MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding KAacc SPAIN6* JACXSOH 8PRIHO0 •OUTMCRN Pmss PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING ^ Ci,. VOL. 17. NO. 4. XplNSeUJFF Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina.' Friday, December 25, 1936. of the Sandhill Terri toNorth Carolina 'A V <«. WILL URE PLANS FOR POSTOFFICE, YEOMANS SAYS Those Government Working On Have Been Approved by Four of Leading U. S. Architects C. OF C. BANK^UET JAN 12 Directors of the Southern Pines Chamber of Commerce met at lunch eon Tuesday noon in the Parkview hotel to hear a report from Alfred B. Yeomans on his trip to Washing ton in the Interest of the new post- office building here. Mr. Yeomans told them the plans for the new building, following out the general design submitted by Aymar Embury, were well on the way to completion, and that he believed when the com- Southern Pines Composer Joins ! LOUIS LACHINE OF Universal Order of Fred Smiths SOUTHERN PINES “Silly Organization,” Says Our Fred, But He Plans To Attend First Annual Banquet One of Hundreds Frederick Stanley Smith, music in structor at Southern Pines High School, a member of the Associate American Guild of Organists and a composer of consequence, has joined that august brotherhood, the Benev olent and Protective and Completely Universal Order of Fred Smiths of America, and now contemplates the organization of a local chapter of that body. All the Fred Smiths in and around Southern Pines are eligi. ble for membership. There are no dues to be paid and the a.ssociation has no specific aims other than it advises all members to do something completely silly at ap propriate intervals in order to ward pleted plans were received here, they would prove acceptable to Southern' off jitters, depressions, divorces and Pines residents. They have been other such calamities as are fostered approved, he said, by four of the by undue seriousness, gravity and leading architects of the country as over-concentration. The main func- well as the supervising architect of tion of the organization is to have an the treasury department. ’ annual banquet which will be attend- The government, he said, also has ed only by Fred Smiths and a landscaping plan fbr the property on which the building will be lo cated. Collins Vandenberg, brother of Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Mi chigan, was a guest at the luncheon. Mr. Vandenberg is spending the win. ter here because, he says, it is his ideal of a winter colony. ‘‘There’s only one thing the matter here,’’ he stated: “There are two darned many Democrats.” The directors voted to favor a State appropriation of $200.00 for Resident Since 1914, He Con structed Many of Fine Homes on Weymouth Heights FUNERAL ON W EDNESDAY Fred Smiths and the first of these affairs will bo held at the Biltmore hotel in New York city this coming January 15th when from 10:15 to 10:30 that night, the addresses of Fred Smith, Fred Smith and Fred Smith will be broadcast over a coast- to-coast NBC network. Because all members of the organization are sim ilarly named, they will identify each other by their occupational pursuits. Thus our local representative become Fred (Composer) Smith. The idea for the organization had I VREDEKK K ST.XNLEV SMITH Officers’ Club Scene of “Bill” Fisher Wedding .\rniy Pilot, Resident of South ern Pines, Weds Daughter of Major Douglas, U. S. A. i Funeral services for Louis Lachine i I aged 66 years, were held in his I late home. Pine Grove road, near I Highland road, at 2:30 o’clock yes- I terday afternoon, the Rev. C. Rex- iord Raymond of the Church of Wide P’ellowahip officiating. Mr. Lachine died in the Moore County Hospital where he had been confined foi' a week, early on Sunday morning. Born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., December 3, 1870, the son of An drew and Jane Richards Lachine, he came to Southern Pines in 1914 for employment as an electrician by the management of the Highland Pines Inn. Branching out as a builder, his first effort was the erection of a dwelling on the south side of Massa- husetts avenue, near Country club FIVE ciNTS 25,000 Pieces .Vlail Handled in Southern Pines Postoffice on Monday Breaks Record Monday of this week was the biggest in the history of the Sou thern Pines postoffice. Postmas ter Buchan reports that at least 25,000 pieces of mail, incoming and outgoing, were handled by his staff, that the outgoing cancella tions of first class mail alone to talled 12,500. RECEIVER FOR HIGHLAND PARR HOTEL COMPANY Citizens Ilank Moves For Ap pointment in Superior Court at Carthage AIM: REORGANIZATION EDUCO CLUB ASKS $1,000 MINIMUM TEACHER SALARY Adopts Revolution for Statewide 12-Grade School System and Nine Month Term FEDERAL AID ASKED Featuring the docket in Superior 1 Court in Carthage this week was the motion instituted by the Citizens Bank & Trust Company of Southern Pinea for the appointment of a receiver for the Highland Park Hotel Company, which owns the Highland Pines Inn. The plaintiff gave notice to the de fendant company to show cause why the motion for a receiver should not be granted. A planned reorganization of the Highland Park Hotel Company, own er of the real estate, is said to be be hind the movement for the appoint ment of a receiver. The operation of the Inn is, it is stated, in no way in volved. Another hotel property was involv ed in Superior Court during the The Officers Club at Mitchel Field, Mineola, New York was the scene A statewide twelve grade school system and a statewide minimum an nual salary of $1,000 for beginning the case of Lucy B. Heywood teachers were two of the important versu;; Southland Holding Company, objectives for the j'eor which were Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of drive m 1919, and three years later . unanimously adopted by members of Banks, Ex rel Page Trust Company, building directly opposite. Educo Club of Moore county at and S. J. Hinsdale, Liquidating Agent, its recent meeting held in the Car- ' ^nd others, it was ordered by the thage Hotel. : court that the town of Southern County Superintendent H. Lee Thomas, chaii-man of the committee on ()bjective,s, presented the report of I his committee. The list of objectives ri .similar From then on, at almost yearly in- tei’vals, other fine residential dwell- j ings followed, which he found no dif ficulty in renting to seasonal occu pants. Following his first two ventures advertising North Carolina as a win- its genesis in a perputual mail mix- ter resort. "P fin^ong four New York men; Fred Charles W. Picquet announced that (Advertising) Smith, Fred (Lawyer) plans were well under way for the Smith, Fred (Physician) Smith and annual banquet of the Chamber of Fred (Radio) Smith. They were con- Commerce, to be held at the Pine tinually rerouting each other’s mail Needles Inn on Tuesday evening, Jan- i to it’s proper destination and finally ho adhered rather closely to Massa-, foUows. of a lovely wedding Saturday, Decem. chusetts avenue east of the Inn. .j statewide though his last two buildings, his home and the rebuilt R. P. Davidson home, were on or near Pine Grove load. In all nine houses mark his uary 12, at which time Homer H. Johnson, prominent Cleveland, Ohio, attorney will be the principal speak er and Jar.'.f's Boyd the toastmaster. Other features are being arranged. Tickets went on sale for the banquet yesterday, with a limited number of reservations possible. came to the conclusion that their vi carious acquaintanceship with each other should become actual. Accordingly, they met on December 14 th at the Commodore hotel and there the idea of the Benevolent and ber 19th when Miss Dorothy Howe Douglas, daughter of Major and Mrs. John North Douglas of Mitchell Field, became the bride of Luiet. William Park Fisher of Southern Pines. Major Nathaniel A. Jones, Chaplain, U. S. A. performed the marriage ceremony at high noon. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore an empire gown of garnet velvet with a sweep ing train, high neck'and elbow length Protective and Completely Universal ' ^ matching Juliet I Order of Fred Smiths of America was '■ born. Fred (Advertising) Smith was cap of net and velvet. The bridal bou quet was of carnations, snap dragons Halliwell Property Sold To Sisterhood elected Provost of the Order and this i Stevia. past Monday a charter was submitted Mi's. t rederick A. Lash of Milton, to the Sec’t’y of State at Albany, ' Mass., was the matron of honor. She New skill as a builder. \ He is survived by his widow, the former Miss Etta Warden, and a son, Richard, now in business in Washington, D. C. Pallbearers for the funeral were M. H. Turner, .Tames and William Flynn, and others of the staff of the Highland Pines Inn. Interment will be in Mount Hope cemetery. Kiwanis Ball Nets $400 For Club Charity Fund nine months school .system adequately supported. ' 2. Statewide twelve grade school : system adequately supported. 3. Statewide minimum annual sal- Pines show cause before the Judge on the 5th day of January why the town shall not be restrained from making sale of said real estate until the final hearing in this cause, and in the meantime the town is restrain ed from making sale until further or der of the court. In the case of D. A. McDonald ver sus A. F. Jordan, the plaintiff was ary of $1,000 for beginning teachers alloweii $100 for damages in an au- properly graduated upward on the basis of additional professional train ing and successful experience. •4. Reconstruction of curriculum allowing leeway for varying needs of different communities. .'i. Increased flexibility of college tomobile accident which occurred in Sanford two years ago. Other cases: Harvey B. Jones and others versus Kenneth A. Jones: Or dered that U. L. Spence be allowed $500 for services rendered while em ployed by Harvey B. Jones, Receiver, entrance requirements. (For instance | above proceeding. York. Now Smith, Smith, Smith "“s gowned in gold velvet of Empire (’apucity .Vttendance at Lnjov- Smith await wih interest the style with a slight train and match- able Dance Held in New Pine response of other Smiths to their in- ing tiara. The other attendants were A>Oire ^ ‘ . ! vitation to the January 15th banquet. Miss Virginia Rushmore and Miss >-C OO ^ They want no John Smiths trying to ; Mary Widdowfield of Scranton, Pa. horn in. This is strictly a Fred Smih They were gowned in coronation blue proposition. ; velvet with matching tiares. All the Localite Fred (Composer) Smith ! attendants carried arm bouquets of The estate of Walter S. Halliwell, I former resident of Southern Pines, was bid in at public auction Satur- ^ day afternoon for $20,100 by Hugh P. McKee of New York, representing the Sisters of Notre Dame d’Namur. It was purchased for a girl’s acad emy to be conducted by the Sister hood, the headquarters of which are in Belgium. The sale, held on the pre mises on Youngs road, Southern Pines, was largely attended, and though the bidding was spirited up to $20,000, it stopped when that fig ure was topped $100 by Mr. McKee. Extensive improvements and addi- tion.s are planned to the main build ing on the estate, the former resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Halliwell, to provide accommodations for some 50 girls. Work is expected to begin at once on the alterations, in the hope that the academy may begin opera tions in September. The school will be directed by sisters from the ex. elusive Roman Catholic Trinity col lege in Washington, D. C., with which the school will be closely affiliated. The price at which the 258-acre estate, with its n'#jerous buildings, gold is considered a bargain. Mr. Hal liwell is reported to have expended approximately $250,000 on the devel opment of the property. has just received notification of his acceptance for membership in the Order and he informed us that he is making every effort to have the time available to attend the banquet. “We hope to have 150 to 200 Fred Smiths at this, our first, function,” he said. "The whole idea is just as silly as it can be,” he continued. “For that reason, if for no other, it be comes well worth while.” garnet colored carnation.s, snap drag ons and Stevia. Lieut. Herbert Hoover of Mitchel Field was best man for Lieut. Fisher. The groomsmen were Lieut. Richard ^ T. Coiner, Lieut. Brooke E. Allen, I Lieut. Harry Markey, Lieut. Robert B. McClellan, Lieut. Theodore M. Mel. den, Lieut. Randall of Mitchell Field. ! At the conclusion of the ceremony Needles Clubhouse The Kiwanis Club Charity Ball Tuesday night at the Pine Needles Inn was a big financial success. It was estimated yesterday that over $400.00 was realized. Individual members of the organi zation dug down in their pockets for the amount of money necessary to meet the running expenses of the affair and the Pine Needles Inn do- natd the use of the newly erected club house for the As a re sult the entire amount of the re- so that foreign language units may bo made not compulsory). 0. Federal aid for North Carolina schools. 7. Privilege of supplementing the state provided minimum program in all standard high school districts. 8. Opposition to the vote against the registration. 9. Strengthening the teachers’ cer tificate regulation.s. 10. A sound financial plan for the retirement of teachers. 11. The enactment of practical tenure laws governing the employ ment of teachers. COMMUNITY CHRISTM.\S P.^RTY GRE.XT Sl'CCESS Wilbert Brown versus Margaret Brown: Divorce granted. Otis Baker versus M?ittie Fry Bak er: Divorce granted; plaintiff to pay for benefit of their child $15 per month for six months and $12:50 a month thereafter until child reaches the age of twenty-one unless court sees fit to make a change. Midnigfht Services on Christinas Eve Episcopal and Catholic Churches To Observe Hour of Nlativity. —Sunday Services Christmas services will be held in I three Southern Pines and Pinehurt 1 churches on Christmas Eve. At the SEN. VANDERBERO’S NEPHEW I the bridal HERE ON FLYING VISIT * and wed- The Civic Club was crowded to ca- .. rr. J . ' Emmanuel IDpiscopal Church, South- pacitv on Tuesday night for the i ft- , » .K Community Christmas program ar-1 Pmes Ho^ Communion will be ceipts was net to the Kiwanis Clubs observed at midmght Thursday. There . , , , charity fund which is used for the f- i .. ^ nr. '''*!> be a Children’s service at 5:00 the groomsmen formed the traditional' ^ ^ r'r.nntv the Southern Pines Music Socie- i, rrv i « I support of beds in the Moore County ^ ^ .. . .. ^ o clock Thursday afternoon, and on r%nn1 fy 3,nd th6 occ€tsion wfls on6 or tu6 : Hospital and for the maintenance of J'- Christmas Day at 11:00 o’clock. most enjoyable in the long series of ding breakfast followed at the Offi- activities Wednesday noon Captain H, S. I cers’ Club. After a short wedding Vandenberg, U. S. Army Air Corps, j trip Lieut, and Mrs. Fisher will be at the son of Mr. and Mrs. Collins Van- home at Mitchell Field, denberg of Rangeley Cottage, South-1 “Bill” Fisher, as he is known to ern Pines and nephew of United I his friends here, is the son of the States Senator Arthur H. Vanden-! Rev. and Mrs. Park Fisher of Sou- berg of Michigan, flew a Boeing them Pines. Mrs. Fisher Is librarian A-17. the very latest type of army | of the Southern Pines Library. “Bill” bombing plane, into the Knollwood | attended Southern Pines High School, Airport and spent thirty minutes' taking prominent part in athletics, there with bis parents. | especially in baseball and tennis. He Captain Vandenberg will be unable i also caught for the Southern Pines to be with his family on Christmas | ball team In the Moore County Lea- day and the occasion yesterday was in the nature of a substitute celebra tion. I POSTOFFICE TO CLOSE CYCLIST IMPROVED i The Southern Pines postoffice will The motorcyclist whose cycle went] remain open tonight until 10:30 out of control on the No. 1 highway j o’clock. Tomorrow, Christmas day, opposite the Sweetheart Lake road [ the office will be closed, no mail wlil junction and who was taken uncon-! be distributed. The staff however sclous to the Moore county hospital j will deliver special delivery mail and Tuesday afternoon, is reported out I packages. of danger. i He has identified himself as T. J. Denbv of Edgefield, South Carolina, and physicians report that his condi tion is favorable. Samuel Hopkins Adams the author and Mrs. Adams of Auburn, N. Y., will arrive Saturday to spend several days at the Paddock. gue until he left for Texas to tra.n for the air service at Kelly Field. He was commissioned a lieutenant during the past year, and is now a regular army pilot stationed at Mitchel Field. CAROLIN.4 HOTEL ANNUAL CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY annual Yuletlde gatherings. i another service of Holy Communion. other under - privileged throughout the county. , , ™ , . . . , _ ^ , The program was a musical one. The The mule for the occasion, by The .r., ^ . . , - I Music Society, of which Frederick Roval Campbell s, imported from the „ j, n.oydi ^ i Stanley Smith is the director, pre- King Cotton Hotel in Greensboro, was i ^ ^ . V. J ..ooit,, sented its recently organized wom- ■ bier-time calibre and the capacity j . ui ■ “ ^ 1 I cn s chorus and its string ensemble. of 150 co„pl« aU..t the .,ucces. of the affair tho fifth and sixth grades of the THISTLE CLITB TEA D.XNCE ^ , mu ^ * ' grammar school. The quartet com- . . .* j ^ . ! .. o ^ o A T public IS invited to the midnight mass prisinr the Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Me- : , . . ' ,. , * D! u * ^ I visit the Christmas crib. Kt'lway of Pinehurst and the Rev. i . , ^ , J A ^.1. * o * J J midnight service will be held at and Mrs. A. V Gibson of Sanford de- ; „ , ^ ^ . Sacred Heart Church in Pinehurst lighted with several numbers, and | as the solo- ON V\’EDNESD.\Y, DEC.'30 The moment of the birth of the Sa vior will be commemorated at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church on Christ mas Eve at midnight. The choir will enter singing "Silent Night” as the processional, followed by the altar boys and the celebrant of the mass. The recessional will be “Angels We Have Heard on High.” The general Trie youngsters of Pinehurst filled the ballroom at the Carolina hotel yesterday afternoon for the hotel’s annual Chriatma.o party. A giant tree held the center of the stage and genial Sam Lacks, the hotel’s general factotum played Santa Claus for the assemblage. Keen Intarest is being shown in the tea dance planned by the Thistle Club for Its associate members and their friends. The date is Wednesday, December 30. from 4 to 6:30 p. m. The place is the Southern Pines County Club. The sons of members are espec ially invited, and members will be Mrs Henry A. Page, Jr. ist of the evening won great app’ PINEHl’RST HIGH SCHOOL .\LITMNI TO BANQI ET Thursday, with masses also at 10:00 and 10:.30 a. m. on Christmas Day. At the Southern Pines Baptist Church on Sunday the Rev. J. Fred Stimson will preach on “Facing the Future” at the 11:00 a. m. service. “Christian Science” will be the subject of the lesson-sermon at the Christian Science Church Sunday The Alumni banquet of Pinehurst! warmly welcomed by the hostesses, > olina Hotel next Tuesday evening, Mrs. James Milliken, Mrs. Coburn High School will be held at the Car- Musser, Mrs. P. P. Lelton, Mrs. John ' December 29th, at 7:30 o’clock. Many ni' i'iVng. Howarth, Mrs E Levis Prizer and alumni will be home for the holidays ' When Christ is born in Our Ex- Mrs Walter Spaeth. Invitations are at that time and a large crowd is an., perience Today” is the .sermon theme being sent to associate members to , ticlpated. Reservations may be made, 8t the Church of Wide Fellowship by present to their friends. Mrs. Waler ^ with Mrs. Myrtrice McCaskill, pres- j Dr. C. Rexford Raymond at 11:00 ident, or Hubert McCaskill, secretary. i next Sunday. At the union eve- All alumni and friends have a cordial i ning service at 8:00 p. m. Sunday, invitation. A delightful program wlir the pageant, "What Child Is This?’* be given. (Please turn to page S) Spaeth, president of the Thistle Club, is general chairman and e:^tends a cordial invitations to members and their house gue.sts.

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