Jftge Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, August 13, 1937. Evelyn Edson PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC Telephone 5912 E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage Southern Pines, N. C. Tel 5033 M. ssQsinsss Will be in his office over the (did Post Office, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday, from 10:00 a. m. to 3.00 p. m. Don’t fail to see him if your eyes are weak. YOURS FOR GOOD SHOES H. E. CONANT PINEHURST THE SHOE MAN 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 6161-SOUTHERN PINES To those who call upon us to the best of our ability and with thoughtful fairness is the basis upon which our organization is formed. H. G. McELROY Manager fAMOUS ;BUTS'” in historf John Jacob Lee was said to be The town's most able “up and doer," And kitty Pitt was all aflit To have John Jacob come and woo her. But courting Kit, John tried and quit As taking to much time and labor. To make a date with lovely Kate He had to telephone her neighbor. NOTE To a feu fvnb a fathtf had di.sionHnu(d photic. This caused the family no end of mcont'rnu-mf and wos etm ttor-f tm the nei,'hh>r\ ulio had phor.es Perhaps it it the nason, too. whv KtHy ts iItU forlotnly Single Who knou i^ OPPORTUNITY DOZSN’T KNOCK. IT RINGS-ON T”- '^MONE CENTRAL CAROLINA TELEPHONE CO. 0nly SeaboarJ has diem I DE LUXE RECLINING SEAT, COOL AIR-CON- DmONED COACHES 1 2 ■Co in ufcty «nd comfof*—by lr*in— Ihc ta(»t transportation in lh« world. •ne-Way Fares from Southern Pine* Boston $14.89 Jacksunville 7.15 New Orleans 12.80 New York 10.29 STorfolk 3.65 Philadelphia 8.49 Richmond 3.40 ttrvannah 4.35 fatlahassee - 8.45 4E^aahin(rton 5.75 .Mumilar fares to all other points «5K rOUR LOCAL SEABOARD AGENT Or Writ* X G. Ward, DPA, 505 I. 0. O. F. Temple, RALEIGH, N. C. The Week in Vass The Rev. L. M. Hall ha.s announced | Ed Powers of Hamlet was the guest a series of revival services to begin of G. W. Griffin from Friday morn- the first Sunday in September in the Vass Methodist church. Mr. Hall will do the preaching and Di\ M. L. Mat thews of Sanford is expected to be present beginning with the Monday evening service to lead the singing. Dr, Matthews, who has been direc tor of music in the Methodist church in Sanford for many years, has num erous friends in this section who will be glad to have him assist in the meeting. Miss Lucy Thompson of Ashebor.i was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oldham and family of the Goldston section spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Oldham. Miss Margaret Lambert, student nurse at the State Sanatorium, visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lambert. Sunday afternoon. H. C. r;allahan returned Saturday from a vacation visit with relatives in High Point and Lexington. Miss Marie Tyson is visitng Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wallace of Carthage for ten days. Mrs. A. G. Edwards and son, Max, returned Sunday from Wlmington where they had been the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Albert Green for sev eral days. Mrs. Gerald \V. Graham and Miss Katharine Graham spent Friday in Raleigh. Miss Louise Leslie returned home Saturday from Wake Forest, where she attended summer school. Miss Sara Edith Matthews of Sou thern Pines spent Saturday night with her aunt, Mrs. C. L. Tyson. T. R. Moffitt of Sanford camo Saturday to attend the Bynum re union and to visit relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McDermott an 1 children and Mrs. McCallum of Cam eron called on Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Jr., Sunday afternoon. ing until Saturday. Misses Sallie and Bessie Cameron visited the Misses Womack of Cam eron Route one afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith, Vick Keith nad Emerson Oldham left Tues day for a trip to western North Car- olina. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Chappell of Sanford visited at the home of Mrs. Annie Chappell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Wood and children visited Mrs. Wood’s mother, Mrs. Celia Shaw, of the Union churCTt j section Sunday afternoon. Little | Marilyn Wood remained with her grandmother for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Beasley and 112 Gather at Lakeview For Bynum Reunion D. E. Bailey of Southern Pines Elected President Following Dinner in Duncan’s Park The fourth reunion of the descend ants of the late Joseph and Mary By num, pioneer settlers of the Vass section, w'as held at Lakeview Sun day and was one of the most sue several visitors came together in Duncan's Park, where a bounteous picnic dinner was spread at 1:00 o’clock. No formal program was presented. The invocation was spoken by T. R Moffitt of Sanford, and following the dinner the annual election of officers Mrs. J.H. Suttonfield Honored by Federation of State Women Moore county farm women played an important part in the P'arm and Home week held at State College last week. Mrs. J. H. Suttonfield of Pinebluff was elected treasurer of the State Federation of Home Demonstration clubs. Mrs. Suttonfield is the first cessful yet held. One hundred and*^^^^^' twelve members of the family and has been active in club work in her county for a number of years and last year served as district chairman. Mrs. Jacques Busbee of Jugtown de lighted more than 90 women each day with her lessons on “The Gra- presented more practical suggestions than did Mrs. Busbee. At the 4-H short course, Miss Al berta Monroe of West End used fot the first time as an Instructor her skill in teaching pine needle basket making. The class, of necessity, was limited to 70 members. No craft pre sented recently has created the inter est that pine needle basketry did this summer, Miss Flora McDonald reported. Those attending Farm and Home Week from Moore county were: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Suttonfield, Mrs. Theb Berg, Mrs. Comb and Mrs. cious Hostess.” Mrs. Busbee, an art- j Pearl Rarden of Pinebluff; Mrs. Bill 1st and home-maker, taught that real j Cook, Aberdeen; Mrs. Joe Wilcox and art in home-making is found in the j Mrs. W. F. Alexander of Vass; Mrs. iVH • ciuCl Xj. jt . £>c:doic^ \ « o u j at c iii la iv,iuiiu iii tiic | iviia. tv« . xxicAaiiuci ui vc&sat ivlia little son of Raleigh and Miss Maryj''^^^ held. D. E. Bailey o out i home-maker, herself, and that the | Lee Comer, Carthage; Mrs. J. S t«foa tn Qtiprppn • ' Beasley of Apex were Sunday dinner i I most beautiful service is the sim- guests of Miss Katrina and R. P. T Her tables delighted everyone ^ ' Mrs. S. R. Smith was retained in tae Beasley. Linwood Keith and Wilbur Edwards enjoyed a trip to Manteo and Virginia Beach last week. Baby Hugh McDermott of Camer on spent Monday with his sister, Mrs. j Hamlet, Mrs. Catharine Shaw office of secretary-treasurer. Four of the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Bynum were present: Mrs. W. J. Cameron of Vass, Mrs. M. D. McDon- of Southern Pines and Mrs. Florence Thomas of Cornelius. One other, Mns. A. J. Keith, had passed away since the reunion last August. Others of the clan in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. D, E, Bailey and eight children of Southern Pines; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mack and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Vaughn, Peggy and Nancy Boyd. Arthur Vaughn, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McDonald and Miss Jose phine McDonald, all of Hamlet; Mrs. J. U. Thrower, Anna Louise Meacham and Howard Meacham, Rockingham; Miss Helen Meacham, Hemp; Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Bynum and children Monday to her home in South Caro- ! Dailington, S. C., Mi. and Mrs. Tom I Bynum, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Crawley Mrs. G. W. Griffin. Mrs. W. H. ' and children, Fayetteville; Mrs. J. I. Keith,’Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Jr., and j Hardie and son, Charlotte; Mr. and Miss Elizabeth Keith were Sanford : A. L. Bynum, A. L., Jr., Misses visitors Saturday. Eunice, Aileen and Wyatt Bynum, D. C. McGill of Halifax was at! Hope Mills Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Willi- A. G. Edwards, Jr. Mrs. W. H. Keith, Miss Sallie Cam eron and Miss Elizabeth Keith visited Mrs. R. D. Braddy of Rockfish an afternoon last week. The A. M. Cameron family went to Buie’s Creek Saturday and Mrs. Cameron and A. Mac remained for a week's visit with Dr. and Mrs. J. F, McKay. Mrs. A. M, Hemphill and little son of Aberdeen spent last week with relatives here. After spending several days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Graham, Mrs. Gerald W. Graham returned on home for a week-end visit. CARTHAGE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Carter and small i New York after a two weeks vaca tion in Carthage. Mrs. Clinton McCaskill was host ess to her bride club last Thursday evening. Contract was played at two tables. High score prize was won by Mrs. Quenton Reynolds and second high was won by Mrs. John Baker. Mrs. Wallace of Troy was special guest. EUREKA ford, Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Sumter i M»)ore, Jr., Columbia, S. C., J. R. and I R. G. Thomas and T. R, Moffitt, San ford; J. T. Bynum, Hope Mills; Mr. , and Mrs, Charles Jenkins, East Rock- I ingham; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Keith, j Cameron; Mrs. Mary M. Patterson, ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cameron, Elean or, Etr.a and Joe Cameron, Mr. anci Mrs, Davis Gillis and Mr. and Mrs. Jona B. Cameron, all of Manley; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bruton, J. D. Bru ton, Robert, Dick and John Bruton, all of Fayetteville; Mrs? Elizabeth Bruton and Mrs, Mario Margarido of New York City; T, J. Keith, Fort Bragg; E. B. Keith and family, Pine- hurst; Leon Bynum and Joe G. B.y- num. West Durham; Mrs. Elizabeth Bynum Salmon and Martha Elizabeth Salmon. Sanford: Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Cox, Merwyn; Gladys, Sidney and Re- tha Mae Cox, Mr. and Mr.s. S. R. Mrs, Alice Thomas of Raleigh spent ; ^nd Misses Myrtle and Eliza- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith, Sunday with Mrs. A. T. Lewis. ■ bgth McCaskill visited Dr. and Mrs. Elizabeth, Vick and Linwood Keith, Misses Johnsie Redding, Meade I wayland Blue and family of Jones- all of Va.ss; J. G. Bynum, Durham; Seawell, Catherine Shields and Mat-' ^n Wednesday, i Mrs, Ellis Maples and children and tie Kate Shaw spent the week-end at ; McCaskill visited her ' Tommy Atkin-ion, Southern Pines; Manteo and witnessed the pageant ' carthage ' Raeford; of Paul Green's “Lost Colony.’' | 'rhomnErvn Pino_ Little Miss Marie Tyson of Vass | is spending a few days with her aunt, ! ^ Mrs. L. C. Wallace. j visited Mrs. Blue s sister . , ^ pittard of Ham- Mrs. L. R. Sugg of Sanford and | Bailey of near nion urcn j Mias Maude Cameron, Sanford; Miss Margaret McLeod of Goldston | afternoon. ^ Wallace and Roscoe Twombly and daughter of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Jimmie Griffin of Burlington are the guests of Mrs. N. J. Muse. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Miller and Mrs. H. L. Miller and daughter, Rose, are spending a few days at Myrtle Beach. Miss Frances McKeithen has re turned from Wake Forest College where she attended summer school. Misses Cornie and Janie McLeod are visiting relatives in Granite Fall.-?, Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Spencer and Miss Elizabeth Anne Spencer are spending a few days in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kennedy and Smith and Miss Mamie Arnold of Cameron: Mrs. W. M. McLeod of from the most sophisticated to the Eureka; Mrs. Jacques Busbee, Steeds, most humble home-maker present, it is said, and no other teacher there and Miss agent. Flora McDonald, home Cameron and Community Misses Minnie and Jacksie Muse cake were served during the social and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gibson are hour. ?pending this week in Baltimore and Washington. Mrs. Dan Carter of Carthage ani Mrs. J. M. Guthrie were dinner guests of Mrs. J. E. Snow on Mon day. Mis.ses Jeanette Wooten, Maf.e Parker, Flora Phillips and June M. Hemphill gave a -shower at Miss Hen drick's home in honor of Mrs. A. G. Edwards. Jr., of Vass. who was, be fore her marriage. Miss Margaret McDermott of Cameron. The contest for the afternoon was "Ships at Sea." Mr.s. M, D. Mclver won the first prize and Mrs. M. McL. Mc- Ernest Arnold of Alabama spent the week-end in Cameron visiting Miss Mamie Arnold. The ladies of the Baptist Church gave Mrs. R. C. Thomas, who has been ill for some time, a sunshine basket Sunday. They also presented one to Mrs. Martha Yow on Route 2, who has also been ill. Mrs. Andrew M. Hemphill and lit tle son, Andy, Jr., spent last week with Mrs. Jewell Hemphill. Dr. C. N. Eckerson’s sister of Charlottsville, W. Va., is visiting him this week. Miss Frances Matthews of Rich- Keithen received the second prize, mond, Va., is home on a vacation. The shower was presented in the ' Mi.ss Martha Britton of VVinston- form of a ship brought in by. Andrew i Salem spent the week-end at home. Muse Hemphill, Jr., of Aberdeen. About 50 guests were present. The gifts were lovely as well as useful. Block ice cream and cake was serv ed at the conclusion. D. J. Pierce left last week for Mrs. O. C. Britton and Martha and Jack Britton were dinner guests of Mrs. Jewell Hemphill and Miss June Hemphill on Sunday. Mrs. Paul Joyner and children of Fayetteville and Mrs. Earl York of Miss Ellen Wilhoit of Carthage spent a few days last week with her cousin, Miss Lillie Blue. Mrs. Lula Palmer, Miss Kittie Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Blue and chil- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson, Pine I hurst. j Visitors present were Miss Blanch-* spent Thursday with Mrs. O. B Welch. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis spent Fri day in Raleigh. J. R. Sheffield, Jr., of Winston-Sa lem spent the week-end in Carthage. Mrs. W. R. Clegg, Miss Mary McK. Clegg ard Miss Frances McKeithen spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Miss Betty Jones has returned to her home in Augusta, Ga., after a vis it with Mrs. H. G. Poole. Misses Margaret and Lucille and ^ Louise Cameron, Manley; Eva Cad- J. B. McLeod spent Sunday at Ben- Vass and Mrs. Haydan Lutter- salem. j loh of Sanford. Dr. and Mrs. Wayland Blue and ; children of Jonesboro spent Sunday | D.AIKVMEN’S FIEIJ> D.\Y with Miss Kittie Blue. j AT L.M'RINBl’RG TUESD.W Miss Mildred Blue, who has been j Canada where he will help in curing ■ Raleigh spent Sunday with Mr. and tobacco. I Mrs. W. M. Wooten. Miss Mary McDonald spent last: Jack Britton spent Friday in Ral- week-end at home. j eigh. Mrs. J. D. McLean and Margaret j Miss Lucile Loving of Fayetteville McLean are visiting in V'anceboro ! spent the week-end with her parents, this week. I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Loving. Misses Annie and Margaret McFad- I O. C. Britton. Jr. of Charlotte yen entertained Circle No. 2 of the spent last Monday with his mother, Womans Auxiliary last P^riday, Miss Mrs. O. C. Britton, Sr. Annie McFadyen was program lead- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Snow and Mrs. er and at the conclusion of the meet- O. C. Britton, Jack Britton and Eve- ing Mr.'S. Jew’ell Hemphill gave a re- lyn Ann Snow spent Monday in Fair- port on Montreat. Ice cream and mont. .McLEAN Fl’KNlTURE CO. LEASES IN \K( AI)E BUILDING LOCAL HOK«El>IEN PROMINENT .\T BLOWING ROCK SHOW The McLean Furniture Company ' Southern Pines figured prominently of Aberdeen has leased from Frank in last w'eek’s Blowing Rock Show. Welch the south store in the Arcade Herbert Cameron vV's among the Building on West Broad street, Sou- ' judges, putting the ribbons on hunt- thern Pines, and upon completion of j ers and jumpers. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. redecorating will move in a stock Oj. ' Moss had a number of entries and high qualtiy household furniture, kit- ' carried off their share of the prizes, chen equipment, etc. A. D. McLean and little Peggy Ewing, was a prize will be in charge of the store whif;h winner in a class for girl riders. She will open its doors to the public next | (s in camp near Blowing Rock this Friday, September 20th. ; summer. quite ill for the past few days, is now much improved. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McLeod .spert Wednesday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Blue and baby E, T. McKeithen, Jr., of New York ! spent Sunday with Mr. ana Mrs. J. city and E. T. McKeithen of Aberdeen i Evans of Vass. visited Mrs. N. A, McKeithen and family on Saturday. Miss Flora Cox is visiting rela tives in Laurinburg. Miss Fannie Roberts of Ahoskie is the guest of Mrs. C. C. Kennedy. Misses Mary and Louise Hendren have returned to their home here af ter visiting W. McC. Blue cf Eagle Springs. Miss Lillie Blue entertained a num ber of young people Friday nigh'; in Miss Anne McCree Roberts is vis- honor of her guests. Misses Bonnie iting in MacBee, S. C. Albert Humphrey and Mrs. Lena Strickland of Fayetteville spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Muse. Mrs. M. J. McPhail of Sanford spent Sunday with Mrs. R. L. Burns. Mrs. J. E. Muse is visiting Mrs. M. J. McPhail in Sanford. Miss Lorraine Willcox returned Sunday after visiting friends in Greensboro. J. A. Lang, Jr., of Washington, D. C., is spending a while here with his parents. Miss Frances Golden is visiting her aunt in Greenville. A daughter, Ruth Douglas, waa bom to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Currie on August 3rd at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. Miss Carcrfyn .Tones of Florence, S. C., ia the guest of Clara Willcox. C. C. Kennedy has returned to McKenzie and Ellen Wilhoit. Games were enjoyed after which watermel on was served. The members of Eureka Sunday .School enjoyed a fish fry at the home of the Misses Ray on Saturday even ing. A large number attended the en- I joyable event. Mrs. W. D. Ferguson and Hubert Michael, Jr., left Sunday for South port where they will visit Mrs. Ferguson’s son, Arthur Ferguson. SON BORN TO MR. AND MRS. Next Tuesday, August 17th, will be the occasion of the Dairymen’s Field Day at the Silver Cup Dairy, at Laurinburg, and everyone in the area interested in cattle is invited to be present. The program, which is in thi» charge of the Agricultural Extension Department of State College, will start promptly at 10:00 a. m. and among the speakers will be W. W. Fitzpatrick, manager of the Quail Roost Farm; A. C. Kimrey and J. A. Arey, of the State College Agricul tural Extension Department; H. C. Bates, southern representative of the Guernsey Association; H. C. McRae, of Wilmington and Ruoh Pyron, man ager of the Klondike Farm at Elkin. One of the features of the day will be a judging contest for 4-H Club boys from Cumberland, Robeson, Scotland, Richmond, Moore and Hoke counties. Mr. Pyron will have charge of the judging of this contest and there will be ten valuable individual prizes rp.nging from a bull calf to merchaudise prizes valued at fr^*n SEVENTH BIRTHDAY j TOWNSEND CLUB SALE Little Miss Kate McKelway, dau- j Townsend Club No. 1 will hold a ghter of the Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Me- i^g,le of ice cream and cake at Dut ton Hall at 8:00 o'clock next Monday night. Those interested in the causc Kelway, celebrated her seventh birth day Wednesday afternoon at her home when she entertained with a party for all the children of the Pri mary department of the Community Church Sunday School and a few ad ditional guests. There were fifty-two children present. Miss Kitty Carter, Miss Frances Ehrhardt and Miss Hel en Cole assisted in the games that were played on the law’n. are invited. Drs. Neal, Beard and Wright VETERINARIANS Southern Pines Sanford ATLANTIC CITY ALL EXPENSE WEEK-END TOURS POPE INMAN AT HAMLET )|10:00 down to $4.00. McNeill & Co., ' of Southern Plr..«'2, will donate one of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Inman, former ly of Southern Pines and now of Fayetteville and Hamlet, announce the birth of a baby boy, weighing 8 1-2 pounds, in the Hamlet Hospital on Monday, August 2nd. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. thest prizpi. Every dolifu- spent with The Pilot for printing helps In th»> production of a better newspaper • — • Go Friday or Saturday morning—arrive Atlantic City same afternoon. Leave Atlantic City Monday or Tuesday—morning or evening. Tours—for two full days at Atlantic City—<$34.45 for travel in air-conditioned, de luxe reclining seat coaches; $50.70 in air-conditioned Pullmans. Cost of tours Includes all neoes- sar^’^ expenses from tlie time yoo leave home until your return. Too travel In safety—free from high way hazards and dangers. Get d»* scriptive leaflet and details from your local Seabofud agent.

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