Pape Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, January 15, 1937. LEG A I, NOTK'KS LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOKTH CAROLINA, »I(H>KK COUNTV. NORTH CAROLINA, this matter were raised five (5) per >i(>oi{k COUNTV. "The Bid on the Elite Drea, Shop ™K Sl'PEIilOK COraT NoUcc 1» hereby given that .m.ler “1" 'W" ■“ *1.365.00. *” »" I’.'r.on. Clalmlns NOTICE OF SALE and by virtue of a power of sale The Bid on the Curb Market will »ntpr»'st In the Siihjpft Matter or coritained in a certain deed of trust '’%‘heBid^on®the” Home Furniture Co TowiTof Shern Pines. Plaintilt. vs executed by Clarabelle P. Pushee of ,^j„bSn $16^53 75 H C. Cash, Single. Defendant. Thr' Rid on ’the Valet Dry Cleaning All other persons claiming any in- Co. will begin at $1,365.00. in the sublect matter thereof. LEGAL NOTICES legal NOTICES ty, on Wednesday, the 20th day of, January, 1937, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, all of the right, title, I NOTICE OP' LAND SALE LEGAL NOTICES by made. FOURTH TRACT; That certain Moore County, North Carolina, ■William Rnyle, Tru.stee, of Brooklyn, New York, which deed of trust is ■dated June 1. 1934. and recorded in The Bid on 1-2 Interest in Tele- will take notice that an action entit- Pm Phone Building will begin at $2,250.00. as above has been commenced In th.. Public Registry for Mooie Countj the Superior Court of Moore County, fact that there are minors involved. North Carolina, to foreclose a certain and this property will be sold subject for taxes held by the Town of to the confirmation of the Court, af- Southern Pines for the year 1933 ter this sale. mentioned in the Complaint ap^ainat A deposit of ten (10) percent will that certain lot of land, lying and be bo leduired when bid is made, pend- ing in McNeills Township in Book of Mortgages 58. Page 69 the debt secured by said deed of trust being past due and unpaid and the powers of sale contained therein having become operative, the under signed Trustee will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash. Moore Place of Sale: North Carolina. Southern Pines, .... rnnfirmatinn Countv, Southern Pines. North Car- County ?t''2a”hare/‘r C af TiL of Sale: 11:00 o'clock a. m. olina and more particularly described hour of Noon on the 8th day of Feb- ruaiy, 1937, the following real estate lying and being in Moore County, North Carolina, described and defined AS follows,, towit: Being Lot No. 51 on a map entit led. “.Sub-division plan of Weymouth _ Heights, Southern Pines. N. C., by A. B- Yeomans,” and filed in the office of the Register of Deeils in Moore County aforesaid, containing .79 acres, more or Being the same tract of land con- as follows: Being Lots 2 & 3 of a subdivision Tei'ms of Sale: Highest Bidder for entitled "Subdivision of James Be thea's property in W'cst Southern "This the lllh dav of January. 1937. Pine.««, Moore County, N. C.,’* th.' H. F. SKAWKLL. JR, subdivision was made out of lots J15. F5. Commissioner. 28, 29. 30, 37, 38 and 39 West Southern Under and by virtue of the power j tract or parcel of land containing 50 interest, equity and property that the j of sale contained in a certain deed of acres, more or less, situate in Green- said defendant, Lonnie T. Graham, I trust made by Ralph Marsh and Lula I wood Township, Moore County, North has In to the following described' Marsh to the undersigned Trustee, I Carolina, and being the same and tracts of land situate in Bensalem j dated December 6, 1932, and recorded : identical .^>0 acres conveyed by M. G. Township, Moore County, North Car-1 in the office of the Register of Deeds' Boyette, Comnii.ssioner, to R. C. Muse olina, and particularly described as of Moore County in Book 50, at Page! by deed dated August 4, 1930, and re- follows: I 249, default having been made in the i corded in the Moore County Registry That certain tract or parcel of land payment of the note secured thereby, in Deed Book No. 110, at page 97, to situate in Ben.salem Township, Moore I will sell at public auction to the which reference is hereby made. County, North Carolina, adjoining the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court- FIFTH TRACT: That certain tract lands now owned by J. D. Parker, I house door in Carthage, N. C, at or parcel of land containing 5 acres, John Campbell, et al, and more par-'12:00 o’clock noon on Monday, Janu- ticularly described by metes and ary 18, 1937, that certain tract of bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a land lying and being in Moore Coun_ stake and black jack pointers in the ty, and more particularly described as 9th line of Waddell grant No. 4593, follows: corner of Lot No. 9, and runs thence Adjoining the lands of W. J. Fry, Phillips and wife, to Roy C- Muse, with the line of .said grant reversed Neill Caddell, J. L. Fry, and others. | dated June 21, 1934 and duly record- , N. 41 deg. W. 31.30 chains to a BEGINNING at a stake with black- j the Moore County Registry in . ! stake and pointers; thence S. 88 deg. j.ack pointers, the third corner of the Book of Deeds No 119, at Page 12, to W 40 chains to a stake, by a pine original tract, thence South 69 E- 17 which reference is hereby made. This more or less, situate in Greenwood Township, Moore County, North Car olina, and being particularly describ. ed in a deed executed by Turner Phil lips and wife, John Marsh and wife. NOTHE OF SALE OF LAND BY COM.MISSIONER Pines. And all of whom will further take notice that they are required to ap- ( . F'oreclosure made and entered by the veyed by Helen Boyd Dull, widow, Supeilor Court of Moore Mary Boyd McCormick and Henry B. pounty on the 4th dav of .Tanuarv McCormick. .lames Boyd and Katha- .,^3., matter of the TOWN OF rine Lament Boyd, and Jackson Herr goi’THERN PINES. Plaintiff, Boyd and wife, Harriet Boyd, to Ed- jj /^'pTIE DUPREE and her huslDand. ward Everett Cady, by deed dated DUUPREE, Defendants. ■May 21. 1921. and recorded in Book being recoi'dcd in Land T;i>’ 84. at page 179, in the office of the judgment Docket No. 1. at page. Regi *^ “ f . r .. I North Carolina. This 6th day of January. 1937. WILLI.\M BOYLE, J15. F5 * Trustee. stump, a corner of the Chi.sholm 50 chains to a stake with pine pointers, acres; thence S. 3 deg. W. 20 chains the beginning corner of the original to a stake; thenco S 87 de;j. W. 14 90 forty acres; thence N. 5 E. 5:50 chains, crossing the middle prong of chains to W. J. Fry’e corner with Drowning Creek to a stake in the hickory pointers; thence N. 40 1-4 W. line of the Chisholm lands also the i.T chains to F- L. Fry’s corner; nnVi" hpfm-p the' Clerk of the Super-1 2nd comer of 60 acres grafted to An- thence N. 68 N. 5.75 chains to the cor- ^ . Notice is hereby given that by vir.jior Court at his office in the Court! der.son Jones in gnant No 5862; ner red oak pointers; thence on the i North Carolma, in Book of Mortgages tiie of the Interlocutory Order of tract, containing 5 acres, is subject to the lien of a purchase money deed of trust in the sum of $300.00 duly ex ecuted by Roy C. Muse to Turner Phillips, et al. dated June 21, 1934, and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Moore County, thence with the line of said 60 acres dividing line S. 8 W. 12.70 chains to No. 55. at Page 234. N. 78 deg. W. 28 chains to a stake, the beginning, containing by estima-j SIXTH TRACT: A one-half uiidiv- originally a pine pointer; thence S. tion 1705 acres, more or less. This ided interest in that certain tract or 29 deg. E. .58 chains to a stake and tract of land in a one-half interest in parcel of land containing 13 acres, pine pointers in the 5th line of W'ad. a parcel of land conveyed to R. J. \ more or less, situate in Greenwood dell grant No 4.593, also the beginning Marsh and W. J. by R. L.: Town.ship, Moore County, North Car- corner of 60 acres; thence S. 1-2 E. McLeod and wife. April 3rd, 1917 re- olina, adjoining the lands of John n.-ited "this 12th day of January,' 23 chains to a stake near the Grind- corded in the Register of Deeds Office Phillips, John Stokes, Elijah Me. 1937 - 'stone Branch; thence S. 88 deg. E. of Moore County, in Book 67, Page 50. j Keithen, et al, and being particularly JOHN W’lLLCOX, 20 chains to a stake in the line of This sale is made subject to any • described by metes and bounds in a in Carthage. Moore County, and present and defend their respec tive claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any and all interest therein or claims in or to the proceeds from a sale thereof. at page 179, in the office of the g^les Jiidement ..w . - .. .. i.ster of Deeds of Moore County, the Clerk of the J15-F12. Clerk of the Superior Court 100 acres; thence with that line S. taxes due against said lands. j deed from Elias Hooker and wife to • ~ So4i Cou^^^^^^^^ - 2 W. 17..S6 cl^ins to a stake a cor- ,j.he succcs.sful bidder will be re-! C ••• ' •N.OTW F, OF S.XLI-. ner Of said 100 acres; thence S. 88 1-2 percent of his the 2'nd day of April, 1B16, and duly EXECl TOR’S NOTU E Having qualified as executor of the highest estate of Ellen A. Hewitt, deceased, >'’6' described lands: - ^ Lot No. 20 in Block J & 8, as shown late of Moore County. North Caro- entitled “A Map of the lina. this is to notify all persons Town of Southern Pines. N. C.,” and having claims against the estate of recorded in the Moore County Regis- said deceased to exhibit them to the tix , T,- ..1 fu o .. Dated this 6th day of Januarv, undersigned at Pmebluff, North Cai- ^0)37 ' olina, on or before the 15th day of ' ' j, VANCE ROWE, January 1938, or this notice will be J15-F12 Commissioner. pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day of January, 1937. LEV^I PACKARD, Excutor Estate of Ellen A. Hewitt, deceased. J15, F19. NOTICE OF S.\LE OF LAM) BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 4th day of January certain Studebaker Sedan, Serial No. to a stake, hickory and oak pointers; thence S. 89 deg. E. 12 chains to a NORTH C.XROLIN.V, stake and black jack pointers; MOORE COl'.NTV- 4040854, Engine No. GB1181, at Col ton and Fergu.son Garage in South ern Pines on the 18th day of Janu ary, 1937, at 12 o’clock Noon. J8 J15 Colton & Ferguson. NOTICE OF SALE OF L.\ND VNDER MORTG.XGE IN THE SI PERIOR COURT thence S. 2 deg. W. 4.50 chains to a stake; thence S. 4 1-4 deg. W. 15.50 chains to a stake, the 8th corner of Lot No. 9; thence S. 87 deg. E. 20.45 chains to a stake, a cofner of said Gurney P. Hood, Commi.ssioner of T Z 'o , Banks. Ex Rel Page Trust Company. NOTICE OF EXECUTION S.\LE said Lot No. 9 N. 2 deg. E. 106 and S. J. Hin.sdale, Liquidating Notice is hereby given that the un-' ‘Chains to the beginnig, containing in ^ Plaintiffs, vs. fi,,, iTo- all approximately 811 acre.s, more or _ deisigned Administratrix of the Es tate of the late T. S. Burgess, pur suant to a certain mortgage deed of the first of September. 1928, by L. S Rowell and Annie to ficc less. For a further description of the divided interest in that certain tract of land situate in Greenwood Township Moore County, North Carolina, con- taining 10 acres, more or less, adjoin ing the lands of Sally Chestnut, Mary Jane Smith, M. D. Smith, Sarah Anne Smith, B. C- Mclver and R. C. Muse and more particularly described by metes and bounds in the deed by Mary Jane Smith, et al, to B C. Mclver and R. C., dated July 1, 1911, and „ ^ ^ dulv recorded in the Moore County R. C. Muse and Wife, Lillian Muse, Page 555, to which reference is here- Defendants noer ihz;, oy 1. c above described tract of land, see the ' by made L. Rowell.'his wife, report of the Commissioner filed in EIGHTH TRACT: A one.half un- the Superiot Court of Richmond interest in that certain tract .\I»IINISTR.\TOR’S NOTICE Rowell and wife. Annie L. Rowell. Mollie Burgess, Administrr.ti :x of Having qualified as administrator the Estate of T. S. Deceo.'^cd of the estate of Harriet L. Ames, and E. V. Perkinson, Receiver, De fendants, same being recorded in T. S. recorded in the of-; that certain ex parte proceeding in. „„titled action i „ of Register of Deeds of Moore! stituted by Lily C. Auman and hus- ^ the 18th day of Countv in Book 49 paee 532 de-1 band, Claude Auman, Annie Maude * will on Monoay, me acres, more or less, situate in Green- t ount>. tJooK 4., page ae .lanuary, 193<, at the hour of twelve ..-ood Township. Moore County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of B. 1937 in the matter of the Town of j havmg been made Yn the pay- Clark, et al, which said report was \wood Township. Moore County, Nor^h Southern Pines. Plaintiff, vs. L. S. „,e„t of the note secured thereby and duly filed for registration in the of- " ■ ‘ the power of .sale therein containd i fice of the Register of Deeds for ex3se for sale and sell ■ ‘'l^^ver, K. C. Muse, et ai, ana become operative, will on the 5th day: Moore County on the 13th day of to .^t-1 P'^*'ticularly described by metes and of February. 1937. at 12 o’clock noon August, 1910 and duly ‘recorded in f«/he bidder, for, to .at- afi nt isfy said execution all of the ri-ht. deceased, late of Moore Coiirty, Lind Tax Sales Judgment Docket North Carolina, this is to notify all 1, at page 134. in the office of persons having claims against the the Clerk of the Superior Court of estate of said deceased to exhibit Moore County, the undersigned Com- them to the undersigned at Pine- missioner. will, on ■u, -KT 11 r-< 1- we Monday. February 8th, 1937, at bluff, North Carolina, on or before • o’clock Noon the 15th day of January. 1938 or this at the Court House door in Carthage, notice will be pleaded in bar of their Moore County, North Carolina, sell Tccoverv. in front of' the Courthouse door in j" ^o. 46, a^ Carthage. Moore County. North Caro-; J 2 i T 5 ^ lina, .sell at public outcry to the high- ‘ '' title, claim and interest whic’.i the :^aid R. C. Muse and Lillian Muse, de fendants. have in an to the following described real estate, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: All those three certain tracts or parcels of land con All persons indebted to said estate will plea.'e make immediate payment. This 15th day of January. 1937. LF.VI PACKAr.D. Administi-ator E.'^tate of Harriet L, Ames, deceased. J15, FI9. * ed tract being referred to and de- csr'b?dde7 for "cash," a" certain‘Tot,' scribed in the report of said Commis- tract or parcel of land in McNeills sioner m said proceeding as the Ten- Township, Moore County, North Car- th Tract. olina. described a.s follows, to wit: There is expected, however, from tainrne 63 acres 20 acres and 33 BEING Lots Number Fourteen and the above described tract of land that ^‘ces respectively, more or less, sit- certain tract containing approximate- ^n the waters of Cranes Creek, ly 211 1-2 acres, more or less, w-hich N: ,ncy Dye branch, in Greenwood has been hereofore sold to C. L, All- Township ^ioore County, North Car. red and sons by deed duly recorded „f .said three tracts herein I . „ 00 c • , . . . ,• • • in the Moore County Registry, to referred to being particularly descri’o- t>t Page 28. (Said two lots adjoimng ^.^ich reference is hereby made for bounds in a deed cx-,! „n« ^nnt,n,mu« nn.fPi nf ^ description of said exception. Also eluted by M. Daniel Smith to Roy C. see Deed Book No. 46, at Page 187- cjated Janiuu-y 4. 1927, and duly 200 for a further description of said recorded in the office of Register of 211 1-2 acres hereby excepted. Deeds for Moore County in Deed There is excepted also from the p>o„jt Xo. 98. at Page 576, to which Fifteen (14 and 151 on \”oung’s Road, as shown upon the map of Cameron’s Sub-Division which is of record in at public outcry to the bid- ^ the office of the Register of Deeds dor f(>r cash, the following describ- ; f,„. Moore Countv. in Book 1 of Maps, ed lands: Being Lots 14 & 1;j on Young's j^rid forming one continuous parcel of Road as shown on a Map of Camcr-! j.jrid.i on’s Subdivision recorded in Book 1 , ‘ Being the same property as was convoyed to L. S. Rowell and wife. NOTK E OF SALE OF REAL K-n ATE L'nder and by virtue of an order of Ifororable Wil.son Warlick, .Su perior Comt Judge, the undersigned of Maps, at page 28 in the office of j the Register of Deeds for Moore Countv. : Grantors herein, by M. G. Goodwin Dated this 6th day of January,, and his wife, June 22, 1927, by their ' waiTantv deed of record in the office J. VANCE ROWE, hounds in a deed from John Burmell and wife to B. C. Mclver and R. C. Muse, dated June 29, 1911, and duly recorded in the Moore County Regis, try in Book of Deeds No. 46, at Page 553, to which reference is hereby made. NINTH TRACT: A one-half undiv. itled interest in that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Greemvood Township, Moore County, North Car olina, containing 10 acrcs, more or less, adjoining the lands of Daniel Smith. J. W. Phillips, J- W. Burmell, et al. and being particularly described by metes and bounds in a deed from Sarah Chestnut to R. C. Muse, dated November 13 1012, and duly recorded in the Moore County Registry in Book of Deeds No. 55, at Page 54. T?:NTH TRACT: A one-half un. above described land that certain reference is hereby made for a full two‘certain tract containing approximately 60 ,jnd complete de.scription of said divided acres, more or less, which is situate lands. Excepting, however, from the T1-, Register of Deeds aforesaid, on the Northwest side of the 211 1-2 above three tracts all certain _1! I /J ; in Book 103, page 354. acre exception herein referred to, tracts NOTK E OF SALE OF L.\NI) BY page This 5th dav of Januarv. 1937. MRS. MOLLIE BURGFS.S. J8-29. Notice is hereby given that by vlr- j Administratrix of the Estate of T. S. Commissioner appointed by the Court, tue of the Interlocutor.y Order ot; Burgess. Deceased •w'ill offer for sale to the highe.«t liid- Foreclosure made and entered by the, m. G. Boyette, A tty. <ler. for cash, on the premises of the of the Superior Court of Moore | i hereinafter described property in County on the 2nd day of November. i Southern Pines. Moore County, North 1^36 in the matter of ihe Town of NORTH C.VROLINA, Carolina, on Friday. .January 29. Southern Pines. Plaintiff, vs. ."mooRE COUNTY. 1937. at eleven o’clock A. M.. prop. Phyne C. Blair. Admrx. of the Es-; <Tty known as the Elite Shop, <ate of A. McNeil Blaii. Deceasea. ' Curb Maiket. Home Furniture Com-' Helen Blair and Citizens Bank * pany, V'alet Dr.y Cleaning Company Trust Company, Defendants, same «nd one-half (1-2) interest in the being recorded in Land Tax Sales' Telephone Building, said property be- Judgment Docket No. 1. at page 120, !hg described as follows, to-wit:" in the office of the Clerk of the Su- lots situate in the town of Cameron known as Lots Nos. 142 and 160, the first. No. 142. fronting on North side of Carthage Street 100 feet and running back 200 feet to McDugold Street: the other. No. 160. fronting on IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE Bank of Pinehurst. Plaintiff, vs. of land that have been hereto- which has heretofore been sold to R. fore sold and conveyed by the said M- W. Pumpelly by deed recorded in p smith to variotis parties appearing the Moore County Registry, to which of record by deeds to said parties in StVe^^ 100 feet and reference is hereby made, and for the office of the Register of Deeds for McDugold btreet U)U leet a further description of said 60 acres, Moore County, North Carolina, to see report of Commissioner filed in which record of said deeds reference the above mentioned proceeding and jg hereby made for the lands so sold ^ duly recorded in Book of Deed., No. and conveyed as aforesaid. 46. at Page 187-200. SBX:OND TRACT: A one-half un- sold'subject' to the lien of that cer- There is excepted from the divided interest in that certain tract, judgment docketed in the Su- above described land the homestead or parcel of land containing 3 1-2 p^rior Court of Moore Couny, North of the said Lonnie T. Graham con- acres, more or less, situate in Green. Carolina on the 22nd day of July, taining approximately 250 acres, wood Town.ship, Moore County, North 5,32 in’which F. S. Ferrell and J. more or less, and being particularly Carolina, and particularly described ' perrell are plaintiffs and Mrs. S. described in the return of H. P. Kel- by metes and bounds in a deed exe- p Albert and R C Muse are defend- ly, N. J. Morgan and D. Al. Blue,, cuted by E. A. Howell and wife, Mary jndgment being docketed running back to Mrs. A. W. Camp bell’s line. See Deed Boak No. 55, at Page 55 for a complete description of said lots. All of the foregoing lands will be FIRST TR.^CT: That parcel of perior Court of Moore County, the Lonnie T. Graham and Neill A. Gra- appraisers appointed by C J. McDon. A. Howell, to B. C- Mclver and Roy Judgment Docket No 22, at Page land located in the Town of Southern undersigned Commissioner, will, on I ham. Executor of Laura J. Graham, aid, Sheriff of Moore County, dated C. Mu^e dated Jul.y 6, 1911, and duly to which reference is hereby Pines and known and described as Monday. February 8th, 1937, at 12 | deceased, defendants. December 14, 1936, in that certain recorded in the Moore County Reg- made, and subject also to the lien of Lot No. 14 in Book K and 3, and de.s. o’clock Noon at the Court House door | Under and by virtue of the execu- action entitled "Bank of Pinehurst istry in Book of Deeds No. 98, at certain judgment rendered in the ignated on a map entitled’ “A Map >n Carthage. Moore County, North j tions issuing out of the Superior vs. Lonnie T. Graham, and Neiil A. Page 534, to which reference is here- s„perior Court of Moore County on ' *- ''^lurt of Moore County, directed to Graham, Executor of Laura J. Gra- by made. the 1st dav of December .1933. wh( of Southern Pines. Moore County, Carolina, sell at public outcry to the Court where- This, the 10th day of December, 1936. C. J. MCDONALD, Sheriff of Moore County, D25.J15 North CaroIiMi. eepting that part of the form of a Block J & 4. as shown on a map en- j L. T. Graham.” ^dgment No. 18169, ' stead of the said Lonnie T. Graham. Carolina, adjoining the lands of Bella No. 24, at Page 79, to which reference *quare thirty feet by thirty feet lo- titled “A Map of the Town of South- , and “Bank of Pinehurst vs. N. D. Terms of the foregoing .sale will Campbell, Archie Green, et al, con- ig hereby made, fated at the rear of said Lot No. 14. Prn Pines. N. C..” and recorded in the (Reece and L T Graham,”" Judgment be cash, and a ten per cent (10 per. taining 1 1-2 .acres, more or less, be. ' The above lands will likewise be tdjoining Lots Nos. 12 and 13 in said office of the Register of Deeds of | No. 18584, and “Bank of Pinehurst ''cnt deposit will be required of the ing particularly described by metes sold subject to all unpaid taxes. Block K and 3 as recorded in Book Moore County in Deed Book 10. at vs. L. T. Graham and Neill A. Gra- , successful bidder as evidence of good and bounds in a deed from Pearce Terms of sale will be cash. 62. page 352. (Ref. to Book 62., page paefe 600. j ham, Executor of Laura J. Graham, faith. Williams and wife, Alice Williams, 358.1 Dated this 6th day of January, deceased,” Judgment No. 18751, the This, the 18th day of December, dated July 1, 1930, to R. C- Muse and SECOND TRACT: A lot of land 1937. 1 undersigned will offer for sale and 1936. 1 duly recorded in the Moore County situated in the Town of Southern J- VANCE ROWE, j sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at C. J. McDONALD, Registry in Deed Book No. 108, at Pines. Moore County. North Carolina, ti.5-f12 Commissioner. I the courthouse door of Moore Coun- . D25-J15. Sheriff of Moore County. Page 336, to which reference is here- ^esign.'ited on a map entitled “A Map ' •' ' • "• . -',r" , — r—l:--i: of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina." filed in the office of the Register of Deeds in said Coun ty and described and defined as fol lows, to-wit: Lot No. 15 in Block K and 3. (See Deed Book 58, at page «4.) The Telephone Building in this . property being described as Lot No. j 13 in Block K and 3 in the town of Southern Pines, North Carolina, and ibe Valet Building being known as Lot No. 12 in Block K and 3, This sale is a resale under an or- I •ier of the Judge of the District | "Wherein said former bids entered in i REG’LAR FELLERS An Eye To The Future By Gene'Bymes Evelyn M. Edson PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC Garland A. Pierce LXSURANOE AGENCY Telephone 7062 v/HftT5P)MftTrfS IP ITS SWEtl Ori THE ouTS»V>E ■mir/6. THe_IK5(I>E liO^^'rCOUKT.’ vOHRT KIKD OF ft LooKiH' COAT OH ITS ITS SWEll OK the QOTSlbE eur THE |WS>PE THE PART\ WT But thAts •niE OK the oorsiDE Some Dftv IT . VALl. CoorTT^^ 1//// 6ou6ht ft m( >JoVEi?CoPir Amcriran News Fenturc.;. Inc.

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