Friday, September 24, 1937, THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Seven SEVEN DIVORCES GRANTED IN SUPERIOR COURT HERE A term of Superior Court for the trial of civil cases convened in Car thage Monday morning with Judge Frank Armstrong presiding. The greater part of Monday’s work con sisted of hearing divorce cases and divorces were granted in the follow ing cases, to become effective upon payment of the costs of the actions: Luella W. Garrett versus James H. Garrett: W. L. Fry versus Minnie Fry; Daniel M. Britt versus Mamie F. Britt; E. L. Williamsom versus Blanche Maness Williamson; W. F. Evans versus Ada Honeycutt Evans; Frances Morrison versus Carson Morrison; Hobert Frye versus Marion Wilkerson Tiiompson Frye. MERCURY BOOKS c For a Full-Length Novel Here at last are the books America has been longing for. Designed by America’s foremost book designer—well printed—handsomely bound in a special English-finish cover paper. At a price which has brought long, loud applause from every section of the country—25c for a full- length novel. These great book bargains are made possible only because leading book publishers and authors are accepting a low royalty, because the books are printed or special high speed presses in quantities of 100,- 000, and because THE AMF.RICAN MERCURY—America’s leading literary maga/ine—has launched the enterprise without charging any overhead or editorial expense to it. To date we have publishe(i 4 books—all distributed through the better newsstands of America. 0 COMPANY K—“An e.\traordInarlly moving and an important book ...” Saturday Review of L.iterature. 0 THIRTEEN STEPS—a powerful, startling novel paced by breath less action and a strange love story. #EVERY'rHINO IS THUNDER^-described by O. O. McIntyre as “the most absorbing book I’ve read in five yettrs." • THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE—described by the fa mous F. P. A. as “the most engros.sing, nnlaydow'nattle book that I have any memory of.*' If your news dealer is sold out and cannot supply you with the books, use the coupon below for these great bargains. Send 25c in coin or stamps for each book desired—or $1.00 for all four books—to THE AMERICAN MERCURY, 570 Lexington Ave, New York. Enclosed find $1.00. □ Send me all four books. » Enclosed find c. Please send □ Company K □ Thirteen Steps □ Everything is Thunder □ The Postman Always Rings Twice. NAME ADDRESS American Mercury Books 570 Lexington Avenue . New York, N. Y. Comings and Goings in Vass Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gladstone spent Saturday night with Mr. Gladstone’s parents at their home near Greens boro. Mrs. G. W. Brooks, Mrs. W. H. Keith, Mrs. G. W. Griffin, Mrs. W. T. Cox, Mrs. Bertie L. Matthews and Mrs. J. B. Parker attended the fun eral of Mack Cox at Lemon Springs Thursday. Miss Eva Caddell spent a part of last week with Misa Carlotta Camer on of Pineview. Misses Margaret Lambert and Lida Ruth Gates, student nurses at the State Sanatorium, and Pete Jackson and Mr. Thomas called on Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lambert Sunday after noon. Mrs. Hazel McKenzie and sons, Os car and Perry, and Miss Bonnie Mc Kenzie and P. B. Corbett, all of Car thage, Route 3, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Corbett. The McKenzies and Mr. and Mrs. Corbett and daughter, Faye, went to Raleigh Sunday, and Miss Bonnie Mc Kenzie, who has recently accepted a position there, remained. Miss Dorothy Matlock of Memphis, Tenn., came Friday to visit her un cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tem ple. Miss Catharine McMillan of Ral eigh spent last week-end with h^r father and sister, N. A. and Miss Myrtle McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Borst and H. A., Jr. visited Mrs. Lizzie Borst in Cameron Sunday afternoon. Miss Katharine Phillips of Pitts- boro and Paul Brooks and Louise Murrow of Bonlee visited Miss Doro thy Matlock at the home of C. J. Temple Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith and Mrs. W. J. Cameron were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Camer on of Manley. R. L. Martin went to Martinsville, Va., Saturday and was accompanied home Sunday by Mrs. Martin and the children, who had been visiting there for several days. R. L. Oldham and Mr. and Mrs. Redga Thomas visited Mr. Oldham’s mother at Goldston on Thursday of last week. Paul Gschwind has been on the sick list since Friday of last week, but is much improved. He had been suffering from pleuriry and a heart attack. Miss Eloise Brooks went to Buie's Creek last week to resume her duties ai a teacher in the grade school. J. A. Cameron and daughter, Pau line, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackson of Durham visited Mrs. Dan Camer on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Doster and little daughter, Jane, of Rockingham called on friends in town Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cameron of Manley and guests, S. B. McHaffey and Mrs. Omer Newhouse of Law rence, Ind., were in town Saturday evening. Mrs. C. J. Temple and Miss Doro thy Matlock spent Monday in Ral eigh. Mrs. W. T. Cox, Miss Gladys Cox and Mrs. C. J, Temple were Sanford visitors Friday. The September meeting of the Presbyterian Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. W. D. McCraney. "Enlarging the Home Horizon” was the topic and an interesting program was given under the leadership of Mrs. R. L. Oldham. Mrs. C. I. Cal- cote conducted the Bible study. At the conclusion of the meeting, th« hostess served delicious refreshments. Mrs. J. H. Abernathy and Miss Pansy Abernathy spent the week-end with friends near Jonesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ferguson and little son, Johnnie, visited relatives qt Reidsville during the week-end. Mrs. W. D. McCraney spent a part of last week in Sanford with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Winfred Suggs and Roy Suggs accompanied her home Sunday morning and spent the day. LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CABOL.1NA, MOORE COUNTY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executrix of tho estate of W. A. Cook, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southern Pines on or before the 14th day of September, 1938, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. This 14th day of September, 1937. ISA W. COOK, Executrix. Seawell & Seaweli, Attorneys, By: H. F. Seawell, Jr. S17, 022 EVELYN EDSON Notary Public Telephone Office N. H. Ave. NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY' PUBLICATION CARL THOMPSON TO REVIVE SPORT OF ARCHERY HERE State of North Carolina, Ex Rel Alex H. McLeod, and all other cred itors of the estate of W. W. Maurer, deceased, wlio desire to join in the prosecution of this action and con tribute to the expenses hereof, rela tors, and Alex H. McLeod, plaintiff, vs. William Maurer, Jr., administrator of the estate of W. W. Maurer, de ceased, William Maurer, Jr.. indivi dually, and his wife, Mrs. William Maurer, Jr., John Maurer and his wife, Mrs. John Maurer, Donald Maurer and his wife, Mrs. Don ald Maurer, Ethel Pleasants and Her husband, Frances Pleasants, Edna Maurer, J. W. Maurer and R. W. Maurer, single, E. B. Maynard and C. J. Johnson, defendants. Why National Advertisers DSE THIS NEWSPAPER People are interested in other people, especially in people they know. That’s why hundreds of families in this community sub scribe to this paper year after year. On these pag-es they find the names of fellow townspeople, often their own. So besides the ordinary interest of nation-wide news, this newspaper offers the even greater reader-interest of local community doings. National advertisers believe that by using these columns they are reaching the greatest number of substantial families in this com munity, reaching them at home and in an effective and friendly manner. But this newspaper performs another important service. By dis playing the advertising of local merchants side-by-side with the products of natiorial advertisers these national products become identified with the local market, with local merchants. In this way, on these pages is forged the important last link be tween the manufacturer and his local community dealer and their customers. That’s why, for local buyer acceptance, for local dealer tie-up, local community newspapers ai'e best. As a result of a rapidly growing seasonal revival of interest in the sport of archery and of numerous re quests from groups and individuals, Carl G. Thompson of Southern Pines has consented to lend his instruction al backing to a revival of the sport locally and will be at the Southern Pines Country Club this coming Sun day afternoon from 3:00 o’clock on to meet as many persons as are in terested in archery and would like to learn to shoot the delicate feathered arrow. Mr. Thompson is a recognized au thority on archery, has shot in most of the big tournaments for the past ten years, and has several national records to hi.s credit. His interest in the development of the sport locally arises purely from his love of archerv and if a sufficient number of interest ed persons put in an appearance on Sunday afternoon it is his intention to form an archery club in Southern Pines to which he will devote at least one afternoon a week for instruction al purposes. On Sunday afternoon Mr. Thomp son w^ill explain the fine points of the sport, give an exhibition to show the practical angles of the sport, and will have on hand a supply of archery equipment in order that the uninitiat ed may try their hand at it. E. V. I‘ERKINSON General Contractor Storage Southern Pines, N. C. Tel 503S MAGAZIISJES MAY I HAVE YOUR RENEWALST I can give you best authorized rates. Please drop me a card. MRS. Z. V. BLUE Carthage, N. C. Member Of CONSOLIDATED DRIVE FOR COUNTRY NEWSPAPER NATIONAL ADVERTISING National Representative, American Press Association, 225 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF S.\LE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by D. E. Jones wife to The North Carolina Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, on the 10th day of November, 1931, recorded in Book 50. Page 191, Registry of Moore County, North Carolina, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured, the under signed Commissioner of Banks, hav ing succeeded to the rights and dut ies of the said Trustee, will offer for sale, at public auction, for cash, in front of the Moore County court house door on Monday, October 18th, 1937, at twelve o’clock noon, certain pieces of land lying and being in McNeill’s Township, Moore County, State of North Carolina, and describ ed and defined as follows: BEGlls’.NING at a concrete monument, a corner of lots 47 and 44 on the East edge of May or Petty Street in Manly, thence with a line of said lots S. 52 deg. 47 min. E. 525 feet to a concrete monument a corner of lots 44, 45, 46, and 47; thence North 37 deg. 13 min. E. 220 feet to a corner of Lots 46, 47, 55 and 56 ; thence with a line of Lots 55, 54 and 53 N. 52 deg. 47 min. W. 525 feet to a concrete monument on the edge of said May Street; thence with it S. 37 deg. 13 min. W. 220 feet to the beginning, containing 2 65- 100 acres, more or leas; BEING designated as Lot No. 47 as shown on the new map of Edge- more Heights, made by Francis Deaton, C. E., March 28, 1921. Map registered in the Register of Deeds’ office of Moore County, North Carolina, in Book 81, Page 603., Dated this 15th day of Septem ber, 1937. GURNEY P. HOOD, S24—015 Commissioner of Banks. The defendants, Donald Maurer and his wife, Mrs. Donald Maurer, John Maurer and his wife, Mrs. John Maur er, and J. W. Maurer, will take no tice that an action as entitled above has been duly commenced in the Su perior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, for the purpose of setting aside and declaring null and void that certain trustee’s deed executed by D. I. McKeithen, trustee, to the defnd- ant, Edna Maurer, of date December 1, 1936, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County in Book of Deeds No. 23, at Page 511, in so far as said deed pur ports to convey a fee simple title to the said Edna Maurer in and to the lands and real estate therein describ ed and for the further purpose of hav. ing the said defendant, Edna Maurer, duly declared a trustee ex maleflcio as to all of said lands and real es tate described fn said deed and be longing to ^\. W. Maurer, deceased, at the time of his death for the benefit of the plaintiffs and the other creSi- ters of said estate, and to have the said lands sold by a Commissioner to be appointed for such purpose by the court in order to create assets to pay the debts due this plaintiff and the other creditors of the estate of W, W. Maurer, deceased, and for a full settlement of said estate, with the surplus, if any, to be paid to the de fendants herein as their interest may appear. And the said defendants, Donald Maurer, Mrs. Donald Maurer, John Maurer, Mrs. John Maurer and J. W. Maurer, will take notice that they, and each of them, are required to appear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Moore County within thirty (30) days from the complete publication of this notice and then and there to answer or demur to the complaint filed by the plaintiffs here in or else the court will grant the re lief prayed for by the plp.intiff. This, the 1st day of Septernber, 1937. JOHN WILLCOX, Clerk Superior Court of Moore County, N. C. S3 24. NOTICE BY SUKVIVING PARTNER The undersigned, surviving part ner of the firm heretofore consisting of Malcolm D. Kemp and Claude A. Boseman, (now deceased), partiers, trading and doing business as “The Pinebluff Sanatarium,” Pinebluff, North Carolina, having given bond, j as requried by law, hereby GIVES NOTICE to all persons having claims against the partnership to EXHIBIT such claims, duly verified, to the un dersigned, at Pinebluff, North Caro ! lina, on or before the 28th day or' AUGUST, 1938, or this NOTICE will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to the partnership are requested to make immediate payment. This the 28th day of AUGUST, A. | D., 1937. ; MALCOLM D. KEMP, Surviving Partner, j S3-08. I # • Just call us or drop in any time. We’ll be glad to discuss j your printing problems with you. Phone 7271, The PUot, Southern ; Pines. m Only SeaboarJ h them ! DE LUXE RECLINING SEAT, COOL AIR-CON- DmONED COACHES Go in Mf«ty and comfort—by the safest transportation in tht world. One-Way Fares from Southern Pinei Boston $14.89 Jacksonville 7.15 New Orleans 12. New York 10.2f Norfolk 3.6S Philadelphia 8.41 Richmond 3.41 Savannah 4.31 Tallahassee 8.4^ Washins:ton 5.71 Similar fares to all other pointa SEE R LO('AL SEABOARD AGENT Or Write C. G. Ward, DPA, 505 I. O. 0. 9, Temple, RALKIGH. N, C. YOU CAN IHROW CARDS IN HIS FACE ONCE TOO OFTEN WHEN you have those awful cramps; when your n«T^e» are all on edge—don’t take it out on the man you love. Your husband can't possibly know how you ft»l for the simpto jT^&son tli&t is & mftn. A threcMiuartcr wife may bB - no wife at all if she nags her hu»- band seven days out of everjr month. For three generations one woman has told another how to go Ing through" with Lydia E. Pin^ ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the systeitt. thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders whlcn women must endiu^ in the three ordeals of Ufe: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pro- paring for motherhood. 3. AI^- proaching "middle age.” Don't lie a thrce