MOOKE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWSWEEKLY TTl’17 X HE-/ A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 17. NO. 25. >^ ^RTHAOE RACUK SPRINC9 VA8S ff>*^«UkKBVlSW HAHt-KY •OOTHBBN JACKSOM SPRIMOS PIMCS aakroux PINBBLUPF PILOT FIRST LV NtiiWS, CIRCULATIOxN & ADVERTISING Southern Pines and Aberdeen, Nort h Carolina. April 30, 1937. of the Sandhill Ter’rif*<^;v of North Carolina -- FIVE CENTS BEST SEASON IN YEARS ENJOYED IN SANDHILLS AREA Hotel and Recreation Facilities Have Been Taxed to Limit to Meet Demands Twenty to Receive Diplomas at Pinehurst School on Thursday Dr. H. J. Derthick Commence ment Speaker. — Baccalaur eate Sermon Sunday Morning To Address Seniors REAL ESTATE ACTIVE With the Sandhills vacation season nearly at an end it seems fitting that a quick survey be made of the situation that is responsible for a great proportion of this resort area s annual income. From every quarte«’, during the past month, have come nothing but the most encouraging reports of the volume of business enjoyed by the local shops and the resort enterpris es in Southern Pines and Pinehurst and observation would lead to the same conclusion. This year, for the first time since 1929, hotels all over the area were forced to turn away prospective guests for protracted periods. “Res ervations in advance” was a wise precaution to take. Some estimates of the total volume of business for the season in our two adjoining communities have run as high as fifty per cent above the last three years and considerably above the 1929 volume. And that in spite of the fact that this past seas on was somewhat shorter than in by gone years. Golf, the principal diversion here abouts, has enjoyed an almost unpre cedented boom. The Pine Needles season was so successful that it was thought that the installation cf grass greens on the Donald Ross golf course there was an advisable improvement for next season, and the hotel, itself, will be enlarged within the next two years. Tentative plans for that work are already under consideration. More Grass Greens At Pinehurst CouVitry Club fre quent comparisons cf this year’s guest registrations with similar pe riods in the past years have revealed nothing but increases, and large ones at that, and there, too, grass greens are being installed on No. 1 course and preparations made to op en another of the courses for next season's anticipated further increas es. Southern Pines Country Club has enjoyed a prosperous year and the major golf tournaments all over the area have drawn larger and finer fields than for several years past. The horse, too, has come into his own again. This year has seen a large increase in the number of horses in the area and all of the e- vents, from the winter training rou tine at the Pinehurst Race Track to the steeplchase meeting, enjoyed the most prosprous season in years. But one of the most encouraging! features of the entire year has been | Each Grade To Take Part the demand for cottages and real es-1 Interesting Program in tate in general in the area. And it has Local Auditorium been a seller’s marke^. More homes (Please turn to page four) • The Pinehurst Public Schools will begin their Commencement program this Sunday morning, May 2, when the baccalaureate sermon will be de livered in the Pinehurst Community Churc.i by the Rev. James Appleby oi Maxton. On Wednesday morning. May 5, at 10:00 o’clock the seventh grade will present a play, ‘‘Ultra- Modern School.” On Thursday morn ing, May 6, the seventh grade will receive their certificates. Dr. D. E. i Earnhardt of Murphersboro will make the address. Before Dr. Earn hardt’s address there will be a Read- i ing and Declamatory contest by a group of boys and girls of, the sev enth grade. The certificates will be awarded by a member of the School board. The Senior Class Day program will be given on Thursday evening, May 6. This program is under the direc tion of Miss Mildred Petway, the senior class sponsor. On Friday even ing, May 7 the Commencement ad dress will be made by Dr. H. J. Der thick, president of Milligan College in Tennessee. Prizes, metals and diplo mas will be awarded. There are twen ty members cf this years senior class who expect to receive their di plomas. The public is cordially invited. PLANS COMPLETED FOR JUNIOR TE.4M IN LEGION LEAGUE HOSPITALIZATION FOR TWO CENTS A DAY IS EXPLAINED Kiwanis Hear of Group Plan For ISudgeting Their Possible Casualties (iRISETTE IS SPEAKER His Pupils Win l)K. II. .1. DKKTHU'K Si':indhills Youngsters To Com pete in National Race For Baseball Honors Last night at a meeting attended by the appointed representatives of the combined civic organizations of Southern Pines, sitting with the American Legion Committee on the Junior Baseball Program, plans were virtually completed to place an Amer ican Legion Junior Baseball team In the field to represent the Sandhills. There are still a few details to be settled before the completed plans are announced but the joint commit tee expressed itself as well pleased with developments to date and is con fident that the local Junior Legion team will give a good account of it self in the forthcoming campaign. The American Legion Junior Base- (Please ttini fa page eight) Music Festival Next Thursday in S. P. School PINEHURST VOTES SUPPLEMENT FOR 9-MONTH SCHOOL Overwhelming Majority For Ad ditional Tax Assessment Voted in District LEVY IS 15 CENTS PER $100. At the special election called last Thursday at the Pinehurst Commun ity House, V ters in the Pinehurst School District voted 358 to 98 in favor of the proposed additional school tax assessment of 15c per $100.00 of property valuation for the purpose of improviiinest Mor rell and Miss Erma Fisher. At the Thistle Club’s annual bu'!- iness meeting a week ago, the fol lowing officers were elected f r the coming year. Mrs. Walter Spaeth, president; Mrs. Harry Gage, vice- president; Mrs. Charles Warner, treasurer: Mrs. Greer Stutz, secre tary; and Mrs. George Proctor, cor responding secretary.