Friday, December 4, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Five Tour of Seeing America in Cars *^Borrowed'^ En Route Ends Here Four teen-age Philadelphia boys, Thomas Stackhouse, Raymond Wood ruff, Theodore Moore and Arthur Woods, started to Florida, but they landed in the Moore county jail and when they leave there, they will be headed in the opposite direction from Florida. A fifth boy, Albrt Hayden, after a brief detention which follow. €d an "on again, of again” trip down, was allowed to go on his way to New Orleans. According to the testimony given in Recorder’s Court at Carthage, the story goes like this: The four boys started out from the Pennsylvania city in a car which be longed to the brother of one of the quartet. Out from Baltimore they picked up Hayden, who was thumb ing his way to Louisiana. All went well until they got down into Virginia, and there the car broke down. There was not enough cash among them to pay for repairs. Hay den shouldered his pack and started on by the thumb route and according to his testimony, he “caught several hops.” The other boys decided to take a car in order to continue the trip. Near Henderson, this state, in their “borrowed” car, the Philadelphia take any part in any unlawful meas ure, shouldered his pack and proceed ed southward. Not to be outdone, the four abandoned their Virginia car for one which they took possession of m Raleigh. Down the way a distance, they again caught up with Hayden and for the third time gave him a lift. When they reached Aberdeen, they ran out of gas. Two of the boys halted by the highway while two more scout ed around for an automobile from which they planned to transfer the gas to their car. Hayden walked on. Police Officer Deaton was notified of the presence of the two boys who waited and he took them in charge. As he was going in with them, they met the Pontiac coupe of Lee Page which the other two boys had taken for its gas supply. When they saw that their buddies had been nabbed, they left the car and ran, but were soon taken. Hayden was arrested far ther down the road. In court, they were charged with ' the temporary larceny of a car. found guilty and sentenced to .serve three months, at the expiration of which they are to be turned over to Raleigh authorities to answer the charge of stealing a car there. Hayden was al- youths again caught up with Hay- lowed to go on his way, he being ex- den and took him in. Luck was with onerated by the other boys of hav- them until they reached Raleigh, and ing any part in the series of thefts, there it was necessary to procure The boys had never been in court be- another car. The hiker declined to fore, they claimed. Legion and Auxiliary To Meet on Thursday Sandhills Post Receives Citation From National Headquarters for Increased Membership The December meeting of the Sandhills Post, American Legion, will be held jointly with the Ladies’ Auxiliary on Thursday evening, De cember 10th, at 8:00 o’clock in in the club house, Souhern Pines. It is strongly rumored that the ladies are planning to serve refreshments. In that event. Sergeant-at-Arms Watson has promised to see to it that a "K. P. Detail” will be on hand to assist. A heater has been installed since the last meeting, assuring the company a comfortable evening. A cordial in vitation is extended to all members of the Auxiliary and Legion and to all eligible service men to attend this get-to-gether meeting. The membership this year is far ahead of last year, winning for the post a citation from national head quarters. Comrade J. Vance Rowe is chairman of a committee to organize a squadron of “The Sons of the Amer- I ican Legion.” Notice of the organiza tion meeting will be announced la ter. 16 ( MRS. EDWARD L.\NE DIES; FREQUENT VISITOR HERE Mrs. Edward James of Kushequa, Pa., died in the Kane Hospital Sun day, November 22. Mrs. James leaves her husband, a son and four daught- j ev? and several grandchildren. A l.rother, Ja.nes Hayes, and a sister Mis. E. K. Kane of Kushequa also survive. Mrs. James made her first trip to Southern Pines 30 years ago. Since then she has been a winter vis itor on several occasi.ns as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Kane. Mrs. Howard Butijer and Miss Virginia Kane of Greensboro, nieces of Mrs. James, left Monday m'rning for the North to attend the funeral of their aunt. Behind^i^ CHRinMAr<' SEAL W23 Cornel proved ^ f tuberculosis i f i$s|5reacJ by i^ ^ ex|)ectorotion^consum>?tives^ Si.\ yt'ar.s a/lcr Koch liaj discoven that tuborculo.sis is causeil b.v a c rn (Icorg Cornet contribut'd to ou knowli'iijje of the cHte. s<‘ still fiirtlie by sho’.vinK the an- f.ium in larue numbers in tl'.p snutuir oi who have tubcreiii: I' proinpfJy flestmved. b; .s» i ne b; burning the sputum the jrcrins cm do no harm. \V!ien sr.Tf'-roi^ about throuKh .'tpitting. co'i;'hinf: snct'zintr, tliroufrh us’re 'h* di;:liea or beddiiia:. the I'iin- e: suniptive is a constant men;. ).ri( '■'V.i 1 ‘ Good digestion IS a 'mustV in this game LA0 ATTE “AFTER A SLASHING SET-TO on tlie ice, I head for Camels,” says Phil LaBatte, hockey star. "I smoke Camels for diges tion’s sake—for that cheery ’lift.’ MRS. C. SICKLES, a busy mother, says: "VC'hat a pleasant help Camels are to good digestion! They set me right!” t/l ~^*'ACCOS Carolina Car Owners in Poll Vote For Highway Safety Measures Carolinians are voting in favar of increased safety measures by over whelming majorities in the refer endum being conducted by the Car olina Motor Club, according to an analysis of ballots received at the Charlotte headquarters. The single exception is the proposal that governors be installed on all automobiles to limit the speed, which has carried by only 58 per cent of the vote. Ten items are listed on the bal- i lots which are being distributed ^ through Carolina Motor Club repre- ' sentatives, branch offices. The Car- ; olina Crusader, and newspapers throughout North Carolina and South Carolina. The ballot has been pre pared as a survey to obtain public sentiment regarding regulation and : legislation in the interest of curtail- ; ing traffic accidents. ' The items and percentages of fav orable nnd imfavorable votes follow: j 1.Severe consistent penalities for violation of traffic laws which are known to cause accidents: Yes 97.3 per cent; no 2.7. 2. Jail sentences for conviction of driving under the influence of in toxicants (drunk driving); Yes, 96.6 per cent; no, 3.4. 3. Jail sentences for reckless driv ing endangering life: Yes, 92.7 per cent; no, 7.3. 4. Strict driver’s tests and exam ination when driver’s licenses are ap plied for oir renewed: Yes, 96.2 per cent; no, 3.8. 5. Require pedestrians to obey traf fic signals with fines for violations: Yes, 94.4 per cent; no, 5.6. 6. Compulsory mechanical inspec tion of all motor vehicles: Yes, 94.7 per cent; no, 5.3. 7. Uniform traffic laws and regu lations in all cities: Yes, 98.3 per cent; no. 1.7. 8. Installation of governors me chanically limiting the speed of auto- m:biles: Yes, 58.7; no, 41.3. 9. Uniform enforcement and con sistent sentences for all traffic vio lations; Yes, 94.4 per cent; no, 5.6. 10. Establishment f local and State traffic violations bureaus with spe cific fines for certain minor viola tions—to prevent delay and crowd ing of cciu-ts and reduce the expense of handling guilty violators of minor laws: Yes. 92.9 per cent; ho, 7.1. Space is also provided f r record ing suggestions for increasing safe ty in the Carolinas. Results of the referendum will determine the club’s 1937 legislative policy. Please ask for our Christmas Book Catalogue Hayes.’ Remington and Underwood Porta ble Typewriters at Hayes.’ LEGAL NOTICES \ D.>I IN ISTIi.X TOK’S NOTIC E Having qualified as administrator C. T. A. of the estate of Walter S. Butterfield, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Southern Pines, N. C., on or before the 30th day of October 1937 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This 30th day of October 1936. P. P. PELTON. Administrator C. T. A. Estate of Walter S. Butterfield, deceased. D4. The • COLA nOTTLINQ CO. A.6er3eien, N. C. WILD WEST RODEO and GYNKHANA Bucking Broncos Bucking Steers Trick Riding Bulldogging Automobile Jumping Roping - Gun Play WESTERN COWBOYS and COW P0NIE1< The Real Thing SonthernlPines Horse Show Ring FRIDAYIandSATURDAY AFTERNOONS December 4th and 5th—3:00 o'clock Everyone Invited KC 1">0 Admission: Adults, 50c; Children, 25c