Friday, March 26, 1937. THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, P«ibrth Carolina Page Seve* THEATRE OWNERS KEEP PICQUET IN NATIONAL OFFICE For the tenth consecutive year, Charles W. Plcquet of Pinehurst, manager of the Carolina Theatres in Pinehurst and Southern Pines, was last week elected vice-president of the National Theatre Owners Association at the annual convention In Miami. He was also elected to the Board of Tru.‘!tees. Mr. Plcquet has just re turned from Florida where he played a prominent part in the convention activities. R. A. Warren Jeweler SOUTHERN PINES IT’S A SCOOi' FOR MINT SPRIKS Cameron and Community ' 1 JriiUllivi ^ a^am scoops the field witli genuine high palityiMF apicefirtkmmie man •O PHOOP Glenmore Distilleries Co., Tncorporsted Louisville*~Owensboro, Kentucky ($lenmores mint Springs The senior play, “Always in Trou ble,’’ was presented to a large and appreciative audience in the school auditorium last Friday evening. Sev eral competent critics prone unced this play as one of the best the school has ever given. Raymond Spivey and Neill McDonald were the outstanding pci'formers, showing real talent. Misses Margaret McDonald and Bs-. telle Faulk Interpreted their roles splendidly, in fact all players ac quitted themselves with honor, which greatly pleased the efficient direc tor. Miss Jean Simp.son. Special credit should be given Orton Camer on. who .substituted fcr Carl Rogers, who was taken ill the morning of the play. The auiiience did not know of this until after the performance. "The Propo.sal,” an amusing skit by George McDermott and Vernon Wick- ei', was well received. The evening closed with a cake walk which af ford fund and mei'riment for yoimg and old. Eighteen cakes and a sur prise box wore given as prizes. The play adiled $19..'iO to the schcol treas ury, and the cake walk increased the amount to .$70..'>0. The Commencement Calendar tor Cameron School is as follows; March 26, Alumni Banquet; April 9, Elementary Pi'ogram; May 2 Sen ior Vesper Service; May 3, Class Day Exercises; May 4, Graduating Exer-; May 5, High School Play, all the at 8:00 p. m. At a special meeting of Circle No. 2 of the Presbyterian Woman’s Aux iliary last Sunday the following of ficers were elected: Chairman, Mrs. M. D. Mclver; vice chairman. Miss Mabbil McFadyen; secretary-treas- urer, Miss Annie Bcrst. At a meeting of the Y. P. C., the following officers were named: Pres ident, Raymond Spivey; vice-presi dent, Miss Mary Doris McPherson; secretary and treasurer. Miss June Mclver Hemphill. Dr. Guy Funderburk and Prof. and Mrs. R. F. Lowry were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hen dricks. Dr. Funderburk preached at EUREKA JAPANESE OIL Madi lo U. 8. A. FOR HAIR AND SCALP OHhrant from Ordinary Hair Toalei IT'S A SCALP MEOICINEI Uclktl. FEEL IT WORKI At .^1 Druggttti Wrtta far FREE BHkltl “Tha Truth Abaut Tha Half." Natianal Ramtily Ca., Nea Yart JUST Four Nore Days! Before the penalty on 1936 taxes will increase to 3%. Durinar March the penalty is 2%, and it will increase 1% with each succeeding month until paid. Pay before April 1st County Tax Collector MI.SS Lillie Hardy of Carthage the Baptist church at the 11:00 spent Sunday night with her sister,; I spending the spring holidays with j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bo- ' gar. ' Members of the Senior class of o’clock service. Misses Nelly Williamson, Margar et McDonald, Mary Doris McPher- NIAGARA B. C. Morgan has returned from a few days trip to McLeod Hospital Mrs. Ferman McCasklll. week-end with his family. Mrs. L. B. McKeithen, Miss Isabel I Farm Life School were delightfully 'entertained by the junicrs Saturday Florence, S. C. for treatment, Mrs. Lula Palmer of Pinebluff is ^ ^he Rev. J. S. Johnson, who ha* tn an extended visit with her sister, gppjj^g theatre party at South-i been pastor of the Village ('hurch, son, Jean Swett and Mary Emma Miss Kittle Blue. luc viuat,c nun-i*, Thomas spent Saturday in Raleigh, j n A Blue visited her moth-'*"" i pieached his farewell sermon L. B. McKeithen, Mrs. M. McL. Me-; j gi f p. Officers of Eureka Sunday School i Sunday. He has now left tor a largw Keithpn Mr anil MrQ M p MrPhpr i new year have been elected p. , , ^ * ir- - • Keitncn, Mr. anu Mrs. H. P. Mci^ner f>(,ad during the week-end. . i * x«r i.- work m Eastern Virgmia. son visited relatives in Aberdeen; i t i t>i follows. Supeimtendent, W. „ . , , , Sunday afternoon. Ddl Shaw and Jack Blue were sup- Horne; assistant .superintendent; ^ Mrs. A. L. Paul who was .severely I per guests of Mrs. Coffey of Lake- 13 pj Ouin; secretary-treasurer, J,'injured in an automobile wreck jTpi^lay night. M. McLeod and assistant secretary- soi^e three months or more ago, re- wes ein or aroma spen e Miss Myra Blue of Hemp spent the treasurer, Nellie Blue. turned from Duke Ho.spital on 1rPK—Fine ron- dition—(iood tires—(iood motor. Of fers many thousands miles $- of tconrmical servic? for i»n'y TWO 1934 CHKVROLKT TUl'CKS- one Ion>r and one short. See today and buy them at the rrmarkably low price of « ach 19:M CADIM.AC CONVKRTIBLK sk- Driven only 19,000 miles-^Looks nnd runs like new. A bi'autifiil and most luxurious car. t'an be bought for less than 10 pcrccnt of oritrinal cost. 150 75 e ron- Of- 125 acKs— ee them '200 TODAY! .'iL Aberdeen, N. C. ' « « 1 Hunter;s — Jumpers Saddle Horses and Ponies Polo Ponies Trotters — Pacers Military Mounts Fort Bragg’s 75 mm Guns Now. you can get a baby powder that will keep your baby SAFER against germs and skin infec tions It’s Mennen Antiseptic Powder Your doctor will tell you that whenever you buy a baby powder it surely ought to be Mennen Because Mennen is more than \\ist adustin^ powder -it's antiseptic* And it costs no more' So. mother, buy a tin from your druggist, today. Mennen powder Twentieth Annual Pinehurst Horse Show Pinehurst Show Ring TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, M ARCH 30, and 31, 1937 For the Benefit of the Moore County Hospital 60 CLASSES Boxe.s, Parking Spaces and Tickets for Either or Roth Days Now on Sale at Office of Show Sec retary, Charles W. Picquet, Carolina Theatre Building, Pinehur;t. Canopy-Cov'cred Boxes, for both days, including admission tickets for eight persons—?25.00. P’amily Parking Spaces, for both days, including? admission—?20.00. Parking Spaces, without admission ticket;^—Two days, $5.00; one day, $3.00. (General Admission, per day—$1.00.