Friday, Decembci' 31, 193?i THE PIT.OT, Southern Pinps and Aberdeen, North Carolina Pag^e Five A Happy New Year r»ii TAT 1 • C* Livingston L. Biddle, II, spent !_ _Q0 V»f 0ClC in ^OUlvll0m Philadelphia with hid At Your Service Year In and Year Out Southern Pines' Oldest DruK Store Broad Street Pharmacy Prescription Druffsists K. li. Hart, Proprietor As an aid to • H Better Bookkeeping FOR 1938 I «« We offer • | ♦♦ «♦ <-♦ # Standard Diaries, Desk Calendars I: ©Blank Books of all kinds H #Card Indexes and File Curds \\ # Filing Cabinets, File Jackets and Guides H • • Everything for ' |l # Personal or Business Records , H HAYES’ SANDHILLS BOOK SHOP J SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. | :: FOR SALE Furnished seven room residence, two baths, double garage, servant’s room, heat. Newly painted inside and out. Located in Knollwood near Fine Needles Inn. S. J. HINSDALE, Liquidating Agent Phoned? Sanford, N. C. ttitntiuuitituiinxKuutttitiUVAtttXiiittititttxiimtiittit FligHlancl L^odge A QUIET HOME-LIKE FAMILY HOTEL Measiintly Looatwl on V'emiont Avenue Near the Pin** SEASON OCTOBEtt 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent Mrs. W. N. Grearson Telephone #‘J33 • Southern Pines, N. C. j! ^ ♦♦ 1: PARK VIEW HOTEL FINE LOCATION GOOD ROOMS OPEN ALL YEAR RATES MODERATE Newly Renovated ^ Thruuf^hout HIGHLAND PINES INN AND COTTAGES (WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS) SOUTHERN PINES SEASON DECEMBER TO MAY Highland Pines Inn with its Splendid Dining Room Service ajid its Cheerful Homelike Atmosphere Caters to the Require ments of those Occupying Winter Homes In the Pine Tree Sec tion. The Hotel is Situated on Wejmiouth Heights (Masaachu- •etta Avenue) Amid Delightful Surrouuidlngs. Good Parking Space ia Availcble for Motorists. All Features of First Class Hotels are Included at Highland Pines Inn. Best of E^rerything. M. H. TURNER, Manager Davi'l Powell spent last week-end' with rrlatives in W'hitevillc. | Mr. and Mr.s. J. M. Windham .spent I Chi'istmas in Washington, D. C., witii their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clark. Mr. Windham returned Wednesday but his wife romaincd for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Vii-gil J. Lee have :..s their guest.s for a icw davs Dr. Lloyd O. Brightfield of Ba.ti- more. Mrs. C. H. Krauter and Mis. ,). II. Long of Youngstown, O., tuc frucsts of Mrs. Kmmett French cnt'r- tained at a bridge luncheon Wednc.s- dny at the Pine Needles for sixteea guests. Mrs. O. Ij. Mayes is vi.siting her s.on- in-law and daughter, Mi-. and Mf.'i. William Matchott. Thomas ninver hn.s returned nort'i after accompanying his brother, V/. Irv'ng Glover from a Baltimore ho -- pilal '.vhere he has been for three months. Mr. Glover and daughbir. Francos are now at their home, Cre.sccnt Lodge, for the winter. ! Mrs. John Lelaml of Baltimore is spending a week with her father, S. B. Kichai’d.son. , The Allene Baker, Mari in Knowie.s and Hazel Shiring. all of the laf:ulty of .Skidmore College, Sa."; - tog.'i Si)riiig, N. Y., spent the holi day sea.'5on with Mrs. L. M. Shifia,^-: a! her home on Veimont avenue. | Miss Trabcl Pelton is spending sev- ^ eral days in Baltimore and Washincr- ton, D. C. Frederick Cole of Washington, D C., is spending several days wiLh hs parien*^s, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cole at their home on Ridge street. Mr. and Mrs. George London have retuined from Klizabeth City where they spent Christmas with her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Pendleton.: Ten tables were in play at the Christmas party of the Thistle Club held last Monday afternoon at tne Southern Pines Country Club. Pri^i. s for high score were won by Mrs. U . ’ G. Stutz, Mrs. B. Plummer, Mr.~.' I Margaret Mills Cameron, Mrs. FrauK i Pottle, Mrs. Carol B. Marshall, Mis. Hoyt Shaw, Mrs. Preston T. Kelse'i, ' Mrs. R. E. Wiley, Mis.s Maiy Schwarberg and Mrs. Howard F. I Burns. At the next bridge tea to be I held at the Southern Pines Country i Club on next Monday afternoon, Mrs. I Frank Pottle and Mrs. J. J. Spring I will be in charge of cards and Mrs. I Hoyt Shaw will be tea hostess. ] Senator John Sprunt Hill of D ir- I ham is .spending a week at the Mid- ' Pines Club with a party of five I friends enjoying a golfing vacatioi. ' In the party are Mr. and Mrs. D. St. Pierre DuBose, T. L. Bland, W. M. Sledge and Claude Currie of Du:- ham. Mrs. William Chase Mudgett e.i- tertained at twelve tables of bridge at her home on Ashe street on Tues- i day afternoon, complimenting Mrs. Henry M. Dingley, Sr., of Auburi, Maine. Di'. and Mrs. R. M. Bowles >f Garden City, Long Island have leased i the Sadler home on Indiana avenue i for the season. I Tom Walker of Indianapolis, Ind., 1 is spending several days with his I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank F'. , Walker. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Patton of Gas- I tonia were the Christmas guests ot Mrs. Patton’s mother, Mrs. D. J. Welch. John McNeill has returned to his home in Maysvllle, Ky., after vis-.t- I ing his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNeill at their home here. Pliilip Pelton has returned to Washington, D. C., after spendmg Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Pelton. Dr. C. L. Newcombe of College Park, Md., was the holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pottle at the Hollywood. Virgil J. Lee of Baltimore arrived last week to ?pend the holiday sea son with his family at their new' home oh Country Club Drive. Miss Mary Alice Weatherly i.s spending the holidays in New Or-' leans. La. Dr. L. M. Daniels and. sons, LelanJ and Ralph, have returned from a hunting trip in the eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of Philadelphia have leased the Cay- ton house on Indiana avenue for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. David Gamble have returned from King’s Mountain where they spent the holidays witii relatives. S. Y. Ramage of OU City, Pa., is spending the holiday seftson at the Pine Needles. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley B. Evans of last week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Nor man H. Sheok at their home on Or chard Roaif r Mr. and Mrs. Robett Peck have returned to Durtiam after spending Christmas with his grandparent.s, Mr. and Mrs. ’George C. Abraham. Mr. Peck is a number of the Duke Un- iveisity faculty. Miss Barbara Bower fo Washin.’;- Mi.'S Barbara Bower of Washing- ing relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. George Rickardson of V/.Tshington, I>. C., were the h.ii- iday gue.sts of his father, S. B. Rich ardson. Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Dillehay of York C'ity spent Christmas here with his mother, Mrs. Mattie Dille- liay. Tht' Thistle Club entertained at its second aiiniKil Ti'.'i Dance for the ('Mighters of ine.mber;i and their fiiendy at the Southern Pines Coun try Club on W:-dnesday afterno(in !'ro)v. 1:00 to 6:30 p. m. About one hundred and fifty were piesent, an)f)!i!r them many hotel guc.sts who parents. Lewis and Anita Gold have re turn, u fioni Washington, D. C., whore they spent the holidays with tiicir family. Air. and Mr.s. Wade Coffey nf old Calloway Tuesday. The Rev. W. M. MacLeod of Nash ville, Tenn., visited lelatives and friends in the county this week. Mrs. MacLeod and children remain 'n Sumter, S. C., on account of the illness of her father. Dr. H. L. Shaw. Arthur Wright has leturned to 1i;k1 oeen is.qued invitations. Al- Lakeview are speniling some t;me|his home in N\nv York fitter .spcnd- with their daughter, Mrs. Raymond ing a week with Iiis daughters, Mi3. Johnson. | Harold Buckniin.ster and Mrs. Gra- Mrs. Kdward Gibbon of Charlotte Johnston, and H. 10. Gibbon of Jacksonvii'e j ^Ir. and Mrs. Frank Dudgeon iiad were guests over the week-end of; as guests for Christmas dinner Ii. the Rev. and Mrs. A. ,1. McKelwiiy' W'. Latting, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. V'an at the Mr. and JIis. McKel- ^amen, Mrs. and R. L. way and children, Kate and Sanuy' Van Namen at the Village Couit are spending this week in Washiii^-; Grill. ton, 1). C. Miss Caroline Battley has return- aIis. ISlanche We.^tcott and dau- ed from Brooklyn. N. Y., where ane ghter, Dorothy and .Mi', and Mr.s. J. sjHMit the week viiiiting her sis- -M. IlagiKKi .'■i.ent Chri.stma.i in Our- ter. i Mr. and Mrs. Bank.s Richardson j Mr. anfl Mi’s, Willie Wilson had cf Atlanta, Ga., were guest.s this UMis. Janu.'^ MacXnb and Mi.,.s Ann week of Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Rlchar-1- ' Mae.Xah a.s dinner guesls Vv'ednesday j son. I evrning. Bet!?y Oglesby is home for thr.ugh In.^t year’s imrty was a do-1 f'hristm.-s the holidays from Roanoke, Va. ri led .suecc.s.s. gue.sts agreed j ^ «alar-j A Christmas play w;i3 given at thN- vea. ’s even surpRssed it. I'Christmas I^ve'oy :irs, Walter Speath, Mrs. James i 'A' ‘^e children of the Sunday ricnoo|, Milliken Mr., J, Coburn Musser, Mrs.l^'!*' ^ direction of Mrs. Fred K. L■^•is Prizer. Mrs. John Howarthl'v T I^nis. Mr. and Mr.-,. Fnc Powdrell. Children taking speaking and Mrs. W. K. Overcash compri.sed 'V Ih.. ...:.u.Ut.eere.sponsibb, forthesi:..- ^^'^-J;;*'" ; • H-Vatt. Sally Gifford, Harold of this year’s affair. pmd Sally Ann Cheney. Buckminster, Jr., Billy GlfforJ, Mr. and Mr.<^. Raymond Kennedy of L. Malcolm McMullo.i, Harr sbutg Pi are the cucsts .,f ^ Graham Johnston, Dick Blue a:id .Mr. and Mrs." Fred.rleW «f Mrs. Har- Freddie PowdreH. \ ' ' ■ ( i~'rnith. i,Ir. Kennedy is an instructcr 1 in Iktrri.sburg .A.cactemy for Boys.'—* The Thistle Club will entertain at ■ H its weekly bridge tea on Monday.!;* .lamiRi-y 3nl. This will be another JS I “open p.'ii'ty” as was the Christniii.j , ;• one. membei s are allowed to briner | \\ their friends and guests. Play willjj: start at 2:30 o’clock with Mrs. J. J-; H f-'pring and Mrs. Frank Pottle ni *;{ charge of cards and Mrs. Hoyt Shaw, as tea hostess. The Misses Sarah and Bonnie Bar- nuin entertained at a dance Thurs day evening at the Civic Club 011 :: A'she street, for about fifty members of the younger set.' Dr. and Mi's. Thomas Opie of Ol- ney, Md., are the guests of Mrs. Roo- ei t Ro.';e at her home on Valley Road. ’ U Mrs. Rose will entertain at a tea on New Year's afternoon compli menting her guests. « I) A i l{ Y 1> R O D U (’ T S of THE HIGHEST (QUALITY Servinn Southern Pines, Aberdeen and The Moore County Hospital Sinco the fire that deslroved Matthew’.s I\Iarket ;n Aberdeen, you can now .secure Lakeview Dairy Prod- uct.s at Allen’s Store there. LAKEVIEW DAIRY Melvin fi. Cordinir We Serve To Serve Again Southern Pines 71S3 iitti Mtm PD4EHURST Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. ChatfielJ have returned to their home here af ter spending the payt three months | abroad. j Mias . Glady.s Mayberry who is spending the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Ethel Journey has gone to Co lumbia, Tenn., to spend the holid.ays with her family. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Agnew of Charlotte and A. E. Leavitt of Ral eigh spent the week-end with Mrs. A. E. Leavitt and Mrs. Henry But- ner. Mrs. Frank Harriss and Misses Margaret and Anna Harriss of Fay-1 etteville were week-end guests of ^ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Campbell. Also guests for Christmas day were A.^r. and Mrs. Lucien P. Tyson and dau-1 ghters, Ruth and Jane of Carthage. MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING YOU HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY DOKN’S ••FlneRt III Foodff*’ TKI.EPHONK 6911 DELIVERY SERVICK MOtmK forvns LKADINC; Nk^S- THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding PILOT FIRST IN MKWS AND ADVKRTIHINO of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina A NEW yEAC to our ADVERTISERS gUSINESS CONCERNS (CORRESPONDENTS DELIVERY BOYS gVERYBODY—right down through the Alphabet. A Happy One-a Fulsome One-a Prosperous'One is The Pilot’s Wish for You.