MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding ^VCARTMAOe O ^pRiNce Xjwi WfcST LAKEVIfiW jackSOM SPRIMOS SOUTMBRN Pines A«Hi-Ey HftlCHTS PINeBLUFi: PILOT FIRST 11^ NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the fir, ^^''^n’tory of North Carolina VOL. 17, NO. 7 Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North (’arolina, Jjinuary 15. H>37 FIVE CENTl Library Plans Reading Club At Enthusiastic Annual Meeting] To IJroaden Usefulness of Or ganization; Officers and New Trustees Elected RECORD CROWD AT SOUTHERN PINES C.OF^ANQUET Refore 274 Persons ! 7" ^ekl on Mon- \ j liay afternoon at 5:00 o’clock, direct- 1917 DIRECTORS ELECTED Ithe regular monthly 1.1.}/ i^iivriv^ meeting of the trustees. It was very The Southern Pines Chamber of i gratifying to officers of the associa- Commerce had the largest crowd in! “on to find that attendance from its history at its 15th annual ban-1 members at large was greater this quet on Tuesday night in the Pine | than has been usual hereto- Needles Inn. The count of gliests and that plans and policies for showed 274 present, which is also j the further extension of the useful- said to be a record for the Pine j of the library were more freely Needles. The affair was a great sue-, ^ore generally discussd. Among I the sugge.stions made from the floor' i "'as that for the organization of a Durins dinner, the Club Chalfonte j , ^ ^ , ... ,, ., J ! readmg chib to bespon.sored by the orchestra, thoughtfully provided for i V- Tj- 1 Clin library. Plans for this are still ten. the occasion by Karl Andrews, • T \jnino,v,a anH' tative, further announcements will plied the music Jean Williams and Helen Cameron, two of Rutli Thomp- t. 1 ^-i« i following: officers were electd son’s dancing school pupils enter* - ^ « onnon ^^r the ensuing year: President, E, C. tained the gathering with an eccen-' . , J „ fniiourpH ' Stevens; first vice-president, Struth- trip poimlp dance. They were loiioweu J t t Ti/Tiaa Burt; Second Vice.President, Mrs. toy a piano duet featuring Miss , J T.1 J ■ 1 Qrviifi, i Musser; Third \ ice-President, F. Steigal and Frederick Stanley Smith.; . , . ® 1 Craighill Brown; Secretary, Mns. After dinner President Shields james Swett; Treasurer, Mrs. Maria Cameron turned the affair over to g Walker. Dr. R. L-evis Prizer, A. B. Master of Ceremonies Charlie P^c- Yeomans and ,Ruth Burr Sanborn ^ quet who introduced several out-of- ^ ^.pj.g i-e.elected as trustees, and three New Submarine You are Invited to Inspect Uncle Sam’s Newest and Rest at Wilminjfton. The U. S. S. Perch, commanded by Lieutenant G. C. Crawford, for mer officer in charge of navy re cruiting in North and South Car olina, w’ill be m Wilmington, N. C., from the 16th to the 19th of Jan uary. The public is urged to take this opportunity to visit the newest and best equipped submarine in the U. S. Navy. Visiting hours are from 1:00 p. m. to 4 ;00 p. m. daily. The U. S. S. Perch was launched on May 9, 1936, and at present is on a shakedown cruise. Following the completion of this the boat will be given a final check and then report for duty with the U. S. fleet . Lieutenant Crawford was de tached from the officer in charge of navy recruiting in the two Car- olinas in May, 1936, and took com. mand of the submarine immediate ly. -5 A'- RIWANISTOWORK ON NEW LEISURE & SANDHILLEERS IMcquet Names Two New Stand- injj Committees To ('arr.v Out Special 1}).37 Projects Honor For Page WOULD UNIFY SANDHILLS To carry out effectively two pro- I jects it has selected for features of its 1937 program, the Kiwanis Club of Aberdeen has added two standing ' committees to its list, as revealed by the committee appointments announc- ! ed this week by President Charles . W. Picquet. One of these committees, called “The Sandhilleers,” has the prob lem of bringing about a greater de gree of cooperation and friendly re lations between the towns of the Sandhills in the interest of the whole community. It came about through a , talk made before the club recently j by Attorney Robert Denny of Pine- ' — ; hurst, who called for some agency Henry A. Pafje III, of Aberdeen, ' to tackle the proposition under the ' Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, ; banner of the Three Musketeers. ' Wins- I’rize. ; "All for one, one for all.” As the only ' . I county-wide civic organization here, ! Henry A. Page, III, of Aberdeen. NOEL LAING CUP FOR RACE MEET IN MARCH ORDERED Tr<;ph.v in .Memor.v of Late Sec- retar.v of Sandhills Ass’n. To Be Permanent One CO.MPETED FOR ANNUALLY IIKNKV III The Noel Laing Memorial Cup, to , be competed for at the meeting of ! the Sandhills Steeplechase and Rac ing Association on the Barber Memor ial Course on the Midland Road on Saturday, March 13th next, has been ordered in New York by Verner Z. Reed, Jr., president of the associa tion. it was announced this week. This trophy in memory of the late well known gentleman rider and sec retary of the Sandhills a.ssociation, will be competed for in one of the feature brush races. The name of the winning horse each year will b engraved on the trophy, and a piece of plate awarded the winning owner. Former application for approval of March 13th as the date for holding the annual Sandhills meeting has been sent to the National Steeple chase and Hunt Association, to be acted upon at the meeting of its IMPERIL CARTHAGE towTi visitors and then called on S., members were added lo the i>¥t»t * »it * •*r Y. Ramage and George T. Dunlap,, william C. Mudgett, Mrs. UINiV x\. i Sr., to take a bow for their part in ^ r,;orris L. Hodgkins and Miss Birdilia making the premises available for | gair. the banquet. .e u.; SCHOOL CHILDREN . NOW .a, brarian and the cha rmen of stand.' . i . for its aim the providing of useful ing committees were on the whole! , . .... .... ^ i J u mi. t. rr> »T ii and healthful pur.suits and recrea- encouraging. During 1936 attendance i Mad Dash Throujfh Town Halt- was 5,138, and circulation 7.9J4 vnl- ! ed Ity Collision With Attorney Robert Denny then gave voice to the now famous local slo gan embodying the spirit of the ‘‘Three Musketeers,” Carthage, Aber deen. Southern Pines and Pinehurst, one for all and all for one — “The Sandhilleers.” The business meeting was cut short out of deference to the guests but Treasurer Hugh Betterly got one the Kiwanis Club has taken upon it. son of Henrj' A. Page, Jr., and great- •self the task. Ralph Chandler heads nephew of the late W'alter Hines stewards early in February. As no the committee. | Page, w.or-time ambassador to Great ^ other race meeting is scheduled for The other new committee is one Hi itain, is adding distinction to a ^ that time, the approval is expected, recommended by Kiwanis Internation- name already well-know'n in England. The meet here will inaugurate the a,l known as "The New Leisure” ^ It has just been announced by' hunt racing season, and will be fol- committee. This is the outgrowth of Ch irch college, Oxford, where Page lowed by the Carolina Cup meeting conditions which brought about the [ f.s a Rhodes scholar, that he had i at Camden, S. C„ two weeks later- been awarded the Boutler Exhibition | The card here this spring will be (n Philosophy, Politics and Econo. . similar to that of last year, with one mics, carrying with it a prize of $200. timber race, two brush races, one hurdle race and one flat race. With umes; these figures compare favor-; Automobile ably with the record of former years,! with the single exception of 1929-30, | During the noon hour Tuesday when the library, in common with I when numbers of school children were other things, reached the peak of its on the streets, a team of frightened tions to fill these leisure hours. The international body is making a thor ough study of how best to meet this problem, and the local club will be governed in carrying out its prog ram largely by the recommendations von! horses dashed driverless up the main ' Greats.” the Oxford term for the ^ries and running of the local meet- I umes have been added to the shelves thoroughfare of Carthage, coming to Slimson of Southern Pines is the In ternational member of the new com- course in philosophy, politics and , — . , economics. The Boutler Exhibition Col. George P. Hawes, secretary of ■ and two additional gifts, totaling ap!' po-site sid;« of a parked automobile | ^ittee for this Kiwanis district, and : the Sandhill association, said yester- of the biggest laughs of the evening t . ^ prosperity. In the year 263 when he reported a balance of $16.93 ' , . ^ , T 1Q17 tr. i have been added to the she ^ ° , 1. oar” ViP i either by donation or by purchase; i a halt only after they had taken op in a little money last year, he said,’ , •' ^ ’| . „..i "and we spent it all.” i j , .i. ^ proximately 320 volumes, have just and rammed the wagon tongue Mrs. Picquet and Mrs. A. J. Me- received, too recently for the through the rear window and between Kelway offered a vocal duet and the , cataloguing to have been as yet com-! the lining and top to the front of pleted. Membership was 226; of this! the Chevrolet coach, forcing it across number 10 were patrons, and 58 sus-1 the sidew ilk and against the brick taining members. All memberships, of front of the Seawell building, direct- course, automatically expired on Jan-1 >y opposite the court house. Three n m uary 1, 1937. Thus far renewals have | children passing at the instant had Tay or an^ . n s. been coming in satisfactorily, and a narrow escape from injury, there Is reason to hope that this; The pop of escaping steam at Spen- .vear will see a substantial increase in | cer’s planing mill started the team, the total membership. The library, which belong to John Kelly of Car- sei-ves members from Carthage, Pine-; thage, on its wild race. Passing the Ihe award is given for the highest marks in the practice examinations Worses in training here, which are taken annually by the 25 ^han ever reported at or 30 undergraduates of Christ i Camden, the events are expected to coi;ege who are studying for the ; satisfactorily. The National asao- Bachelor of Arts degree in ‘‘Modern elation will have chai'ge of the en- crowd wouldn’t let them go until they had obliged with an encore. C. J. Simons electrical "public ad dress" system, which he donated for the occasion, made it possible for everyone to hear plainly all the mus ical numbers and speeches. Homer H. John.son, of Cleveland, Ohio, the speaker of the evening, surveyed the present world situation and told his audience that whereas (Please turn to page U) Miss Meade Seaweli Civic Club Speaker Will Talk on “Poetry” at Prog ram Meetinji Today; Bridge i •lanuarv 22nd I also chairman of the local commit tee. Committee assignments for 1937, announced Wednesday by Mr. Pic quet, were as follows: Agriculture -W. L Dunlop, chair man; L. E. Pender, Dr. R. P. Shepard. hurst. Aberdeen, Pinebluff and Ea gle Springs, as well as from Knoll- wood and Southern Pines. All this is excellent so far as it goes. But it does not, of course, go nearly far enough. The activities of the library are constantly curtailed by insufficient funds. The balance in the treasury is low. The cost of Ford place, the wagon struck an au tomobile and careened precariously, but the horses dragged it on. The automobile which finally halt ed the runaways belongs to Cortis Thomas of near Vass. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Miss Jessie Thomas had driven to the county seat. but. fortu nately, were not in the car at the maintenance is high. The association | time of the accident. Damage to the car consisted chiefly of the broken glass and torn lining. The horses re ceived minor cuts. Had the accident occurred a few feet to the right or left, it would have been much more serious as the plate glass front of the Jones’ De needs new members. It needs new - r. „ books. It needs new sources of reve- The C vie Club of Southern Pines •, * nue. It needs most of all the thought- i.oitors and residents , , . , ^ ^ c tful interest and »’ise support of every member of the community: those who read, and those who would be glad to see the opportunity for reading extended to others. New Book IJst The list of books for purchase submitted this month by the book committee to the trustees is itself a in\ ites al} vi.o Southern Pines to its program meet ing and tea this, Friday, afternoon at 3:00 o’clock in the clubhouse. Miss Meade Seawell of Carthage and Washington, D. C., will be the speak er, “Poetry” being her subject and favorite interest. Miss Valerie Deu- scher of the girls school of coopers- town, N, Y., and Southern Pines, will sing a group of songs, accompanied, case in point. This list, as finally re. by Mrs. N. L. Hodgkins. Miss Deu_ j vised downward to fit the budget, scher has already won the musicians I comprises 16 volumes, equally divided with her beautiful soprano voice and ■ between fiction and non-fiction: "A the joy of sharing her talent Is a ^ prayer for My Son” by Hugh Wal- privilege to Civic Club members and ^ poje, "Of Lena Geyer” by Marcia guests. A decided note of interest. Davenport, "Laughing Gas” by P. G. will be added by Ruth Chester, tal- j Wodehouse, "The Late George Ap- ented young daughter of Dr. P. J- j ley” by J. P. Marquand, "Shining Chester, who will play a piano j Scabbard” by R. C- Hutchinson. "Dan group. Tea will be served at 4:30 iger in the Dark” by Mignon Attendance R. L. Haj-t, chairman; R. P. Shepard, H. W. Dorn, Chan Pa,?e. Leo Fuller and A. Montesanti. Inter-Club Relations—Dr. E. M. Medlin. chairman; W. G. McAvoy. J. T. Overton. George Rose, C. Fexford Raymond. S. Don Sherrerd. KiW'anis Education -- C. Rexford Ra.vmond, chairman; W. G. McAvoy. J. Fred Stimson, ,S. Don Sherrerd. Membership & Classification — H. G. McElroy. chairman; H. F. Burns. E. W. Reinecke. O. L. Seymour, O. H. Stutts. Music—-Frederick Stanley Smith, chairman; R. P. Shepard, W. L. Dun lop. New Leisure—J. Fred Stimson, chairman; Paul Dana, Leo Fuller, G. P. Hawes, W. D. Matthews. Public Affairs—E. C. Stevend, scholar, H. G. Skilling of Toronto. Page was graduated from Prince ton university in 1935. and is now In the second year of his Rhodes scholarship. National Youth Help Outlined to Kiwanis Dr. Cutter of Raleigh. State Ad ministrator, Tells Club How It Can Help. day that he would begin taking res. ervations for parking speces as soon as letters had been mailed out to all former members and subscribers to the meeting here. These letters are in the hands of the printer and will be ready next week, it was stated. Plans are being made for a large dinner-dance the night of the race meeting. Murder Cases To Be Tried Here Next Week Human erosion is at least as im portant as natural erosion, and should be given as much attention. Or. Walter Cutter of Raleigh. Na- ional Youth Administration chair man for North Carolina, said in set ting forth the reasons for the govern, ment’s youth movement in a talk be fore the Kiwanis club in the Metho- i dist Sunday School huUding in Aber- 1oen yesterday noon. After outlin ing the purposes_ of the movement, , Dr. Cutter went on to tell what is being accomplished in the state, and i what an organization like the Ki- .vanis club can do to help the cause chairman; Paul Dana. R. L. Chandler, partment Store was to the right and ^ P- T'- Kelsey, W. E. Overcash, J- j that of the A. & P. Store to Vance^Rowe.^Jam^^^^^^ He told of flnaiicial aid_ for college ^^^t will be made to have the penal- .ludge Warlick Presiding Over ('riminal Term of Superior Court al Carthage Judge Wil.son Warlick will preside over the January or “Big Term” of criminal court which will convene in Carthage on Monday of next week, and a full calendar of important cases awaits him. Toy Nall, who was sentenced to death in the gas chamber for the mur der of his sweetheart, Geneva Crab tree, and who was granted a new trial by the Supreme Court last month, is scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday. It is thought that an ef- ’.eft, in the same building. The car was knocked directly against the doorway leading to the second floor, where are located the offices of sev eral prominent professional men of the town. G. o’clock. On Friday, the 22nd of January Mrs. J. H. Andrews will generously open her home on the Raeford Road for a bridge tea for the Civic Club tredteury. Tables are four dollars but must be reserved in advance as no tickets will be sold at the door. All are invited and may give their names to Miss Florence Cainpoell or by tel ephone to Mrs. W. M-orell, and ticRets will be sent their.. Tea will be serv ed at four o’clock and a limited num ber who do not play cards may come for tea by reservation. Eberhart, "Call It Accident” by Ma rie Belloc Lowndes, ‘‘The Dogs Do Mrs. P. P. McCain May Succeed Mrs. Spillman Prominently Mentioned for Vice- Chairman of Democratic Executive Committee Johnson. Sandhilleers — R. chairman; J. C. Muss:er, Willard Dun- L Hart H. F. Seawell, J Talbot' students, permitting promising yjung reduced to liff imprisonment. I men to continue their educations; of Several murder, manslaughter and L. Chandler,' projects, providing employment ■ degree burglary cases are on for sons of relief families—“job qua-1 calendar lop O. L. Seymour. H. P. S.awell, '°.f‘ U>«™ ■‘•■'‘'O’; i -■ — - — Ilnd.iprivileged Child - L„ul, 1 7"“' 11'ROORAM ANNOCNCED FOR , . T -ftiT accordance of help and counsel to- FRin4V fTRRE Scheipers, chairman; J. C. Musser, C. . ^ ^ a „ ,, J,- TT.J • ward making better citiz.>ns of the i J. McDonald, E. M. Medlm, Edwin ^ McKeithen I generation, the improving of j j pj-ed Stimson. chairman of the Vocational Guidance—J. M. How-1 s^'^’roundings, halting of delin- southern Pines Gymkhana commit- arth, chairman; W. T. Ives, P. T. | quency, providing healthy physical j announced yesterday afternoon Vance Rowe, James ^'^tlets. In many of these lines the | ^jjg progress for the Gymkhana to Kiwanis club, which recently voted ^eld at the Southern Pines Rld. Reports in local Democratic circles are to the effect that Mrs. P. P. Me- Bark” by Jonothan Stagg; "Glass ^ Cain, wife of Dr. McCain, superin- Flowers” by Donald Parson. "We and tendent of the State Sanatorium near | STUDY CLUB TO Kelsey. J. Schwartz. i Program- R L Chandler, chair-' sponsor the work In this county, j ing Ring this afternoon, start- man; J. M. Howarth, H. F. Seawell. i ^he greatest assistance, he, at 3:00 o’clock. i said. The order of events will be as fol lows : Sr., O. H. Stutts. They” by Hamilton Fish Armstrong. "Behind the Spanish Barricades” by John Langdon-Davies, the Autobiog raphy of G. K. Chesterton. Tolstoy’s "War and Peace,” "The Return to Religion” by Henry C. Link, "A Foci Hath Said” by Beverly Nichols, and the new edition of the Bible, "to be read as living literature," arranged (Please turn to page i) here and a daughter of Dr. L. B. Me. Brayer of Southern Pine? may suc ceed Mrs. J. B. Spillman of Green, ville as vice chairman of the State Democratic committee. It is said that Mrs. McCain has agreed to allow her name to be presented to the com mittee for consideration. Mis. Spill, man recently resigned to accept a i>o- sition with the new State Unemploy ment commission. MEET NEXT FKIDAY NIGHT A Bible Study Club under the aus pices of the Pilgrim Fellowship For um will start next Friday night, January 22, at 8:00 p. m. at No. 6. S. Bennett street. The book studied will is written in German, but has B. VON HERFF WILL FILED 1. Musical Stalls, open to all- best described as "Going to Jerusal- A copy of the will of Baldwin von em” on horseback. Herff, w'lo died in Austria on Au gust 8 of last year, has been filed for probate in the office of the clerk of the court of Moore county. The will be the Fourth Gospel and the teacher will be Dr. C. Rexford Ray mond. Young people of all agee are especially invited. an English translation attached. The estate, the value of which is not giv en, is left to near relatives of the deceased. 2. Amateur Jumping event, with a new arrangement of Jumps to fol- low the courses prescribed for the Nationrl Horse Show. 3. Water Race. 4. Open Jumping Event. 5. Overall Race (or tilting, this event still undecided.) 6. Potato Race.