•m wmm '.Mfr"I.«H(.Hll.lj|.L. Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, May 14, 1937. Distributing Point for the Sandhills Area -- AQERDEENf -- Leading Railroad Center of the Peach Belt SKNIOK CL..\SS ENTERTAINED Aberdeen Community Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and son, i Clara Blue were shopping visitors In Honoring the Senior Class of 1937 | •f the Aberdeen High School, Mrs. .. • _ . . Ollie Adcox and Mrs. Leonard Rus- J"- ^rs. S. E. Sloan and Scott, Raleigh last Thursday. motored mothers of the Class Mascots, ™°tored to Statesville last j Mrs. Joanna Johnson of Lemon gjj. I Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Springs is spending some time in ■ Scott Barkley. | Aberdeen visiting her nephew, Hardin Mrs. E L. Pleasants attended the i Gunter. North! Mrs. E. L. Barber was welcomed ' a member of the Alfred Moore 4ell. iSoise Adcox and Billy Russell tertained at a most enjoyable dance tt the Town Hall in Pinebluff. M. H. FOLLEY Lumber, Millwork and Builders’ Supplies Aberdeen Hemp 12th annual meeting of the Carolina Garden Club in Raleigh last! Friday, as a delegate from the Home' Chapter of the Daughters of the and Garden Club here. American Revolution at their April Jesse Carter, member of the CCC[ meeting held in Carthage last Tues- Camp at Rock Glen, Pa., is spending! some time with his parents here. Miss Mabel Lawrence, who is tak- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keith, Mr. I a course in beauty culture in Ral- and Mrs. George Martin, Mr. and; eigh. spent Mother’s Day in Aberdeen Mrs. Ralph M. Caldwell and Mr. and visiting her mother. Mrs. Forrest Lockey enjoyed a week- the Senior Class ball at the ' end outing on the Page house boat at University, Chapel Hill, last Saturday Sneed's Ferry. Misses Mary Ella Bethune and Aherbf^tt ®hrate J. B. EDWARDS, Manager Aberdeen, North Carolina PROGRAM, WAY 13 through WAY 21 Thursday & Friday, May 13 & 14 Shows at 7:30 & 9:30 “THE KING AND THE CHORUS GIRL” JO.\N BLONDELL FERNAND GRAV'ET EDWARD EVERETT HORTON A king on a drunken holiday, becomes enamored of a chor us girl. His court hires her to enter upon' a professional ro mance, but love finds its way. Saturday, May 15 Matinee at 3 P. M. Night at 7 & 8:45 “TRAtt DUST” WILLIA.M BOYD as (HOP-A-LONG CASSIDY) JIMMY EIXISON Efforts to prevent a rancher from delivering his herd are nipped when the rancher discovers the head of a band of cattle thieves among his own outfit. ALSO CH.VPTER NO. 12 “THE PHANTOM RIDER” starring BUCK JONES Late Show Starting at 10:30 “FAIR WARNING” BF:TTV Fl'RNESS J. EDWARD BROMBERG JOHN HOW.ARD P.AY'NE With a resort hotel for a background, patrons and tourists are implicated in a murder until it is discovered that a lost gold mine is the underlying cause of the mystery, Monday and Tuesday, May 17 & 18 SJiows at 7:30 and 9:30 “READY, WILLING AND ABLE” Rl'BY KEELER LEE DIXON The musical that you have been waiting for, with music and dancing galore! A producer signs a vaudeville player think ing she is an English star. His backers withdraw their support upon learning this but the producer steps into the lead and makes a hit. Wednesday, May 19 (Only) JACK POT NIGHT Shows at 7:30 and 9:30 “MURDER GOES TO COLLEGE” ROSCOE KARNS M.ARSH.A HUNT LYNNE OVERMAN Under the menace of a numbers racket mob, a detective and a newspaperman solve the murder of.^ university professor whose wife was the sweetheart of the numbers king. Thursday, May 20 (Only) Shows at 7:30 and 9:15 “DOCTOR BULL” WILL ROGERS M.ARIAN NIXON Playing the part of the country Doctor in one of his greatest. Friday, May 21 (Only) Shows at 7:30 & 9:15 “MIDNIGHT COURT” ANN DVORAK JOHN IJTEL A former district attorney turns in some brilliant defenses for A gang of criminals engaged in the car-stealing racket in order to get the “goods" on them, this resulting in the smash ing of the ring. evening Fred W’eaver and Miss Lida Duke Blue of Aberdeen led the grand march. E. L. McBride and family have moved this week from the house they have been occupying near the Com munity Club to the residence recent ly vacated by the W. T. Huntleys on Poplar street. Miss Christine Allred f J i»T.i it>r TA ij sticks holding burning white tapers. W eds W llmer McDonald The wedding cake was cut and serv- ed by Mrs. McDuffie Clark of Can- Only Relatives Witness Pretty dor. Mrs. Grace Sloan of Aberdeen Ceremony on Monday at Home and Mrs. Claude Burkhead of Can- of Bride’s Mother dor served the ice-cream, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Caldwell. Mrs. Joe Allred The wedding of Miss Christine All- Aberdeen and Miss Maxine Clark red of Aberdeen and Wilmer McDon- Qf candor presided at the punch aid of Timberland and Raeford was ^ bowls. Punch was served from an solemnized on Monday afternoon. May; Sheraton sideboard handed 10th at 4:30 o’clock, at the home of ^ovvn by the great grand-parents of the bride s mother, Mrs. J. F. All- jjjg bride, John and Polly Chisholm red on Main street in a quiet cere mony attended only by relatives of the bride and groom. The Rev. E. L. Barber, pastor of the Presbyterian church officiated. Preceding the ceremony the wed ding music was played by Mrs. Alton Barber of Biscoe. "To a Wild Rose” by McDowell and “The Sweetest Story Ever Told” were sung by Mrs. Dan Allred and Miss Ekina Maurer. Mrs. Ralph Caldwell sang “At Dawn ing” by Cadman. The bridal chorus from Lohengrin was used, and “Trau- I merei” by Schumann. Then Mendel- ! ssohn’s Wedding March. The bride CARD PARTY AND SHOWER FOR CHRISTINE .ALLRED Complimentary to Miss Christine Allred. Miss Edna Maurer entertain ed at a most enjoyable bridge and rook party at the Community Club House last Friday evening, May 7th, which was universally conceded to be the outstanding social event of the season. Those attending, numbering about 80, were invited into the living- room arranged with nine tables for bridge and four tables for‘rook. The hostess presented the honoree. Miss Allred, with a beautiful gift, and also presented Mrs. Ed. Bethune of Rae ford and Mrs. O. B. Israel of Sana torium, recent brides, with gifts. Mrs. L. T. Avery received the high score bridge prize and Mrs. D. B. Herring the high rook prize. Following the serving of refreSh- The out-of-town guests were Mr. j ments in which the hostess was as- and Mrs. Neill A. McDonald, Sr. of! sisted by Mrs. Francis Pleasants, Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald left im mediately after the ceremony for their wedding trip to New York and other northern points. Mrs. McDon ald’s going-aw’ay costume was a three-piece biege suit with fox collar and accessories to match. They will be at home in Aberdeen on their re turn about May 15th. Timberland. Mr. and Mrs. Neill A McDonald, Jr. of Raeford, Lacy Clark of Raeford, Mr. and Mi's. W. C. Cov ington, Wagram; from Candoi, Mr. Mrs. Maud Wilkins and son Billy, ^ entered with her brother, Dan Allred, .and Mrs. D. C. Ewing. Mr. and Mrs and Haverius Land spent last Sun day in Bladenboro visiting Miss Miss Nancy Dove. Mr. and Mrs. David Knight, Sr. had as their guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rigsbee and Mr. and Mrs Arthur Lewter of Morrisville and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Knight of Hamlet. Mrs. Knight returned to Morrisville with Mrs. Rigsbee, and will spend some tme in that vicinity visiting rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doub and daughters, Misses Dorothy and Mar ion spent the past week-end in Greei.sboro after attending the May , Day exercises at Greensboro College ' where Miss Rebecca Doub is a stu dent. I Mrs. Joe Allred and small son of , Raeford visited relatives in town last Tuesday. ' Mrs. Ida Arnold of Fitchburg, Mass.. was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson several days ' this week. 1 Mrs. Stewart Weaver, Mrs. John D. McLean and Miss Sarah Weaver , spent the week-end in Columbia, S. C.. visiting Mrs. Jesse Frink. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. , M. Creel were Mr. and Mrs. H. C. ’ Riddle and Mrs. E. N. Miller of Clo ver, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thom as and son of Troy, Mr. and Mrs. S. H, Johnson and daughter of Raleigh, and Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas and Miss Sarah Thomas of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Huntley, Jr. of Chapel Hill spent the past week-end 1 ' visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Huntley, Sr. of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. To mWalker, former residents of Aberdeen now living in Greensboro, were week-end guests of Mrs. A. F. Yates. Misses Vera Edwards and Eliza beth Lewis spent the week-end in Wingate at Miss Edwards' home. Janice Edwards, the small sister of I Miss Vera, returned with them for a two w’eeks visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Harrington of Macon, Ga., were week-end guests of the Dixons near Aberdeen. Mrs. Harrington was the former Miss Dix on, and made her home near Aber deen until her marriage last Decem ber. Misses Mary David and Ethel Vice of Columbia, S. C., spent last Sunday in Aberdeen as the guest of Mrs. Mary L. David and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ferree of Asheboro spent Mother's Day in Aberdeen visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Ferree. Dr. Paisley Field of Fairmont visit ed in Aberdeen on Monday while at tending the Rotary convention in Pinehurst. Albert Caddell of Jamestown spent Mother's Day with his mother here. Miss Eloise Lineberry of Raleigh arrived Tuesday night to spend some time in Aberdeen as the guest of Miss Mabel Bethune. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Herring and family spent Mother's Day in Lum- berton with Mr. Herring's mother. Miss Clanton of Charlotte is taking over the management of the Peggy Anne Beauty Shop on South street from the former operator. Miss Jes sie Baker, who has taken another po.sition. by whom she was given in marriage. Sam Rwing. Mr. and The bridegroom was attended by his i Burkhead, Mr. and brother, Neill A. McDonald of Rae ford, as best man. The vows were taken before an improvised altar of pines, smilax. phi- ladelphus blossoms and white tapers, arranged at the mantel. The decora tions were of unusual beauty, ar ranged by Miss Bertie Rivers Aberdeen. Mrs. Claude Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. McDuffie Clark. Misses Maxine and Louise Clark; from Bis coe, Mr.s. Alton Barber and Mrs. Georgo B:uton, Miss Ellen Bruton of Pinehurst; Mr. and Mrs. Moses Mc Donald from West End, and Mrs. David Jestei' from Thomasville; Mrs. of J. H. Ewing of Biscoe and Miss Betn ^ thanks McDonald of Timberland. Mrs. W. D. Cavinesa and Mrs. Leo nard Russell, a miscellaneous surprise shower was given Miss Allred. To the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. Dan Allred, little Miss Anne Pleasant^ and Francis Pleas ants. Jr., dressed most appropriately as bride and groom, entered dragging behind them a huge hamper basket on wheels covered with pink and green, which contained a large number of gifts from those present and many friends throughout this section. Miss Allred made a charming speech of The bride was becomingly dressed in an imported white net and lace dress. Her flowers were an arm bou quet of white roses and lilies of the valley. She is the only daughter ot Mrs. J. F. Allred and the late J. F. Allred of Aberdeen, and received her education at Queens-Chicora and Sa lem College. Mr. McDonald is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Neill A. McDonald, Sr.. of Timberland. He received his educa tion at Davidson College and the University of North Carolina. He is the assistant cashier of the Bank of Raeford, and also owns a dry-clean ing establishment there. Following the ceremony, an infor mal reception was held. The guests w'ere Invited Into the dining-room where the table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with a bowl of The aveiage adult American eats more than five slices of bread each day. To supply this demand 30,000 .\merican bakeries are baking a bil- 'ion loaves of bread a month. 9 Fine Social Stationery Graduation at Hayes.’ for 0 Books Hayes.’ for Graduation Gifts at E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storagre Southern Pines, N. C. Tel 5033 “HEY! HEY! How Am I Doing?” You’re Doing O. K. if You Are Visiting Us! Tasty Sandwiches—The Best Beers—Good Music -AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SORT OF PLACE—NEARBY ^lue ^ir6 ABERDEEN, N, C. At the Junrtion of the Raeford and Laurinburg Highways WHAT YOU SAY GOES ^Wjii^BUICK! This year, good things come in eights —get into this bellwether Buick and the other fellow will know who’s lead- olT man in xour neck b( the woods! Vou're boss of the bunch when you ease in gas to the great valve*in-head straight eight, ablest engine of its size anywhere in the world. It’s soft of voice but it packs authority—there Isn’t any fooling when it has work to do! You’re the envy of all eyes, garbed in Buick’s princely style — handling these ready controls is the softest job in the whole wide world. You stream down die straightaway — soar over the tallest hills — you sweep around the comers and curves erect as a dowager making her entrance — why even the back seats chatterproof, so LOWEST PRICES EVER sweetly, smoothly, serenely does road-wise car conduct itself! diit You can’t hurt it—it’s built rugged and stout as Buick always has been—but still we say, handle with care! For so instant- quick is its lift to your toe-touch, so quietly easy will it outwing die birds, that you never have to force it to make your distance safely with time to si>are. This year say Buick—and whatever ytM say on die open road will go with the whole parade. Its purchase is as easily managed as its feather-light ocmtrols — for today B*iick is priced at the lowest figure in history. Y our cue now to nee as. Do diat widi- out delay and you’ll hold the center ol tne stage all summer long! Xa6^ (Tiara ABERDEEN. N. OL Specializing in all forms of Beauty Culture Telephone 154-W ‘ Miss Vera Edwards Owner 0 Bancroft tennis and Badminton rackets at Hayes.' MAGAZINES Place your magazine subscriptions with me. I can offer ALL at th® lowest authorized rates. MRS. Z. V. BLUE Carthage, N. C. SEDAN! h general motors car money goes farther in a % Portable Typewriters all the good makes at Hayes.’ MARTIN MOTOR COMPANY, - SMITH’S GARAGE . Aberdeen Rockingham

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