\ riooM MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding ijT ^^ARTHAOE &ACUC SPRINCS LAKEVISW MANLfiY UACXSOH SPRIhOd 30UTMRP Ptnu Me.lCHTS PIN£BLUPP PILCIT FIRST IP^ NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory oi , h Carolina ‘ ^ ♦ VOL. 17, NO. 9. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, January 29, 1937. A~ FIVE CENTS Many Here Concerned About Relatives in Flood Sections. Noi (]iu«uaUies Reported. But Water Up to Second Floor in Homes of Several Residents of the Sandhills with rel atives or friends in the stricken area of the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys have been making anxious in quiries throughout the past week as to ther safety. Not only are there large numbers of winter residents here from the afflicted sections but many former residents of Mcore county have moved to Ohio, Ken tucky, Missouri and other of the slates where death and destruction have followed the rising waters. John W. McNeill, brother of W. H. McNeill of Southern Pines and Mrs. I. C. Sledge cf Pinehurst, resident of Maysville, Kentucky. Word was received from him this week that the water is up to the second floor of his home, and that his lumber yard and w’arehouses are completely inundated. Mrs. Harold Rush, who frequently visits her mother, Mrs. M. B. Rush, | and her sister, Mrs. Charles W. Pic. quet, here, resides in Louisville. Though no word had been heard from Appeal For Clothes C. of (\ Names Stations For Delivery of Articles Need ed by FI(mkI Victims ROBERT L. HART 1937 CHAMBER OF COMMmCE HEAD Improved (’onditions and Service At Seaboard Station in Southern Pines Demanded VOTES RED CROSS AID The election of Robert Lee Hart as president of the organization for 1937. and a demand on the Seaboard Air Line Railway for better service for Southern Pines features the meeting of the new Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce heia Tues- ilay noon at Jack’s Grill. Earl G. Merrill was re-elected vice- president, Preston T. Kelsey elected national councilor and Hugh Better- ley re-elected secretary and treasurer. Mr. Hart succeeds Shields Cameron as president. John J. Fitzgerald, manager of the Mid-Pines Club, brought up the need for improvement In passenger ar rangements at the Southern Pines railroad station. He spoke of the dif ficulty encountered by prospective passengers in securing advance ac commodations; of the ‘flag station r'u ^ e r< -n- i- 1. n _ aiirh •- .. Chamber of Commerce committee, at methods of starting up trains in sucn ^j.g Rush the family here up to j a rush that accidents are narrowly ^ yesterday, they were not overly wor- averted. ‘Southern Pines deserves ^ stating that Mrs. Rush lives in better treatment at the hands of ^ high part of the city not affected the Seaboard than it is getting. We ^ ^y the swollen river, are still enjoying the antiquated me-1 -p^e Rev. Henry N. Hyde, a broth-1 appeal. We know that it is only thods employed 20 years ago," he cf Nelson C. Hyde of Southern 1 necessary to call to your attention said. I Pines, is rector of the Episcopal | ways and means cf helping in this directors that Southern Pines de- ^ church in Portsmouth, Ohio. His i terrible disaster, serves and should insist upon a ^ brother here was unable to get word R- L. HART, sleeping car exclusively for Southern jhree flays early In the ; President Chamber of Commerce. Pines, with a special siding here. Mr. j finally received a wire yester-1 Januarjj 28, 1937. Kelsey and others cited examples of ^j^y grating that the water was 14 lack of courtesy and cooperation on his house, all th fum- the part of train crews In unloading j jture had been moved to the second passengers. An urgent appeal Is to ^ floor, and the family had evacuated be made to officials of the road for: stay with friends in a higher part improved conditions. | of the city. lied (5ros» Support Safe In Louisville The Chamber went on record as in ^ ^ Chaighill Brown, rec- full accord with the local Red Cross Emmanuel Episcopal, in its efforts to assist in relief in the g. mother and sis- . Pre.sbyterians Beneficiaries of stricken flood district, pledging Its residing in Louisville. He was ^ Sum From Belk Fund cooperation In anything it may do telephone on' For New Edifice to assist In the drive for funds. W. G. -p^jpg^j^y night and found they were , ■ " ' Word was received this week by NALL, MURDERER OF SWEETHEART ESCAPES DEATH Moore County Hospital To Open Addition on Tuesday Sentence of First IVIoore County Man Sentenced To Die by Gas is Commuted The Chambers of Commerce of '"outhern Pines, Pinehurst, Aberdeen and Carthage, and the .\merican Le gion are cooperating with the Red Cross in its relief efforts for flood ' sufferers of the Ohio and Mississippi flood basins., Everyone in this community is re quested not only to give funds-—as most have done most gcnerou.sly— but to give blankets, clothing and shoes as well, to be sent to flood sufferers. I You may send them to the Fire Ue- ! partment on New Hampshire ave nue, Southern Pines; the Fire De partment in Pinehurst, thri Mid- South Motors in Aberdeen, the Fire Department in Carthage, or to any American Legion member. If not convenient to deliver these clothes in Southern Pines, telephone W. G- McAvoy, chairman of the TO SERVE LIFE TERM the telephone company, or the Broad Street Pnarmacy, and they will be collected. The people of Moore county need NEW BROWNSON CHURCH RECEIVES filET OF $500.00 The lethal gas chamber in North Carolina’s State Prison will not claim the life of Toy Nall, convicted in Moore county Superior Court last May of the murder of his attractive former sweetheart. 21-year-old Ge neva Crabtree, in the Calvary section of the county, and sentenced to die in the gas chamber on July 17, 1936. Nall, in a new trial held last week, was given life imprisonment. | The State accepted his plea of guilty of being an acces.sory before j the fact of the crime of murder in the first degree, and the court de creed that he should spend the rest ■cf his natural days in prison at hard labor. Nall had been the first and only man sentenced in a Moore coun- i ty court to die by gas. Tn his trial last year. Nall en tered a plea of not guilty, but on the way to prison made a complete con- fe.s.sion, officers said, telling every thing except the disposition made of I the gun used in the murder. A few days later, the jailer receiv ed a letter from Nall, disclosing that the gun had been thrown into Mc Lendon’s creek near a bridge on a certain road, and the gun was promptly recovered. Much of the time since his con finement in State’s Prison, Nall has ' seemed to be Insane, and the Su- preme Court a few weeks ago grant- Cabin Plane To Meet Eastern $5,000 From Moore Red Cross Donations Here .$3,.^00 in Exce.ss of ('ounty (Juota Total donations to the American Red Cross for flood relief from Moore county had reached the $4,- 200 mark last evening, J. Coburn Musser, county chairman, report ed. In addition to this, checks for $80 were sent directly from coun ty residents to Wa.shington head quarters of the Red Cross, which are credited to the county, ms*king a grand total of §5,000, with funds still coming in. In a radio broadcast from na tional headquarters. Admit