Pmffe Fotar THE PILOT, Southern Pines Bnd Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, January 15, 1937, An Appointment by YARDLEY of LONDON WE ANNOUNCE OUR APPOINTMENT AS AU THORIZED AGENTS OF THIS WORLD-FA MOUS FIRM AND INVITE YOU TO FIND HERE THE MARVELOUS YARDLEY ARRAY OF PERFUMES, BATH LUXURIES, GLAMOR OUS TOILETRIES, FINE COSMETICS AND EXQUISITE ENGLISH SKIN PREPARATIONS. PRICED FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Broad Street Pharmacy Prescription Druggists R. L. Hart, Proprietor TYPEWRITERS I For Sale or Rent RADIOS For Sale or Rent ADDING MACHINES For Sale or Rent BOOKS For Sale or Rent BLANK BOOKS Business and Social Stationery SPORTING GOODS HAYES’ SANDHILL BOOK SHOP SOUTHERN PINES The Finest in Foods Delivery Service Green Beans, _2 lbs. for 25c California Peas, lb. 20c Bmssels Sprouts, lb. ^Oc Brocoli, lb. 15c Carrots, 3 bu. for 25c Indian R’.ver Oranges, pk. 49c Wilson's and Swifts Cer- ti:Hed Beef, Spring Lamb, Pork, Capons The Week in Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Doran of Bridgehampton I* I., were ^ necent guests of Mrs. J. F. Morris enroute to Florida where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. John L. McKinnay have arrived from New York and will Miss Lenora Riggan of Fayetteville was the week-end guest of Miss Dor othy Pottle, Charles Beck left Sunday for Mia mi, Florida where he will spend the winter months. Miss Frances Sparks has returned spend the remainder of the season at; to Washington following a week-end their home in Weymouth Heights. ' spent with Miss Anna Cameron. Miss Virginia Thomas has return. [ Mrs. Edward Brockman of Greens, ed to Greensboro after spending a ' boro is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. few weeks with her parents Mr. and I c. Thomas at their home on May Mrs. J. C. Thomas. ' street. Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Dulck of Irv. ; Mr. and Mrs, Alton Scott and Miss ington. N. J.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank : Pauline Holmes have returned from Rutter of Kennebunk. Maine, Mrs. ’ a week spent in Florida. R. Pech and R. E- Cadigan of New ; Adrian and Kenneth McCarr who \ork and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sul- j^^ve been visiting their parents here, livan of, L. I., have arrived , ^^ve returned to Philadelphia, at the Jefferson Inn. Clearance A L. “That’s all” T€e /HCP Mr. and Mrs. J. Marcus of Harris burg. Pa., and the Misses E. Rodwell and Florence E. Rodwell of Holly, N. Y., are guests at the Southland for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Steg- maier of Middleboro, Mass., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Fitz gerald at the Mid-Pines Club. William Schultz arrived Friday Miss Helen Hartgrove entertained Wednesday night at the Civic Club at a shower and bridge for Mrs. Os. car Wilkerson. Miss Sarah C. Sikes of Parkton was the recent guest of Mrs. John Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. W'. D. Boss of New ton, N. J., and Mrs. Robert A. Wood of Staten Island, New York are guests at the Woodworth for a few from New York to spend the remain-1 der of the winter here. ; „ - , .J T.. , • I Mr. and Mrs, George Haynes of Mrs. Thomas McBride of Raleigh i, ■ a , I Youngstown Ohio have arrived in is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | . . ^ Southern Pines to spend the winter. E, W. Merril. ^ Among those from Southern Pines Eugene Woodward who attended Mrs. H. C. Buckmin-1 e^t^' tained at a dinner and bridge ster-s tea for the mer.'.bers of the their home Tuesday evening. Sandhills Women’s Exchange on Fri- Marshall H. Barney of Raleigh was day afternoon were Mrs. Verdie T. the guest of Miss Mary Swett on Wiley. Mrs. J. Coburn Musser, Mrs., Tuesday of this week. Preston T. Kelsey and Miss Birdilia j Miss Ruth Raymond of Durham Bair. j spent the week-end in Southern Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Chapman Pines, entertained at dinner Friday evening i Mis.s Mary Savage of Greenville at their home on Weymouth Heights, arrived in town Tuesday for the re- Miss Elizabeth Slaafield has re-1 tnainder of the season, turned to her home in Arkon, Ohio | returned after spending some time with Miss Jane Musser. ' more Mrs. Reid Healy entertained guests! Sunday evening at a small dinner at' g Wednesday. 1 1 I Zviiss Mary Swett was the week-end your clothes washed in QUESTIONABLE QUARTERS ? IN our modem sanitary laundry every scien« tific precaution is taken to safeguard health. Telephone us now to send for your washing. Let the LAUNDRY do it! SOUTHERN PINES LAUNDRY CO. Telephone 6101 Southern Pines her home on Young's Road. Mrs. George T. Dunlap, Sr., enter tained eight at a bridge luncheon Friday at the Pine guest of Miss Heath Long in Ral. eigh. Needles club. , t w Mrs. John Berry and two children I of Greensboro have taken one of the EmmettE.Boone, Jr. entertained fori apartments for the re- Mrs. Millard F. Tompkins of New, York and Miss Emily May WHson. j q JicAvoy Mr. and Mrs. Le Grand B. Cannon . ^ ^ of Tuxedo Park, N, Y., Miss Esther | McDonald of Garden City, L I_. Wil- j Walter L. Parsons of Ral- liam H. Fields of Leaveck N. J., and week.end guest of Miss F. W. Smith of Quebec, Canada are :^,.^^^ Valentine, recent arrivals at the Highland Pines | McLaughlin of Stafford Springs, Conn., and Miss Annie E. Jacobs of Somerville, Mass. are W. W. Walsh of Lynchburg. Va., are i *• * ^ ^ . 1 guests of Miss Elinor Valentine at i it?-.. CH.4S. J. S.^DLER, Mgr. Park View Hotel FINE LOCATION GOOD ROOMS OPEN ALL YEAR RATES MODERATE Newly Renovated Throughout Inn. Mrs. Gertrude Schewning and Mrs. CORN’S Telphone 6911 Chase & Sanborn Coffee 25c Golden Tap Grapefruit Julte, No. 2 can 10c No. 5 can 25c Welchs Tomato Juice, No- 10 can 49c Richelieu Mammoth Mellow Sugar Peas, can 19c TEXAS PINK GRAPEFRUIT 10c each Florida Strawberries, Tangerines, Limes, D’Anjou Pears, Choice Veg-etables in un- » limited variety fresh every day. MEATS We carry a superior quality at all times Roasting Chickens, Ducks, Squabs, Sweetbreads, Liver Bacon, Ham, Veal the guests of Mrs. R- E. Wiley at her home on Massachusetts avenue. The Thistle Club entertained at ten tables of bridge Saturday afternoon at the Southern Pines Country Club. Mrs. Daniel Barkalow of New burgh on the Hudson. N. Y„ is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edgar T. Chapman at her home in Weymouth Heights. Mrs. Gilmore Scranton and daugh. the Resthaven. Ernest I. White of Syracuse. N. Y., has arrived at The Paddock for the season. Miss Helen Hartgrove entertained at a miscellaneous shower Wednes day evening at the Civic Club hon oring Mrs. Oscar Wilkinson, recent bride. Ten tables of bridge were in play and high score awards went to Mrs. Emmett Golden, Miss Helen ter. Miss Dhoda Scranton of New _ „ , . t , 1.T J ; Batten, Miss Eleanor Grover, Mrs York were recent guests of Mr. and . Earl Merrill, Mrs. Morris Johnson and Miss Pauline Poe. The hostess pre sented the guest of honor with an Mrs. George J. Jenks at their home on Highland Road. Mrs, Janie Simmerman of Fay etteville was the week-end guest of ^“ractive luncheon set. Mrs, Wilkin, her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Lighton ; recipient of many beau- j tiful and attractive gifts. Mrs. C. A. Maze and Mrs. Alice Me- j Neill spent Tuesday with Mrs, J. H. i Suttenfield at Pinebluff. j Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W, Burke left I Church Sunday Sunday night for New York to spend CHLTRCH NOTES two weeks, Mrs. Lucy D. Sprague and son Earl D. Spragrue arrived Sunday from At the Baptist Church morning the Rev. J. Fred Stimson will preach on “The Appraisal of Mary or of Judas.” The Rev. E, L. Barber will preach Bridgeport, Conn., for the season and j Brownson Memorial Church are occupying the Knowles house on i service Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock RECORD CROUTJ AT ANNUAL B.VNQITET OF CH.\MBER (Continued from pnge 1) the picture today was rapiflly be coming an industrial one and the nations of the world were fashioning their legislative set-ups accordingly, in order to meet the rapidly chang ing conditions, our program here in America was still based on a consti- tution WTitten 150 years afo to suit the needs and requirements of a then purely agrarian nation and that, in order to bring ourselves up to date, we need a more elastic and pliable legislative system that can and w’ill meet the changing situations occas ioned by a w’orld gone industrial. After the dinner the Chalfonte orchestra moved over to the new clubhouse and played for dancing. The following were elected direc tors of the Chamber for 1937: W, E. Blue, Struthers Burt, H, N. Cameron, George W. Case, R. L. Chandler, E, T. Chapman, J. J. Fitz gerald, R. L. Hart, P. T. Kelsey, Earl Merrill, Dante Montesanti, W, G. Mc- Avoy, H, C. McElroy, Chan Page, C, W, Picquet, F. B. Pottle, E. W. Rein- ecke, Charles Sadler. Lou's Scheipers, J. F. Stimson, Dr. Greer Stutz,' J. M. Windham, A. B. Yeomans and James Boyd. Past presidents of the organization were elected honorary directors, as follows; Harry A. Lewis, E. C. Ste vens, Frank Buchan, Dr. L. B. Mc- Brayer, S B. Richardson, Dr. George G. Herr, Nelson C- Hyde, H. J. Bet- terley and Shields Cameron. Officers for the year will be elect ed by the new board of directors at its next meeting. Ridge street. Mrs. William Chase Mudgett en- in the Civic Club. The Christian Science Church les- tertained at tea at her home on Mas- j son-sermon Sunday morning will be sachusetts avenue on Tuesday after-! subject, "Life." The reading noon honoring Mrs. Edward Fitler j room of the church is open every and Mrs. Theodore Wiederseim of | from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m., Philadelphia. Guests included Mes- i an evening meeting is held on the dames Stanley W. Burke, John R- Rrexel, Jr., Eugene C. Stevens, Jean ette R. Healy Alice R. Hunt Law rence B. Smith Herbert D. Vail Don ald Herring and Henry A. Page Jr. Mrs. J. M. Wilson and daughters, Miss Ruth and Jane Wilson of Toron to, Canada are guests at the Holly wood. Mrs. George Hardison of Virginia is spending a few days in Southern Pines. . B. C. Onley of Rochester, New York has leased the T. E. Widerselm cottage on Morganton Road for the remainder of the season. W. B. Holton, Jr., of New York Js the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cobum Musser at their home In Weymouth Heights. Miss Margaret GiXrovd entertained the Spinster’s Clut. Monday night at the Beverly. The New Cel-XJ-Tone Playing Cards at Hayes.’ Congress third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 o’clock. “Living Day by Day,” is the ser mon theme at The Church of Wide Fellowship Sunday morning. Dr. C. Rexford Rajrmond will preach. The union evening service at 8:00 o’clock will be at the First Baptist Church. Music led by the united choirs. Dr. Raymond will preach on "Use What You Have.” “The Indissolubility of Marriage,” will be discussed at all the masses on Sunday at Saint Anthony's Church, and at the evening devotions the sub- juct to be considered wiU be “Pur gatory." At the regular weekly No- vene Devotions another talk will be given on the “Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin.” Tuesdays and Saturdays are curb market days in Southern Pines. Frei^ dressed poultry at the Curb Market S. P. LIBRARY PL.ANS TO INCRE.%SE USEFULNESS (Continued from vaoe 1) by Ernst Sutherland Bates. An attempt has been made here with to present a well-balanced se lection, adapted to a wide variety of tar.tes; yet it is by no means the list which the committee would have been glad to offer. It begins Indeed with three items recommended for pur chase a month ago, and held over un til additional funds were available. “Glass Flowers” is a meager effort to meet the criticism that the li brary does not supply enough poetry. —^fortimately supplemented by the gift of The Oxford Book of Modem English Verse, edited by William Butler Yeats. “The Return to Reli gion" and "A Fool Hath Said" were bought In one month, to compensate In some degree for a recent weakness in the section for religious books. But "Tonight at 8:30," a group of plays by Noel Coward, had to be omitted, because the "Best Plays of 1935.36" was purchased a month ago. “War and Peace” was included in ac cordance with the library’s policy of adding at least one "classic” to its shelves each month; yet it is a sad compromise with a list which orig inally included four nineteenth cen tury poets, the plays of Sophocles, and Madame Bovary. "Behind thii Spanish Barricades’’ meets a repeat ed request: but “The Olive Field" by Ralph Bates—a splendid great tapes try of present-day Spain, timely and important, had to be sti'icken from the final list. So too did “The Street of the Fishing Cat” by Jolan Foldes, winner of the All-Nations prize nov el competition, in which “Steps Go ing Dowti,” by John McIntyre—al ready on the shelves—was the suc cessful American entry. So too did many others. One of the functions of a library is, naturally, to buy books and such books as will be most acceptable to its readers. But the preceding para graph will perhaps serve to suggest the recurring problems of the book committee, and thus of the library as a whole. It will be a definite help if suggestions are made by members. Preference is always given, of course, to books which have been requested. Members shojld leave lists with the librariau at the first of each month. People say some times that they alw.ays meant to join the library, but they just somehow never got around to it. They say that they have meant to support it, but haven't found the time. The library is a community en terprise, of definite value to the bus iness and social interests of the town. It needs, and deserves, attention. Go In and look around? You will be very welcome. 160 ATTEND BRIDGE OF CARTHAGE DAUGHTERS Thirty-seven tables were in play at the bridge party held at tie Park View Hotel, Southern Pines on Wed nesday night under the auspices of the Catholic Daughters of America, and in addition some 20 guests played Beano, More than 160 persons at tended. The grand prize of the even ing, drawn after refreshments were served, was won by Mrs. G. Chewn- ing of Richmond, a guest of Mrs. Verdie Wiley. Rupert Dalrymple won first prize for high score at bridge, with Mrs. Clarence Edson second and Mrs. H. E. Thrower third. Mrs. Charles Sad ler and Mrs. James Spring, grand regent of the local court of the Cath olic Daughters, acted as hostess at the party. HUGH McDONAlD HEADS SPANISH WAR VETERANS The annual meeting and dinner of Southern Pines Camp Na 24, United Spanish War Veterans, was held in Jack’s Grill last Sunday. Following: the dinner the following officers were installed: Commander, Hugh McDon. aid; Senior Vice Commander, W. C. Morton; Adjutant, Robert Skinner; Quartermaster Walter T. Ives; Chap lain, W. C. Morton; Officer of the Day, B. J. Woodward; Officer of the Guard, Archie R. Priest; Tmstee, J. M. Windham.

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