NOV S • FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING reiTT-C M. flJCr A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding Ll O' VS MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY of the Sandhill Territory of North Ca/olina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, October 30. 1936. FIVE CENTS ROWE DECLARES WAR ON ILLEGAL SLOT MACfflNES Asks Public To Report Viola tions of Law That Record er’s Court May Curb Menace “STRONGLY OPPOSED” Pine Needles Inn on Knollwood Heigrhts Opens For the Season J. Vance Rowe of Aberdeen, Judge of Moore County’s Recorder’s Cuurt, declares war on illegal slot machines in an interview given The Pilot this week, Judge Rowe asks for the co operation of the public in bringing violations of the law into court by reporting th«m to the Sheriff or by awearing out warrants for the arrest of the operators. He says: “Some complaints have rei^ched me to the effect that illegal slot ma chines are being operated in this county and that in a good many cases legal slot machines are be ing operated in ^n illegal manner. I wish to assure the people of Moore county that I am as strongly op posed to slot machines of all types and kinds as anybody in the county, and that I am anxious that the laws pertaining to the slot machines be enforced. “Only one slot machine has been brought into court in this county, and that was the machine which was designed and built especially to com. ply with our law and while I was personally opposed to its operation, I was conscientiously of the opinion that it complied with our law, and I was therefore powerless to out law it for the i ovince of the courts is to interpret the law and not make it. The next Legislature which meets next January, may amend this law so as to prohibit the operation of all slot machines. Many Illrgalities “The complaints which I have heard are to the effect that these legal slot machines are being oper ated without containing mints or other confections so that when the coin is inserted in the slot, the ma chine does not pay off as it says it will do, most often paying nothing. It is my opinion that this is clearly illegal, and this kind of operation should not be tolerated. I have also heard that these operators of legal slot machines are sometimes allow ing miners under the age of 18 years to play these machines while not In the presence of their father, mother or guardian and without their con sent. This is absolutely a violation of the law and should not be toler ated by our people. It is also re ported that there are a number of old slot machines being operated in the county, which do not comply with the slot machine law. These machines are illegal devices and should not be permitted to be used. “I recommend that any citizen knowing of any of the violations of law mentioned above, should report the same to the Sheriff, or should go before a Justice of the Peace and have a warrant sworn out for the guilty party or parties, and be pre pared to appear in court and testify against the law violator. I wish to assure the people that your County ‘ Recorder’s Court is not only willing and ready to try these law violators, but anxious to do so, but the court Is absolutely powerless to do any thing with them unless and until they aiip brought into court.” ni II Noore Prepares to Vote for County, State and National Officials on Next Tuesday Local Candidates Moore County Citizens on State and County Ballots in Tuesday’s Election Campai^^n Winds Up With Re publican Rally in Southern Pines School Tonight POLLS OPEN AT 6:23 A. M. PICQUET ELECTED KIWANIS CLUB’S PRESIDENT FOR’37 Organization in Annual Session at Pine Needles Inn Chooses Officers and Directors Hotels Open in Preparation For Professional Golf Event Heads Kiwanis I • COUNTY TICKET I Democratic I For Board of Commi.ssioners: Wil- I bur H. Currie, Carthage; Gordan ' Cameron, Pinehurst; D. D. McCrim. i mon, Hemp: L' R- Reynolds, High Falls, and T. Frank Cameron, Camer- I on. ; For House of Representatives: J. ; Hawley Pocle, West End. For Sheriff: Charles J. McDonald, , Carthage. For Register of Deeds; Miss Bes- I sie McCaskill, Carthage. I For Judge, Recorder's Court: J. Vance Rowe, Aberdeen. For Solicitor, Recorder’s Court: M. : G. Boyette, Carthage. For County Surveyor: M. McQueen HEARS OF 1936 ACTIVITIES MRS. ATKINS DIES HERE AFTER EXTENDED IIXNESS Charles W. Picquet was elected president of the Kiwanis Club of Aberdeen at the ciiib’s annual meet ing held in the Pine Needles Inn cn Wednesday night. The manager of the Carolina Theatres of Pinehurst and Southern Pines will succeed the Rev. J. Fred Stimson on January 1st. Attorney W. Duncan Matthews of Southern Pines was elected vice- pres-ident, Richard Tarlton re-elect ed treasurer, and the following chos en for the 1937 board of directors: Paul Dana and L. E. Pender of Pine hurst, John Howarth, Howard Burns, J. C. Musser, R. P. Shepard and W. G. McAvoy of Southern Pines. The club heard interesting reports of activities during the past year from its committees on Agriculture^ Inter-Club Relations, Attendance and Reception, Membership and Classif ication, Publicity, Public Affairs, Un- Guidance, Kiwanis Education, Roads and Finance. At the meeting, which followed a fine dinner, six new members were presented to the club, E. C. Stevens, O. Harrison Stutts, George Rose, Henry W. Dorn, Emmett Boone, Jr., and Cha.n S. Page. After the busi ness session the Kiwanians were in vited to inspect the new Pine Needles clubhouse and were shown about by Emmett Boone, Sr., his son and Har rison Stutts. The attractive building was completed and furnished this week and the Kiwanis members were the first guests. A number of the members of the local club are leaving today for Greensboro to attend the convention of the Carolinas District. Delegates are Ralph Chandler^ Charles W. Pic quet and J. M. Taylor, with Dr. E. M. Medlin, J. Vance Rowe and W. S. McAvoy as alternates. The well known lecturer and humorist, Strick land Gillian of New York, will be ttie principal speaker at the annual banquet tonight, Friday. I Thousands Expected to Tax Ca-- Bailey, Vass. i pacity of Sandhills For South’s I For Coroner: D. Carl Fry, Car. First National Tournament jthage. I ■ Republican j It’s another season. j For State Commissioner of Insur- i Pinehurst and Southern Pines win- ance: Herbert F. Seawell, Jr., of Car- ! ter hotels are opening this week— thage. I earlier than usual due to the expecta- For Board of Commissioners: A. | ing on East Broad street. In Aber- tion of hordes from north and south, b. Sally, Pinehurst; George W. Case^! deen, in the Page Trust Company east and west for the South’s first Southern Pines; Baxter Paschel, ’ Building; in Pinehurst, the Fire De national golf tournament, the annual Glendon; W. P. Copeland, Bensalem; ! partment Building. In charge of the The nation goes to the polls on Tuesday. In Moore county, polling places will open at 6:23 o’clock in the morning and close at 5:03 o’clock in the afternoon, the law of North Car olina providing that the polls be open from sun-up to sun-down, and the official almanac recording Old Sol’s movements on November 3d as such. Moore county votes for National^ State and County officers. Four bal lots will be handed each duly regis tered voter in his duly appointed polling place, one for President and Vice-President of the United States; one containing the names of State officers. United States Senator and Congressman; one your county offi cials and representatives in the State General Assembly, and one on which to register your decision on proposed amendments to the State constitution. (These amendments are outlined on Page 2 of this ii .ue of The Pilot.) ^ ^ In Southern Pines the po^lling place will be in present Curb Market Build- championship of the Professional Gclfers’ Association to start on the famed No. 2 course of the Pinehurst Country Club on Monday, November 16th. This event will bring hundreds of America’s leading golfers to the A. F. Boyte, Carthage. For State Senate; Howard G. Phil lips, Pinehurst. For House of Representatives: Dr. R. G. Rosser, Vass. For Sheriff: Charles A Hussey, Charles W. Picquet FIRES THREATENED FURNITURE PLANT AND McBRAYER BLDG. Following an extended illness, Mrs. Mary Adell Atkins died in her home on Ashe street, Southern Pines on Wednesday night. Born in New Hampshire, November 26, 1890 she has been a resident of oSuthem Pines for the past - ten years. Fun eral services conducted by the Rev. T. A. Williams will be held in Saint Anthony’s Church at 10:00 o’clock this, Friday, morning^ with inter ment in Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Atkins is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Robert Walker and Miss Ruth Atkins of Southern Pines and Mrs. Edwin Obligney of Balti more, Md.; her parents, Mr. and Mits. Thomas MacMurray of St. John, N. B.; six sisters and two brothsr. The Southern Pines fire appara tus was called to Vass at 8:30 o’clock Tuesday night, flames in the boiler room of the furniture factory threat ening the extensive plant of this concern. The fire was kept within the walls of the boiler room, the only loss to the company being con fined to this building. At 7::30 o’clock Wednesday morn ing the apparatus answered a still alarm from the McBrayer building on West Bk-oad street, Southern Pines, where a hot iron made con siderable smoke and little flame. VOTE EARLY CONVICTS STEAL CAR FROM PRISON PHYSICIAN, FLEE Hold Up Dr. R. L. Felton of Car thage, Wreck New Sedan Near Samarcand Sandhills^ thousands of spectators Hemp. for one of the country’s classic rank ing in importance with the National Open and National Amateur tourna ments. The Pine Needles Inn opens on Sun day, first Southern Pines’ major re sort hotels to start registering guests for the season. The Pine Needles will be under the management of Emmett E. Boone of West Hampton Beach, Long Island, again this winter. It enjoyed a highly successful season last year, has added a most attrac tive clubhouse and greatly improved its golf course since closing last spring, and anticipates its most suc- For Register cf Deeds: Clarence Gordon, West End. For Solicitor, Recorder’s Court: W. Clement Barrett, Carthage. For County Surveyor: John |M. Fields, Carthage. For Coroner: G. Fulton Stutts. Party Leaders Say— Hiram Westbrook, registrar of elections in Southern Pines, urges all voters to cast their ballots early on Tuesday, to avoid a late nish. Three escaped convicts from the Moore county prison camp, all honor- grade men, held up Dr. R. L. Felton, well-known Carthage doctor who ser ves as camp physican, Sunday night and made a getaway in his new Chevrolet sedan. The car was recov ered on Monday near Samarcand where it had been wrecked on a curve, but no trace of the convicts has been found. The hcld-up occured in the yard of the Felton home about 9:30 o’clock when the Feltons returned from a visit to Aberdeen. Mrs. Felton was driving, and as soon as she stopped the car, the three men stepped up, two on one side and the third on the other, and ordered the owners out of their automobile. They assured the doctor that they meant no barm to him or his family, but that they needed his automobile. He was al lowed to recover his medical equip, ment from the car before the men fled. Dr. Felton’s telephone wires had been cut, so he was forced to walk to the home of a neighbor before he could notify officers. The three escaped men are Percy Newsom, serving a 19 to 20-year sen tence for storebreaking, larceny and robbery with firearms, committed to prison in August^ 1933 from Moore county; Marion Bradley, serving a 17 to 20-year sentence for second-de gree murder, committed to prison in serving a six-year sentence for steal. (Please turn to page 8) By M. G. Boyette, Demoi-ratlc County Chairman Moore county will go to the polls on Tuesday next and record its ap- cessful season in history. Mr. Boone ' proval of good government in coun- already reports numerous reserva-' ty and state, its choice of President tions for early fall and winter. i Roosevelt ever Governor Landon for Carolina Opens Tuesday I the administration of the business of The Carolina in Pinehurst opened the nation. I look for the usual Dem- unofficially this week to receive del- . ocratic majorities in the county, the egates to the Carolina Yam Associa- ’ return of the entire Board of County tion’s annual convention, and will be Commissioners who have faithfully officially open for the winter on' served their canstituents and given Tuesday. Many improvements, par-! Moore a progressive administration ticularly on the upper floors, have j of its affairs during the past several been made since the spring, and the years; the election of all county Pine Room, so popular last season, I Democratic nominees for other offi- has been altered and enlarged. The ; overwhelming vote for Carolina looks for a record season, ; Clyde Hcey, Senator Bailey and Wal- and is solidly booked for the P. G. 1 ter Lambeth. I thank the electorate A. tournament. in advance for its generous support The Holly Inn in Pinehurst opens o{ our candidates. County, State and the earliest this fall it has ever op- Nation, ened, on November 13th, that it may I Southern Pines polling place will be Hiram Westbrook as registrar, with J. M. Windham and S. B. Richard son as judges of election. Republican Rally Tonight The campaign winds up in Moore county this week with a big Republi can rally in the Southern Pines High Schoel auditorium tonight, Friaay, at 8:00 o’clock, at which Judge Her bert F. Seawell, Sr., of Carthage, former Republican candideilte for Governor, will be the speaker. Harry F. Lewis will preside and former Mayor S. B. Richardson of Southern Pines will introduce the speaker. "rtie Democratic speaking campaign locally came to a close Monday night with a big rally at Carthage at which the principal speaker was Lieutenant Governor A. H. (Sandy) Graham. Re publicans held a big meeting Wed nesday night at Hemp, with so many present that the fish for the fish fry ran out. The speakers were Judge Seawell and Kyle Hayes, G. O. P. candidate for Congress from the 8th I district. All candidates on the county ticket were introduced to an overflow crowd in thet schcolhouse. H. F. Sea well, Jr., presided, there was a band, and "a good time was had by all.” aid in providing nroommodations for the record throng expected for the big tournament. The Manor is already BO.ARD MEETINGS PUBLIC Chairman George G. Herr of the Southern Pines School Board an nounced this week that the board’s meetings, held the first Wednesday of each month in the High School auditorium, are open to parents and friends of the school who will be wel come to attend. By H. F. Seawell, Jr., Republican County Chairman Republicans of Moore county put | open, the Berkshire and the Pine-1 more effort in this campaign than i crest Inn, other popular Pinehurst i gygp before. What we want and what | hostelries, are opening this week-1 seeking is honest elections i and economic government. The 1 The Southland in Southern Pines, abolition of ring politics and the es- opens this week, the park Viek, and tablishment of sound principles in Belvedere^ are open as usual, and jjjg conduct of all public affairs, many of the smaller hotels, inns and ; -^yg anticipate a heavy protest vote boarding houses are either open or j against many things, among others: about to. No definite date for the | Half the taxes in the county are paid opening of the Highland Pines Inn Hepublicans, who have no repre- has been announced by M. H. Turner, j sentation, even minority representa- who will manage the hotel this win- | tion, in any affairs of the county, ter. Mr. Turner is here and getting | \ye contend that taxation without everything in readiness, and it Is ^ representation is tyranny, always has probable that the popular Weymouth j been, and this year the Republicans Heights inn will be ready for P. G. I are going to demand more than ever A. visitors along with the others. | their rights as citizens and taxpayers Predictions ttre that all hotels in; Moore cotnty.” Aberdeen, Pinehurst and ipouthem | Pines will be needed to accommodate ' the golfers and golf fans the week of 1 MISS EDNA SHAW TO WED H. M. PATTERSON of SANFORD the 16th. Mrs. Catherine McQueen Shaw an nounces the engagement and ap proaching marriage of her daughter EVEN MONEY BETS -A number of large wagers on the outcome of the Presidential election I Edna to Hinton Matthew Patterson of have been placed in Southern Pines I Sanford. The wedding will take place this week at even money. some time in the near future. Relief Cases Refer Them Directly to Coun. ty Welfare Office in Car thage, Says Mrs. Brown Tliough confirming the fact con tained .n an editorial in last week’s Pilot Ihdl there is no public welfare officer or agent in Southern Pines, Mrs. W. G. Brown, county welfare officer, in a statement to The Pilot, tells what local residents should do for the relief of needy individuals She says: “If any person who knows of or sees an individual in destitute cir cumstances will report to me at my office in Carthage, Telephone Carth age 23, I will pay the ’phone call and immediately begin an investigation into the case. No one in Moore county needs to go without food or clothes.” Mrs. Brown stated that in her opin ion Southern Pines should have a lo cal welfare agent, or s<*ne individual or organization, to whom stranded or needy could be referred pending investigation and disposition of (he case by her office.

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