Page Eight THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, Nbrth Carolina Friday, November 6, 1936. Carolina Theatres Pinehuntt and Southern Ptnes l*resenls »KO KADIO J>ICIUItE At Pinehurst Monday, Nov. 16th, 3:00 & 8:20 P. M. The Week in Aberdeen Purvis Ferree has accepted a pos- the week-end with Mr. Huntleys par- ition with the Pinehurst Country Club ; ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Huntley, for the winter season. I Mis Bertie Goodwin went to Ral- Henry Wilder returned to State eigh Tuesday where seh will visit At Pinehurst Tuesday, Nov. 17th, 3:00 & 8:20 P. M. rx LOWE ELISSA LANDI At Pinehurst Wednesday, Nov. 18th, 3:00 & 8:20 P. M. College Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrd of Car thage spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dock Byrd. Miss Glorie Gray Medlin has been confined ta her home with a severe cold- Bo bWllder attended the Wake For- rest-Duke football game Saturday. Mrs. B. G. Peterson spent the Week-end in High Point and was ac companied home by Mrs. C. L. Ccle. her brother for a few days. Dr. Clement Monroe tnd several nurser of the Moore County Hospi tal staff were dinne rguest of Miss Theresa Zimmerman last Sunday. Misses Clara Blue and Mary Ellen Bethune spent last Friday night in Vass where they were the guest of Mis Irene Cameron. Mis Vanessa McLean and Miss Reb ecca Cock attended the North Cen tral District Teachers Association At Pinehurst Thursday, Nov. 19th, 3:00 & 8:20 P. >1. jP ? ni'j-j': *0CHEUI HUDSON I. . if;- SUM SUMMfRVtlll JEAN HERSHOLT At Pinehurst Friday, Nov. 20th, 3:00 & 8:20 P. M. Presenting Mae West and Randolph Scott in “Go West Young Man” At Pinehurst Saturday, Nov. 21st, 3:00 & 8:20 P. M. '^ORIS NOLAN in 5?^ MAN I MARRY fw A/. MICHAEL WHALEN A New Universal Picture At Southern Pines Mon., Tue., Wed., Nov. 16, 17, 18, 8:15 Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 Robert Reeves of Sanford former meeting held in Raleigh last Friday, operator of the Western Union office ; Miss Margaret Lewis and Miss here, spent Sunday in town. | Minnie Brewer have returned from Mrs. Fannie Edwards is ill at her • Jonesboro after a visit with their home on Lakeside Heights. Her brother, Henry Brewer, daughters, Mrs. Mclntine of Raeford, j Mr. and Mrs, E. T. McKeithen and and Mrs, Brooks of Hartsville, S. C. I gon Leland attended the Home-Com- are with her. j ing at Davidson Saturday and wit- Mrs. Ira B. Jones of Lancaster, S. ! nessed the Davidson-Carolina foot- C.. a respresentative of the Home' ball game- Insurance Company, was a guest of : Mis Ruth McLe anof G reensbcro, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Page over the past' spent the week-end with her parents, week-end. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. McLean. Miss Gwendolyn Zimmerman, who i Monks, Misses Cliffie Williams, is teaching at Rankin, spent the week Margaret McLeod and Mae Monks end with her parents. j motored to Rosehill Sunday where L. M. Clark of Fayettivelle has ac-1 they visited Miss Margaret Shaw, cepted a position with Bryn Drug | Miss Elizbeth David, Miss Blanche Company. I Sturdivant and C. W. Sturdivant Mr. and Mrs. William Huntley, Jr. Igpent last Sunday in Charlotte, and small son cf Greensboro, spent [ Mrs. Carolyn Kyles, of Charlotte, was a guest cf Mrs. W’imberly Bow man for several days last week. Makie Caldwell attended the Da- idson-Carolina football game at Dav idson last Saturday. Mrs. J. A. Bryant left Monday for Charlotte where she will undergo a For storage charges due we will j treatment in a Charlotte Hospital, sell at public auction at 12:00 o’clock, | Robert N. Page, Sr. was hos- noon, Monday November 30th, in t^gg jq the Walter Hines Page Book front of the Page Motor Company, | o^b last Thursday at her Home on Broad street. Southern Pines, N. C., i page Hill. After the business meet- one Model T. Ford car, motor num- j l M. Hall read a paper on ber 12876502, owner unknown. j music appreciation and Mrs. E. T. PAGE MOTOR CO., | McKeithen discussed the county Mat- Southern Pines, N. C. |crnity Clinic. The subject of the meet- N6-N27. ! jng was “Oklahoma” with Mrs. Geo- FOR RENT: Centrally located, sun-1 Martin reading a paper. ‘‘Okla ny three room apai|ment. ’ Also orge Martin reading a paper, Okla- single rooms. Lillian Roberts, Cor-,homa, the Boomer State,’ and Mrs, ner Penn. Ave. and Ashe street. IW. T. Huntley gave and mterestmg ; talk on the life of Will Rogers. Mrs. SALE OF CAB M MAUREEN O’SULLIVAN IS ^rq (inkiuyn At Southern Pines Thu. & Fri., Nov. 19, 20—8:15 Matinee at 3:00 Presenting ‘•^ene Withers and Slim Summerville in “'"an This Be Dixie” At Southern Pines Saturday, Nov. 21st, 8:15 P. M. MAKE THAT LONG DISTANCE Rgid Pag closed the program with a Trip by bus and save the differ-1 vocal s.lo, “Home On the Range-” ence. Special round-trip rates New, xhe hostess severed refreshments York $14.85; Philadelphia, $12.95; and was assisted by her sister, Miss Baston, $20.25; fToronto $25.65. Tickets and information at Postal Telegraph Co., Southern Pines. n20 Cornelia Shaw. Mrs. Page has returned form a visit with Mr. and Mr.s Jesse Page at Eagle Springs. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Swaringen and children of Sanford were in town QUIET, restful country place for per sons, young or old, nervously in. dined. Special diets. Tender care. Modern conveniences. Rates begin, Saturday. at $12.50 per. week, incuding laun- ^he Kiwanins Club was entertam dry, depending upon services re quired and condition of guests. Write Bex 332, “ Home”, Bennetts- vile S. C. HOSPITABLE plantation home op en to aged and convalescents. Ideal retreat for elderly parents and in laws. Modern conveniences, near hospital, telephone. Rates, includ ing laundry, depending upon ser vices required, begin at $9 weekly. Write to Mimosa Plantation, Mc- Ccll, S. C. ed this week by the Parent Teachers Association for the benefit of the Hot Lunch Fund. Mr. and Mrs. E, T. McKeithen en tertained at dinner last week for Mr. and Mrs. Nelson C. Hyde of Southern and Miss Mildred Petway of Pine- hurst. EPISCOP.VL C'HI RCH NEWS REEL TO BE SHOWN HERE Motion pictures of various phases I of the work of the Episcopal Church BOARDERS WANTED. Terms reas- Diocese of North Carohna will onable. Hot and cold water, steam heat. Huntington Lodge, No. 75 S. E. street. Southern Pines. A Nice Kimball Piano for sale $60.00. Apply Mrs. Hilton Kelly, Cameron, N. C. TWO AND THREE room apart ments at the BEVERLY. Steam heat. Lights and hot water includ ed in rent. Also use of large sunny living r_om and telephone. J. B. Gifford, Proprietor- N. 13 ■ be shown at a meeting to be held at Emmanuel Episcopal Church to morrow, Saturday evening. The pic tures. some in technicolor, will be ac companied by brief explanatory re marks by the Rev- David T. Eaton, rector of the Church of the Holy Comforter, Burlington. The bishop of the Missionary Dis trict of Arizona, the Rt. Rev. Walter A. Mitchell, D. D„ will be the chief speaker at the meeting. Bishop Mit chell, who is one of the outstanding jleaders of the Episcopal Church, will speak on the world-wide mission of e'OR RENT TO COUPLE nice large ' ^^at Church, first floor bed-rocm. Heat, private ' The Rector and Wardens of Em- bath, meals reasonable. Phone 6902, p. O. Box 454, Southern Pines. manuel Church extend a cordial invi tation to the public to attend the meeting at 8:00 o’clock Saturday eve- Order a Sandhill Ham, smoked with ning. corn cobbs and hickory wood. They — are different from any other hams. ^ ruMM.VGE S.ALE S.VTURDAY Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold ex- clusively by H. A. Lewis. Southern Rummage Sale will be held on Pines. j Saturday, November 21, at Welch’s FOR RENT newly furnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, hot water and heat included in rent. Goad lo cation. Apply Highland Lod,(rj. FAT PINE RAILS FOR SALE—C- C- Moore, Carthage, Route 1. Some bargains at the Trade Store. One piano, in good condition. Sap- erflex Oil Heaters. Cook stoves. Coal and Wood heaters. Breakfast set. Kitchen cabinet. Beadstead, Springs. Sectional book case, Dres sers, Chiffoniers, Chairs, Baby beds Sewing machines and many other useful articles- H. A. Lewis, Trad er. Store in the Arcade Building, beginn ing at 9:00 and continuing as long as the stock lasts This sale is sponsored by Grcup II of the Woman’s Society of, the Church of Wide Fellowship, under the direction if Mrs. Harry W. Gage, Mrs. P- P- Pelton and Mrs. E. C. Eddy, There will be just about everything on display: clothes for the men, women and children, house hold furnishings and supplies, toil et goods, and miscellaneous^—very miscellaneous—articles. Everybody is invited to contribute, or to buy. (And just in time for the fall house clear ing, too.) Emmett E. Boone, Sr., has gone to New York on a business trip. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants work as cook, reference, ad dress Goode, Route 2, B:x 97, Aberdeen, N. C. At Southern Iffiies “The Man I Marry” a rollicking romantic comedy from Universay studios will be the attraction at the Southern Pines Theatre Monday, At Pinehurst j Tuesday, Wednesday, November 16, On account of the P. G. A. tour- , j^g ^ Tuesday matinee at nament at Pinehurst, the Carolina ^ night shows at 8:15. The star Theatre will be open all six days ’ picture is ®oris Nolan, a with a change of program daily and fjaming new screen personality who with a matinee daily at 3:00 and previously scored a hit on the nightly at 8:20 p. m. ^ Brcadway stage in “Night of Jan- Tempestuous Katharine Hepburn ; jgth." The story relates the rattles the dry bones of an archaic , adventures of a girl who runs away social order as an intensely human j^om one wedding, to get entangled heroine, with Herbert Marshall a , romance with a man who resents sympathetic foil and comfort in her , women should shape his ordeal of menaced romance that | jjpgtiny. The humor of the picture comes to the screen under the title i ^gvolves about the resulting conflict of “A Woman Rebels,” at Pinehurst, these central figures. Fur- Monday, November 16th at 3:00 and comedy is contributed by three 8:20 P. M. Their co-starring photo-| comedians, “Chic” Sale, play is heralded as an emotional gi^ggtg Gallagher and Cliff Edwards, drama which gives both stars unus- i known character of mod- ual scope for heart appeal. This fj^tion, cartoon and screen —the new offering is especially calculated j popular adventure hero in all to give Miss Hepburn’s following a jjjgtoj.y—the idol of untold millcns of view of her in a heart-warming role of every race, color and comparable to her “Alice Adams.” | delight of hosts of men Dramatically revealing the secret* ^ women TARZAN is again to un- of the world’s greatest jewelry cen-1 thrilling jungle life in a ter, a district guarded as carefully ‘ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture. This as the National Treasury against the - jg --Tarzan Escapes” and hordes of thieves lured from all over j^^nny Weissmuller is Tarzan the world, “15 Maiden Lane,” 20th again Maureen O’Sullivan is the Century Fox's story of the famous j^er:ine. The eagerly awaited picture Diamond Row comes Tuesday, No- attraction at the Southeni vember 17th, at 3 and 8:20 p. m. to Theatre, Thur.sday and Fri- the Pinehurst Theatre. Cast in the November 19, 20. with a Thurs- role of a clever, silk-hatted crook ^j^^y matinee at 3 and the night shows daring enough to attempt a robbery g.^ hordes of jungle the rest of the underworld considers beasts, with enough thrills for a doz- far to: risky, Cesar Romero achieves pj, pictures, and with a brand new a polished performance in suavity romantic idea, the adventure yarn and coolness. Claire Trevor, feaf ir- xarzan and his beloved Jane ed as the niece of the head of the j^to the land of the giant bats where company insuring the gem stolen by perils never before filmed are en- Romero, turns amateur detective and countered. Als^ a Mickey Mouse, determines to recoVer the millon “Donald and Pluto” dollar loss as well as break up the ring of jewel thieves victimizing Dia mond Row. Pretending to fall in with the plans of Romero, Claire leads him on imtil she finds herself in a strat egic position resulting in a whirl wind denouement that not only re covers the stolen diamond but loot from several other robberies as well. T.*Vit perennially popular form of entertainment, the murder mystery, takes its first real "kidding” in “Mad Holiday” the attraction Wed nesday, November 18th at 3:00 and 8:20, Despite the that “Mad Holiday” pokes fun at the Philo Vances and the S. S. Van Dynes and even at previous mystery pictures, it winds up as a real mystery itself, full of suspense. The picture is the first for both Edmund Lowe arud Elissa Landi under new long-term contracts, and both of them, cur iously enough, practically imperson ate themselves in their roles. A new and great film star, in the person of Gladys George, noted stage actress who made theatre history last season when she appeared in almost 700 successive performances of “Per sonal Appearance,” makes her debut at Pinehurst Thursday, November 19th at 3:00 and 8:20 in the motion picture version of Barry Benefield's best selling novel, “Valiant is the Word for Carrie.” Miss George is noted for her dramatic and emotion al roles and the mother-role she creates in “Valiant is the Word for Carrie” is said to set a new high standard for film portrayals. Assist ing her are Arline Judge, John How ard, Isabel Jewell, Harry Carey, Dud ley Digges, William Collier, Sr.. Suspense gives way to heart-tugs, pathos yields to hilarious laughter, and dramatic strife alternates with charming romance in “Reunion,” heart-warming screen story of the ' |' country doctor who summons his 3,000 “babies” back to him with all their grown-up tears and troubles and heart-pangs. ^’Reunion” is the at traction at Pinehurst Friday, Nov. 20th at 3:00 and 8:20. In a story rich and real in romance and emo tion, high-lighted by the most up roarious comedy the screen has seen in years, we follow the inter-twinning fortunes of the old doctor’s “babies” as they come back to share their j'ys and tears with the man who brought them into the world. The world renowned Dionne Quins are starred with Jean Hersholt, Rochelle Hudson, Helen Vinson, Slim Summer ville and others make up the im pressive cast. Glamorous Mae West goes rural in her latest mirthquake, “Go West Young Man,” a riotous comedy of love on the farm, the attraction at Pinehurst Saturday, November 21st at 3:00 and 8:20. Cast as a high- strung movie star whose romantic life is curbed by a clause in her con tract, Miss West meets and falls in love with Randolph Scott, an automo bile mechanic and inventor on a Pennsylvania farm. Warren William, cast as her press agent, has the en viable job of seeing to it that she lives up to her contract and the means he employs to insure it, add mucii to the gen«ral hilarity of the goings-on. TAKES COMPLETE CHARGE 0 YOUR COAL BURNING HEATINQ Laughs from the land of cotton, songs with Southern charm and Har lem pep and romance under the moonlight and magnolias highlight Jane Withers’ hilarious and tuneful, new triumph, “Can This Be Dixie,” the attraction at Southern Pines Saturday, November 21st at 3:00 and 8:15. With the Irrepressible, peppery and ever dynamic Jane demonstrat ing her versatility and winning new laurels In a picture that surpasses even the best of her past hits. Slim Summerville heads the outstanding cast. As added attraction, the new “Our Gang comedy, "Second Child hood.” BRIDGE WINNERS The winners In the duplicate bridge tournament at the Pine Needles Inn Tuesday night were North-South, Mr. Jay Douglas cf Pinehurst, runners up Dr. and Mrs. George Proctor of Ab erdeen. East-West, Dr. Daniels and Mr. Worsham of Southern Pines, run ners-up Mrs. Emmett Boone and Mrs. Emmett Boone, Jr. The tournaments Stokol stokera bring auto matic heat within everyone’* reach. A small down pay ment installs Stokol in your preaent heatine plant—terms to suit. Pays for itself out of sartngt. Act while prices are 4till low. Guaranteed for two rear*. Available in bin and hopper types. New Stokol bin- feea only stoker that feeds frrmt any angle. CJClUSIVt STOKOL fElTUREt FuU> Auiuniatii' — Thermo- stalu-ally Conlrotlrd ■ Hy> draulif Oil Traimmiftsion ■ No Shear Ptna ■ Air l'i«hl Hop* par , Safa, Claan. Daprndable. FARRELL COAL CO. Telephone 58 Aberdeen. Our repre sentative will call without obligation to you. Southern PiiieM Aberdeen Pinehurst ' QiaphicOuifmedofXufoio ‘ V H.G. MCELR.OY ANDREW JOHNSON’S T-\IL.OR SHOP Andrew Johnson, of North Caro lina, 17th President, was appren tice to a tailor at ten. His fellow workmen taught him the alpha bet, and after he married, his wife taught him to write. Thoughtful consideration and good taste mank each c«r(*mony where we officiate. We perform this promise—“.4 Service within your Means.” QujwxlL Q}lrectm 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 6161-SOUTHERN PINES Looks Like Old Man Winter Has Come For a Visit. Well We Can’t Stop The Cold Wea ther, But We Have Just the Things to Keep the Chills From Running up and Down Your Back. Fit Yourself With a Nice New Pair of Shoes, Some Warm P’leecy Uuderwear, New Pants, a Good Wool Sweater, and Top it Off With a Chesterfield Hat. Then Defy the Weather. We Can Fix Up the Ladies Too, Just as Well. OUR PRICES ARE UjW FOR STANDARD GOODS NelvinBros. Aberdeen and Southern Pines M. H. FOLLEY Lumber, Millwork and Builders’ Supplies Aberdeen Hemp C. G. FARRELL HIGH GRADE COAL DELIVERED PROMPTLY Telephone 58 Aberdeen, N. C. Secretarial Work Accounting Mrs. Eileen L. Healy Free to call at residence or Tel. 5492 office. Tel. 7902 Southern Pines J. Ma WINDHAM Real Estate Hart Building Southern Pines, N. C. Blanche Ea Sherman Public Stenographer Paul T. Barnum, Inc. Insurance Agency—Tel. 51^1 DrSa Neal, Beard and Wright VETERINARIANS Pinehurst Race Trace Phone 8046

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