rage Six THE PILOT, Southern Pin^ and Abfdtfen, NV>rth Carofinit FOdi.S', Sept««ifoeY 1939. LEGAL NOTICES legal NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BV COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of tlie Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore Ooimty on the 14th. day of October 1935 in the matter of the TOWN OK SOUTHERN PINES, Plaintiff, vs SOUTHLAND HOLDING COM PANY, Inc., H. D. GREKN, CITI ZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE, GURNEY P. HOOD. COMMISIONER OF BANKS FOR NORTH CAROLINA, Defendants, same being recorded in Land Tax Sales Judgement Docket no. 1, at page 100. in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, ihe undersigneii Commisioner. will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 19th. 1936, at 12 o’clock NOON at the Court House door in Carthage. Moore Coun ty, North Carolina, sell at public out. cry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands: BEING LOTS 19, 20, 21. 22 & 23. alley and square in Block J & 4, as shown on a map entitled “A Map of fhc Town of Southern Pines. N. C..” and recorded in the Moore County Registry. | Dated this 17th. day of September 1936. J. VANCE ROWE. I COMMISSIONER | 25-015 j N(»KTH C.\ROLIN.\, MOOKE COl’NTY NVVl'ICE t>F SALE Notice is hereby given that under' and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed ex-1 ecuted by D. B. Pritchard and wife, j Carrie Pritchard, of Moore County, i North Carolina, to Marietta Paint and , Color Company of Guilford County, J^orth Carolina, the mortgage deed is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County, in Book 41, Page 600. to which ref. i erence is herewith made, the debt se- ■ cured by said mortgage deed being pn.st due and unpaid, and the powers iif .sale contained therein having be come operative, the undersigned mort gagee will offer for sale and sell to th<e- highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Carthage, N. C-, I AT THE HOUR OF NOON ON THE 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1936. the following real estate lying and being in the Town of Southern Pines. Moore County, North Carolina. Beginning in the west edge of Ashe Street, as extended, Edna Hutchinson’s south corner of <-5th of an acre; running thence. North 36-45 W'. 152,8 feet to a stake in Edna Hutchinson’s line. Thomas A. Kelley’s corner of a one acre tract; thence. South 53- 15 W. with Thomas A. Kelley’s 87 feet to a stake; thence. South 36-45 E. 152.8 feet to a stake in the West edge of Ashe .■‘Street, as extended; thence, Nor th 53-15 E, 87 feet with the line of A.she Street to the beginning i point, MARIETTA PAINT and COLOR 1 COMPANY. Mortgagee. This 19th day of September, 1936. S25-016. NOTICE OF SALE OF L.VXI) ; BY COMMISIONER. i Under and by virtue of a .judge, ment of the Superior Court of Moore Coimty bv Hon. John Willcox, in the Special Proceeding entitled Will Ft. Burgess et als vs. Mrs. Mollie ffnrgess et als, the said Commission er, duly appointed bv said judge ment, will on Thursday, Oct. 8th. 1936. Beginning at ten (10) o’clock m the forenoon, offer for sale to the mghe.st bidder for cash the property ftereinafter described; said sales to be conducted on the premises in the Town of Southern Pines. N. C. The terms of said s.ale shall be as follows; ■One-third of the purchase price to be paid at the time of purchase: one- third within six months and one- thitfX within twelve months from the itale of said property. Each purchaser will be required to deposit in cash at Ihe time of the sale the sum of ten per cent of the amount bid. pending confirmation of the price bid. Inter- «st at six per cent annum will be charged on any unpaid balance from Ae jate of the purchase. The proper- ly to be sold is part of the Thomas S. B'jrgess estate and consists of busi ness property and residential pro. jK-rty, and said property is described IS follows: FIRST TRACT: Lying and being in VTcNeill Township, described and defined as follows: Lying in the South West line of the Town of Southern Pines and on the South West side of Iowa Avenue; beginning at a stake in the W'est edge of said Iowa Aven ue at a pt. 90 ft. Northward, Leak St.; runs thence with Iowa Avenue N.34 degrees 30' W'est 157.7 ft. to an old corner; thence S. 30 degrees W. 156 feet, to an old fence post corner in the old town site line; thence S. 34 degrees 30’ E. 116 ft. to a stake; thence N. 46 degrees 54’ E. 144 ft. to the beginning, containing 44-100 of an acre, more or less, and being a portion of the land described in a deed from W. J. Brown and wife to A. I.. Herring. (See Deed Book 119, Page 31), SP:C0ND TRACT: Being located in McNeill Township, Moore County, Beginning at the East corner of Block R. & 7 at the intersection of Iowa Avenue and Leak St. and running thence with the West edge of Iowa Avenue N. 34 degrees 30’ W. 90 feet to a corner; thence S. 46 degiees 54 W. about 99 ft. to a corner in the olil town site line; thence with the old town site line; S. 61.17 E. 82.5 ft. to another corner in the old town site line: thence along the Northern bounilary of Leak St. 55 feet to the beginning. (See Deed Book 114, Page 429). THIRD TRACT: Beginning at the North West corner of the Murchison one acre Clra^t, said corner being ir> the South line of the original town site of Southern Pines, about 750 feet North Westerly from Bennett St. and running thence with the West line of the Murchison one acre tract S. 2 degrees 5’ W. 246 feet to Burgess’, corner of 2 acre tract; thence with the line of it S. 49 degrees 30’ W’. 512 feet to his other corner in the old Stebbins and Sweat line; thence with it N. 63 degrees 9’ W'. 43 feet to a new corner; thence a new line N. 32 degrees 10' E. 699 feet to the aforesaid town line site; thence with said town site line S. 61 degrees 46’ | E. 75 feet to the beginning, contain ing 2 acres, more or less. (See Deed Book 114, Page 331). I FOURTH TRACT: Beginning at the intersection to the Murchison lands line with the original town site of Southern Pines at an iron pipe about 600 feet from Bennett St. as measured along said town site line, also a corner of the said Murchison tract one acre; thence with said Mur chison line S. 2 de^ees 5’ W. 270.2 feet to an iron pipe; thence as a new line N. 33 degrees 20’ E. 243.4 feet to an iron pipe in the aforesaid town site line; thence with it in a Northwesterly direction 140.7 feet to the beginning, containing 52-100 of an acre, more or less. (See Deed Book 114. page 310). FIFTH TRACT: Beginning at an iron stake in the North W’est line of the extension of Bennett Street. Sou thern Pines. N. C., T. S. Burgess cor. ner. which is 92 feet N. Easterly from the East corner of the Athletic field (formerly the Stebbins & Sweet vineyard), and running thence with Burgess’ line N. 62 degrees W. about 217 feet to his corner; thence with his other line N. 3 degrees 15’ E. 198.4 feet to an iron stake (a new corner); about 1 foot South of a dog wood tree; thence a new line S. 38 degrees and 30' 344 feet to an ivoix stake in the aforesaid line of Ben nett St.; thence with it S. 51 de grees 30' W. 50 feet to the beginning, containing .64 of an acre, more or less. Adjoining this tract: Beginning at the third corner of the aforemen tioned tract above described; running thence with Burgess' line N. 3 de grees 15' E. 157 feet to an iron stake in Jim Murchison's South West cor- ^ ner: thence with his line S. 61 degrees 1,5' E. 124.5 feet to an iron .st.Tke. a new corner; thence a new line S. 51 ilegrees 30’ W'. 152 feet to the be-; ginning, containing 2-10 of an acre, more or less. (See Deed Book. 108, Page 467), SIXTH TRACT: Beginning at a stake 75 feet from the corner of D. B. Thurston and Jesse Murchison ^ lands and running thence S. 61.15 de- grees E. 75 feet to a stake; thence S. 3.15 W. 319 1-2 ft. to a stake in the ; dividing line between Junge and' Beck; thence N. 61.15 W'. (5 feet to a stake; thence N. 3.15 E. 319 1-2 ft. to a stake, the beginning corner,; containing one-half acre, more or less. For partial chain of title see deed ot | May 27th, 1897, from Jesse Murci. ison et als to grantor hereof, record ed in Book 19, page 280 of the IMb- Uc Records of Moore County afore said. (See Book 111, Page 541). SEVENTH TRACT; Being those two certain building lots fronting on May St. in the Town of Southern Pines and known and designated as Lots No. 1 and No. 3 in said BL. G and 2. as shown upon the official map of said town which is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County. EIGHTH TRACT: Beginning at the West corner of Lot No. 16 in Block K and 5 in the Easterly line of Page St. as shown on the official map of the town of Southern Pines. N. C, filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, N. C., and running thence with the N. E. line of the alleyway in said Block S. 36 degrees 45’ E. 125 feet; thence S. 53 degrees 15’ W. 78 feet; thence N. 36 degrees 45’ W. 125 feet to Page St.; LEGAL NOTICES thence N. 53 degrees 15’ E, 78 feet to the beginning comprising part of Lot no, 17 to the depth of 125 feet and a 16 ft. strip of the same depth on each side thereof. (See Deed Book 111, Page 460). NINTH TRACT: Being lots Noa. 72,73 and 74 in West Southern Pines N. C. and shown on the map entitled "A map of W. Southern Pines add. ition” on file in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, N. C. (See Deed Book 111, Page 368). TENTH TRACT: Lot No. 6 in Block M ami 12 as shown on the of ficial map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.. which map is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds at Carthage. N. C. and reference is hereby made thereto for a more com plete description of the said lot. (Sec Deed Book 111. Page 124). ELEVENTH TRACT: A certain lot of land in McNeill’s Township. Moore County, known and described as fol lows: Being Lot No. 71 in West Sou thern Pines as shown on a map made by Frances Deaton for H, A. Page •Tr. entitled "A Map of W. Southern Pines Addition”, which said map is recorded in the Register of Deeds j ('ffire, Carthage, N. C. (See Deed' Book 105, Page 562). TWELFTH TRACT: That parcel of land located in the Town of Sou thern Pines and known and described as Lot No. 14 in Block K. and 3 and designated on a map entitled "A map of Southern Pines, Moore County, i North Carolina, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, said lot No. 14 except ing that part in the form of a square thirty feet by thirty feet located at the rear of said lot No. 14. adioin- ing lots nos. 12 and 13 in .said Block K and 3 as recorded in Book 62. Page 352. (Ref. to Book 62. page 35S). THIRTEENTH TRACi': A Icrt of land situated in the Town of Sou thern Pines, Moore County. North Carolina, designated on a map entit. led, A Map of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina” filed in the office of the Register of Deeds in said County and described and defined as follows, to wit: Lot. No. 15 in Bl. K and 3. (See Deed Book 58. Page 94). FOURTEENTH TRACT: Being a pfece of land known as lot No. 17 in Block C & 1 in the Town of Southern Pines sub-division, as shown on a map recor<ied in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Moore County in Deed Book 10. page 588. The original deed called for two lots from A. M. Steinberg and wife Helen M, Stein berg et als to T. S. Burgess, deed dated Jan. 19th, 1928, recoiTfed in the office of the Register of Deeds in Book 102, Page 445. This deed called for two lots, but one of lots has been sold by T. S. Blrrgess. FIFTEENTH TiiACT: That certain lot of land in the town of Southern Pines known and designated on the official map of the town of Southern Pines recorded in the Moore County Registry in Deed Book No. 10. page 600. and known as Lot No. 5 in Block J and 7. same being recorded there; same being deeded to T. S. Efurgess by J. Vance Rowe. Commisioner, 19th of Marcti 1934. SIXTEENTH TRACT: Those two certain building lots known and des ignated as lots 19 and 20 in Block L and 13, facing 100 ft. on Hardin St. and 100 ft. on New' York Ave., all as shown on a map entitled “A Map of Southern Pines. Moore County, North Carolina”, on file in Deed Book No. 10 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County: see Deed Book 119. Page 18. SEVENTEENTH TRACT: Being | located in McNeill’s Towraship. Moore | County, North Carolina. Beginning at the East corner of BL. R and 7 at the intersection of Iowa Avenue and Leak St., and running thence with the W'est edge of Iowa Ave. N. 34-30 W. 90 ft. to a corner; thence S. 46-54 W. about 99 ft. to a corner in the old town site hne; thence with the old town site line S. 61-17 E. 82.5 ft. to another comer of the old town site Ime; thence along the Northern boundary of Leak St, 55 feet to the beginning, (See Book 14, Page 429). Also the following: Teleph'^ne Building, Lot No.11, K.3, half interest; Bailey-Burgess property; one-half undivided interest; Valet Building, Lot No. 12. K-3; Mills property. Lot No. 8, 1-7; Pate property. Lot No. 3, L-7; York property, Lot 9-10-J-13; Vilino York property, Lot No. 3, M.12. The first sale of said property will be held on E. Broad St. in the town of Southern Pines and thereafter the Commisioner will conduct sales at the location of each piece of property. This sale will be a final sale and said sale will be confirmed on report oC the Commisioner unless a bid is deem ed whollv inadeouate. This Sept. 1st, 1936. UATh. OF SALE; OCT. 8th, 1936 Beginning at 10 A. M.; Term of sale: As stipulated in this notice: Place of sale: Southern Pines, N. C.: on the premises. H. F. SEAWELL JR., COMMISIONER. S 11-0 2 LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA. , MOORE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE TO AIX PERSONS CLAIM ING ANY INTEREST IN THE SUB JECT MATTER OF THIS .\CTION. Town of Southern Pines. Plaintiff, vs. Martha Jane Sellars, Widow, Defendant. LEGAL NOTICES All Other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter thereof, will take notice that an action entit led as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose a cer tain lien for taxes held by the Town of Southern Pines for the year 1933; mentioned in the Complaint against' that certain lot of land, lying and be-1 ing in McNeills Township, Moore - County, Southern Pines, North Car- ^ olina and more particularly described as follows; Being Lot No. 2 in Block J & 12, as shown on a map entitled "A Map of the Town of Southern Pines. N. C.”,. and recorded in the Moore CJounty Registry. I And all of whom will fiirther take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in the Court House in Carthage. Moore County, and pre- j sent and defend their respective claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any and all interest therein or claims in or to the proceeds from a .saie thereof. Dated this 29th. day of AugrsKt 1936. JOHN WILI.COX. C'erk of the Superior Cdiirt, S 4-25 NORTH CAROLIN.V, MOORE COI’NTY. thence as Tufts line S, 6 1-2 W. 2B40' ft. to the beginning, containing 260 acres, more or less. The following lands are expected' from the above described p^’operty to be sold: 8.5 acres, more or less, described in a certain Deed of Release dated the 25th day of March, 1936. and re corded In the Register of Deeds Of fice of Moore County. 6 acres more | or less, described In Deed of Release executed on the 23rd day of May.! 1935. and recorded in the Register of j Deeds office of Moore County. | This land is sold subject to all un- | paid taxes. | This sale Is made by reason of the; failure of H. T. Dana and wife Mar garet B. Dana, to pay off and dis- charge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 17th day of August. 1936. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPORATION, SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE, DURHAM, N. C. S 4-Z5 LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTRIXT’S NOTICK Having qualified thi* day as Kxecu- trtx of the estate of R. S. Marks, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the tfaid deceased to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of August. 1937, OT this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person* In debted to the said estate will please m.^ke immediate payment to me. This I2th day of August, 1936. ALMA MARKS, Executrix. Southern Pines, N. C. S25. NOTICE OP FORECLOSURE SALE IN THE DISTRICT COl'RT OF THE IMTEI) ST.XTES—MIDDLE DIS TRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. In the Matter of Ralph Walter Page, Bankrupt. NO. IJffie. FN B.%NKRi:PTC\'. IN THE Sl’PERIOR COURT NOTICE TO .\LL PERSONS CL.VIM- IN<J ANY INTEREST IN THE Sl’B- JFX’T MATTER OF THIS .\mON. Tow’n of Southern Pines. Plaintiff, vs. Frank Viall, Administrator of the Es tate of P. Pond, deceased. Defendant. All other persons claiming any In terest in the subject matter thereof, will take notice that an action entit led as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore Cftunty, North Carolina, to foreclose certain liens for street assessments and taxes held by the Town of Southern Pines for the year 1933 mentioned in the Complaint against those certain lots of land, lying and being in McNHlls Township, Moore County. Southern Pines. North Carolina and more par ticularly described as follows: | Being Lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 17 to 24 inc. 1-2 square and two alleys. In Block M & 5, as shown on a map entitled "A Map of the Tow’n of Southern Pines, N, C.,” and recorded in the Moore County Registry in Book 10, at page 600. I And all of whom will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Cleiri of the Superior Court at his office in the Court House in Cartha.ge. Moore County, and pre sent and defend their respective claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any and all interest therein or claims m or to the proceeds from a .sale thereof. Dated this 29th. day i»f Augist 1936. JOHN WILLCOX, Clerk of the Superior Court. S 4-25 SALE OF VALlABLE F.\RM 1‘ROPEKTY Under and by virtue of the aothor- ity conferred upon us In a Dv;*d of Trust executed by H. T. Daim and wife. Margaret B. Dana, on the 28th day of February, 1923, and recorded In Book 39, Page 188, we will on Sat urday. the 26tft day of September, r936 12 o’cfock noon at tffte cou^hoase door fn Moore County. Carthage. N. C., sell at pu^y- llc aaction for cash to the hightwt bidder the fcrflowing lamd, to-wit: That certaiiT tract of land begin ning at a brown stone rtear the East bank of Horse’s Creek. Leonard Tufts SW corner and running: thence itcross Horse’s Crerk W. 2603 ft. to a atake; thence N. 20 1-2 W. 1388 ft. to a stake; thence W. 71(J ft. to a stake; thence N. 29 W. 689 ft.; thence S. 20 W. 559 ft. to a stakes thence S. 5 W. | 1465 ft, to a stake In the line of the Belle Orchards (Inc) thence W. 542 ft. to a llghtwood stake beside a Rd.f thence along said Rd. N. 4 E. 2I7& ft., N. 3 E. 445 ft. to a stake beside i the Road; thence EJast crossing! Horse’s Creek 5433 ft. to a staJte in Tufts line beside a cultivated field; NOTICE (W FIRST MinOlNG OF CREDITORS. TO THE CREDITORS OF THE ABOVE NAMED BANKRUPT: Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of September, 1936, the said Ralph Walter Page was duly adjudi cated bankrupt: and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Carthage, N. C;. in the office of the undersigned Referee, on tfte 2lid day of Octt)ber, 1'936. at ten o’clock a. m., at which time the said crBditors may attend, jjrove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact snch other business as may properly come before said meet ing. This SeptiemiJer Zlsr. 1"936. H. F. SEAWELL. JR., U. S. Rjrferee.. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE S.\LKj Under and by virtue of thw power of .sale contkined in a certain- deed at trust executed by Roger D. Utley and wife, May Lillie Utiey, to X. Talbiot Johnson. Trustee forPlnehurst BliiM- ing & Loan Association, imder date of October 1, 1935, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ijf Mooce Coimty, North Carolina in Book <51 at p*ge 2; to which i-«'tnord reference is hereby made, default having been madiu In the payment of the Indebtednss se cured by said deed of trust and the power of sale therein contained liav- ing become openttive, ami the bolder of the note thereby secured having requested and demanded the imder- signed Trustee to foreclose the said deed of crust anU offer Giie real estate therein described for sale, in order to satl.sfy the indebtedness dues as in said dtred of ti-ust prescribed, No'-v, theretore, piu:^uant Co said demand and request, and because of said default In the payment as afore- ■sald, the undersigned Trustee wilT sell,, {or cashi. at auc-Son. at she mAin entrance of the Courthouse in the town of Carthage, North Carolina, »t the- hour or 12 o’clock Noon, on the 8th day of October. 1936. the follow ing described learf estate, to-wit: tying and being situate in Miner- ac’ Sprlngj Township, Moore County, North Carolina. Beginning' at a stake i«t the nurtheasterly side of the State Highway and twenty feet from the center thereof, the same being 105 feet N(«-th 26 (heg. 20 min. from the northwesterly corner of another one- haSf acre lot no«r known as the Knowl- ton Lot; running thence with the line of thie so-calOed Horner land N. 69 deg. 40 mln. E. 210 ft. to a stake; themce S. 26; deg. 2t.l mln. E. 105 ft. to a stake, Knowlton’s north-east cor ner; thence S. 69 deg, 40 min. W. 21(J ft. to an Iron pipe 20 ft. from, and on the northeasterly side of the center of the said Highway; thence as said original line and parallel with said Highway N. 26 deg. 20 min. W. 105 ft. to the point of beginning, containing one_half acre, more or less, and being the identical lot conveyed' and described as the second tract iji deed from J. D. Hensley and wife to Ethel M. Hoyt Foye, recorded in Book 114. page 147. This 4 th day of September, 1936. J. TALBOT JOHNSON, Trustee. S 11-02 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mor- t(?age deed executed by W. Raymond Johnson and wife, Elsie E. Johnson, under date of April 1, 1933, which is dtily recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Mortgages No.50 at page 283. to w'hich reference la hereby made, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness therein secured^ and the power of sale In said mortgage deed having become operative, and .said mortgage being subject to foreclosure, the undersign, ed will offer for sale, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House Door in the town of Carthage, North Carolna, at the hour of Noon, on the 8th day of Oct ober, 1936, the following described real estate, to-wit: The tract or lot of land .situate in Mineral Spring.s Town.ship, Moore County, and in the town or village of Plnehurst. North Carolina, Being a portion of Lot Number 319 on the plan entitled “Map of the lands of Plnehurst. Incorporated. Plnehurst, N. C.. Sheet 2. Plan extended March 1, 1926”. The parcel of land being the identical tract of land conveyed to Mary A. and Ella G. W’illcox by Plne- hur^. Incorporated by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book 102, page 117. The title to the said property Is subject to all conditions and restric. tions contained In deed above refer red to, which deed is hereby referred for more exact description of the lands for its boundaries and the con dition of its transfer. This 4th day of September, 1936. PINEHURST BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. By Johnson & McCluer, Attuvneys. S 11-02 THE ARK Southern Pines, N. C. A Country Day and Boarding School for children under fourteen years. Open air classes, and all out-door activities. Music - Art - Handicrafts AHLLICENT A. HAYES Principal MONTESANTI Dry CleaniRg TAILORING Southern Pines T^lfephone 5S41 Evelyn M. Edsoii FUBUG STENfJtiSc^UUa NOTARY FUBLIC Garland A, Pierce mstlRANGE; AGE.yt'i: Telephima 7063 REG’LAk FBLLbKS He’ll be A Goiter by Gene Dymes Dr s. Neal, Beard and Wriffht VKTERIN.\RIANS Swinnerton Stables, Southern Pines on Mondays Race Track, Pinehurst on Thursdays [fiohi \Je ior' A MCal lACHl ht SHOI.TZ. (J* CAUlViM tM ^ OF ■ Ht V. y.z. K \ Q_g » • f AW HL blbN I CARftitD JMTrtL. I 767 I FUH'CPlH 05 American New* Features. Inc. WtLL I / iM RtMl «»«-«• V* \ ©OHX SoTHtREJ E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage ^' iMtlMni Pines, N. C. TeLitU ssBSEzonn W!!I be in his offic* ot*r tlM Post Office, Sanford, N. C., •T*ry Wednesday, from 10:00 a. m. t« S:00 p. m. Don’t fall to bm hin if four eyes arc weak.

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