MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY nPTTT? J. fxlj/ A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding N072. * ^iJ^HTHAoe At KAOi.e SPRINGS A LA4< Eview W»9T E.HO #PINEBUJFf PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING POSTOFFFICE PLAIN TO BE SENT HERE FOR SUGGESTIONS Ready After January 1st, Super vising Architect Writes Postmaster Buchan EMBURY SITBMITS SKETCH Word has been received by Post master Frank Buchan from Ihe Sup ervising Architect of the Treasury Department in Waahinglon lhat plittis for the new Southern Pines Postoffice would be forwarded here “after Jan uary 1st” for the citizens to look over and propose changes before the contracts are let. It was also learned here during the past week that Aymar Embury, noted architect who drew the plans for many of the leading buildings here, had submitted a sketch to. the Super vising Architect of a structure which he believes would fit into the local picture- Mr. Embury is one of a board of five consulting architects appoint ed some time ago by President Roose velt to oversee projects under the federal building program, and will, it is presumed, have much to say about the exterior design of the Southern Pines building. The interior lay-out is specified by the Postoffice Depart ment to meet its requirements. Mr. Embury was the architect of the Citizens Bank & Trust Company Building, of the Mudgett Building, of the Southern Pines Country Club, of the Highland Pines Inn, of the Mid- Pines Club, of several of our fine residences, including that of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Vale on Weymouth Heights- The fact that Southern Pines was to have a new postoffice was called to the attention of Mr- Embury by a prominent resident of the Sandhills last week, and he replied that he would submit a sketch to the Super vising Architect of a buildTh^ which would conform to the style of archi tecture here. The sketch has been received by Postmaster Frank Bwchan. It carries out the desire of local citizens in that it follows the general archiectural scheme and lines of our more attrac tive downtown buildings, and that it is simple and not gaudy. It is not definitely known here whether Mr. Embury’s sketch will be utilized by the Treasury Department. In any event, the plana will be here for public inspection after the turn of the year- Bnuthern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, December 11, 1936. ¥ of the Sancc<^ U Territory of North Carolina A' FIVE CENTS Aymar Embury Suggestion For New Southern Pines Postoffice POST OPFiCE. .SOVTHCI«.M P»NS-S ~ N.Ci !iV.'A.» IV, T (Sd <^1, CoK Seeks Government Fur 3 For Nurses’ Home For Ploore County Hospital “Yer Toes Git Blue” Welfare Off.icer Issues Christ mas IMea for Shoeless Youngsters in County Music To Play Important Part In Southern Pines This Winter Registeress of Deeds Miss McCaskill, First W'oman Ever Elected to County Of fice Assumes Duties Director Smith of Local StK-iety in Great Demand By Inter ested Special Groups On Wednesday a few specially in terested members of the Southern Pines Music Society gathered to dis- With a woman administering the cuss the work ol the society during oath. Moore county’s first woman of- the past year and make plans for the ficer, Miss Bess McCaskill, of Car-1 future. This society, which was thage, Register of Deeds, was induct- | founded several years ago, has for its rOAWARDKIWANIS BUILDER’S CUP AT MEETING TONIGHT "What you say, Mister? You’ll give a dollar for .shoes? Now ain’t that swell! Us kids don’t mind a little cold, but it pinchcs when its like this if yer ain’t got .shoes, and yer toes gits pretty blue.” And there are scores of small toes in Moore county that are “pretty blue” right now and shoes should be provided immediately. This is not just "another request,” but an “ur gent need.” Mrs. Lessie Brown, welfare chair man, urges that cash donations be Public Works Administration Will Be Asked For Grant Toward $35,000 Building NEW WING DELAYED The Board of County Commission- eis on Monday, in regular session, passed resolutions authorizing the chairman of the Board ti> file applica tion through the Fedei'al Emergency Administration of Public Works for a grant to aid in financing the con struction of a nurses’ home for the Moore County Hospital. While only meager information is available, it is understood that those at the head of the enterprise hope that a building which will be in keep ing with the set-up at the hospital can be erected, the cost to run in the neighborhood of $30,000 or $35,000. sent to her at Carthage at once so The PWA will be asked for a grant that these children may have shoes before Christmas. One dollar will purchase a pair of shoes and Mrs. Brown offers to use donations in com- in the amount of 45 per cent of the total amount. The board ordered the county attor ney, S. R. Hoyle, to proceed to insti- munities from which they come, if re- suit against the liquidating agent quested- Page Trust Company to estab- Names of those contributing to the ush as a preferred claim the John- iiioe fund will be published from son County Home Christmas Fund. Secrecy Maintained as To Citizen To Be Honored Until the Presentation MEET AT PIN'E NEEDLES ed into office on Monday morning along with the other recently-elected officials in a ceremony which attract ed more than usual attention. With the court room two-thirds fill ed with interested ciizens. Attorney W. D. Sabiston of Carthage called the meeting to order to take part in | main objective the encouragement and support of music in the public school, and also in the community in general- Through it the school was able to secure Frederick Stanley Smith as choral director and part of his salary is still paid by the society. At the meeting on Wednesday Sup- the. State-wide program which was i erintendent F. W. Webster described featured by an addres by Governor-! the music in the school. He said that elect Clyde R- Hoey, broadcast from ' Mr. Smith had of nece.ssity lost some Charlotte. I week to week unless it is asked that This fund of $500 was set aside by the they be omitted. If not convenient to jate J. McN. Johnson of Aberdeen, send donations to Mrs. Brown, tele- the interest to be used in providing phone 23 at Carthage and reverse the a real turkey Christmas dinner with call. She will call to see you. More all of tne fixings for the inmates of coats and sweaters aie needed. county home from year to year. .Ask For Time Extension On account of the unavoidable de lay in the completion of the new wing of the Moore County Hospital caused by inability of the contractor to secure a sufficient number of brick masons, tile, marble and terra- zo mechanics, and the slow delivery of structural steel, the board decided to make application through the ' State Director of PWA for permis- Picquet Again Elected President of Theatre Owners of Carolinas The question of the liionTC'rit in the Sandhills is: Who ha,s been selected by the Kiwanis Club and other civic organizations of Moore county to re^ ceive the award of the Kiwanis Build- ; . er's Cup for distinguished and un- Orffanization Mav Come to Pine- service to the community dur. ' h^rst for Silver Jubilee in ing the past three years. The award December 1937 is to be made tonight, Friday, at the annual Kiwanis Alumni meeting at The genial manager of the Carolina the Pine Needles Clubhouse, and un- | Theatres of Pinehurst and Southern j sion to extend the time within which that time, only directors of the ^ Pines was Tuesday re-elected Pies-! the project shall be completed to Feb- til 8 Hawley Poole Sworn In ! As State Legislator' Governor Calls Special Session | of Assembly To Act On Social Security Moore county’s new representative in the General Assembly, J. Hawley Poole of West End, will take the oath of office sooner than he had ex pected. After months of continuous refus al to call a special session of the State legislature to consider the nec essary legislation to give to North Carolina the benefits of the Federal Social Security Act, Governor Eh- ringhaus issued a call last Saturday. Mr- Poole, who won the Democratic nomination from W. R. Clegg of Car thage in last June’s primary and was elected last month, has gone to Ral eigh to be sworn in for the special session. His first vote will be cast on the compensation measure. The action of the Governor came as a surprise throughout the state. He had given every appearance of takihg no action, supposedly in the "belief that Congress, when it convenes in January, would extend the time for compliance by the State with the provisions of the Social Security Act. How many days this General As sembly will remain in. session is a matter up to the body itself, but evi dently the Governor, in calling the legislators together immediately be fore Christmas, has hopes of their completing only the immediate task before them and adjourning in time for Christmas. The regular session of (Please turn to page 8) Mr. Sabiston then introduced the officers, who stood facing the aud ience and together took the constitu tional oath. The oath of office was taken separately by each officer, with Miss Gilbert Cole, deputy clerk, ad ministering the oath in the absence of John Willcox, clerk of the court, who was absent on account of illness. Edward VIII Abdicates Throne of England Chooses Mrs. Simpson, Forme? Guest Here, Over Retention of His Crown The abdication of King Edward VIII from the throne of England was an nounced yesterday morning following a session of Parliament. Forced to choose between Mrs. Wallis Warfield club know who is to be the recipient ! ident of the North and South Caro- of his finest voices from the Lyric | several years it was the cus- lina Theatre Owners' Association to Club when such members as Bertha > Kiwanis Club To present serve for his 14th consecutive year. Fowler, Ruth Richardson, Mary Jane Woodward. Mary Elizabeth Gillis, Eleanor Harloe. Virginia Stevick were gi-aduated- The Glee Club was also deprived of these voices as well as of tlinse of the boys in the graduating class of last year which added so much to the mixed choruses. The new clubs, formed this year, promise to be of excellent quality but they have been slow to start, the boys especial ly have been slow to join. As the ranks of the Glee Club are filled dur ing the next few years by the young er children its performance should be even better, as these children will hove been trained since they entered school. When one considers that with practically untrained material Mr. Smith’s clubs have been able to win the State prize for this size school for the last three years the future a very a Builder's Cup annually- This prac tice was discontinued during the de pression, but revived this year, and various civic organizations of towns in the county were asked to submit nominations. These were weighed and \ considered by the board of directors 1 of the club, and their vote determined I the one to be honored. Five .Vwards Made In the past, John R- McQueen, Bion H- Butler, Leonard Tufts. Simeon B. Chapin and Frank Buchan have re ceived the award. The presentation of the sixth cup will be made tonight by the Rev. J. Fred Stimson of South ern Pines, lieutenant governor of Ki wanis Intft’national in tTiis division. Mr. Stimson is also president of the local club. bright promise indeed. Women’s Chorus Aside from this main project, the Music Society is pleased to sponsor a new women’s chorus which was Simpson, of Baltimore, Md., and the school music holds retention of the crown, the monarch put heart before kingship. He will be succeeded by his brother, the Duke of York. Mrs. Simpson, when she was Mrs. E. Winfield Spencer, Jr., wife of a lieutenant in the United States Navy, was the guest in Southern Pines of a prominent local society woman and attended a number of social func tions here She is at present the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rogers in their villa at Cannes, France. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have also visited in Sou thern Pines The abdicated monarch is expected to join her In Cannes at once. The annual convention of the organ ization, in Charlotte, brought the largest atte'hdance from the two states since the pre-depression days. The other good news from the gath ering was the very probable choice of Pinehurst for next year’s con vention, which will be the Silver Jub ilee for which extravagant plans are already in the making. The associa tion will be 25 years old in 1937 and plans to celebrate the occasion fit tingly. It is because of Mr. Picquet’s long service as its executive head that the organization proposes to come here at that time. Mr. Piquet was re-elected despite strenuous efforts to retire as presi- ruary 1, 1937, The following orders were passed: Thn, $10 each for board and care be paid' to J. A. Price for the upkeep of four Maples children until further or der of the Board; that the J. D. Por. ter billiard parlor be granted license to operate a pool room; that Sarah Ann Fields be admitted to the coun ty home; that Isaac Sheffields be al lowed $4 per month until further ol der of the board; that beer license be issued to Mrs- John P. Mulcahy, Mineral Springs township; that M. E. Stutts, Glendon, be allowed $5 per month. It was ordered that the board rec ommend to the State Highway Com mission that the State take over and mainain the following road: Starting on the Old Blank Road at Buffalo dent- Chosen 1st vice-president was Harry Buchanan of Hendersonville, ■ qjj jq Highway, a distance of 2d vice-president, Albert Sotille,; about two mi es. Since the founding of a KlwaUTs charleston, S. C., and re-elected sec- ' Club in Aberdeen early in December, 1922, there have been 225 residents of the county affiliated with the organ ization here- The active membership today exceeds forty. Tonight’s dinner is the annual meeting of both the ac- formed last spring and has already tive and past members, and a large I W. H. Currie was reelected chair- retary and treasurer was Mrs. Wal- of the board and D. D. McCrim- ter Griffith of Charlotte. The asso ciation went on record as strenuously j opposing the “double feature” pro- j grams now current in many theatres, throughout the country though not in vogue in this section. More than PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE PAVING NEAR COMPL.ETION The road program in Southern Pines is nearing completion, Howard Bums, City Clerk, announced yester day that the paving of Pennsylvania avenue from Bennett street to the city line in West Souhern Pines was completed except for work along the gutters, and would be entirely finish ed within a few days. The first regular gymkahana of the season in Southern Pines Is scheduled for next Friday, December 18th. had several meetings this fall. This organization is singing mostly for the fun of it and the members are hav ing great fun. But they are work ing hard, too, and if they become suf ficiently expert they plan to give a concert in the spring. It is encouraging to the society, and must be of interest to everyone, to find that Mr. Smith’s field of ac tivity is broadening. He has been ask ed by the ladies of the Curb Mar ket group to form a choral society (Please turn to page 4) MISS MARGARET C. ADAMS TO WED IN EARLY SPRING Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adams an nounce the engagement of their dfiughter, Margaret Carpnen, to James Frank Loudermilk of Norman. The wedding will take pla^e in early spring. Miss Adams was a graduate of the Southern Pines High School and also of the Anson Sanatoriuri for Nursing at Wadesboro. gathering is looked for at the new , eoo persons atended the annual ban- Pine Needles clubhouse. This is the one meeting of the year also to which women are invited. An inter esting program has been arranged for the entertainment of the guests, with James Boyd, the author, as the principal speaker- There will be oth er features, and also music and danc ing. CHRISTMAS S.4LE HELD The annual Christmas Sale of the Church of Wide Fellowship was held | license plates. quet, at which Ed Cuyendall, presi dent of the National Theatre Own ers jAssociation was the principal speaker. mon was made vice-chairman. “BILL” HUNTLEY JOINS B.ANK OF CHAPEL HILL .\UTO LICENSE PLATE APPLICATIONS M.AILED Thirty-five emergency employes of the state Motor Vehicle Bureau, se lected from a list of 450 applicants, have begun preparation for the annu al 15-day rush for new automobile William T. Huntley, Jr., formerly of Aberdeen, has resigned his position with the Income Tax division of the Treasury Department, located at Greensboro, and become affiliated with the Bank of Chapel Hill. W. J. Bost. formerly of Concord, has suc ceeded him in the division. Mr Hunt ley is a son of Moore county’s tax collector, W T. Huntley and Mrs. Huntley, of Aberdeen. on Wednesday and despite the incle ment weather proved most success ful- A large crowd attended the lun cheon at noon and more came for the afternoon tea. Sales were reported as ahead of previous years. FIRE IN THEATRE Fire did slight damage in the mo tion picture theatre in Carthage last Friday night. Tags for all motor vehicles will will be placed on sale in Raleigh and at 49 branch offices next Thursday, December 15, the date fixed by sta tute. No extension of time beyond January 1 for license purchases will be allowed Director R. R. McLaugh lin of the Motor Vehicle Bureau has announced. The last batch of application cards for some 400,000 private automobile licenses were mailed this week. GENERAL McCLOSKY IS HONOR GUEST AT WILMINGTON Brigadier General Manus McClos- key, commanding officer at Fort Bragg, world’s largf;«it artillery post, who has been orden d co another sta tion on March 1st, was honored at a banquet In Wilmington on Tuesday. General McCloskey will be succeeded here by Brigadier General T. E. Mer rill. General McCloskey will be amon^ the honor guests at the annual ban quet of the Chamber of Commerce here next month.