Triday, October 1, 1937. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Nine Comings and Goings in Vass Johnny McAllister's Briar Hopper Boya, WBT radio stars^ featuring Ham and Sam, Dad, Homer and Billy, will give an entertainment at the Vass-Lakeview School Auditor ium tonight. Friday, October 1, be ginning at 8:00 o'clock, sponsored by the biology class of the Vasi»-Liake- view high school. Only 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for children will ■be charged, and a large crowd is ex pected to see these popular entertain- «rs in person and hear their pro gram. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham of Ruffin, S. C„ and Misses Sallie Mae Bivins and Margaret Kelly of the lo cal school faculty were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Graham and Miss Katharine Graham Friday even ing. Mrs. W. J. Graham of Cameron Route 1 and Mrs. N. G. Graham of Charlotte called on Mrs. W. B. Gra ham Tuesday afternoon. Miss Belle Wicker spent the week end at her home in Sanford. Haywood Howell of the local high school faculty, spent the week-end at his home in Fuquay Springs. Vick Keith, Wilbur Edwards and Emerson Oldham visited Linwood Keith at Louisburg College Sunday. As a special compliment to those who had helped with their tobacco crop, and a few invited friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abernathy entertain ed at a barbecue supper at their home here Saturday evening. Barbe cued pig^ slaw, bread, tea and cof fee and ice cream and cake comprised the supper served to around 20. Mrs. N. N. McLean, Mrs. M. M. Chappell, Mrs. R. L. Oldham, Mrs. D. M. Corbett and the Rev. and Mrs. C. I. Calcote attended a group con ference of District Six of Fayettevillb Presbjtery at Pinehurst Friday. Mrs. McLean, who is president of the Vass Auxiliary, gave a report and responded to the address of welcome. Rally Day was observed at the Vass Presbyterian Sunday School last Sunday and an interesting pro gram was given under the leadership of Mrs. P. A. Wilson. Promotion day was held in connection with the pro gram. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham of Ruffin, S. C., visited relatives in Vass and community during last week-end. Miss Leone Currie visited relatives in Southern Pines last week-end. A. L. Marvel of Seaford, Del., is a guest at Hotel Charmella. Mrs. Mary Jane Baker, who recent ly suffered a severe heart attack, re turned to her home from the Lee County Hospital last week. Mrs. W. Duncan Matthews of Southern Pines spent Wednesday with her cousin, Mrs. S. R. Smith. Mrs. George W. Koustenis and baby, Ann, returned last week from Will McMillan Found Dead in Cow Pasture a visit with relatives iu Four Oaks. A. G. Crissman has returned from Canada where he spent several weeks during the tobacco-curing sea son. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of Cali fornia and Mrs. Albert Crissman of Carthage called on Mrs. Clark's sis ter, Mrs. Herman Fry, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Page McAulay and Miss Lois Buchanan of Candor and Miss Mary Beasley of Apex were here Sunday to attend the home com ing at the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Weatherly and their six children of Hamlet called on Mrs. W. J. Cameron Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Smith of Whiteville vi'ere week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. N. McLean. Mrs. J. A. Keith and Miss Nealie Keith spent last week in Albemarle with Mrs. W. C. Byrd. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lambert vis ited Miss Margaret Lambert at the State Sanatorium Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney, Mrs. A. M. Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McGill, Junior and Billy Bob McGill enjoyed a trip to the western part of the State during last week end. While away they visited Mr. and Mrs. Relmond McCraney at Al- tamont. Mrs. W. P. Parker and Tommy Gschwind of Raeford spent Sunday with relatives here. Paul Gschwind, who was quite ill for a few days, is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bundy of Ral eigh were here for the home cominsr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cameron and son, A. Mac,, spent the week-end in Buie’s Creek with. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McKay. Miss Gladys Paschal of Greensboro and Arthur Ragland of Louisburg called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Temple Sunday afternoon. Misj Dorothy Matlock of Memphis, Tenn., who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Temple for several days, returned to Greensboro with Miss Paschal. Miss Lucile Loving of Fayetteville and Mrs. Geraldine Stutts of Camer on spent Saturday night with Misses Kate and Eva Graham. W. H. Keith, N. V. Keith and D. H. McGill attended a banquet in Fayetteville Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bellet and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bellet and daughter of Sanford, Mrs. J. A. Hayes and daughter, Phyllis, of Dunn and Mrs. Charles Trebechon and son of Jones boro visited Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Griffin Sunday. Stephen Everett of Louisburg, a school friend of fifty years ago, call ed on Mrs. G. W. Griffin Sunday af ternoon. This was their first meet ing since 1887. Prominent and Esteemed Far mer of Cypress Church Com munity Heart Attack Victim Cameron and Community Miss Ina May Piland of Elon Col lege was the guest of Miss Marie Parker last week-end. Mrs. W. G. Parker, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fergu son of Chicago, returned home Sat urday. William Parker of Washington, D. C., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parker. Miss Lillian Cole of Concord spent the week-end at home. Miss Thurla Cole attended a post master’s convention in Statesville last Friday. Miss June McI. Hemphill of Chad- boum spent the week-end with her mother. Prof. and Mrs. R. F. Lowry are occupying the Britton house on Fay etteville road. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tally spent Thursday in Bonsai as guests of Miss Alice Tally. Mesdames Loula Muse and Jewell Hemphill were dinner guests on Sun- aay of Prof. and Mrs. R. F. Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. Arch McDougald of Hamlet were guests Sunday after noon of Mr. and Mrs, H. D. Tally. W. A. Muse, who has been on a two weeks’ vacation, returned to his duties at the S. A. L. station on Tuesday. Mrs. Ernest Pierce of Charlotte spent Thursday with Mrs. Orene Mc Pherson. Mrs. J. A. Brown of Chadbourn was the guest Saturday of her sis ter, Mrs. Loula Muse. The Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Durham of Carthage were dinner guests of Mrs. Janie Muse and family on Sun day. Miss Jeanette Wooten has accepted a stenographic position with a hotel in Fayetteville. Miss Annie H. Jones of Route 1 returned to Warsaw last F’^day. She is again a member of the school faculty there. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McNeill spent Sunday in Clio and Dillon, S. C., guests of Mrs. McNeill’s sister, Mrs. M|imie Snipes and Mrs. W. B. Buie. Miss Ada McNeill spent Sunday in Laurinburg with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buchanan. Misses Mamie, Minnie and Jacksie Muse and W, A. Muse were in Fay etteville Saturday. Mrs. Belle McKeithen and L. B. McKeithen, Sr., visited relatives in Aberdeen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horner who have been on a tour through Michi gan and New York and were return ing to their home in Tavares, Fla., stopped Monday, en route, to see Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tally. Mrs. Hor ner was for many years secretary to Judge E. M. Tally of Taveres, who is a brother of H. D. Tally. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Snow, Mrs. J. D. McLean and Mrs. Jimmy Rogers spent Jlonday in Winston-Salem and were dinner guests of Mrs. O. C. Britton, Sr. Mr. Snow remained in Winston for the tobacco season. A message was received Monday from Brookneal, Va., telling of th>» death of Mrs. Guthrie, mother of J. M. Guthrie of the Three-W Ware house in Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Guth rie and children left at once for Brookneal. MRS. JOHN Y. BOYD HOUSE LEASED TO NEW YORKERS The E. C. Stevens agency has leas ed to Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Duer of New York City and Syosset, Long Is land the Mrs. John Y. Boyd house on Connecticut avenue, Southern Pines, for the winter season. Mr. and Mrs. Duer, with their children, will take possession on October 15th. Subscriptions taken for any paper or magazine, at Publishers’ prices, you take no risk when you give lU your subscriptions.—Hayes.’ Will McMillan, 54, well-known res ident of the Cypress Church com munity several miles east of Vass, was found dead in a field near his home last Friday afternoon. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Mr. McMillan left the house about 1:00 o’clock to move a cow he had tethered in a field nearby. An hour later his son, John William, was walking through the field and came upon his father lying face downward, his head bloody from a gash, and found that he was dead. The coroner was summoned, and he expressed the opinion that death came from a heart attack and that the wound was caused by the cow stepping on him after he had fallen to the ground. Although Mr. McMillan had been able to work all the while, he had been receiving treatment for high blood pressure and had been warned by his physician to be careful, it is said. Mr. McMillan was a member of Cypress Church and was held in hign esteem, being one of the most use ful men in his community. "Day or night, he would go, what ever you needed,” one of his neigh bors commented. Mr. McMillan is survived by eight sons and daughters: Gordon McMil lan, John William McMillan, Hoyt McMillan, Rosser McMillan, Sara Margaret McMillan and Edith McMil lan, all of Cameron Route 2; Mrs. John Furr of Vass Route 2, and Miss Ellen Kate McMillan of San ford; his father, Pat McMillan, and one sister. Miss Sallie McMillan, both of whom resided with him, and a brother, Dan McMillan, of Florida. His wife, the former Miss Ethel Johnson of the Cypress community, died several years ago. Funeral services were held at Cy press Church Saturday afternoon. CARTHAGE Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Womack of Greensboro spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Womack. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kennedy and Mrs. Alice..Tbomas of Raleigh spent Sunday with Mrs. A. T. Lewis. Mrs. M. G. Boyette and Miss Mary Currie spent Saturday in Fayeteville. Miss Catherine Shields is spending a few days in New York city. Mrs. C. M. Stvtts has returned home after a three weeks visit to Roanoke and Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Croslin spent the week-end with friends in Charlotte. Miss Esther Seawell ppent the week-end at her home in Bnck Hav en. Misses Margaret and Flora Mc Queen and Jackie McQueen spent the week-end in Dunn. Miss Lucille Farrell spent the week-end at her home in Pittsboro. O. L. Russ spent the week-end here with his family. Mr. Russ has been transferred from Charlotte to east ern Carolina. Joe Allen and A. D. Way attend ed the Junior Order meeting in Dur ham on Thursday. S. B. Bartlett left Sunday for Warsaw after spending the summer here with his daughter, Mrs. O. D. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. David Wainer and children have returned to their home in Valdosta, Ga., after a week's vis it here with Mr. and Mrs. Wainer. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Camp of San ford are visiting friends in Carth age this week. Mrs. Gordon Jessup and Mrs. Roy al Jones of Fayetteville visited Mrs. J. L. Currie Friday. Mrs. M. J. McPhail of Sanford spent the week-end with Mrs. J. E. Muse. Mrs. Charles Barringer of Raleigh spent Thursday in Carthage. Miss Haithcock spent the week end at her home in Raleigh. J. A. Davis of Rockingham spent the week-end at his home here. Colin Spencer, Jr. left last week for Riverside Military School in Gainesville, Ga., where he has en rolled as a student. Mrs. Howard Gardner of Greens boro is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. A. Lang. The Book Reviewers met last Thursday evening with Miss Maida Jenkins. The play “Dauber," by John Masefield, was read by Miss Meade Seawell. Special guests to the club was Mrs. Leak. Miss Mildred Cross spent the week end at her home in Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Holt McNeill spent ihe week-end in Dobson. # Use a Want Ad to sell the odds and ends. “SOCIAL JUSTICE" PROGRAM or VASS M. E. AUXILI.-VRY “Social Justice” was the topic of the program of the Vass Methodist Auxiliary when it met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. P. McMillan with the best attendance of recent months. Mrs. W. H. Keith gave a reading, "Where Charity Begins,” dealing with the treatment of servants in the home. Mrs. C. L. Tyson gave a talk on “Justice is Personal and Im partial,” and Mrs. S. R. Smith's sub ject was "The Basic Principle of So cial Justice.” Mrs. G. W, Griffm read the Scripture lesson, and Mrs. L. M. Hall conducted an interesting study of the 15th chapter of John. The business session was presided over by Mrs. W. C. Leslie. The spec ial hymnal committee reported that 113 copies of the new Methodist Hymnal had been procured and ded icated, and a vote of thanks was giv en the committee for its wo.k. The Auxiliary welcomed Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Jr., as a member and Mrs. Will Klingenschmidt as a visi tor. Standard Post Binders and Ledger sheets at Hayes.’ Columnar Ruled Books and pads at Hayes.’ LEGAL NOTICES Statement of the Ownership, Manage ment, Etc., required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, Of The Pilot, published at Southern Pines, North Carolina, County of Moore for the month of October, 1937. Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Nelson C. Hyde who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says thct he is the publisher of The Pilot and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge £tod belief, a true state ment of the ownership and manage ment of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above cap- tionrequired by Act of August 24, 1912 embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing edi tor, and business managers are; Publisher, The Pilot, Inc., South ern Pines, N. C. Editor, Nelson C. Hyde, Southern Pines, N. C. Managing Editor, Nelson C. Hyde, Southern Pines, N. C. Business Manager Jean Edson, Southern Pines, N. C. 2. That the owner is The Pilot, Inc., Southern Pines, N. C. Stock holders holding 1 per cent or more of stock are: Nelson C. Hyde, V/. P. Wil letts, A. Healy, F- Shamburger, Struthers Burt, Johnson & Johnson, R. N. Page, Agent, Pinehurst, Incor porated, W. A. Way, V. Z. Reed, Har_ ry Vale, Creamer & Turner, John W. Watson, Jackson H. Boyd, Bion H. Butler Estate and George R- Ross. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities are none. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the own ers, stockholders, and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list ot stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also in cases where the stockholder or security holder ap pears upon the books of company as trustee or in any other fiduciary re lation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements em bracing affiant’s full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and con ditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear Upon the books of the company aa trustees, hold stock and securities in p. capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other per son, association or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities this 1st day of October, 1937. NELSON C. HYDE, Managing Editor. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of October, 1937. EVELYN M. EDSON, Notary Public My commission expires Sept. 13, 1937. LEGAL NOTICES p. M., at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore County, North Car olina, offer for public sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certaui real estate located in Moore Coun ty, North Carolina, particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: 1. Located in or near Aber deen, North Carolina, described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a stake the cor ner of McNeill Street and Be- thesda Avenue, running thence as McNeill Street S. 17 deg. W. 3 chains and 75 links to a cor ner of No. 18; thence South 73 deg. E. 1 chain and 55 links to a stake corner of Lot No. 9, thence N. 17 deg. E. 3 chains and 75 links to Bethe.sda Avenue; thence .as it N. 73 deg. W. 1 chain and 55 links to the BE GINNING, containing 58-100 acres. Being known and desig nated as lot No. 8, in a map of the land near Aberdeen known as a portion of the Dr. J. C. Blue tract, surveyed and map drawn June, 1894, by Frances Deaton, see Book 13, page 158. 2. That lot or parcel of land located in J|cNeill’s Township described as follows: BEGIN NING at a concrete block at the S. E. corner of G. McG. Cam eron’s lot No. 51 on the West edge of May and Petty Street; thence with said Street S. 37 deg. 13 min, W. 625 feet to a concrete block corner of Lots 42 and 43; thence with the line of said lots No. 52 deg. 47 min. W. 250 feet to the right of way line of the S. A. L. Railway; thcnce with it N. 37 deg., 13 min. E. 625 feet to a corner of Lots 50 and 51; thence S. 52 deg. 47 min. E. 250 feet to the BEGINNING. Containing three and fifty eight one hundredths (3 58-100) acres, as shown on the new map of Edgemore Heights, made by Francis Deaton, March 28, 1921. Map recorded in the Register of Deed’s Office in the County of Morre. North Carolina, Book 81, at page 603. 3. Located in Ritters Town ship, Moore County, North Car olina, described as follows: Sit uated on Tom’s Creek and grant ed to A. C. Kelly by State of North Carolina, October 16, 1900, by grant No. 14306. For metes and bounds, see grant recorded in office of Secretary of State^ in Book 190 at page 233. See Deed Book 75, at page 154. 4. Located in Pinehurst, Moore County, North Carolina, described as follows: Bounded on the North by a road and Lots Nos. 2463, 2464, 2465, and 2466; on the East by Lots Nos. 2463, 2464, 2465, and 2466, and Lots Nos. 2450; on the South by Lot No. 2450 and Kelly Road; on the West by Kelly Road and a road. See Deed Book 106 at page 341. The foregoing described property will be offered for sale subject to taxes and assessments, if any there be against the same. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the undersigned commissioner, an amount equal to 5 per cent of his bid at such sale as earnest money. This 21st day of September, 1937. J. C. PITTMAN. 01-22. Commissioner. NOTICE OF S.^LE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in an order of the Superior Court of Lee Coun ty. North Carolina, made in this special proceeding, entitled: H. F. SEAWELL. JR., ADMINIS TRATOR, D. B. N. C. T. A., OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCIS DEATON, DECEASED, VS. JAMES DEATON, UNMARRIED; JOHN DEATON, UNMARRIED; CHARLES DEATON, UNMARRIED; W. EDISON DE3ATON, UNMAR RIED; MRS. MARY X. DEATON; MRS. MARY DEATON WADS WORTH AND HUSBAND, H. B. WADSWORTH; PAUL F. DEATON AND WIFE, IF ANY; ANGUS E. DEATON AND WIFE, IF ANY; ARTHUR DEATON AND WIFE. IF ANY; MRS. MAY DKATON SHEAL- OR (OR SHILOH) AND HUSBAND, J. C. SHEALOR (OR SHILOH); MRS. DOLLY S. DEATON, WIDOW OF ANGUS DEIATON, DECEASED. The same being No., upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, the undersigned commis sioner will on the 25th day of Octo ber, 1937, at the hour of 2 o'clock NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by D. E. Jones and wife to The North Carolina Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, on the 10th day of November, 1931, recorded in Book 50, Page 191, Registry of Moore County, North Carolina, default hav ing been made in the payment ot the indebtedness secured, the under signed Commissioner of Banks, hav ing succeeded to the rights and dut ies of the said Trustee, will offer for sale, at public auction, for cash, in front of the Moore (bounty court house door on Monday, October 18th, 1937, at twelve o’clock noon, certain pieces of land lying and being in McNeill’s Township, Moore County, State of North Carolina, and describ ed and defined as follows: BEX3INNING at a concrete monument, a corner of lots 47 and 44 on the East edge of May or Petty Street in Manly, thence with a line of said lots S. 52 deg. 47 min. E. 525 feet to a concrete monument a corner of lots 44, 45, 46, and 47; thence North 37 deg. 13 min. E. 220 feet to a corner of Lots 46, 47, 55 and 56; thence with a line of Lots 55, 54 and 53 N. 52 deg. 47 min. W. 525 feet to a concrete monument on the edge of said May Street; thence with it S. 37 deg. 13 min. W. 220 feet to the beginning, containing 2 65- 100 acres, more or less; BEING designated as Lot No. 47 as shown on the new map of Edge- more Heights, made by Francis Deaton. C. E., March 28, 1921. Map registered in the Register of Deeds’ office of Moore County, North Carolina, in Book 81i Page 603. Dated this 15th day of Septem ber, 1937. GURNEY P. HOOD, S24—015 Commissioner of Banks. LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executrix of the estate of W. A. Cook, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southern Pines on or before the 14th day of September, 1938, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. This 14th day of September, 1937. ISA W. COOK, Executrix. Seawell & Seawell, Attorneys, By: H. F. Seawell, Jr. S17, 022 Qunml (Ditejcbrs 24HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 6161-SOUTHERN PINES To serve those who call upon os to the best of our ability and with thoughtful fairness Is tbe basis upon which our organization is formed. H. G. McELROY Manager EVELYN EDSON Notary Public Telejrtione Office N. H. Ave. E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storag'e Southern Pines, N. C. Tel 5033 T^AGAZIJSIES MAY I H.WE YOUR RENEWALS! I can give you best authorized rates- drop me a card. MRS. Z. V. BLUE Carthage, N. C. YOU CAK THROW CARDS IN HIS FACE ONCE TOO OFTEN WIIEN you have those awful cramps; when your nervea are all on odgo—don't take It out on the man you love. Your husband can't possibly Imnw how you feel for the sixnpio reason that ho is a man. A three-quarter wife may be no wife at all if she nags her hus band seven days out of every month. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts ITom the functional disorders which uromen must endure in the threo ordeals of life. 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching “middle age.” Don’t be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PINKHAM'3 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "Smiling Through." Sow? Star Single-ed(e Blade* tolTe the mystery of (ood ahaves. Made ainee 1880 by the i^ventera of the original aafety razor. I lastins, nnifomu STAR BLADES FOR GEM AND EVER-PEADY RAZORS NEW SAFETY for BABIES Mother—think of iti Nine- tenths of all the hospitfUa im portant in maternity work now give tbeir babie* a body- rub every day with Mennen AntiaapticOill Why? Becausa this traatmrat keeps the baby safer from his worst enemy, OBRM8 ...helps protect his skta against in£e^on. Give your baby this greater safety. It’s so importanti Buy a bottle of Mennen Antiseptic Oil at your druggist’s today.