 29c Popular Brands Carton $L18 Pure Gold Georgia Cane SYRUP No. 5 Can 29c No. 10 Can 55c Golden Blend “Your Favorite Blend” Yellow Front Pound—19c 2 lbs 35c COFFEE D. P. BLEND, Lb.—21c PURE COCOA 2 lb. Carton 14c Dried Baby LIMA BEANS 3 lbs F*. & G. SOAP* S Large Bars 25c 19c CAMAY SOAP, CHIPSO, 3 CAKES—16c 3 Pkgs.—25c

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