Friday, November 13, 1036- THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, yV>rth Carolina Page Thr»* LEGAL NOTICES'LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES NORTH CAROLINA BIDS FOR HIGH LIFT CENTRIFUGAL PUMP UNIT Adams, J. Talbot Johnson, Trustee, i The Mortgage and Savings Corpora tion. The Mortgage and Savings ; Transportation Corporation, F. C. I Carley and Sherlock Bronson, Re ceivers, Unit»d Talc and Crayon wir 'n,c;ivea ' thage, N. C, and Albermarle, N. C.; Page, Jr., 19.96 but does not warrant title thereto, J. V. Healy—Deed of Trust ...630.43 and will sell said notes, judgements, George G. Herr 1,518.41 overdrafts, cash items, etc., withcwt George G. Herr 214.71 recourse, subject to any and all equi- J. E. McLeod—W. M. ties and defenses which may be plead ^ McLeod 1,440.00 against the same; including all off- W. A. Sides—O. W. Rorie, sets, which, it is understood, embrace i M. L. Sides 588.05 the right and duty of the Commision- Marie W. Bloxhom—John W. Bloxhom 217.10 J. A- Hardester—D. L. Moss 206.00 J. A. Hardester—R. D. Har- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF L.\ND SALE dester . B.' Richardson- .250.00 -Flora and copies may be obtained from him upon deposit of five ($5.00) dol lars, none of which will be refunded. A bidder’s certified check for 5 per cent of the bid must accompany each TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES, NORTH CAROLINA. By D. G. STUTZ, N13 J. C. Thompson . . 200.00 JUDGMENTS Seagroves, M. G. Boyette, Joseph be at the office of the Town Clerk of, yy Attorney Id fact for Sadie the Town of Southern Pines^ N. Ci, j Goldman, Joseph Levy, Attorney! er of Banks and or his Agents to up to 4:00 o’clock on Monday, Nov- f^^t for Joseph Rogan,' withhold any and all dlvi^orids on ember 16th and immediately there- .he First Carolina Joint Stock after publicly opened and read at ^ Maness, Admlnis- ] evidences of indebtedness, and or in- aaid office of Town Clerk for the trator of Parthenia Maness, The terest. furnishing of one 480 gpm Centrifu- i Home Mortgage Company and Jef- , xhe right is reserved to offer the sral Pumn Plans Sneclficatlons and ferson E. Owens, Su^tituted Truste^ | various items of assets individually, ^ 1^! 1 #ti f nf Mortgage Service Corporation and jn parcels, or as a whole, and the bidding blanks are on file at * V. S. Bryant, substituted trustee, J. j right is reserved to reject any bid. fice of Paul M. Van Camp, Consult- d. Wallace Company, Moore County,' This sale will be held at the Court ing Engineer, Southern Pines, N. C., a Body Corporate, and John Willcox, i house Door in Carthage, N. C. at C. S. C. of Moore County, Defendants. io;00 o’clock A. M., Wednesday, Nov- The defendants, ALEXANDER i ember 18, 1936. ADAMS, B. M. MANESS, Adminis- j Terms of sale: CASH trator of Parthenia Maness, deceased, This the 16th day of October, 1936. H. C. VETTERLEIN and J. D. WAL LACE COMPANY, above named will bid. The Town resets the right to : Sen"comm^Sclf Liquidating Agent. F. G. Thoma.s and Mary L. reject any or all bids and to accept superior Court of |Moore County,! q 23- N 13 ' Thomas— Moore Co. Book 20, the bid which will in its judgment North Carolina, for the purpose of to rk' sni n page 136 125.00 be for the best interest of the Town.; ® thf defendant^^GeoSe ■ Name- Endorser or CoUateral— Amt. W. C. Morton and Annie Mor- W. McNeill, to the above named plain- Carthage Motor Company ^ ton- tiff on the 5th day of November, 1924, Carthage Motor Company , which said mortgage deed is duly re- Carthage Mo or Company Mayor, corded in the Moore County Registry Carthage Motor Company ^ ' in Book of Mortgages No. 42, at Page Car hage Motor Company NOTICE OF SALE ! 400, to which reference is hereby ^arthage Mot^ Com^^ Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust made by John R. McQueen and Annie McN. McQueen to the undersigned Trustee, dated August 24, 1924, and recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Moore County in Book 42 at page 361, default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash at the Courthouse door in Hines Richard^n 2,000.00, carthage, Moore County, North Car- M. D. Solomon—D. L Moss. ' GURNEY P. HOOD,. Commisioner of Bo.nks. S. J. HINSDALE, olina, at 10:00 o’clock A. M. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1936, those certain tracts or parcels of Name-Collateral-Bk. & P No.-Amt. land situated in Moore County, N. C. J. A. Monroe—Moore Co. : (described and bounded as follows, to- Books 23, page 59 76.81' II. A. Page, Jr.— Moore Co., [ piRST TRACT; All those lots, par- Book 24, page 232—465 i cels or tracts of land situate in or shrs. Carolina Disc. Corp. 24,006.98 near the town cf Southern Pines, W. S. Coursey—Moore Co. t fully described and referred to in a Book 25, page 153 297.06 deed of date Jan. 2, 1912, executed J. N. Pryor and E. L. Ferguson by D. Al. Blue, Sheriff of Moore Moore Co. Book 22, page 68 430.00 County, to M. G. Dalrymple, and re. ‘ corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Deeds No. 50, at page 549, to which reference is here made for particular metes and bounds. SECOND TRACT: All those cer tain lots, tracts or parcels of land described and conveyed in a deed of 956.50 : —Moore Co. Book 24, 2,248.29 page 190 850.00 6,228.50' STOCK ASSESSMENT 9,462.751 JUDGMENTS 17,178.97 iH. A. Page, Jr. 6 000.00 "^ate January 10, 1911, executed by 60.00 ’ OV'ERDRAFTS ' | L. V. Caddell, mortgagee, to M. G. OVERDRAFTS w i 'tho nntnp R. G- Frye Deed of Trust 696.00 h A Pae-e Jr 21 qnf? Dalrymple, and recorded in the of- Under and by virtue of the power made for all the terms of the same Harrington Chat Mort 44 M ^ ’ -^^ig.Ob J . and authority contained and set forth in that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by Dorothy H. Case and Jerry V. Healy to Knollwood, Incorporated, dated the 1st day of April. 1928, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina, in Book No. 46, at Page 369, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage deed, as therein provided, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell at public-auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door of Moore County, North Carolina, on the 25th day of November, 1936, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, that certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Moore County, North Carolina, Mc Neills Township, described as follow*, to-wit: Being Lot No. 434, as shown on a map entitled “Knollwood Heights, a division of Knollwood, Incorporated, Moore County, North Carolina, by W. I. Johnson, Jr., C. E.”, and filed in the office cf the Register of Deeds for Moore County, N. C. Terms of the foregoing sale will be cash, and the successful bidder will be required to deposit ten per cent of the amount bid as evidence of good faith, KNOLLWOOD, INCORPORATED, 030-N20 Mortgagee. NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT Chas. Evans, plaint'ff, vs Saphronia Evans, defendant. The defendant. Saphronia Evans, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above with the names of the parties as therein set forth has been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining the decree of the Court forever dissolving the bonds of mat rimony existing between the pJaintiff and the defendant upon the grounds that there has been a separation of the plaintiff and defendant and that they haved lived separate and apart fer two successive years and that the plaintiff has resided in the State of North Carolina for more than one year next before the beginning of the action, and the said defendant will and a description in said mortgage; W- J Harrington Chat. Mort 44.78 sold in foreclosure, under the course | W- J. Hamngton 11,^5.97 and practice of the court, freed, clear-; J- ed and discharged from all liens of Stuart & J. E. Waddell record to the end thereto that the A.. G. Martin 567.70 Srchaser may take good and valid U. O. Seawell Chat Mort 1,862.35 K and tlL said defendants will H. H. Grimm L. R. Grimm 200.00 further t^e notice that they are re- Paul H. Fields R. T. Fields 275.00 quired to appear at the office of the JUDGMENTS Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore Name Book & Page No. Amount County, North Carolina, within thirty. Frye and Alex Frye Moore Co. (30) days from the date of the ser- Bk. 21, P. 301 349.91 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE LEGAL NOTICES vice of this notice and answer or de mur to the complaint filed in this ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 17th day of September, 1936. JOHN WILLCOX, , Clerk Superior Court. O 23- N 13 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Jennings Motor Co. Moore Co. Bk. 18, P. 274-276 ...3,433.80 Beula Maxwell, W. G. Maxwell & W. M. Phillips, Moore Co. Bk. 23, P. 80 170.00 J. B. Oldham and J. S. Barrett Moore Co. Bk. 23, P. 103 177.70 G. M. Upchurch and W. H. Brady Moore Co. Bk. 19, P. 231 200.00 Linton C. Sineath and A. G. Martin Moore Co. Bk.20, P. 150 .... _ 51.77 CASH ITEMS 3 coupons due 11-1-31-Mrs. Ruth Having qualified as administrator | Simpson & W. R. Simpson C T A of the estate of Walter S. at 15.00 45.00 Butterfield, deceased, this is to notify : 1 coupon due 4-1-32-D. I. McKeithen, all persons having claims against the H. A. Gunter _ oo estate of said deceased to exhibit' 2 coupons due 5-1-32, Mrs. Ruth them to the undersigned Southern Simpson, W. R. Simpson at Pines, N. C. on or before the 30th,! 15.00 30.00 day of October 1937 or this notice i 2 Real Estate Bonds No.2 & No.3- will be pleaded in bar of their recov- j Moore County Securities Corp. dated ery. ; 11-1-30 due 11-1-31—Balance due All persons indebted to said es- $332.11, 52 each, total $662.22 tate will please make immediate pay. | ALBEMARLE ment. ASSETS TO BE SOLD This 30th, day of October 1936. | NOTES P. P. PELTON. [Name Endorser Amount Administrator C. T. A. Estate of | j ^ Herlocker, Mrs. J. A. Herlock- Wrlter S. Butterfield, deceased. O 30—Dec 4 NOTICE OF L.\ND SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made by Wm. W. Maurer, to the undersigned Trustee, Aug^ust 1, 1932, recorded in Book 57, Page 29, Moore County Registry, and pursuant to de fault and on application of the hold er of the note thereby secured, I will sell at pub’il auction to the last and highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Moore County, N. C., at 10:00 o’clock A- M. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1936 that certain tract or parcel of land in Sandhills Township, Moore County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, Aberdeen-Southern Pines Highway further take notice that she is required and others, and bounded as follows: to appear at the office of the Clerk : ^GINNING at Folley’s comer, of the Superior Court of Moore Coun- an iron stake in the Southeast line of ty, North Carolina, at the Court- the Aberdeen-Southern Pines High er, M. A. Lowden 40.00 JUDGMEN'TS E. E. Wheatley, Jr. E. E. Wheatley, Sr. Stanley Co. Bk. 9, P. 43 25.00 W. H. Meigs, Edith Meigs, J. C. Meigs Stanley Co. Bk. 7, P. 144 120.00 NOTICE OF SALE OF ASSETS fice of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Deeds No. 47, at page 296, to which reference is here made for particular metes and Under and by virtue of the pow-' bounds, er of sale contained in a certain' THIRD TRACT: All that certain deed of trust executed by Pine- parcel or tract of land situate in Car. hurst Springs Corporation to J. Tal- thage Township, fully described and bot Johnson, Trustee, under date of referred to in a deed of date April 12, November 10, 1931, which deed of 1918, executed by G. C. Graves and trust is recorded in the office of the wife Maggie H. Graves, to M. G. Dal- Register of Deeds for Moore County rymple, and recorded in the office of North Carolina, in Book 56 at page the Register of Deeds of Moore Coun- 347 to which record reference is ^ Ly, in Book of Deeds No. 70, at page hereby made,—default having been' 306, to which reference is here made made in the payment of the indebt-' for metes and bounds, the tract of edness secured by the said deed of land therein referred to being recit- trust, and the power of sale therein ed to contain 19.9 acres, more or less, contained having become operative,] FOURTH TRACJT: That tract of and the holder of the notes thereby land referred to as containing 12.5 secured having requested and de- acres conveyed in a deed of date May manded the undersigned trustee 29, 1918, executed by Josephine Mc- to foreclose the said deed of trust' Laughlin Cross and husband Lonzo and offer the real estate therein de-, Cross to M. G. Dalrymple, and re scribed for sale in order to satisfy . c rded in the office of the Register the indebtedness due, as in said of Deeds of Moore County in Book deed of trust prescribed. | of Deeds No. 70, at page 394, to which Now therefore, pursuant to said reference is here made for particular demand and request, and because of, metes and bounds, said default in the payment as a- FIFTH TRACT: All that tract of foresaid, the undersigned trustee, land recited to contain 113.2 ^res, will sell for cash, at auction, at the *^ore or less, situate near the Farm main entrance of the Court House School, and conveyed. and oes_ m the town of Carthage, N. C., at 1 in a deed of date .^ne 8, lvl8, | the hour of noon on the 30th day ^^^^^^ted by R.L. Burns, Commission-, of November, 1936, the following to M. G. Dalrymple, and record-1 described real estate: ed in the office of the Register of | Those certain tracts of land ly- of Moore County, in Book of' jng In Mineral Springs Township, Deeds No. 70, at page 4()3, to which | Moore County, North Carolina, reference is made for particular metes ^ mort particulary described and de- bounds, excepting, however, a, fined as follows: | tract of land, containing 6 1-2 acres} Lots 75, 86, 87, 122 64, 55, 56,' conveyed by the said M. G. Dal- 88, 89, 166, 167, 168, 176, 177, 178,' rymple and wife to Owen Ray, the 1 228, 229, 65, 187, 188, 59, 169, 170, 171, 172 194, 195, 196, 267, 268, ferred to for particular metes and 250, 251,' 66, 284, 69, 191, 52, 204, l^ounds, exceptmg also a certain tract 79, 80, 253, 254. 255, 103, 271, 272, containing about 50 acres, 273, 232, 202, 203, 205, 206, 277, a part of the and 58 shown on a map of Jackson [ above ^scribed tract conveyed by Springs Property made by Francis Dalrymple, and Floy J. Dal- red to in a deed of date March 12, 1919, executed by J. C. Batten and Mamie J. Batten, his wife, to M. G. Dalrymple, and recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Moore Qounty in Book of Deeds No. 71, at page 332, to which reference is here made for particular metes and bounds. TENTH TRACT: Those two tracU of land described as containing 43.40 acres and 33 acres, respectively, in a deed of date March 4, 1919, executed by H. F. Seawell, Commissioner, to M. G. Dalrymple, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Deeds No. 72, at page 466, to which reference is here made for particular metes and bounds. ELEVENTH TRACT: In or near the corporate limits of the Town of Carthage, known as the Joe Tysoa land, beginning at an old pine stump, a corner of the Ernest Lee lot, and runs thence N. 20 E 18 chains to a stake with old white oak pointers; thence S. 3 E. 17 chains to a stake among oak pointers in the line of the old Waddill 40 acres sunrey, now owned by the Humber estate (form erly) thence as that line reversed N. 80 chains to the beginning, contain ing 9 acres, more or less. TWELTH iTRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land, containing 640 acres, more or less, described and referred to in an option deed, dated Oct. 15, 1910, executed by T. W. Cole to M. G. Dalrymple and re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Deeds No. 45, at page 498, to which reference is made for partic ular metes and bounds, together with all the rights in law or equity of the said M. G. Dalrymple in and to said lands as set forth in the judgement and decree of the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, in the action therein brought wherein M. G. Dalrymple is plaintiff and T. W. Cole and others are defendants, and the said judgement and decree in said action in favor of the said M. G. Dal rymple is, by this deed hereby trans ferred and assigned by the said M. G. Dalrymple to the said party of the second part, excepting, however, from this tract two tracts of land conveyed by the said M. G. Dalrymple and wife to H. B. Shields by deed dated September 30, 1921, one tract containing 14 acres and the other tract containing 27 acres, the said deed being referred to for the par ticular metes and bounds of said ex cepted tracts. This the 20th day of October, 1936. T. B. WILDER, O 30-N20 Trustee. THE ARK Southern Pines, N. C. A Country Day and Boarding School for children under fourteen years. Open air classes, and all out-door activities. Music - Art - Handicrafts MILLICENT A. HAYES Principal house at Carthage, not later than thirty days from the date of the ser vice of this summons and complaint and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. This 19th, day of October 1936. JOHN WILLCOX, O 30—N 20 way and running thence with the Northeast side of a lane S. 48 deg. 30’ E. 835 feet to an iron pipe (100 feet from the center line of the S. A. L. Ry.) thence parallel to the Rail road N. 42 deg. 44’ E. 640 feet to an iron pipe, thence N. 66 deg. 20’ W. 981 feet to an iron pipe (24.7 feet southwesterly from the South corner Clerk Superior Court, of concrete culvert head) in the south east line of the Aberdeen-Southern Pines Highway; thence with it S. 27 , deg. 30’ W. 350 feet to the beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less, i Courses as magnetic bearings Jan uary 31, 1924. This 14th day of October, 1936. ' D. I. McKeithen, O 23-N 13 Trustee. North Carolina—Moore County In The Superior Court NOTICE The Greensboro Joint Stock Land Hank Qf Raleigh, North Carolina, A Corporation, Plaintiff vs. George W. McNeill, Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks of the State of North Carolina, and S. J. Hinsdale, Liquidating Agent, Ex Rel Page Trust Company, J. D. Street, H. F. Seawell, Jr., H. C. Vetterlein, Bruce H. Lewis, C. J. McDonald, Alexander Book 78 at page 597 I dated and recorded in the office Being the identical property des-' the Register of Deeds of Moore cribed in deed from Grady J. Bur- ' County, and dated and recorded since ney and wife to Pinehurst Springs' the execution of the mortgage deed Corporation, recorded in Book 108 I ^^eds of trust aforesaid referred at page 445 in the office of Regis- ter of Deeds of Moore County, This 27th day of October, 1936. J. TALBOT JOHNSON N 6—27 HELD BY PAGE TRUST COMPANY Deaton C. E., dated August . . AM tu * 11 recorded in the office of the Reg-1 oeed duly recorded >ri the oirice or me The undersigned offers the fo low- ^ ^ f Register of Deeds of Moore County, ing described properties for sale at w.., public auction, in good faith as as sets of Page Trust Company, Aber deen, N. C., but does not warrant title judgements, overdrafts, cash items, thereto, and will sell said notes, etc., without recourse, subject to any and all equities and defenses which may be placed against the same; in cluding all offsets, which it is under stood embrace the right and duty of the Commissioner of Banks and or his Agents to withhold any and all divi dends on debtors’ claims to reduce the loss or losses sustained on their res pective evidences of indebtedness, and or interest. The right is reserved to offer the various items of assets in dividually, in parcels, or as a whole, and the right is reserved to reject any bid. This sale will be held at the DOOR OF THE FORMER OFFICE OF PAGE TRUST COMPANY, ABER DEEN, N. C. at 10:00 o’clock, A. M. on MONDAY, NOVKilBER 16, 1936. Terms of sale CASH. This the 16th day of October, 1936. GURNEY P. HOOD, North Carolina—Moore County. In The Superior Court Notice Of Service By Publication SIXTH TRACT: A tract cf land containing 6 1-2 acres, on both sides of the Vast & Pinehurst road con- ^ustee. veyed and described in a deed execut ed by Owen Ray to M. G. Dalrymple, to which said deed reference is here made for particular metes and bounds, the said tract adjoining the fifth tract above described. SEVENTH TRACT: All that tract of land recited to contain 37 acres, situate in Mineral Springs Township, MONTESANTI Dry Cleaning TAILORING Southern Pines Telephone 5541 NOTICE OF SALE OF ASSETS HELD BY PAGE TRUST COMPANY The undersigned offers the follow ing described properties for sale at public auction, in good faith, as as sets of Page Trust Company, Car- Town of Soui'hern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Hattie Dupree and husband, Du- and fully described and conveyed in pree, defendants. ( a deed of date Oct. 1, 1918, executed The defendants, Hattie Dupree and Martha husband, Dupree, will take notice ‘o M. ^Dalrymple, and re. that an action entitled as above has coined In tte oifflce of tbe ^gister been commenced in the superior D«eds of Moore County in Book of Court of Moore County, North Car- ^o. 71, at page 153, to which olina, to foreclose a certain tax sales reference is niade for particular certificate and lein for taxes issued to ah t * 4- the plaintiff on September 10th. 1934; | EIGHTH TRAC'T: Ail that tract nf the Said defendants will further situate m Carthage Commisioner of Banks. I required to Township, recited to contain 70 acres ' appear before the Clerk of the Super- described and conveyed in a deed ;or Court of said County within thirty ^3. 1916, execu ed by days from the service of the Sum- mons, and answer or demur to the Yf; and Jane Timberlake to M. G. Compliant in said action, or the plain- , tiff will apply to the Court for the rcrorded m thP office of the Resis- releif demanded in said Complaint Dated this 17th. day of August 1936. JOHN WILLCOX, Clerk of the Superior Court. N 13 Evelyn M. Edson PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC Garland A. Pierce INSURANGE AGENCY Telephone 7062 S. J. HINSDALE, Liquidating Agtnt. O 23- N 13 ASSE-rS TO BE SOLD .\T ABERDEEN I Name—Collateral or Endorser—Amt. Chas E. Bridges—Mary M. Bridges Chattel Mortgage 347.49 Ralph M. Caldwell—E. T. Mc Keithen 850.00 Ralph M. Caldwell—J. W. Page 848.33 j Ralph M. Caldwell, Jr.,—H. A. recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Moore County in Book ‘ of Deeds No. 71, at page 153, to which ^ reference is made for particular! metes and bounds. NINTH TRACT: A tract of land known as Lot No. 103 cf the Tyson ! land, and fully described and reier- CARTOON FOLLIES THev'.vie &EBSJ i, HOLtsliiG Os Op ■ For HooR- THef’Re LOuJgf> THAAi A bSEP- .You’ve Been There Yourself By RUBE GOLDBERG Drs. Neal, Beard and Wright VETERINARIANS Swinnerton Stables, Southern Pines on Mondays Race Track, Pinehurst on Thursdays t*LA>r/MG Golf THEM I’M FLYlAiG OOeRT^te MORTTH OM A fevn-reRFL'r THer BAvJOOT c 5eA-i ivjeR’. fallen > 1 VIVAAT YJXi .SA'T OOHeXi lAJ SACt=. OF AU^OC. Y -to iSEE XaO, GeORCe-Houl'S GOIMG You'Re LoO(ClMG c; MAW THe Kibs ’ MO. rue E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage MtlMra PfaieB, N. C. TeL SMI AMDs OOHAT "'YiX) • ' - V&O Meer -THe. NsejCT ♦ - • . * FooLisH I (CO. * J ‘^00,1.Z.S , fltiifiitminit will be in his offica *v«r tte Post Office, Sanford, N. C., tmmy W^ednesdttsr. fitom 10:00 a. a. t* S:00 p. m. Doat £r!1 to m* hteH yoar eyta arc