Friday, January 15, 1937. T^E PILO'^ Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Seven Patch Department Store 40 Years Old This Week t 'V », v^ir “Thrifty Pig Schoor at Carthage Jan. 22 Extension Swine Specialist To Talk to Moore Farmers on ■ “Hok Mana>?ement” I H. W. Taylor, extension swine specialist, will conduct a school on "Hog Management’’ at Carthage High School on Friday afternoon, January 22nd, beginning at 2:00 p. m. i "It is to the interest of every far mer in Moore county who grow hog.s, either for the market of his own use, to be present at that meeting as two moving pictures will be shown, says E. H. Garrison, Jr., County Agent. "One picture will show the proper management and feeding of hogs and the other in disease and worm con- ti'ol. Ml’. Tayloi- will also conduct a discussion reganling the growing of hogs in this section. As the discus sion will last for some time, we aie beginning the meeting promptly at 2:00 o'clock. ‘‘If you have tenants on your fai m bring them along or sec that they are present. Good hogs art important] to them also. "It is e;'timatcil that under ou'? pvesent method of growing hogs worms aJone slow up the gfowth of hf);;s as much as 2o percent. la other words, if yc;i k-'cp your hogs under avcrag? conditions, worms get one out cf ev(‘i y five hr.shi l ^ of corn you feed to your hogs. Th-'itforc it wUl bo money in your pocki't to be pres ent and take part in this discussion, and .secure from Mi-. T;iylor a satis, factory method of controlling wortna in your herd. C. T. Patch, dean of business men in Southern Pines, this week celebrates his 40th anniver sary* in the mercantile adventure 'he staned ’way back in 1897, and in all that lime he has only moved a few hundred feet from the orighial building located on the site of the present McBray- er Building. The above illustration shows the store of 1909, then one of the few brick buildings in town, and the addition of 1927, this taking in all the corner for many years occupied by the Cit izens Bank, The sign over the older building is still C. T. Patch, but the business is known all over the Sandhills as the Patch Department Store. Heavy Docket Monday in Recorder’s Court Trio Accused of Entering Moore Motor Co. in Aberdeen Held; Henry McCormick Denied Bond Cameron and Community An unusually large number of ma jor cases were heard in Recordr’s Court on Monday, with the result that nine defendants were bound to Superior Court, four without privi lege of bond. Many people were at tracted by the important cases. William Barbour, J. C. Coltrain and Nettie Jackson, each of whom has a criminal record, were charged with breaking and entering the Moore Mo. tor Company’s place of business in Aberdeen malicious injury to person al property, and possessing burglar tools. In default of bond in the sum of $1000 each for the men and $500 for the woman, the trio is in jail awaiting trial in next week’s term of court. Coltrain plead guilty of carrying a concealed weapon and was sen tenced to serve 30 days on the roads, this to be suspended upon payment of the costs and a fine of $50. Henry McCormick, well-to-do ne- gio of Oklahoma who was brought back to this State a few days ago to face a charge of murdering his wife near Cameron 15 years ago, was denied bond. Both the father and the mother of the slain woman, Effie Watson McCormick, testified against the defendant, and Will McNeill told of carrying McCormick to his es. tranged wife’s home shortly before she was fatally shot. Probable cause of guilt was found against Fred McLaurin, Ed Adams and Lonnie Thorp, colored men of Pinehurst who were charged with first degree burglary, which carries with it the death penalty. They are alleged to have broken and entered the home df HaiTy Troy, a 77-year-old Negfi'o who resides near Pinehurst, to have beaten him almost to death and robbed him. Curtis Ritter, charged with as saulting his brother with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, was bound to the higher court, and gave bond in ihe sum of $500. Ritter a colored maa of Eagle Springs and tiie Hemp section is alleged to have shot his brother four times. For stealing a chamois skin jack et from the Pinehurst Department Store Leon Caddell colored, was sent to the roads for six moi;ths. The prcrecuting witness not be ing present, the State took a nol pros with leave in a case in which James Wade, white of Aberdeen, was charged with larceny. COUNTY BOARD OF EJJUCATION MEETS TODAY IN CARTHAGE There will be a meeting of the County Board of Education in the office of County Superintendent H. Lee Thomas this afternoon, Friday, at 3:00 o’clock. The Board members are J. W. Gra ham of Aberdeen, chairman, F, W. VonCanon of West End, W. B. Gra ham of Vass, W. P. Saunders of Hemp and W. E. Kelly of Carthage. (Some one has wondered if a “W” In the name is a requirement for membership on the Board.) MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED A marriage license has been issued from the office of the Register of Deds of Moore county to Herbert Spi vey and Johnaie Cameron, both of Cameron. A marriage of quiet simplicity and i charm was solemnized Saturday eve ning, January 9, at 6:00 o'clock, at j the home of their pastor, the officiat ing minister, the Rev. M. D. Mc Neill Qif the Presbyterian Church, when Miss Johnsie Cameron became the bride of Herbrt Spivey. The bride was attired in a handsome brown, j tailored ensemble, with matching ac cessories. The beautiful ring cere mony w'as used. Miss Mary Spivey, sister of the groom and Kenneth Wooten were special guests. Miss Cameron is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cameron, and graduated with honor from Cameron High School; she possesses a charm_ j ing personality, and is a popular | member of the younger set. She is I active in church work and both bride i and groom are prominent memoers of the Y. P. C. Mr. Spivey is the son of Mr. £Uid Mrs. J. B. Spivey of Cam eron and is associated with his fath er in farming. He also holds a posi tion with the mercantile firm of J. A. Phillips & Sons. He is a graduate of Cameron High School, and a young man of sterling worth. The couple | are making their home with the, bridegioom’s parents. j Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian j Wtman’s Auxiliary held its January i meeting last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. M. McDermott, with Mrs. G. M. Thomas as associate hostess. Fourteen members were pres ent, with Miss Maggie McLean of Carthage and Mrs. John McCallum as special guests. Mrs. J. W. Mc Donald, chairman, presided. Devo tional was led by Mrs. W. M. Wooten, and Miss Johnsie Cameron presented the program, Mesdames J. E. Snow, J. M. Guthrie and Loula Muse taking part. The meaning of the word “Heathen” was fully discussed and explained. The meeting closed with prayer, after which refreshments were served. Circle No. 2 of the same auxiliary met on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. W. G. Parker. Miss Thurla Cole, chairman, presided. Bible study, “The Life of Joseph’’ was ably conducted by Mrs. L' B. McKeithen and Miss Thurla Cole. Mrs. Jewell Hemphi’l gave an interesting paper on the word “Heathen.” The hostess, assisted by her daughter. Miss Helen Parker, served refreshments. Miss Maggie McLean of Carthage, was week-en 1 guest of Mrs J. E. Snow. Mrs. J. B. Spivey is spending some time in Washington, D. C., the guest of her son. Mrs. H. D. Tally and Miss Mar garet McDougald spent Saturday at Lemon Springs visiting Mrs. J. E- Phillips, Mrs. Buie, Mrs. Ferguson and other friends. The Rev. and Mrs, M. D. McNeill attended the meeting of Fayetteville Presbytery at St. Pauls on Tuesday. Friends regretted to learn of an automobile accident betweten Lake Hamilton and Venus, Fla., during the holidays, in which young James Mc Dougald, nephew of Mrs. H. D. Tal ly, was slightly injured and his car badly wrecked. A large truck, left st£inding on the side of the road with out lights, obstructing the view, caused the accident. No blame was attached to Mr. McDougald. The many friends of Mrs. J. A. Phillips will regret to learn that it was necessary for her to take anoth er blood transfusion this week. The Rev. Walter L. Wafford of Lexington, will preach in the Camer. on Baptist Church, next Sunday morning at 11:00 o’clock. The public is cordially invited to attend this ser vice. In memory of her aunt, the late Miss Chrissie McLean, Miss Vera Mc Lean of Pittsburg, Pa., presented the Presbyterian church with two at tractive flower stands and two bronze bud vases. Miss Margaret McQueen of Carth age was in town Monday. Mrs. J. M. Guthrie and Mrs. Guth rie of Brookneal, Va., were shop ping in Fayetteville Jast Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wooten, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Rogers and Miss Lula Rogers were in Sanford Sunday afternoon to see Charlie Rogers, Sr., who was slightly injured in an au tomobile wreck last week. CARTHAGE Mrs. E. H. Morton entertained her contract bridge club on Wednesday i afternoon. High score prize for club 1 members was won by Mrs. M. G. Dal- j rymple, guest prizes going to Miss I Frances McKeithen and A. R. Stall ing, house guest of Mrs. U. L. Spence. Mesdames George Carter and J. E. Muse entertained at a dinner party ' last Thursday at the home of Mrs.; J. E. Muse. Covers were laid for Mes dames O. D. Wallace, W. S. Golden,' W. R. Clegg, Nelie Biack, S. JI. i Miller, B. C. Wallace, J. E. Muse, Jr., and L. R. Sugg. i Misses Sarah Hurwitz and May Hefnem of New York City are visit ing Miss Hurwitz’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hurwitz. Miss Judith Wainer is doing nicely after undergoing an operation in a New York hospital. Miss Mildred Petway of Pinehurst spent Sunday with Miss Frances Mc Keithen. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Kennedy, Mrs. Alice Thomas and Mrs. Mabel Brown of Raleigh spent the week-end with Mrs. A. T, Lewi.«i. Mr. and Mrs. William Carter of Lynchburg. Va., spent the week.end at their home in Carthage. C. G. Spencer made a business trip to Washington, D. C., last week. Mrs. A. R. Stalling of Portland, Oregon has returned home after vis iting Mrs. U. L. Spence. Mrs. George Hart of Snow Hill has returned home after visiting her father, the Rev, I. N. Clegg. Royal Muse spent Sunday in Dur ham. Mrs. M. J. McPhail of Sanford spent the week-end in town visiting relatives. Mrs. L. R. Sugg of Sanford visited friends in town last week. Mrs. .Tohn Currie left Friday for Washington, D. C., where she will visit her mother, Mrs. Lilly McPhail. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Frye of Ashe- boro were in town Sunday to visit R. G. Fry, who is ill. Miss Alma Gee of Timmonsville, S. C. has returned home after an extended visit with John Willcox and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McKeithen and Leland McKeithen of Aberdeen spent Sunday with Mrs. N. A. McKeithen. John Willcox and M. G. Boyette spent Thursday in Raleigs. J. A. Davis of Rockingham spent the week-end at his home in Carth- age, , , ■" ■ ■ ■ ■■ P GOING UF» ! A House Built by Savings Thanks to Building and Loan Stock There is no material investment based on a more solid foundation. SAFE—Because secured by real estate values at twice the loans made. NON-TAXABLE—Adding from two to three percent over the inve.stment. We are Opening a New Series for Subscription This Month. Paid-Up Stock is Available in Even Shaies of $100, Paying Dividends of 5 Percent. Install ment Stock is available in amounts from 25 Cents per week up. SAVE FOR A DEFINITE PURPOSE SOUTHERN PINES BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Don't feelwav down under" tomorrow! "Your gills look pale this morning, brother,'' The one fish gurgles to the other. "Next time, soy 'CALVERT'— sidestep sorrow, you’ll be in the 'swim' tomorrow!' CALVERT’S “SPECIAL” 95c. PINT lanuarr'it the month of b