Friday, April 30, 1937. THE PILOT, Southern I*ines and Aberdeen, North Carolina PAGE FIV^ MOTHER HER FAVORITE CANDY 9 CHOCOLATES Your gift of a package of 'Whitman’s Chocolates will sive Mother double pleasure. It says ... "NoUiiag but the best for you. Mother, aitd you see, I have not forgotten your day.” An excellent variety of Whitman’s Choco* lates here now, ready for your selection t.. call today. Broad St. Pharmacy Exclusive Agency nuoiiiiceiiieiit . . . The PATUXENT corporation announces the opening of a l)ranch office in Southern Pines, Rooms 3 and 1 in the Patch Building on Broad Street. Mr A. S. Newcomb will be the agent in charge, representing Pine Needles hotel, Pine- Needles realty and other activities of the Patux ent corporation. The principal office of the company will remain in Pinchurst in charge of Mr. O. H. Stutts, General Manager, as heretofore. Southern PJnes telephone numl>er, ”324 The Week in Southern Pines mtmtnnnn: Remember . . . to Send Mother’s Day Cards ALSO A BOOK SHE WILL LIKE AND Some very nice Note Paper One of the new Parker Pens would be fine CARDS AND GIFTS FOR MOTHER’S DAY HAYES’ SANDHILL BOOR SHOP SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. ii n Watch out for the Moth! HE’LL BE RINGING YOUR DOORBELL Soon Proper cleaning and storing* is assured protection. Let us seal your blankets in ■ Moth Seal, cedarized bags at a small ad ditional cost. Southern Pines Laundry Company, Inc. TELEPHONE 6101 W. NEW YORK AVE. TWO PBOMINENT AUTHORS GUESTS AT HIGHLAND PINES Within the past two weeks the Highland Pins Inn has entertain ed two prominent writers. Hervey Ailed, author or "Anthony Adverse” which has enjoyed total sales in excess of a million copies, spent a night and day at the inn en- route to his home on the eastern shore of Maryland from Coconut Grove, Florida. His three children ac companied him. Mr. Allen has Just completed a new novel. Mrs. Leslie Fcrd Brown of Annap olis, Maryland, one of the leading writers of detective stories in the country, published under the names of “David Frome” and ‘‘Leslie Ford,” spent several days here gathering material for a story localed in this section. Mrs. Brown spent some time here several years ago as the guest of Mrs. Maude Parker Pavenstedt. Watermelon plants, in all stages, are subject to attacks by fusarium niveum, a wilt disease that enters through root tips and ruptures form ed by new lateral roots. Spring lambs markete<4 before June usually return more profit than those marketed later, says F. W. Bell, ani mal husbandry specialist at Kansas State College. Tests at the Oklahoma A. and M. College experiment station in 1936 proved that calcium arsenate is an effective insecticide for icontrolling the cotton leaf worm. Cottonseed meal may be fed to cows without injury, says A. H. Kuhl- man, Oklahoma A. and M. College dairy specialist, if proper mineral and vitamin supplies are included in the ration. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tonnele of New York are the guests of Mrs. Reid Healy for a few days. Struthers Burt is spending several days at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. William Reyburn are the house guests of Mrs. Reid Healy for a few days at her home on Young’s Road. F. B. Hcwland left recently for Titusville, Pa., after spending a few days in town at his home in Wey mouth Heights. Lawrence B. Smitli is spending a few days at the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst prior to his departure for his summer home in Millbrook. N. Y. The Catholic Daughters of Amer ica enjoyed a social meeting at the Catholic Hall Monday night. , Miss Dorothy Pottle entertained a few guests at a buffet supper at the Hollywood Hotel Thursday evening. Mrs. Lawrence B. Smith left re cently for a trip abroad. Mrs. Earl Merrill and Mrs. Greer Stutz were joint hostesses to the Junior Guild of the Episcopal Church I at the home of Mrs, Merrill Tuesday! night. . ' Mrs. Mary Jones is ill at her heme' on New Hampshire avenue. | Mrs. Putnam of Gloversville, N.; V., is spending a tew days at The j Smilax. Mrs. A. V. Curtis of Portsmouth, N. H., is spending a month in South-1 ern Pines with her daughter, Mrs. | Frank Kaylor, while enroute from' Florida to her northern home. , Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Simpson and the Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Barber spent Wednesday at Flora Macdonald Col lege in Red Springs. The Rev. William P. Westcott has returned to Charlotte after a short stay in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. James Van Brunt left recently for their home in Redbank. N. J., after spending the winter in town. Miss Millie Montesanti was host ess to the Spinster's Club Monday evening at her home on Pennsylvan ia avenue. W. G. McAvoy has returned from several days’ stay in Beaufort, S. C. The Willing Workers of the Bap tist Church entertained at a show er and tea Monday afternoon honor ing Miss Louise Scheipers, bride- elect.. Mrs. Frank Pottle acted as hostess. Miss Margaret Montesanti enter tained about fifty guests at a dancc at Montesanti’s Camp last Friday evening, the occasion being her 16th birthday. Wari?n Cummings of Barre, Vt., returned Monday to his home after several days visit with his mother, Mrs. H. A. Gculd. The Rev. and Mrs. Elmer W. Seri spent several days in Southern Pines this week with Mrs, J. F. Morris at the New England House while en route fi’om Florida to their summer home in Delavan, Wis. Mrs. Preston T. Kelsey entertain ed at a bridge tea Friday afternoon at her home on Country Club Drive. Mr. and Mrs. George Grover of Hanover, Mass., were recent guests of their nephews, Lawrence and Al fred Grover, enroute from Miami, Florida where they spent the win ter, to their home in Massachusetts. Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Ruggles of Kingsport, Tenn., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Case and Mr, and Mrs A. S. Ruggles. Dr. and Mrs. William Chase Mud- gett gave a dinner Saturday night at the Chalfonte honoring the birthday of their daughter, Mrs. Henry M. Dingley, Jr., of Auburn, Maine. Guests were Mr, and Mrs, W. W. Ful ler, 2d, of Briar Cliff Manor, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. George M. London, Miss Emilie May Wilson, Winthrop Williams, Miss Katherine Wiley, John Given and Henry M. Dingley, Jr. Miss Katherine Mcnroe and Miss Little of Sanford visited friends in town on Saturday. The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Berger of Syracuse, N. Y., are spending sev eral weeks at the Huntington Lodge. Mrs. Victor Richmond and son James left Thursday morning for Bradford, Pa., after spending some time in Southern Pines. Miss Carolyn Comers visited friends in Ellerbe on Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Tracy will leave Sunday for her summer home in Wyalusing, Pa., after spending the winter here. Albert Lewis Adams, Jr., celebrat ed his fifth birthday at a party Tuesday afternoon at the Magnolia Lodg^ Guests present were Billy Ba ker, C. L. Worsham. Lloyd Clark, Lewis Allison Phillips, Joseph Ma loney, George Straka, Catherine Sit- terson, Janet Menzel, Jean Overton, Phyllis Hoskins and Nelia Johnson. Mrs. William Roth and daughter Margaret motored to Sanford Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham are stopping at the Magnolia Lodge for a few days. Mrs. Dorcas Burns has returned to her 'home in New York after a visit with her sister, Mrs, R. F. Potts. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bartlett and son Melvin left Wednesday for their home in East Bridgeton, Maine after a winter’s stay in Southern Pines. I Mrs, Florence M. Deacon and her j niece. Miss Mary Glover have re turned from Melbcurne Beach, Fla,, where they spent the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Howe left Thursday for their home in Brad ford, Pa., after spending a month here, Mrs. Frank Cosgrove and daught ers, Misses Jean, Louise and Ann, and Mrs. John Capello, Misses Ellenore EJddy and Evelyn Remus, with Dell and John Ammott motored to Myr tle Beach last Friday. Miss Sarah DuRant, student at Queens Chicora in Charlotte was the week-end guest of Miss Eleanor Grover at her home on Broad street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper have returned from several days stay in Pittsburgh. Marshall Barney of Raleigh was the week-end guest of Miss Mary Swett. Straw Hats DOBBS Panamas, Planter’s Punch, Sennits and Cocoanut Braid AS FEATl’KED FOK THIS .SI .'VOIEK $3.50 to $7.50 other hats $1.00 up JANTZEN Bathing Suits and Trunks We are showing- the newest styles in this famouvs line of beaeh wear for men and boys $1.95 to $6.95 T€e §HCf) Miss Eleanor Harloe of the Wo- man’s College of the University of Ncrth Carolina spent the week-end at her home here. The Rev. Thomas A, Williams has leturned from several days trip to Washington, D. C.« Mr. and Mrs. David Oates and datighter, Carol, and Miss Louise Oates and Mrs. Janie Simmerman of Fayetteville were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Huske, Ralph Chandler, student at David son College spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chandler. Budge Leavitt of Siler City spent the week-end in Southern Pines. Pre.ston T, Kelsey has returned from a few days stay in Raleigh. E. J. Austin, who is employed in Hemp, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. Am'n Benfield of St. Petersburg, Fla., were recent guests of Mrs. Etta Cox enroute to their summer home in Wallace Sands, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huckins vis ited friends in town recently while enroute from St. Petersburg, Fla., to their home in Plymouth, N. H. The Beginners and Primary de partments of the Baptist Church re peated their performance of the Tom Thumb Wedding before an audience of about a hundred at the Hollyw,.od Hotel Tuesday evening, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Hokewright entertained with piano solos and Miss Alice Ann Alli son gave a ballet dance. Following the entertainment refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meri'ill called on friends in town this week on their way to their home in Connecticut, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Newton have returned to their heme in Connecti cut after spending the winter months at The Gertrude. Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Gage of Northfield, Mass., were recent guests of Mrs. Winnie Dodge while enroute from Orlando, Fla,, to their northern home. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clegg of Greensboro have leased the Minor House on Ashe street thn ugh the Paul T. Barnum agency and will take possession May 15th. Mrs. J. W. Gibson visited her sis ter, Mrs. R, M. Breeme in Siler City last week-end. Mrs. Walter Olive has returned from a few days visit with her sis ter, Miss Louise McMillan in Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmeltzer and Miss Blanche Sherman motored to Siler City recently. Mrs. M. B. Murrow and Mrs. Rom- ey Henry of Bonlee spent Monday as the guests of Mrs. J. W. Gibson. Mrs, C. A. Maze and Mrs. W, B. Thompson were gueste cf Mr. and Mrs. T, Rice in Pinebiuff on Tuesday of this week. Jo.1,1 McCrimmon has returned to his home here and is recovering from a major operation performed recent ly at the Moore County Hospital. Miss Julia McIntosh has returned frcm several days stay in Atlanta, Ga. Eklward Cox of Hollywood, Fla., is spending several weeks in Southern Pines with his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Cox at the Resthaven. Miss Ruth Aldrich left Sunday for her home in Montpelier, N. H., fol lowing a stay of several months in Southern Pines. Miss Minnie Barker left Sunday for Alston, Mass,, after spending the win ter here. Miss Sarah Turner left Friday night night for her home in Boston after spending the winter at the Hollywood. Rugs Moth Proofed - Blankets - Draperies V, n CLEANED-MOTH PROOFED STORED IF YOU LIKE Let Us Shoulder the Worry /Bbontesanti Telephone 5541 Southern Pines DORN’S THE FINEST IN FOODS Better Neats for Less Quality at Its Best Young Naf.ive Chickens Home Dressed • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables • J*remier, VV'hite Rose and Beechnut Brand I^oducts. • Telephone your orders a-id take advantage of oiir deliverj- serf-ice. Telephone 6911 DORN’S East Broad Street Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs, John Capello have returned to their home on Cape C^d. Mass., following a stay of several months in Southern Pines, Mr, and Mrs, H. G. McElroy spent Tuesday in Raefcrd. Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Marsh left Saturday for their home in Wash ington, D. C, .following a few days stay ,in Southern Pines. Mrs. C. H. Burnham has returned to Springfield, Mass., after a stay of several days in town. Mrs. Anderson and daughter. Miss Carolyn Anderson and Mrs. Simmons are leaving Saturday for Rhode Is land after having been the guests of Mrs, Ernest Morrell for several weeks. Mrs. liarold Rush cf Pinehurst was the dinner £iiest of Mrs. G. R. Crosby on Tuesday of this week. Oscar Hitt and family have re turned to New York after spending several months in Southern Pines. Mrs, A. M. Bolles and Miss Isabel Mitchell entertained their cousin, Frederick B. Spencer, who stopped over in Southern Pines while enroute from St. Petersburg to his home in Garden City, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. William Brcwn, who have been in Florida this winter, ar rived in town Wednesday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard But ler for several days. j Mrs. Eva Holmes Owens is mak- I ing her usual Spring visit to Southern Pines and is sta^'ing at the Piedincnt tor a month. I Mrs. Agnes Dean Spenccr and i small daughter Betty Joan of WilH- mantic. Conn,, .is visiting her aunt, I Miss Alice May Holmes at her hcmc , on East Vermont avenue. ' Miss Annie W. Carter has ictui'n- ed to her home in Delhi, N, Y., af- ' ter spending the winter in thf; Case apartments. Mrs. Stanley W. Burke and Fred erick H. Burke are attending the I Virginia Gold Cup steeplechase races at Warrenton. Va., this week-eml. .4IR-CONDITIONBD OOACHKS As an integral part of its vast air- conditioning program, the Seaboard Air Line Railway announced this week the addition cf deluxe seat, ;»ir- conditioned coaches cn trains num bers three and foui; operating be tween Richmond, Raleigh, and Ham let, for the benefit of local travelrs. The rate for travel in these coaches is the lowest daily rate in histi ry— only a cent and a half per mile. The coaches are equipped with the latest type mechanical air-conditicning, as suring cool travel at all times, with dirt, dust, cinders and smoke lockcd out.