Friday, November 6, 1936. THJ! PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, Ntorth Carolina Page F)v« ♦TTTt HOVIEHATIC Motion Picture Camera . . . Takes Pictures Three Ways Movies .... Snap Shots .... Booklets $5.95 Complete Broad Street Pharmacy Prescription Druggists R. L. Hart, Proprietor The Week in Southern Pines a Miss Jeanette Welch of Siler City spent several days in Southern Pines this week. Miss Susan Swett of N. C. C. W. in Greensboro spent the week-end at her home here. Clem Wrenn, Jr., of the University has arrived here for the winter. I Miss Mary Swett and Miss Elanor i Barron jointly entertained at bridge | Wednesday afternoon at the Southern , Pines Country Club in honor of Mrs. ! George London. ] Mr. and Mrs. Harry O’Hara are in I of North Carolina spent the week- Southern Pines for the winter, occu Now Available at Agnes Dorothy s end In Southern Pines. Miss Esther Carter is spending this week in Chadbourne. Mr- and Mrs. L. A. Norton have returned from Hendersonville after spending two months there. E. G. Horne has returned to his home in Winston-Salem after spend ing a few weeks in Southern Pines. Thomas O’Neill of Raleigh was a visitor in town on Thursday. Miss Pauline Poe spent Saturday in Raleigh. Miss Margaret Bogle has returned to her home here after spending the past few months In Massachusetts pying the W. C. Arkell house in Wey- ! mouth Heights- j P. H. Moore, assistant superlnten- | dent for the Western Union in ; Greensboro, spent Monday in town. j Mrs. Sylvester Bernstein of New j York has arrived and will spend the | winter here. I I I I The Willing Workers of the Bap- I tist Church met with Mrs. Ralph I Chandler Tuesday evening at her j home on Ashe street. I Mr, and Mrs. Frank Pottle have I arrived from Jefferson Highland, N. I H. and will open the Hollywood Nov- Harold McAllister of Charlotte 20th Individual Parker-Herbex Treatments Makes your permanent last longer I Zotos machineless permanent waving especially good for very fine white hair Treatments and permanents by licensed operators HELEN HARTGROVE Manager spent last week-end in Southern Pines. The Rt. Rev. Walter Mitchell, D. D., of Phoenix, Arizona was a visi tor in Southern Pines Saturday. Mrs. Jackson H. Boyd has return ed from a few days stay In Washing ton, D. C. Mrs. Richard Royall of Rocking ham is spending a few days here. Mr and Mrs. E. J. McCarr and i included Mesdames Alfred Grover, daughter Mary have recently moved Nettie Ayres, Lawrence Grover, Wil- to Pinehurst where they will spend ' Dale, Walter Spaeth, R. L. Chan, the winter m:nths. | ti^er, E. C. Eddy, P. F. Buchan, Her- C, T. Patch and Mrs. Lillian Miles j bert Cameron, Yates Poe, Wade Ste- have returned from a trip to New vick and the Misses Mary Cameron, Mrs. Robert L. Hau-t is entertain ing at bridge for a party of twelve this afternoon at the Pine Needles Club. A party was given at the home of Mrs. Esther McDaniels Monday even ing honoring Mrs. Bernard Leavitt of Bradford, Vt., who is spending a few weeks in Southern Pines. Bridge and ether games were played. The guests York. J. W. Newton has leased one of the Case apartments for a few months- Ethel Jones, Edna Hutchinson and Ethel Haight. I Dr- Reynolds of the N. C. State Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Graham of Old | Board of Health was the guest of Fort, Virginia are spending several t McBrayer on Wednesday. weeks in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hirst have re- Miss Mary Stillwell of Salisbury Is ■ turned to their home in Washington, D. C- after spending some time here. Mr. and Mrs. John Everett Brady cf Frankllnton are spending a week in SouthernPines enjoying golf. Mr. and Mrs. John Stafford, Mrs. Olive Barker and Mrs. Stella Barker and two children, Barbara and Shir ley Barker all of Homer, N. Y. are the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. D. Shoe. Mrs. Henry M. Dingley, Sr., of Au burn, Maine entertained at a small i dinner Monday night at the Pine j Needles Inn. j Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Stallings, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Graham, Mrs- Doug las Bland and small son Jack, all of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raleigh, were guests Sur.c^oiy of I.Ir. | Schmeltzer at their home on Illinois I and Mrs. T. J. Graham. Mary Hall operators Over Hart’s Drug Store Elizabeth Fletcher Tel. 5131 Cleaners and Presserf to the Sandhills We insure your clothing . , . call and deliver promptly, and our service is moderate in price. Telephone 5651 Southern Fines umxxmmtttttnuitttantimmutnmtiutt Complete New Line of Gossard Combinations,, Girdles and Brassieres for all occasions MARGARET B. HAGOOD Market Square Pinehurst life ^ ANNIVERSARY Capt. P. H. Spencer of Pert Wash ington, L. I. spent the week-end in town enjoying the golf. Myron Adams has recently arrived from Attleboro, Mass and will be with his family in Southern Pines this winter. Miss Nellie Muse is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Gregory Nance at Asheboro for a few days. Mrs. William Chase Mudgett en tertained at a bridge tea Monday af ternoon at her home on Massachu setts avenue. Mr- and Mrs. Fred Carr of Wolfe- boro, N. H. were rec»mt guests of Mrs. Jessie Rogers and Mrs. Nettie Ayres. Paul E. Kroehle of Cleveland Is spending two weeks here. Mrs. Clifford Willis left last week for Coral Gables, Florida where she will spend the winter. W. Irving Glover of Wardman Park Hotel has leased the Lachine home in Weyman Heights for the winter months. M. J. Mason of New York is occu pying the Seelye home on Highland Road. avenue. Dr. and Mrs. A. Selphinson of Cald well, N. J. are enjoying golf here for a few days- B. Duffin of Jersey City, N. J, is spending a week in Southern Pines. Mrs. Jannette Chambers cf Olean, N. Y. is stopping at the Jefferson Inn for the winter. Charles Faye of Atlanta. Ga. was a business visitor in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Coykendall of Los Angeles, Cal. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gifford for a few days. George Law of Philadelphia is spending a week in Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. George E. C-lby of Greensboro, Vt. visited friends in town Tuesday enroute to Florida where they will spend the winter. Mrs. E. Levis Prizer entertained Group I of the Woman’s Society of the Church of Wide Fellowship at her home cn Massachusetts avenue. The program was in charge of Mrs. Prizer and Mrs. R. F. Potts. Mr- and Mrs. O. C. Smith of Tren ton, N. J. and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Worthington and Mrs. Dan Frost of PATCH’S GOLFING? Just Received Smart Sweaters .... All Hand Fashioned Pastel Shades in Slip-On and Coat Style, $3.95 up Imported Tweed Skirts Flannel Kasha $6.50 up Slater Golf Shoes $6.50—$8.50 Golf Gloves with and without Fingers DOBBS HATS C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE CHAS. J. SADLER, Mgr. Park View Hotel FINE LOCATION GOOD ROOMS OPEN ALL YEAB RATES MODERATE Newly Renovated Throughout FligHland L^odge A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenftie Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent Mrs. W. N. Greasoon Telephone 6933 Southern Pines, N. C. MAGNOLIA LODGE Now Open Corner Vermont Avenue and Page Street Hot and Cold Water in Rooms—Rates Reasonable MRS. A. L. ADAMS Mrs. Jack Coursey and small son New York City are among recent of Fayetteville spent the week-end 1 guests at the Jefferson Inn. here with Mrs. Elizabeth Silver. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Johnson and daughter Nancy left this week for New York City where they will spend the winter. Miss Ruth Raymond of Durham spent the week-end at her home here. Mr- and Mrs. Earl B. Smith laft re cently for Lcb Angeles, Calif., after having been the guest of Mrs. Win- MIss Lenora Riggan of Fayette- ; nie Dodge for several days. IN APPRECIATION TO THE VOTERS OF MOORE COUNTY: I am completely overwhelmed with joy\ and gratitude at the magnificent vote I received for the Office of Register of Deeds, I wish I could thank each and every one of you personally and assure you of my heartfelt appreciation. I want you to feel that the Reg ister of Deeds Office belongs to you and that I shall be delighted to have you come in to see me and afford me the opportunity of reudering to you every possi ble courtesy and service. The wax’mest possible welcome will await you. BESSIE McCASKILL vllle spent the week-end in Southern Pines. Elmer Boynton and son of Laconia, N. H., visited friends in town recent- The pause that refreshes COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. A6ei?een, N. C Miss Irene Maples spent the week- ly enroute to St. Augustine, Fla. end In Charlotte- Mrs. Walter Allison is ill at her Miss Juliet Vale is spending some | home on Ashe street, time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Etta W. Cox and Mrs. Clara Harry M. Vale. , Benfield arrived today from New Miss Billie Caldwell is spending a j Hampshire to be_ the guests of Mrs. few days in Pinehurst as the guest Winnie Dodge for a few weeks, of Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Pegram. | The Pilgrim Fellowship Forum of Mrs. H. M. Dingley of Auburn, ' the Church of Wide Fellowship held Maine is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. I W. C. Mudgett. Miss Marguerite Blue was the re- i cent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett j Harris and Miss Blue while enroute ■ to Washington, D. C. Mrs. Alice Colby is seriously ill at her home on Vermont avenue. George B. Elliot, Jr., was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Moore at their home on Massachu setts avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Wyman of New York and Alfred Jenkins of Richmond were the week-end guests cf Mr. and Mrs- E. C. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Warren of Toronto have returned to Southern Pines for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Tompkins of New York spent the week-end at The Paddock. Dr. Marcus A. Brownson has re turned to his home here from Phil adelphia. William Stratton of Princeton, N.J. its monthly business meeting Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hoskins. Members of the Brownson Memor ial Presbyterian Church gave a Mis cellaneous Shower last Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newton in honor of Miss Edna Shaw, bride-elect. About fifty guests were present. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Be thea on October 10, a girl. Montgomery, W. Va., is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bushby, of Southern Pines, and his sister, Miss Marjorie Montgomery, a student at Meredith College, Raleigh. Young Montgomery, who is a fresh man in high school this year, is an thelete of considerable ability, partic ularly in the field of basketball. For three years he was the outstanding player on the Junior High School quint, and last year was named on the All-State team by the West Vir ginia Athletic Board. , ul L V, OmiAGHAN PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR OIL BURNERS ESSOHEAT FURNACE OIL IRON FIREMAN STOKER EASY WASHERS and IRONERS Frigidaire Sales and Service Telephone SS41 Southern Plaea

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