Friday, January 8, 1937. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Seven Rev. W. C. Houffh Dies at Home Near Carthage Retired Clergyman, Native of Cabarrus County, Had Liv ed Here Since 1919 15-Year Old Murder Charge To Face Man Caught in Oklahoma The Rev. W. C, Rough, 60, retired Baptist minister, died at his home near Carthage last Sunday night of a heart attack. He had been in poor health for over a year. Funeral ser vices were conducted at the home at 11 o’clock Tuesday morning and bur ial followed at Cross Hill Cemetery in Carthage. Originally from Cabarrus county, Mr. Hough has had numerous rural churches both in that county and in Moore, where he has lived since 1919. Surviving are his wife, formerly Miss Mattie Jane Biggers of Cabarrus county; five daughters, Miss Mae Brewer Hough of Thomasville, Mrs. J. E. Morrison of Burlington Mrs. T. R. Livengood, Mrs. I. C. Flinchum and Miss Ossie Lee Hough, all of Car thage: three sons, Dexter, Joe and Edward Hough, all of the State High way commissions staff; five brothers, R. J. Hough of Goldton, Mack Hough of Norfolk, J. M. Hough. L. B. Hough and Roy Hough, all of Charlotte, and two half-sisters, Mrs. W. H. Wentz and Mrs. Martha Hill of Indian Trail. EUREKA McCormick /.'•cused of Slaying i Wife on McPherson Farm Near Cameron Watson Gentry of Albemarle spent a few days last week visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Blue. Paul Blue of Southern Pines vis ited R. A. Bogar last week, and children , Carolyn and John, Jr. and Miss Mary Beck of Durham spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McCaskill. Mrs. Lou McDonald of near Jones boro is spending some time with her sisters, Mrs. Nettie McRae and Mrs Nannie McCaskill of this sec tion. Miss Kittle Blue spent last week in Jonesboro with Dr. and Mrs Way- land Blue and family. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Underwood of Sanford visited relatives in this sec- Friday. Mrs, F. W. Von Canon and child ren of West End and Mrs. Worth cotton of GGarland visited Mrs. Nan- McCaakill and Mrs. A. L. Blue Fri day. Nelson Blue, after spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Blue, returned to Elon College Monday. Mrs. John D. Pauls of Washing ton. N. C. is spending some time with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John A. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Wiil Hendren and children of near Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Haines Britt and daughter Ethel Blue Britt of Southern Pines visited Mrs. Ida Blue and children Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Blue and chil dren visited Mrs. Blue’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans of Vass Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Blue, Mes- McCaskill and Miss Annis McCas kill of this section, with Mrs. Lou McDonald of near Jonesboro, were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Glen- don Wicker in Knollwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Tucker of West End and Mrs Sally Ray of this section were dinner guest of Miss Lillie Blue Sunday. Mrs. Dave Morton and daughter Joyce visited relatives here during the Christmas holidays. I Henry McCormick, colored man j wanted in Moore county for lH years to answer a charge of murdering his wife at their place of residence on the farm of H. P. McPherson near Cameron, was brought back to the county from Okemah, Oklahoma on Saturday by Sheriff C. J. McDonald and Deputy A. W. Lambert, who traveled 2,.500 miles to bring the al leged wife-slayer to justice. I The fatal shooting of Effie Wat son McCormick, daughter of John ' Watson and a member of a respected 1 colored family, at Christmas time In 11921 caused no little excitement in the community and an intensive search was made for her husband at tbc time init dc-spite the fact that generous reward for his capture were offered, he was not apprehend ed. Recently, through an inquiry to a neighboring county from Oklahoma, local officers learned of the where abouts of McCormick. They immed iately sent a warrant for his arrest to the distant state and in due time went after their man. Although Mc Cormick had no court record in Ok lahoma, he is said to have been car rying a .38 pistol when arrested. McCormick is said to have been getting along nicely in the state to which he went'soon after fleeing from Cameron. For a while after reaching there, he worked on a large farm. He saved his money and was finally able to purchase a 40-acre farm with a nice house for himself. He was married again and had two children. Officers were informed that the Oklahoma wife, although she had never been told of the trouble her husband had been in North Carolina, suspected that there was a dark side to his past. “He would often atlk in his sleep about Effie,” the woman is reported to have said. McCormick does not deny shooting his wife, officers report, but main tains that it was accidental. His version of the affair is that Effie reached into Us overcoat pocket to get the pistol to shoot a woman, and he grabbed the gun, with the result that it was discharged, they say. However, other witnesses will claim that the woman was shot more than once. It is expected that McCormick will Leap Year Pays Tu'enty-F'ive More Marriage Licenses Issued Here Dur ing 1936 Than 1935 Twenty-five more marriage 11- renses were i.s.siied from the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore county during 1936 than were is sued i nl93.'), which shows what the women can accomplish w'hen leap year gives them a break. There were 167 issued last year and 142 the previous year. U ALTER SI*.\l’LDIN(J, 65, BANKEK, 1)IF:s .\T NLXCJAR.V Walter Lewis Spauhling, 65, retir ed banker died of a heart attack at his home in Niagara last Sunday fol lowing an illness of several months. The body was shipped Saturday to Conccrd, N. H., for burial after a brief service here. Mr. Spaulding was formerly con- j rected with the First National Bank I nf Boston and was a 32nd degree I Mason, member of the Alleppo Tem- I Pie. O. O. M S., and the Joseph Webb I Ledge of F. and A. M., Boston. He 'va.'s also a member of Tremont Lodge, 15, I. O. O. F. He is suivived by his wife, Mrs. i Florence W. Spaulding and two sons Lester G. Spaulding of W'eymouth, Mass.. and Frederick C. Spaulding of Braintree,,, and a sister, Mrs. B. J. Simonds of Southern Pines. I .STATE BANKERS CONVENK IN PINEHURST M-\Y 6, 7 The 41st annual convention of the North Carolina Banker’s Association will be held in Pinehurst May 6 and 7, it was announced a few days ago by R. E. Kerr of Charlotte, president of the association. Plans for the con vention are being considered, and it is expected that an unusually inter esting program will be arranged. A number of group meetings have been held recently, and the work of the association is showing satisfac tory progress, said Mr. Kerr. Head quarters for the annual convention will be at the Carolina hotel and more than 600 persons are expected be given a preliminary hearing in time for his case to be tried in the term of Superior court which will convene on January 18th. Cameron and Community KINO LEOPOL.D OF BELOIUUM KNIGHTS PITTSBURGHER B. P. Newton, vice president of the Gulf Oil Corporation, has just been honored by King Leopold III of Belgium who conferred upon him the decoration “Chevalier de I’ordre de Leopold.” Mr. Newton is one of the few Americans so honored .since the Order was founded by Leopold I in 1832. The honor of being knighted into the order is possible only by nomina tion of the reigning monarch, or upon the recommendation of high govern mental officials. This distinction is extended only to those men who have been of valuable military or civic ser vice to the Belgium Governmertt. A citizen of the United States by birth, Mr. Newton is the foreign rep- reserftative of the Gulf Oil Corpora, tion and from his headquarters irt Pittsburgh directs the marketing of Gulf Petroleum products outside the limits of this country. Raleigh, Jan. 6.-^(,t;ve of Chat ham county, but h'’d livf’d in Moore county for a nu'"’’'”- rf vears. For some time he h'’"' ’•'''•i'-lp'i on the D. McNeill fai'"^, vh'-"? h"" "ts a suc- CPFFfal "C' Survivi”" all of the Vnr° f '^r";tr, Allen, Jes'=". p-'i"’-* Her bert, Lom’s '"n "’"1 r’s’e. Viola M’'.*?, Briggs die' -v- * *•— —-n..- a^rn pnd her rn-’nif jn Chatham cou~t” ' • ni^ht be fore the df>a‘h o'" r’at- urdav, *' '’-■■’O', be:'e"vo- ment to the Bri.'rrrs rhilc’ren, John PotUe. v’-'' h''en visiting his parent". AT - " '’ "^"'■.nk Pot tle has returned to New York, Pinehurst Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs, John F, Taylor had as their guest during the holidays Mrs. Taylor’s sistei'. Miss Grace Va- ras of New York. Roderick Innes returned early this week to New York after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex In. nes. Mrs. F’ric Nelson and children Don ald and Carolyn have returned home after spending the holidays with her mother in Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. John W Watson of Wayne, Pa., are here for a short stay. Miss Sara Stewart returned Mon day to the Woman’s College of U, N. C., after passing the holidays at her home on Midland Road. Miss Margaret Morton and W. P. Morton, Jr., who spent the Christmas season with their father, W. P. Mor ton have returned to Nashville, Tenn., where they are students at Peabody and David-Lipscomb Colleges respec tively. Mrs. A. B. Sally and son. A. B., Jr., visited relatives in High Point Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Banks Richard^oi left last week for thiir home in At lanta. Ga., after a holiday visit with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Richardson. Ted Scofield has returned to the Taft School in Watertown, Conn., af_ ter pa.ssing the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Scofield. Peter Smillie, who was a holiday guest in the Scofield home left Tues day, returniag to his studies at Green- briar Military School in Lewisburg, West Va. Ellis Fields. Jr., student at the University at Chapel Hill has return ed to school after a two weeks’ stay at home. Dfmald Quale spent a week with h's family here, returning to Annap olis last week. Miss Anne Ban-inger of Charlotts- ville, Va., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Dunlap, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ehrhardt had "■i*h them for the holidays their '!niio'hter, Mi'is Frances Ehrhardt, ctndpr.t nt O'^een=-Chicora College, r'v,r,,.io*te. pnd their son Herbert of '^••p''*'s'’''ro. both rpturnirg to their ,pir'v *h’s week, ^’’r"'. ’’f's *'ptiirnpd "'e h'^'’')'”’s vith her q o pqulkner. . , ....... after Twin Gables. They will return later ■q"» rt'’^^. Miss Gf'0”''iP'’n retii’’"e ' Tiirsdfv ^■^'’'1. St'’:in‘on, Va.. pft.iv n ho!'^l'’^’ v n't "'ith her pnr- nT,, or,|i \T-.s. P. J. Bp/nn at Ih'-i" ho-ne m M;''l' ' ' "’.'T’d. I’erbert D. Vail left Monday for a f.'ip I'ipiv York City. Mi=s Ethel M. Flynn rf Brooklyn, N. Y., is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, in John Hemmer, Miss Dorothy McKeiii’ie motored to Raleigh Monday with her brother Eugene, who returned to State Col lege for the second semester. Mr, and Mrs. John McGranahan of Durham were guests during hol idays of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fry, par ents of Mrs. McGranahan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Denny vis ited Mr. Denny's father in Greens boro last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dudgeon had as their guest for the holidays Mrs.' Dudgeon’s brother, Harry Latting of New York City. Fred C. Page, Jr,, and Gavin Dart- ch of Elkin were gruests the past week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Fred 0,i Page at their home on Midland Roadj Mr. and Mrs. George Parson. Peggy Parson and Donald Parson, Jr., who spent the holidays with Mr. iind Mrs. Donald Par.son. have returned to Boston. Robert Kohler and son, Robert, Jr., departed Friday for their home in. Glen Cove, L. I., after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Vail on Linden Road. Miss Lorraine Baker returned Mon day from Montreal, Canada, where she passed the holiday vacation with her family. Miss Isabel McMullen of New York and Tom Johnston of Detroit , are guests of Mr. Johnston’s sister and brother_in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Lee R. Page at their Knollwood home. Harry Hogg has returned frOTn Edgewood, N. J., where he .spent the holidays with his family. Mrs. Hogg will come within a short time to spend the remainder of the season j at their cottage. Barberry. The local schools opened Monday for the second semester. Faculty members returned over the week-end from vacatio nvisits in their r<‘spcc- tive homes. Ehrinffhaus Offered Post With Cymmings T-.- Mo/’i Governor May Be Pro*-#>cute “.'i ^^"ippn’es. V'ashin"tr>n Jan. 6.—(^)—A Jus- ‘'■"p dppartment post - s’^ecial assist- ""t tn the nttnr-npv pp^eral-- awaita .1. c. B F>i*'inghaus of r'T^oMna on evn^'^ation of his term of office this month. Ehringhaus roiferred with Attor. "ev Generpl Cummings and S«licitor General John Diekinson at the jus- ti'^e dpmvtment vps^err’ay and from u,