Friday, November 12, 1937. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Lambeth Counsels Calm and Patient Diplomacy ^omentoHS Decisions To Be Reached in Coming Weeks, Hie Says on Return from £urope The international situation In Eu rope is so tense “that we must ail work for peace and seek every prac tical means to prevent war," Repre sentative J. Walter Lambeth of this North Carolina district declared in a statement on his return last week from Europe, where he has spent three months. He was sent, as a mem ber of the House committee on for eign affairs, to assist in dedication of war memorials in France, Belgium, and England, and while abroad also visited Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Holland, Germany, Poland, and Russia. Con tinuing, Mr. Lambeth said: “It io not a time for fiery and emotional speeches, rattling of swords, rash and sweeping commit ments, or provocative words and in cidents. It is the time for tolerant under standing of the problems and diffi culties of other nations, calm think ing, skillful and patient diplomacy, followed by resolute action, and, above all, the will to keep the peace if by any honorable means the peace can be kept. “Momentous decisions must be reached in the coming weeks. Upon their issue, fin my judgment, the peace of the world, including our own peace for a generation, may well depend. "For America the lesson of recent events is that strength is the only safe-guard when covenants and trea ties are being 90 lightly disregarded. Our army and navy must be ade quate, not for aggression, but for true national defense. We cannot rely always upon our geographical position because oceans are rapidly shrinking. Not least in importance we must strengthen our foreign ser vice, which is, after, all our first line of defense.” Page ThrM Comings and Goings in Vass The Missionary Society of the Church of Wide Fellowship, will meet at the New England House as guests of Mrs. J. F. Morris on Wed nesday afternoon, November 17th, at 3:30 o’clock. Subject, “The Mystery and Fascination of the Moslem World.” All women are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ferguson en tertained at dinner Wednesday even ing of last week the following rel atives; Mr. and Mrs. John Aber nathy, Mias Pansy Abernathy and Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Cooper and children of Vass and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Abernathy of Olivia. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson left Saturday to make their home near Reidsville. Mrs. Loula Muse and Mrs. Jewell Hemphill of Cameron visited Mrs. A. M. Hemphill and the McCraney family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Smith and Cur tis and lAargaret Bettini visited in Lillington Sunday afternoon. M. B. Clayton of Cognac visited his daughter, Mrs. Clayton Evans, the last of the week. Little Alice Kvans returned home with her grandfather Saturday evening. Mrs. A. K. Thompson, Miss Juan ita Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Russell Thompson, all of Bur lington, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney. Mr. Thomp son has been here for several days. Edgar Oldham came home from Elixabeth City for a week-end visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Oldham. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Jr. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Koustenis. Miss Margaret McLean of W. 0. U. N. C., Greensboro, visited her un cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. N. McLean, during the week-end. Mrs. N. F. Southerland of Teacheys came last week to visit her sister, Mrs. J. M. McMillan, and other rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hicks have announced the arrival of a nine- pound son on Friday, November 5. Mr. and Mrs. E5arl Edwards of Elizabethtown visited relatives here Thursday. Miss Alliene Bacheler of Jonesboro was the week-end guest of Miss Pan sy Abernathy. Miss Glennie Keith of Raleigh spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Chappell and little daughter, Joanne, are spend ing a week with relatives in Black- stock, S. C. Misses Eva Callahan and Emily Laubscher took the State examina tion for nurses in Raleigh last week Be Comfortable Before cold weather arrives modernize your HEATING PL&NTand PLUNBING SYSTEM ESTIM.\TES GLADLY GIVEN • FRIGIDAIRE OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN (Automatic Coal Burner) ESSO-HEAT FUEL OIL L. V. O’CALLAGHAN FRIGIDAIKE SALBS AND SERVICE Telephone 5S41 Southern Pines and came down for a week end vis it with their people here before re turning to High Point. Mrs. R. D. Braddy and son, Thomp son, of Rockfish visited Mrs. Brad- dy’s sisters, Misses Sallle and Bes sie Cameron and Mrs. W. H. Keith Saturday. Mrs. Alton Chappell and daught er, Betsey, are spending some time with Mrs. Francis Byrd of Ram- seur. Mrs. J. S. Bundy of naleigh came down last week to attend the “wo- nianless wedding,” in which her grandson, A. G. Edwards, was ihe j mother of the bride. I Miss Eloise Brooks of Buie’s | Creek visited her mother, Mrs. G.' W. Brooks, during the week-end. ; Mrs. David Gilli.s of Manley spent Monday with her grandmother, JVxrs. i W. J. Cameron. 'I j Members of the Methodist Auxil-! I iary observed the Week of Prayer j this week with interesting programs j on Monday, Wednesday and Thurs- j day afternoon. The offering was for j I the retirement and relief fund. | I Revival services began at the Vas.s j Baptist chui'ch Sunday afternoon, i with the pastor, the Rev. Guy Fun-1 derburk, doing the preaching. I Mrs. George Stutts, Miss Emma j Lee Stutts and Mi s. Ted Rosser j spent last week-end with relatives in High Point. j Misses Eula Mae Boggs and Juan- j ita Womble visited in Cameron Sat- ; urday and SiAnday^^ | Mrs. Joe ountiy of Raleigh is the guest of Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Sr., for a few days. Miss Angie Marie Allen entertain ed around 30 of her young friends at a Hallowe'en party an evennig last week. After games had been enjoyed, refreshments suggestive of Hallowe’en were served. ■(HL'RCHESi Southern Fines DaptUt Church Rev. J. Fred Stimsoa, Pastor. I •: to—Sunday School. II ;00—Morning worship. 7:00—B. Y. P. U. Servict. Thursday, 7:80 p. m.—Prayer meetloflr and Letfson Study. The Church of Wide Fellowship Ht‘v. VuiKht O. I’uylor, l*a»tor. 9 :4Ti—Church School. 11:00 a. m.- -Morning worship. 7:00 p. m. IriteriTifdittte St-nior Youhk 7 M>U p, m. Fellowship For »m. We«hu‘Hd;iy, B:00 p. in.—Choir Kehrarsal. Preaching and Worship Service each second and fourth Sundays at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. every Sunday at 6:80 p. m. Prayer meetinjf every WedneHday at 7:30 p. m. j Bethesda Presbyterian Church ] Kev. E. L, liurber. Pastor | Hours of worship: Sunday School each Sunday 9:46 a. m.; Worship First and Third Sunday murninKs 11:00 a. m.; Second and Fourth Sunday evenin^fs 7:30 p. m. | Psjre Memorial M. E. Church Rfv. L. M. Hall» Pastor I Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. I First Sunday—Preaching 7:30 p. m. Second Sunday—Preachinif 11:00 a. m. Third Sunday—Preaching 7:30 p. m. Fourth Sunday—Preaching 11:00 a. m. Christian Science New Hampshire Ave., near Ashe St. Services are held every Sunday at 11:00 o’clock. C. G. FARRELL HIGH GRADE COAL. Telepiionc S8 PINEBUIFF Pinehluff Baptist Church Hev. Erncrtt M. Harris. Pastor Sunday school every Sunday morning at' 10:00 a. m. Irving G, Wylie, acting superin tendent. I’riafhinjr and \v(jrshin HtTvice each third Sufiday Kvi'nitij: «t 7 juhI *-m-h fourth ( Sunday arirrnoon at ‘J (M-lnck. AJ)erd«H*fi, North Carolina Kmroanual Episcopal Church Ucv. F, Craighill Hrown, U, A., B. D., Rector, I'irsl Siiiiiluy in the month, ('liurrh School at 10:00 a. m., Holy Coniniunion with ser mon at 11:00 a. m. Stt'oini and fourth Siinfia\’s, Holy ('ommun- ion at V :<)(j a. ni., I’.’iurch Si'h«n»l at ]u:iK) a. in., Mio-niiHr I'rayor with »»'rnion at 11 :(M) a. m. Tlviverintendent. Rev. Marcus A. Brownson. D. D., Teacher i Adult liible Class. SI. Anthony's Catholic Church Rfv. 'I’homas A. Williams, Pastor Sunday Matises, 8:00 and 10:30. Sundav <>vninr * '*w,tvs at 7:30. Week-day Mass, 7:30. (Children s lasiruti*^.. Class Friday at Cotif«*.Hsions Saturcijiy and eves of Days. 4:30 to 5:30 and 7:30 8:30. Boy Scouts meet Fridays 8:00 p. m PINEHURST 3 :30. Holy 1 CIll’Kdl NOTKS The Rev. J. Fred Stimson will jireach at the Baptust Church Sun day inoi ning on “Feeding the Soul.” •A-t tlie Christian Science Church Sunday morning the subject of the lesson-sermon will be “Mortals and Immortals.” The union service of Baptist Church and Church of Wide Fellow- yship will be held this Sunday night at 8:00 o’clock in the Baptist Church. A. W. (JKAVKS TO KErilKSKXT IIOSI’IT.VL -\SSO('I.\TION HKKK E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage Southern Pines, N. C. Tel 5033 1 Pinehurst «Comiounity Church Rev. A. J. McKelway. Pastor 9:45 a. m.—Sunday: Church School and Sandhills Brotherhood. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship. 7:15 p. m.—Young Peoples* Worship, ' Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.—Mid-week worship, i EUREKA KEEP BABY’S SKIN SAFE from GERMS I Mother, h«ed A* yrgent advto* of doetora and luMjimlt; do m they do; |lv» your baby a dally witb tk* mtimptie oU tiiat ehaiaa away gwmt. and keeps dia akin SAIV. That means MmnMa Antiseptic Dili It% used Iqr aaarty <11 malimii^ hospltala. It gats down into ddn^blds—and prevents Inlbetioa. It kaapa the sldn heidthier Gbt a Ixttda todiyc At anjr dniKist M^nrt^n c4niiufUic. oil The Revival Services of Eureka Presbyterian Church will be held next week, November 15th to 21st. The Rev. R. K. Davenport, evange list for the Synod of North Carolina, will conduct the meeting. The pub lic is cordially Invited to attend. Mrs. Watson Williams of Kernes- ville spent last week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Blue. Mrs. Hobson Tucker of West End visited her mother, Mrs. Sally Ray, Thursday. Mrs. Bill Shaw £ind son, Laveme, visited her brother, Grady Fry of near Carthage, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Palmer and children and Mrs. Lula Palmer of Southern Pines visited Miss Kittie Blue Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lula Palmer remained for an extended vdsit. Mrs. Alton Blue and baby, Peggy, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans of Vass Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McLeod and daughters, Janice and Lois, visited Miss Margaret McLeod of Flora Macdonald College Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Guin spent Sunday in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Guin. Mias Mildred Blue of Sanford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blue. Miss Margaret Kelly, of the Vass school faculty, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ida Blue and children. A. M. Calhoun and W. E. Glad stone of the Vass-Lakeview High School attended the north centrad district conference of the North Carolina Education Association held in Goldsboro Friday and Saturday of last week. Mr. Calhoun is presi dent of the Moore county Educo Club. Miss Bessie Maasengill of Four Oaks is spending the week with iier sister, Mrs. G. W. Koustenis. Circle No. 1 of the Woman’s Aux iliary of the Brownson Memorial Preabyterian Church met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Morrieon. Mrs. M. B. Kelis was host- (|sis to j'Cyrcl°>. Noi 2. Th. Village Chapel Rev. Thaddoiis A. Cheatham, D. D.. Minister Sunday Services: Holy Communion H;00 a. m.: Children’s K.'rvice, 10:00 a. m.: Church Service, 11:00 a. m. ABERDEEN Aberdeen Baptist Chorch Rev. Ernest M. Harris, Pastor Sunday School every Sunday mornins at 10:00 a. m. J. A. Bryant, Superintendent. T. W. Newborn of Kinston, field representative for the Hospital Sav ings Association of North Carolina, Inc., announced Monday the appoint ment of Adrian W. Graves of South ern Pines as Moore county represen tative for the organization. Mr. Graves will devote two days a week to making the contacts and investigations necessary to the ef ficient operation of the association's interests in the county, thereby ma terially increasing the effectiveness of its services here. MISSING! Stop missing; good shaves! Dis* cover Star Sinf(ie-«dge Blades! Made since 1880 bj the inven* tors of the original safety razor. Keen, long •lasting ani« form. STAR BLADES FOR GEM AND EVER-READY RAZORS MODERN-MODE STYLING PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES GENUINE KNEE-ACTION AIL-SILENT ML-STEEL BODIES Slyfca « dlfFmtf OS If U b*ovtifvl, lor tMi bloo«r-looirtaiB« btttt«r*looklAg low- prtetd cor. po»ttlv« • • • Itio tof* brokM for aodorn trovd • • * fMng moxlmvoi motoring profoction. • TRY A PILOT WANT AD # (WITHSHOCKMtOOl' smiMO) So tetm—to comfprt- abh—to dfffaranl... *%• worWs fkmt ridaj (WnMSAPRYOtAS* AU MOUND) lora»r Ifltwlofa— BoiNV, briote Gt¥ln0 Ifio moff om clont cofnbtnoNon of powor, •co»omy ood dopondobifity* SPORT COU PE GIvIno protocHon ogoinst drofh, tmok«, windshield douding and otsuring each povtenger indivtduoily controlled venlilothM). 0«Lu>« Model O'liy) COACH FISHER NO DRAFT 1 VENTILATION *ON MASTCK Dt IUX[ MODELS ONiy SEDAN Can wu$tmtpd are Masfpr fV I.4ue» modHs exrrpt the Caht i hi THE CAR THAT IS COMPLETE -^VALVE-IN-HEAD / ENGINE rCHEVROLET ^ It's great to drive a Chevrolet, when you can get 'Hf oH of Chfevroiet’s modem advantages at such low prices and with such low operating costs. CHEVROLET MOTOR (XVISION, Gwtral Mofon Sefu CorporaMon, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Nid-South Notors, Inc. Aberdeen, N. C. THEY ALWAYS COMK BACK FOT? MORE Three Ingredients of Printing • INK •PAPER • WORKMANSHIP # 'nie first two of these may be obtained almo«t anywhere and In any deaired quality, but the third and moot Important can be obtained only if you patroniie .1 plsmt which makes it a prac> tioe to employ ooly ikUlad craftsmen. 9 Buying your from The Pilot Office lamireii the beat of all tliree. Gee’, ITS <3oot> -To <3ex BAc-icL-ro ClMIH2A-nO/0 WELL A/^ti UJHAT moth By RUBE GOLDBERG AGAlM - AMD , HAvJe WOTH/MCTo •SHOUJ F=OR OUR Bvjt CHILLBlAIMS^ whatIs Me.uo MeRe.? 4PS ■S/JCTeeM AiGU) Polar ex^'eiiiTio/os JOST OUT -Tue-Y’Re we' ) ALL WRITIMG tNJGlL fiACt AnMrican Feataren. Ime. I JUST .SOCCk THg stoR't , Op THf S ' tASH POT^ Tete fPOLB TO THe bAiLY Vei-F^ For 1 THRee PA« Rs OF ~ hUf=FS AAili> A HCST- TNe\r Always rr msT ee MIOC AAObk AT QOier ATTH6 WORTH POC«