P&i;e Eigrbt THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, Nbrth Carolina Friday, September 28, 1936. Tobacco Prices Are High Our Prices Remain Low For Quality Merchandise, Blue. Bell Sanforized, 8 oz. Overalls, Special $100 Anvil Denim Pants $1.00 Loeb’s Mechanic, Matched Suits, Shirt and Pants-Suit $2.69 Perennial Bargain, Pure Silk Hose, best colors 50 and 69c I Another Bargain, Ladies 80 Square Print Dresses 95c Our Shoes, for Children, Women and Men are all the best mon- ey can buy at the price 98c to $5 Sweaters and Jackets at a price you can afford to pay from 50c up It's Early For Fall Goods, A Piece at a Time is Not Such a Shock to the Pocketbook BUY AT— NelvinBros. Aberdeen and Southern Pines THE Carolina Theatre Southern Pines Presents BSPUBilC Picmi Mon., Tue., Wed.. Sept. 28, 29, 30—8:20 P. M. Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 M-G-M’S Greatest HUMAN DRAMA! 1 ’%^BARTH010MEW COOPER ROONEY tMU * //n Thu. and Fri., Oct. 1, 2—8:20 P. M. Matinee at 3:00 WiYcn / ^eyer Know’ / A Poromount PicK»f9 Saturday (1 day only) Oct. 3rd—8:20 P. M. Matinee at 3:00 ' Gwpkc0utime6ofJ{hhu ^ 'V H.G-. MCELROY Thomas Jefferson wrote the Dec laration of Independence in this house, which was located at 7th and Market Stroets, where the Penn National Bank now stands. Day or ni^ht, we are available and ready to assume all responsibility. "Til© degree of our personal atten> tiveness is not governed by cost.*' ^.%9^awzlL.flHe. QuMraL (DJrectm 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 6161-SOUTHERN PINES A iflal treat is in store for those who enjoy the “better thngs", of the screen. Manager Picquet takes a per. sonal pleasure in presenting to the patrons of the Southern Pines Thea tre none other than our own Amer ican operatic star, Marion Talley, whose fame is world-wide, in her screen debut, "Follow Your Heart”, the attraction for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 28-29-30, with a Tuesday matinee. With a gripping, romantic plot equally as important as th» lavish musical background, the producers practically robbed the ‘‘blue book” of n'on'a" m'“otVr s":indayH: Holy Commun- IlintT nay an.1 Holy Days. Holy Commun- ion at 10:00 a m. Brownxon Memorial PrwhyUri.n Church K. L. Ilarber, I’aator ServieeH Secon.1 and Fourth Sunday morn- Ffr«t ” ml*Sunday evcnniKS ”' Church School each Sunday morning 9. W E Hlue, Superintendent. Bov. Ma]^u» A. H^ownson D. D„ Teacher Adult nible Class. Rt. Anthony’* Catholic Church Rev. Thomas A. Willianis. I “stoj Mass will be offered every Sunday ^ 9.00. Daily Mass at 7-.30. Contensions will be heard Saturday from 4:30 to 5:30 and from ‘ in case* of” a sick call phone to Our Lady of Victory Mission, West Southern Fines. PISKHIRST nd Community Church Rev. A. J. McKelway, 9:4r, a. m.—Sunday: Church School Sandhills Ilrotherhood. 11:00 a. m.—Morntnit Worship. 7:15 p. rn.—Younu I’eoples Worship P m.—Eveninis Worship. Wednesday. 7:30 P. m.-Mid-wcek worship. Roman Catholic Church Rev. W. J nillon. Pastor Mass each Sunday morning at 9:00 o clock durins summer months. ABERDEEN Aberdeen Baptist Church Rev. Ernest M. Harris, Pastor. Sunday School every Sunday morning B 11) 00 a m. i. A, Bryant, Superintendent PreachinK and Worship Service each second anT fourth Sundays at 1110« a ^ n m B Y P. U. every Sunday at 6.30 p. m. Prayer meetinK every Wednesday at 7:45 p. ni. - Bethesda Presbyterian Church Hev E. li. Barber, Pastor Hours of worship: Sunday School each Sunday 9:4.5 a. m. ; Worship Way mornings 11:00 = S«ond and Fourth Sunday evenings 8.00 p. m. r.« Memorial M. E. Church Rev. L. M. Hall, Pastor. First Sunday—Preaohinc 8:00 p. m. Second Sunday—Prearhing 11:00 ^ m. Third Sunday—Preaching 8 :00 P. m. Fourth Sunday—VreachinK 11:00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:4.5 a. m I'lNEBI.lTFF Pinebluff Baptist Church Rev. Finest M. Harris, Pastor Sunday school every Sunday morning at 10:00 a. m. Irving (J. Wylie, acting superin tendent . .. lU- 1 Prenchinp and worship service each third Sunday at 11:00 a m. and each fourth bun- day afterniKin. Roman Catholic Church Mission M.1SS will be offered at the Fireman’s Hall every Second and Fourth Sunday at 11:00 o’clock. MANLY SOl^THEBN PINES Baptist Church Rev. J. Fred Stimson, Pastor. 10:00—Sunday School. 11:00—Morning worship. 7 .on B. V. P. U. Service. Thursday. 7:30 p. m.—Prayer meeting and Lesson Study. The Church of Wide Rev. C. Rexford Kaymond, D. D.. PMtor. 10:00—Church School. 11 00 a. m.—Morning worship. 7 :00 p. M.—Intermediate C. h. 7 00 p. m.—Pilgrim Fellowship Forunj. Thursday. 8:15 p. m.-Choir Rehe.r«l. Christian Science New Hampshire Ave., ..“V, .qq Services are held every Sunday at 11. I'dock. Eirmannal Episcopal Rex. F. Sunday \n month:’ Churcn | Btage and Screen players who could Services Communion at pj-Qperly interpret the characters in “Follow Your Heart”. In support of Miss Talley are Michael Bartlett, Ni gel Bruce, Henrietta Crosman, Wal ter Catlett, Margaret Irving, Luis Alberni and Vivienne Osborne. One of the most lavish musical of ferings to date, the story, cast and presentations are all of the “big lea gue” variety, while the musical num bers include both operatic and popu lar selections generously delivered by Marion Talley, Michael Bartlett and others, and in addition there is splen did choral work contributed by the famous Hall Johnson Negro Choir, and an ensemble of 100 dancers. The new Schertzinger popular num bers are “Follow Your Heart”, “Who Minds About Me”, and Magnolia In The Moonlight,” and the Page aria from “les Hugenot,” and Michael Bartlett's special numbers include, “Magnolia In The Moonlight”, “Ah Maria,” and an old English hunting song, assisted with the first two by the 100 girl dancers. The repertoire of the Hall Johnson Negro chorus, already famous for its four years on the stage with “Green Pastures”, includes; “Who Minds Me” “Work In The Morning,” “It’s All Over Me”, “This Old Hammer Killed John Henry”, and several cotton- field spirituals. "Follow Your Heart” is ja jTeal screen event. Bringing together three of the most famous stars in motion pictures, di rected by W. S. Van Dyke of “San Francisco” and “His Brother’s Wife” fame, and telling a story that reaches deep into the hearts, “The Devil Is A Sissy” opens at the Southern Pines Theatre Thursday, Oct. 1st., for a two-day engagement with a Thursday matinee, and will prove to be a stir, ring, gripping and entertaining drama of modern youth. The brilliant child actor, Freddie Bartholomew, who enacted first “Da vid Copperfield”, and then “Little Lord Fauntleroy,” appears as an ur_ chin of New York’s lower East Side. The young British star has his most' human role in this comedy-drama of | of contemporary boyhood. Co-starring with Freddie are Jackie Cooper and the irrepressible Mickey Rooney, w'ith a strong supporting cast. Th>; funniest husband and wife in pi'’tr.res, Charlie Ruggles and Mary Boland, are together again for the eleventh time in a delightful com. edy of a great love which almost goes wrong, “Wives Never Know”, the at traction for Saturday, (one day only) Oct. 3rd., with a matinee at 3:00 Aiding and abetting in the general merriment is suave Adolphe Menjou, fast as the serpent who comes into te. Topeka, Kansas, Garden of Eden with some novel ideas on married happiness which he induces gullible Ruggles to try. Charlie does, with re sults that are almost disastrous to his happy marriage. WANTED On* C«nt a word tach Inaartion. MinlaiB ekarr*. It cents. All Want Ada anat k. paid (or b«(*r< tWMrtion. FOR SALE— The undersigned wishes to dispose of the 26-room apartment house known as Brown Apartments con taining 8 full bathroom sets and 4 additional toilets and lavatories on lot 110 ft. front and also having 4 garages thereon. Address Wm. T. Brown Delta York Co. Pa. Box 213 S 4-28 LONG DISTANCE BUS FARES Greatly reduced. Philadelphia $7.45; New York, $8.45; Boston, $11.45; Toronto, Canada, $14.50. Less 10 percent round trip. Tickets and in formation at Postal Telegraph Co., Southern Pines. 0-9. Tobacco Growers—This is your op portunity to get the furniture you ; need at your own price. My loss is | your gain. Everything for your home, kitchen, bed rooms, living' room including talking machines ^ and radios with or without batter- : ies. Come in for a bargain. | H. A. Lewis the Trade Store, Sou- ' them Pines. Patch’s Now Showing Camel Hair Coats in Classic Styles $49.50 Strooks Coats in distinctive colors, skinner satin lining $35.00 up Dobbs Hats, Showing All the Feature Hats in Colors $7.50 up WANTED— A ROCKING HORSE Wiite or call The Pilo^ office- PEARS are now ready. Come and get them at once as the crop is very short. D. D. Elliot, Piney Woods section. Southern Pines. EGG CUSTOMERS wanted—If you appreciate extra choice eggs, in stead of just any old egg, see D. D. Elliot, Ivy Pines Farm, Southern Pines. Just received some more inexpensive smart shoes, brown, green and blue combinations of suede and kid $3.50—$5.50 BARGAIN FLASHES Outstanding group of New Fall Hats, Special $2.98 Another group good colors and head sizes choice ....$1.50 Coat Sweaters, all sizes, blue, brown, navy 79c Dresse.s—One Special Rack—Prints, Solid Color Crepes, F’ew Woolens, choice $5.00 C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE WANTED. I have inquiries lor a fur nished house, 7 months from Oct ober 1st by reliable family. Sure pay. About $40.00 per month; Also an unfurnished house, year round. Vresbyterian .Church Rev. C. I. Calcote. I’listor S"Cond Sunday—I’reachinK H :00 p. m. Fourth Sunday PreHchint! 11'.00 a. m. Sunday School—Every Sunday 10:00 a. m. Sunday Sfh<M>l-K -y Sunday 10:S0 a. m. Sunday Si-hmd—Kvery Sunday 10'.SO a. m. Christian Kndeavor—Kvery Sunday 7:00 p. C HURC H NOTES $32.00 per month, reliable couple who will move to Southern Pines. See R. F. Potts, Phone 5881, Theatre Building. Pilot Advertising Pays. MISS M.\K(i.\RET KELLY IS BRIDE OF ROY SWINK An event of interest to their many frieads was the marriage on Friday of last week of Miss Margaret Kelly and Roy Swink, both of Pinehurst. The Rev. A. J. McKelway was the officiating clergyman in a ceremony in the pastor's .study of the Commun ity Church. A small group of relatives and friends were present. The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. Annie Kelly. She received her education at Flora Macdonald College and for several years has held a pos ition in the Pinehurst postoffice. The groom has held a position with the Moore County Hospital since the opening of the institution. They will make their home in Pinehurst. 6fi STRIKE-Ol'TS IN 4 G.^MES Aberdeen won the Peach Belt League playoff series last Saturday afternoon by defeating Biscoe, 7 to2. Aberdeen collected 11 hite off Pascal and Dunlap, while Ray Scarborugh was in his usual fine form. Scar borugh struck out 14 batsmen, bring- I ing his total to 66 strikeouts in his last four games. The lesson-sermon Sunday morning at the Christian Science Church will | be on “Reality”. “Unashamed” will be the topic of Mr Stimson’s sermon at the Baptist Church on Sunday morning. The first Catholic services in re cent years will be held in Pinebluff this Sunday at 11:00 A. M. Through the kindness of the Pinebluff Fire Department the fireman’s hall will be used. Father Williams plans to offer mass in Pinebluff every second and fourth Sunday and he invites all the residents of Pinebluff and vicinity to attend these services. “Victory over temptation and win ning the fight for character” is the sermon theme at the Church of Wide Fellowship by the pastor. Dr. C. Rex ford Raymond, at 11 a. m. The Pil grim Fellowship Forum at 7 p. m. will be led by E. J. Austin. The Inter mediate C. E. resumes its meeting at 7 p. m., led by Mildred Powell. The members of the Forum and the C. E. and their friends are reminded of the volley ball and folk games at the As sembly Hall tonight, Friday at 7:30 p. m. The members and friends of the Pilgrim Fellowship Forum meet for a weiner roast at Manly Springs next Monday night, leaving the church at 6:00 p. m. Pilot Advertising Pays. MRS. JANE KEITH HONOKEU ON HER 7'JTH BIRTHU.W The Lawn s the Thing M. H. FOLLEY Lumber, MiJlwork and Builders’ Supplies Aberdeen Hemp Mrs. Jane Keith, well-known and beloved woman of the Crtuies Creek community, was honored Sunday when a large number of her relatives and friends gathered at her home for the celebration of her 77th birthday. She was presented many lovely gifts. Mrs. Keith’s children are W. H. Keith of Vass, Mrs. Mamie Patterson of Manly, Mrs. J. W. Atkinson of Southern Pines, T. J. Keith of Fort Bragg, E. B. Keith of Pinehurst, Floyd Keith of Raeford and Aubrey L. Keith who resides at the home. NINE MOORE CO. STUDENTS ENROLL AT ELON COLLEGE With fall matriculation practi»> ally over the number of students en rolled is far in the excess of 400, which is the goal set by the author, ities of Elon College. Ten states, 52 counties in North Carolina, and one foreign country are represented in the student body. Moore county has the following stu dents at Elon this time: Lester How ard, Hallison; Ethelene Reynolds, Leeman; Nancy Butner, Carthage; Mary Parker, Cameron; North Lew is and Jonson Boyd, West End; Sid ney Taylor and Lawrence Farrell, Aberdeen; Nelson Blue, Carthage. That sets off your Home. The prettiest house in the Sandhills looks shoddy surrounded by a poorly seeded, ill-kempt yard. It is as important to select the right grass seed for outside the home as it is to choose the right wall paper for inside. It’s Been the Experience Of Property Owners here for years that they can rely on the Rye G rass Seed stocked by us. And Now is the Time to Put it in. Domestic Rye Grass Seed Italian Rye Grass Seed Seed Oats Ready for Delivery Stutts Supply Company, Inq. Pinehurst, N. C.

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