Page Pour THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina* t'rlday, December 31, 19S7. Miss Blue, Mrs. Burney 1 Win Ligfhting Contest ^ Aberdeen Garden Club’s Annual Decoration Competition Proves Glowing Success Judged by any »tanii!ird, the Christmas Lightintj contest in Abt>r- deen was a decided suci oss this year. It is most gratifyinj; to the Abor- deen Honie anil CJatclen (’Uib to find new pai'ticipantH from year to y;’.’’. It maltes the town more boautifLil for the Christmas season and giVi.s the club an added incentive to ro forward witli the cuntfst from y<ari to year. The jiids^es, c'(>n!po.soi.l of sev 'Viil ^ members of the Sanatorium (';ar !>n Club, made an inspeitinn of the t i- tii'e to;» n on Ohrisuuas LH’e and W' re thrilled at the beautiful sights they saw. They were di'lighted to find ui homcJ’ ■ thei e wer - indoor - "i ;:n that the .--'i had ’■ '"n rail:- -.I high e. , 'i 1 'T th,' ■ s t'S b.- perfectly fi >m t'■ much t.) n: 'i'’ the n p:-' Scene in “Follow the Star” Elizabeth Keith of Vass-gjisan Fuller and Marion Tyrrell Bride of Steve Mallard ^ Ooniinate Pinehurst Horse Show ance o! ’'.e ' ^ ual pas.s^ i oy. The .iiuige- iit ;;de. This aid! "ciifial app ar-j ;i i -r to the i' i-.- ; I S'." V ! '.v; Vows Spoken in Vass Methodist Church Sunday.—^^o Reside in Wallace In a wedding of simple beauty inJ dignity solemnized in the Vasa Metn- odist Church Sunday afternoon it •liOO o’clock, Mias Elizabeth Keith became the bride of Steve Mallard of t Wallace. The cercmony was per-' formed by the Rev. S. J. Starnes, pastor of the bride. The chancel was banked with long leaf pines and fern.s ani candles gleamed from four white standards twined with graceful vines. Tall floor baskets of white chrysanthemums, snap dragons and baby's bi-eath fur ther carried out the nuptial colors of white and green. The altar r:v\ w as covcued with white and vin; tiimmed. The wedding music was by Mi^si K.ii’ioa Cameron, pianist, of Vassj and Miss Anme Laurie Harrell, .'i-'-; ’ loist, of Wallace, Miss Cameron play- At the 11:00 o’clock service Sun day morning at the Church of Widj Fellowship there will be Holy Com munion and the reception of new members. The subject ol the sermon by the Voight O. Taylor will be “TUe Lord s Supper.” At the Baptist Church Sunday at 11:00 a. m., the sermon subject will be "Yesterday, Today, Toniorraw,” At 8:00 p. m., Union service of the Baptist and Church of Wide Kello\v- ghip. This will be a ‘'Sludeiits' Nij^ht Service,” with special music and a message for the students .spending the holidays hert and those of Llie luiv.l school. All students are espoc- ;aliy invi td to this servico. Christian Sciencc A service is held every Sunday mornmg at 11 :UU : o'clock in the Church in liiast New Win Eleven Ribbons IJetween Them as Nearly 1,000 Watch Judging of Classes By I.K)H KtK'h With perfect weather prevailing, the Pinehurst Hoi’se Show drew a crowd of almost 1000 to the race track yehterday to witness nine top- nolch clas.s event.s rolled off the sports calendar of the mid-winter sea- .son. The oval ."(how ring was solid ly blocked with automobiles, the gal-* lery numbering almost as many as attend the regular Spring show. Juvenile Billy Tate .started off ii the featur(' event, the Lightweight Huntora Class . over the outaido Two Aiken jumps, 1 log, 1 dit. h. 1 sn:ike fence, 2 p:wt and rail rtim ;i coop jump comfinttd the 14 onlrit's in th" competition. Lady Dur ham. with Mr:?. W. O. Mo 15 up, took the blue in this event, second prizs c.injjf to Mi;'-s Susan Fuller of Dur- vv.-.o plcasei! ti) find nior-i.;!iin^ more in-: tereat this yiar in oiatmg thi-a'i window.'!. Si'V^' .1 were :ound to be, partituhiily vffi’clive. The liren.ful were ai 'iv- toi^ the be:.iu-j tiful Chrisirn.'i 1 ' ;nd otlii r di- '-n'-- ation.s in the liUK known at; t.iO| "Y.”. i In otr..T'.veat H thi- prize.s given in connection with the *'iiristnia.s Lijjht- ing Contest have h.; n lurni :heci by the club. Thi- y--ar they wert- most genentusly dona'ed by tw(' electric;il dealers in town. The club wishes to take this means of expre:ssing pub- licly it- very ket-n appreciation to the A! ■i-(}een Klectric Shop for do nating the electric iron given as a prize for the prettiest tree, aiiLi to the Harris Electric Shop for donat ing the electric heater given for tlie prettiest outdoor scene. The c.'ub ap preciates the splendid cooperation of these two business houses. It was no easy matter to make a decision in this contest, and the judges wish it known that it was af ter consiit'rable thought that th-?y finally came to a decision, and awarded the prizes as follows: Miss Louise Blue- For the Pret tiest Tree; Mrs. A. L. Bumey- I'or the Prettiest Outdoor Scene. Honorable mention was given Mrs. J. R. Page for her pretty dooi-way; Mrs. H. A. Page, Jr., for her beau tiful outdoor scene; M^3. J. A. Bryant and Mrs. E. M. Medlin for their lovely trees, and to Mrs. L. J. Dawkins for her very effective Bcene. The club is grateful to the S.i.i'- torium Garden Club for the very good work done in judging the con test, and takes this means of ex pressing appreciation of its entire membership. JACKSON SPRINGS Harlan Richardson, after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Richardson, will re sume his studies at State College on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Clark are spending a few days here, having been in Vero Beach, Fla., for the past fev\' months. Mr. and Mrs. E. M Sloan and son, Eddy, Jr., of Concord, spent Christmas with Mrs. Sloan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Richardson. The Rev. and Mr«i. R, G, Matheson had all three of their suns home dur ing the holidays. R. G. Jr., and Mrs. from Paducah, Ky., Don, from New York City, and Douglas from Ral eigh. Eldridge Short of the Carthage Community is a new citizen here, having moved his family to the Smith place on Highway No. 73. Misses Azile and Zelma Clark of New York City are spending the Christmas holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mr.?. M. A. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Whit Purvis of Lil- lington spent the week-end with Mr. and Mra. B, L. Henderson, Mrs. Purvis remaining over for a week’s visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Folks and son Markham of Gastonia are visiting Mrs. Ada Markham. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C«pers of Lillington and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Causey of Troy spent Christmas with Mr. and Mra. E. W. Bruton. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Latta and children of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodruff of Southern Pines were week-end visitors with Mrs. Ada Hendrelite. Mr. <ind Mrs. Lacy Thomas of Charlotte and Mrs, J. B. Maynard and daughter Betty spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 1'. C. Thomas. Mrs. C. J. Britt of Eagle Springs ifl visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. C. Thomas. Christmas Pageant Ably Given at Church of Wide Fellowship I'd "To a Wild Hose,” by K^ampslnre Avenue, subject for San-iLoro. Third hon- following which Miss Harrell sand j,.K,uy 2, -Cod. - The Heauin. 'vcnt to Topthorn. a Pinehurst 1 Love You Truly" and “Tho Sweet est Story Ever Told.” The Bridal Cnorus from Lohengrin was used '.s a proccHsional and Mendelssohns VV'edding ilarcli as a recessional. As Room is open every Wednesd;iy Irom|^tuble entry, with • JimebUK” 3:00 to C.;00 p. m. Wednesday even- up. Virginia Girl, another en try from the s:ime stable took fourth. The Christmas pageant, -Follow Austin; and the three angels, »he vows were spc.ken Miss Cameron Iris THle, Miss Mary Alice Ta'te and ”Traumerei. The bride and bridegroom entered 1 , ou day morning at 11:00 attended. She " the" bv Karin Surdelof-.\sbraiu! \ X L(i,ii.-e Gardner. The porta weic [ I. .<■ nu a Sunday night at the C'hunh oi Wide Fellowship, will bo ing meetings every 1st and 3d Wed nesday at 8:00 p. m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per will be observed at the Presby terian Church in Aberdeen next Suu- Dcnion.'^trating the quality riding’ of a veteran of the saddle. Miss Ma*"- io’.i Tyrrell, comely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Tyrrell of Toronto, excellently taken, with sympathy and together and were uiia revoi enco. The inci idental music by cusemble of creen ;cine:iibered by those who saw it as (.hureh choir, with Mrs. Charles trimmed with fur and wore a an exi're.s6ion of the Christmas spiv- croy at the organ, is also worthy of 'Ji'own turban with nose veil. Her ao- it of e.xceptional loveliness both in mention; particularly the solos by "t'le blown, and lei si^i-. conception and execution. The p i- Mrs. J. D. McDonald and Dr. K. P. w'as of Talisman roic^. geant represented the experience of a Shepard, the tiio by Mrs. McDonald,! Usheis weie Di. Cediic Zibeilin, public is cordially invited to attend. o'clock. Thei TJream, captured ! \ hi' blue in the middleweight and the Satunlay, January the first is t.K«, ”«>^tweight hunters class over Feast of the Circumcision. It is i ; out.Md’ course. ATis.i Tyrrell, show- Holy Day of Obligaiion. Mass will 'oej'^S ^ offered at St. Anthony's Church variation, copped four other 7:00 and 9.00 o’clock. Mass on Sun-‘ > ‘-ifternoon’s competition day at 8:00 and 10:00, at wh.cii against one of the most outstanding modern Mary and Joseph - Mrs. Lillian Miles and Miss Kath.-r- AVilton Bryce Rivenbark and vvilliams win preach, uevo. Kinality fields of riders. She rode with lilanehe Sherman and Don Jones ine Buchan, and the Lullaby at tho f u ' i r i ■ tions on Sunday evening at 7:30 will Mallard ot Greensboro and Linwood . ... I Keith of Vass. Mrs. Mallard is a daughter of and Mrs. W. H. Keith of Vass. Since!Wednesday of next week. taking their wedding journey in t.he Manger, of rare tenderness and beau- Holy Land and coming on Christmas ty, '.ly Miss Evelyn Ed.-.on. night to the inn at Bethlehem. To The effectiveness of the pageant! them there was accorded a vision as a whole was greatly increased by „ . ^ i of the night of the Nativity, its the =,«»tting and lighting effects, ar- cXge"^”^^ loS shT.aasi C. Thomas, Misses Margaret and meaning today: the gifts of Sell and ranged by E. J- Austin and been a member of the Wall’ace sch-.ol Mary F.nima Thomas. Ira and Mar- Service to Christ. ^ ‘ John McMillan; the harmony an J' i Cornelia Mallaiv and the late A. J. Mallard of Wallace and attended Davf- idson College. After a wedding trip to Florida tho . couple will be at home in Wallace, The picture shows the scene of tuo variety of costuming, the splendor of adoration. The characters, in their the king's apparel contrasting with order, are the three shepherds, rep- the sober garments of the shepherds resented by Charles Austin, Stan- and the robes and halos of the an- ley Austin and Miss Dorothy Tate; gels. The costumes were designed by the innkeeper. Rev. O. D. Ulloii.; Mrs. Harry L. Pethick and Miss Bir- , , T-. • .r- 1 n. ' where Mr. Mallard is engaged m Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Jo-; dilia Bair. The final scene, with the . , seph, her affianced husband. Miss ■ falling lights enhancing the radiance Evelyn Edson and John McMillan; of the Star, was especially memoia- the Angel Gabriel, E. J. Austin; ihe ble. The church is indebted for thjs three kings, Gaspard, Melchoir and, presentation to the Fellowship Fiir- Balchazar. portrayed respectively by | um, and in particular to its director, R. W. Tate, L. L. Wooley and C. L. Mrs. Dwight Hoskins. faculty. Mr. Mallard is a son of MiThomas, Misses Margaret and business. Following the rehearsal Satur day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Keith en tertained the wedding party and a few additional friends at a buffet supper at their home. Out-of-town guests at the wed ding included Mrs. Cornelia Mallard and Miss Myrtle Mallard of Wallace, Charlie Mallaid and daughter of Miss Jean Thomas of Jonesboro , from Tryon this week after spend- gu^gaw, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mallard has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. ing a few days with his father, who 1 daughter, Betty, and Miss Smith Edgar Bowman this week. is ill. j Mooresville, Mi^s Mary Parker of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caldwell, Sr., I Miss Miriam Johnson, who holds a Murfresboro, Bud Littrel of Rocky spent Christmas day in Concord vis- position with Ivey’s Store in Char- Aberdeen Community Happenings iting Mr. Caldwell's mother. ' lotte is home for the Christmas hol- Mrs, S. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. ‘days. Jack Smith and son. Jack, Jr., Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wl.ite an- and Mrs. Leonard Russell and Scott; nounce the arrival of a son, William Russell motored to StatesvUle to D„ Jr., at the Moore County Hospi- spend Christmas day with relatives, tal on December 21st. Miai Mary Alice Baker of Camden, | David Melvin has been issued Li- S. C., spent last Thursday night in ‘ cense No. W-4FBD from the Fed- Aberdeen visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ella eral Radio Commission, which makes J. Heckart. eligible for amateur broadcast- Sidney Windham of Syracuse, N. ; »ng from his home here. He recent- Y., spent the Christmas week-end in : ly successfully passed his examina- Aberdeen visiting his parents, Mr. tions for this work, and Mrs. Sidney Windham, Sr. ! Mr. and Mrs. H. Clifton Blue spent Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bradsher aiJ their Christmas holidays with rela- ,son Hugh Tate of Marion and Miss tfves at Roseboro. Sarah Tate of Gastonia were Christ- ' M’"- Mrs. J. L. Chandler of Mount and Miss Ila Gray Eason of Saratoga, W. H. Keith of Washing ton, D. C., and Miss Glennie Keith of Raleigh. CAMERON The Y. P. C. of the Presbyterian church, directed by Mrs. J. W. Mc- Lauchlin, the Auxiliary president, presented a lovely Christmas pag eant, at the church last Sunday evening. The background was the scene of the nativity, with Mary, the Christ-child and the three wise- men. The beautiful opening'prayer was by the Rev. William Currie. mas guests of Professor and Mrs L 1 Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs. Ha»--v, pageant was interspersed with ma^ guests ot i^roiessor ana Mrs. 1.. I 1 3oft music, appropriate chorus and special prayers. Petitions were of fered particularly for the aged min isters and their famili»js. The ‘‘joy gift” offering was taken for this most imi>ortant cause, and the ser vice closed with prayer in concert, by the Y. P. C. Miss Katie Harrington’s adu'.t- health met on Tuesday even ing of last .week. Special gue.sts were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fergu- J. Dawkins. ' Wimberly of Winston-Salem were Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Maynard and Christmas guests of Mrs. Julia Wim- son, Craig Maynard visited rela- ■ herly. tives in Durham and Palcigh last M*"®- Mack Fairley and Miss Grace Sunday. ' | Bradshaw of Columbia, S. C.. visitad Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caldwell. Jr.. their grandmother. Mrs. Lillie Blue and children, of Jacksonville, Fla., during the holidays, stopped over in Aberdeen last week Miss Margaret Pleasants of Char- to visit relatives enroute to Louis- lotte and John Edward Pleasants of burg for Christmas. the Southern Dental College, Atl^n- Miss Ellen Monroe has been con- tJ'. Ga., are spending the holidays fined to her home for the past ten "’'t^ their parents here. r'hina.rr, . days with diphtheria. 1 Miss Mabel Lawrence, who holds a m t h ' 1 Edwin. McKeithen, Jr., of New position with a beauty paHor in y c o , serve York City spent the Holidays in Washington, D. C., viriteo her motn- Aberdeen with his parents, Mr. and Cbnstmas. Mrs. E. T. McKeithen. j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and Guy James Ellis, of th» U. S. Marines, Clark spent last Sunday in Sanford has returned to the Navy Yard In '^ith relatives. Norfolk, after the holidays spent Mrs. Murdoch Johnson and little here with his father, Jack Ellis. of Camden, S. C., were Prof. and Mrs. L. J. Dawkins and! C^*’*®tnias guests of Mr. and Mrs. their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Francl# Thompson. Bradsher of Marion, visited relative.^' Mrs, Duncan McFayden in Oxford last Monday. Fayetteville, Mr. and Mrs. Craw- Craig Johnson has returned to the Thomas of Raeford, and Mr. CCC Camp at Albemarle after Mrs. Eli Wlshart of Lumberton spending the Christmas holidays at Christmas guests of Mr. ind jjome. Freeman. The Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Harris • — were called to Georgetown, Ky., this K. THROWER WILL LRAVES week, where Mr. Harris was to con- | ENTIRE ESTATE TO WIDOW duct the funeral of a friend. Miss Mabel Bethune is spending a few days at Roseboro this week vis iting a former schoolmate. The will of the late H. E. Throw er of Southern Pines has been filed for probate In the office of the Miss Frances Howie of St. Paula Clerk of the Court of Moore county, is spending this week in Aberdeen Mr. Thrower left all of his property visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fred Blue. I to his wite, Florence Currtn Throw- The Rev. E, L. Barber returned er. ‘‘ye old time” Christmas refrewli- ments, egg nog and fruit cake. At the close of the evening, Mrs. Lo- rela Muse, on behalf of the class, presented Miss Harrington with a Jarge cornucopia of fruit, and an electric hot plate. Mr. and Mrs. .7. M. Guthrie’s din ner guests on Christmas day were Mrs. H. P. McPherson, Miss Aman da and Cone McPherson, Mrs. Orene McPhenson, Miss Dorothy, Hugh, Jim Alex and John M. Mc Pherson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fer guson, Misses Jean, Nancy and Ken neth Ferguson of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parker, Miss Marie and William Parker of Dur ham, Mr. and Mrs, Marion Hinson of Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Borst and son, H. A., Jr., were din ner guests Sunday of Mrs.' Lizzie and Mlis Annie Borst. Miss Katie Harrington spent the holiday season in Biscoe with her nephew, Wellons Burt. Mr. and Mrs. 'Milton Thon<«« Miaa T.'abel Prizer, of West Orange, conducted 'by Father Sull.van. n^ce first in the nest pair of riders class, took the yellow honor.s in the Ladies’ Horsemanship class, fifth in the children of 14 years and under, and rode My Dream to take the third prize in the Junior Jumping Class. Kiltlions (iuh>re The youthful Miss F^iller placrd her class and range of riding up there on tnp of the field by winning a series of honors, first ‘in the aged 14 and under class, the blue in the ladies’ horsemanship; riding wita Mrs. W. O. Moss for second in the pair class; second in the middle weight and lightweight hunters class, riding Grey Mist; second in the local road hack class, riding Hap py I.ore; first in the Open Jump, rid ing Lady Durham. An unusual touch of cjolor was ad ded to the show in the open event, the beginner.s class, when twelve well-dressed kiddies lined up for *he five ribbons awarded. Janet Louise Middleton took the blue in this class, second going to Miss Joan Burke, daugl^ter of Frederick H. Burke, of New York. Mrs. Lawrence B. Smith of Mill- brook, N. Y., and Nelson C. Hyde did the judging. The summary; Bsginners Class in Horsemanship— Miss Janet Louise Middleton, first; Miss Joan Burke, second; Richard Middleton, third; Jane Drexel, fourth; Darst Hyatt, fifth. Aged 14 and under in Horseman ship— Susan Fuller, first; Miss Sage Fuller, second; Richard Middle ton, third; Miss Peggy PJwing, fourth; Miss Marion Tyrrell, fifth. Lightweight Hunter, Outside- j Course- Lady Durham, Mrs. W. O. Mary McLeod and Mr.*?. Belle Mc Keithen. Mrs. J. A. Brown of Chad- bourn, Mrs. E. K. Proctor of Wliitc- ville, R. C. Muse and .son R. C., Jr., of Hamlet, Air. and Mrs. A. M. Hemphill and son, A. M., Ill, spent Sunday with Mrs. Loula Muse and Mrs. .Tewell Hemphill. Prof. and mrs. J. Clyde Kelly, Miss Peggy Lou, .Jim and Owen Kelly of Trap Hill and Miss Jeun Kelly of Boone spent the holidays at their home in Cameron. They were dinner guests on Christinas day of Mr. and Mrs. Ever Kelly of Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Earl York and two sons of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joj-ner and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Mfirtin McFadyen and tlu'ce chilfJren of Fayetteville were Christ mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wooten. Misses Mary Ferguson and Flora Phillips were Sunday guests of Mrs. Eugene Mclver at her home near Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLean 'ind Miss Mai’garet McLean spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mra. N. N. McLean of Vass. Mr. and Mrs, D. B. Tea^e, Misues Elizabeth and Emily Teague of San ford were Christmas guests of the Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill. Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Holmes and children of Goldsboro arrived Mon day and w-ill spend several days with the Rev. and Mrs. M. D. Me-j Moss up, first; Harry Lore, Susan Fuller up, second; Topthorn, Lloyd Tate, Jr. up, thii-d; Virginia Girl, Bil ly Tate up, fourth. Ladies Horsemanship—Susan Ful ler, first; Miss Sage Fuller, second; Marlon Tyrrell, third. Pair Class in Horsemanship—Mar ion Tyrrell and Isabel Prizer, first; Mrs. W. O. Moss and Miss Ful ler, second; Janet Louise Middleton and Richard Middleton, third; Billy and Lloyd Tate, Jr., fourth; Miss Joan Tompkins and Miss Sage Ful ler, fifth. Middle and Lightweight Hunters, Outside Course—My Dream, Tyrrell up. first; Grey Mist, Susan Fuller up, second; Trouble, Bill Sweeney up, third. Local Road Hack Class—High arid Mighty, W. J. Stratton up. first; Happy Lore. Susan Fuller up, .sec ond; Bubbles, John Thomas up, third. Junior Jumping Class—Moonflxer, Charles Everest up. first; Fine Fel low. Wilbur Scheipers up, second; My Dream, Marion Tyrrell up, third. Open Jump—Lady Durham, Susan Fuller up, first; Moonfixer, Charier. Everest up, second; Diana, Sylvester- Loudermelt up, third. Neill Complimenting Mrs. Belle Mc Keithen, in honor of her birthday, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. McKeithen en tertained at dinner on Simdi.y. The table was laid with a lace cloth, centered with a beautifully decorated birthday cake, flanked by bowls of fruit and red candles. A turkey dinner was served. The marriage of Mias Ruby Pittman of Sanford and Clarence Blakely of Blakevill#/ was solemniz ed in a private ceremony on Wed nesday eTening, December 22, at the home of the officiating minis ter, the Rev. .M. D. McNeill of Cameron. The bride was becoming ly attired in a gown of hunter's ji'een, with black accessories. Mra. Blakely is the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. M. F. Pittman of Sanford. Mr. Blakely is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blakely of BlakevUle, where the young couple are now at home to their friends. Mr^. Dorothy Biedler of Wash ington, D. C., spent the holiday.s with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Swett o^ route 1. CAKD OF THANKS We wish to thank all of our frieid» for their deeds of kindness and ex pressions of sympathy during tne illness and at the time of the death of our wife and mot^r. —John P. White and daughter, Mrs. Florence Travis. New Year’s Cards at Hayes.' BUILD AND PAINT 8IUM» HOUSE PAINTING PAPER HANGINU; B«it BniahM mnd Ladders i Wm. H. Wilson *** SoBlkWB Piaaai Vra«io«alr 1« Ycmh witk all' PiMhvnt Coatraoton

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