Pm:® Twn THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, February 28, 193S. THE PILOT Published each Friday by THE PIIX)T, Incorporated, Southern Pines, N. C. NELSON C. HVDK Editor important ways in which a boy may develop desirable traits of character and personality, practice citizenship, and secure valuable information in an interesting way, which combines fun and enthusiasm for worthwhile work.’ The Week in Carthage BEN BOWDEN Newa Editor CHARLES MACAULEY AdvertUinc JKAN C. EDSON Busincas Mmnaicrr DAN S. RAY Circulation Helen K. Butler, Beaaie Cameron Smith. H. Li. Eppa. Aaaociate* Subscription Rates: One Year $2.00 Six Months $100 Three Months -50 Entered at the Postoffice at South ern Pines, N. C., as second class mall matter. Music Club Meets Mrs. M. G. Dalrymple was host ess to the members of the Carthage ‘•Many parents have vlsitel Scout halls to learn for the first time just President, Mrs. M. J. Me I Phail presided. Ten members were : present. The following patriotic pro- was rendered: Plano duet, what the boys will gain by being con nected with the Boy Scouts of Amer- “Bugle Calls,” Mrs. J. K. Roberts and Mrs. J. G. Downing. Readings, ica. This organization is made pos sible by the full cooperation of each and every Citusen, Oiiicer, commitlee- man, Scout master throughout the world. Are you doing your part to cooperate with these ot'iicers ? “Recently a meeting was called by J. E. Steere, district commissioner, to be held in Pinehurst for the elec tion of officers for the County Coun cil. The meeting was opened with an "Music in Washington State," by Mrs. H. Lee Thomas. Vocal quartet, "Our Glorious Liberty," Mrs. Lelia Cox, Mrs. I. W. Williamson, Mrs. R. L. Burns and Mrs. J. G. Downing. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Edison McCaskill of the Eureka section announce the Bible CUiKS Meets The Rev. L. A. Watts, pastor of the Carthage Methodist Church talk ed on the subject of "Professors and Believers,” at a meeting of the Thursday Bible Class, held at the home of Mrs. H. F. Seawell, Thurs day afternoon. attendance of eight members and the ^ daughter, Alice Potts Me- chairman, Duncan Matthews, presid- ed. At that time we had a very inter- ^''^'^ruary 10th. esting report from Mr. Steere. He invited a committee from the county to attend a meeting and banquet in Charlotte to forword the program in Scouting. We failed to produce a single delegate to attend. "On Thursday night, March 3, there is to be a meeting of the Coun ty Council in the Community Church in Pinehurst. Dinner will be served by the Pinehurst Girl Scouts. Mr. Steere will be the principeil speaker. “Are you interested in Scouting and the efforts put forth by the few who are carrying the organization along? Why not give a few hours of your time to encourage the leaders and who are anxious to promote this great work? They need you, and you need them, to help mould our boys into ideal <’\tizens.” spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. N. A. McKeithen. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sheffield vis ited Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Holt in Tory Wednesday. J. D. Shields, who is a member of the Durham School faculty, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. El la Shields. Mrs. A. McN. Blue has returned to her home from Newberry, S. C., where she visited her sister, Mrs. Earl Summer. Miss Emma Muse Burns of Greensboro College was the week end guest of her mother, Mrs. R. L. Burns. TWO STILLS, THREE MEN CAPTURED BY POLICE Three white men w'hose names were given as John Michael, Lewis Seward and Robert Freeman were captured by officers Monday afternoon as they fled from a distillery plant just across the Cumberland county line below Lobelia. They were carried to the Cumberland county jail. j The distillery, a twin outfit con- j || sistlng of two “stills" of 60-gallon \ || capacity each, w'as in operation when! || the officers surrounded it. The raid i .. . ... - l:» Men of Church Meet At a business meeting of the men [ netted 28 gallons of the manufac- i j| • " ^ ™ . I tured product and three barrels of!|j beer. |« Participating in the raid were LOCAL SCHOOL SCORES AGAIN Southern Pines High School, and especially its instructor in physics, is to be congratulated on the showing of local stud ents in the first annual physics contest for North Carolina high schools, conducted by the Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Southern Pines has previously won top places in music and in dramatics in com petition with schools of the state; it is now showing itself just as efficient in classroom curricula. Word came from Chapel Hill this week that one Southern Pines pupil had tied for first place, that another had tied for second honorable mention, and that two others had tied for third honorable mention. The report of the results is printed elsewhere. One hundred and sixteen stu dents in 12 high schools partici pated in the contest, which call- jjjovie industry for a short story to ^ T* , T cil tor tiie answering of ‘">1,,,.,. 540.000. ,t wm given!" qiies ions within 60 nimutes. Jrow-1 The local boy who tied tor top 86th birthday. Covers w'ere honors had 34 of the 40 cor- ", » , v, . , , j ami M^s. j. , rect. 'Vho struggled a ^illcox, Mr. and Mrs. VV. -M. the Civic Club, in honor of the teacn finff -I r-in to the students ^ the early days of the cole. Mrs. D. A. Shields, D. A.' V\ e ClOtt cl cap 10 tne stuaenis | ..boom- down here, wrote “Gold Is I- of the Carthage Presbyterian Church tured product and three barrels of Sunday evening the following offi cers were elected: John Currie, pres ident, E. H. Garrison, secretary, and Moore county Officers T. N. Slack, W. G. Caldwell, treasurer. G. R. Dunlap, A. W^ Lambert and j C. A. McCallum and three ABC of-! I I ficers from Cumberland county. 1 «* Grains of Sand Evangelistic Services The Rev. James Appleby of Max- j Michael and his brother-in-law,'« ton will conduct a series of Evange- j Seward, have been residents of Moore '« lisic sei’vices a the Carthage Pres- j county for a number of years and | byterian Church beginning Monday Fieeman, who was originally from' WANT HELP? N0THIN8 DOES SO MUCH FOI SO LITTLE FOR INSTANT SERVICE IN TIME OF NEED YOUR TELEPHONE IS ALWAYS READY CENTRAL CAROLINA mEPHONE CONPANY evening. February 28th and contin uing through March 6th. The biggest price ever paid by the Birthday Dinner Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Willcox enter- South Carolina, is said to have serv ed time in Moore county, i 300 ATTEND CIVIC CLl B ' KECEl*TION TO FACULTY' An outstanding social event of the i past week in Southern Pines was the ; reception givon on Monday night by | ing force of Southern Pinos schools, and to Superintendent Webster and Physics Instructor Marvin N. Hunter. HI NTER TRIALS ARE REVIVED The plan to have hunter trials the day before the annual races of the Sandhills Steeplechase & Racing Association is an excel lent one. The tvvo-tlay affair should bring a lot of pc'ople here for a Nveek-emi, and it is al ready creating great interest among owners of hunting horses, both here and in the nearby cities. Hunter trials were held the first year of the local steeple chase races, in March, 1935, and proved a gi'eat success. At that time they were run off on the morning of the race meet, on a course laid out inside the Mid land Road race course. This year the plan is to run the trials over a natural course rather than one “set up” for the occasion, and the committee has selectecl a spot at The Paddock, near Southern Pines where thei’e are some eleven jumps of varied type, all visible from vantage points inside the course. There will be ample parking facilities for those desiring to witness the trials. With hunter trials Friday af ternoon and the races the fol lowing day the Sandhills sec tion should have one of its larg est crowds of the season that week-end. n'u V TT.- 1 Tt 1,- 1, ■ i Mrs. Joe Hough. : about 200 were entertained. Mrs. Where You Find It, which i. play-j Mrs. Carrie Mclver. J. D. Shields of p.. Levis Prizer, Mrs. James S. Mil- ing today m Pinenuist and conung , p,„,hani, Dr. and Mrs. J, F. Davis uken and Miss Florence Campbell re- next week to Southein Pmes Cle-1 Hemp, Mr. and Mrs. James Eon-| reived the guests and introduced nients wasn t a writer until he d had | Upnvpr of«ahnm ThUt Mr- ^ I Ktn.vei ot JonesDoro, Miss juu.t, mc- faculty and members of the a tew crop failures at his bamarcand jver of Raleieh and T A Cole of ' » i p r,-. f in , , 1 u 1 t I anu i. oi yf BAiucation, and those dis- orchard and had to turn to something ; minmhia <? r> . , cue. lie stalled with mytery sto“l ’ »»sp.l«llly at the beautifully , i ‘ appointed refreshment table were les, and has written many good ones i tj- 11 T= V T.'- 1 Book lte\Uvvers Mrs. Carleton Wicker, Mrs. Frederick since. His “Gold Is Where You Find' -- - . REMINGTON EATON’S SOC IAL TYPEWKITEKS ST.VTIONEKY CONGRESS PLAYING CARDS Buy The Best R.C.A. R • f PARKER A D 1 0 H AYES’ SANDHIL.L.S P E N S s QOOK SHOF* Southern Pine.s North Carolina B.VNC’ltOFT’H IJ. \ P. .VK'r STEEL TENNIS RACKETS BLANK KOOKS FILING C.VBINF:TS It” appeak'd to Warner and they took him ofi his feet b, meeting his asking pi-ice. Strangely, he got more for his short story than Hervey Allen got for his long novel, Mrs. James A. Davis entertained Stanley Smith, Mrs. Clyde Wilson ' Brothers , the Book Reviewers Thursday even-1 ^nd Mrs. Hugh Betterley. These lad-i |i ^ J I ing at her home. Taking part on the, jpg ^lany others, were in Colon- piogiam were Mrs. J. L. MoGraw, ^ jgj jvess in honor of George Vv’ ^ wlio read the Ballard o: | ington’s birthday, and his picture ii •‘Anthony Adverse.” We undu’stand l^^d’ Sitoev^^LrnieJ^^"S^^^^^^^^^ American j| Ripley is now a regular and highly I aunn ’ - laish- s of , fjags. The hatchet and cutdown cher- , : paid scenario writer in Hollywood, i it the resrular business session f e i background for the ! | . , „ , , tne icguiai Dusiness session ti e | supper table with its red carnations !| And of course you know that Katn- i i J Kevieweis eiecteu as piogi^im com-] „„d tail candelabr eiine Ball Ripley, Clements’ wife, | ,nittee for the coming year, Mis 3 has written a number of good books, her first being “Sand in My Shoes,'' a story of the peach days in this .section. "More smiles per gal is a need in Southern Pines,” a visitor remarked the other day. He said he’d been in several stores but the “gals" failed to register much happiness. “They'd sell more goods if they’d smile once in a while.” Mary C'urie. chairman; Mrs. James Davis and Miss Maida Jenkins, as sistants. A WORD ABOUT OUR BOY SCOUTS What are we, as citizens, do ing to promote the Boy Scout movement in this section? This is the gist of a letter re ceived by The Pilot this week, a communication which calls for serious thought. For though there are no two sides to the question of the values of Scout ing, there is an apparent lack of active interest in the work in some sections of Moore county. “We wonder,” says the let ter,” if the people of Moore Cv unty realize the importance of proper training for our boys in the development of future citi zens.” And continues: “Many pyreata have visited Scoiit «oble sa; ing.<» by great men regard ing the St >ut movement of the world. In his C... .f.’mas mes-sage to the Boy Scouts of America our Pres ident, FYanklin ]\ Roosevelt, gives us in simple words the importance of scouting, saying: ‘Menjbershlp in the Boy Scouts is one of the most It’s always a bad thing for a Con gressional district when it loses a Representative who’s been in the House for several terms. The new man has to start at the bottom. Mr. Lambeth had beached the charmanship of an important com mittee, was fourth ranking Democrat on the powerful Foreign Affairs com mittee. His successor will start at the bottom of whatever committees he is assigned to, and it takes a long [ time to work up. Seniority rules in House and Senate. C.ARD PARTY AND TEA TO BENEFIT PINEBLLFF LIBIIAUY A car'', party and tea for the ben efit of the Pinebluff Library will be held at the home of Mrs. A. * . Jan- iiaris on New Elngland avenu.., Pine- bluff, on Tuesday, March 1 ... 2:30 o’clock. A prize will be awarded to each table, and tea will be served at 1:30 o'clock. Reservations m^y be made by telephoning Mrs. Jannaris. Ticket.'" for cards and t' a are fifty cents, for tea . alone, tA-enty-five cents. CARD OF TIIA Contract Chib Mrs. John Baker, Jr. was hostess to the members of her bridge club Thursday evening. Mrs. Quenti-i Rey nolds won high score prize and sec ond high was awarded Mn. Ted L. Frye. ra with lighted red j candles. I’ersonals Mrs. George Massey of Norton, Va., is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. M. Caviness. Mrs. Caviness, who un derwent an operation at the Moore County Hospital laist week has re turned to her home and is recover ing satisfactorily. Mrs. A. E. Woltz of Raleigh spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Currie. Charlie Jenkins returned Thursday morntQg from a business trip to Bal timore, Md., and other northern cit ies. John Willcox, Sheriff C. J. McDon ald and Herman H Grimm have re turned from a business trip to Mon treal, Canada. SOI TIIEKX PIXES DEFE.VTS ELLEKBE AT BAISKETBALI. The Southern Pines School basket- ' ball team defeated the Ellerbe team Tuesday evening in the Ellerbe gym- ■ nasium by a score of 19-12. High ^ scorer for Southern Pines was Ar thur Pate with eight points; for El- : lerbe, Hunsucker with six points, This victory makes the eleventh w'in for i the local team. ' Previous to the boys’ game the j so-called “midgets” from each town played a most exciting game. Com petition was so close that three ex tra periods were played before the Ellerbe “midgets” could be declared winners by a score of 16-14. Both Spivey and Snugg*of EHlerbe scored six points while Whittington of Sou- there Pines scored eight points. HIGHLAND PINES INN AND COTTAGES (WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS) SOUTHERN PINES SEASON DECEMBER TO 3IAY' Highland Pines Inn with its Splendid Dining Room Service and its Cheerful Homelike Atmosphere Caters to the Require ments of those Occupying Winter Homes in the Pine Tree Sec tion. The Hotel is Situated on Weymouth Heights (Massachu setts Avenue) Amid Delightful Surroundings. Good Parking Space is Available for Motorists. All Features of First Class Hotels are Included at Highland Pines Inn. Best of Everything. CIVIL SERVICE CO»L>USSION COMPETITIVE EXAMIN.\T10Na The U. S. Civil Service Commission announces an open competitive exam ination for the position of fireman- laborer in the Custodial Service, Mrs. Augusta Dabbs of Lilesvllle I spent last week with her daughter j year. Appl .cations Mrs. Joe Allen. Mrs. Dabbs left Sun^. ^ f f I u 11 ^ Fourth U. S. Civil Servi ce District, day for Charlotte, where she will ^ , . „ . ... , .. I Washington, D. C., by March 1st. spent some time with relatives. 5,.^, . , I Blanks may be obtaraed at the Sou- Mrs. T. L. Gee left Sunday for t„oni Pines Postoffice Timmonsville, S. C., after an extend- M. H. TURNER, Manager I talie ihis mtans of my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbors; to Mr. Stimson for Ms kindness; to the A^illing Workers . the Baptist Ohurc’i; the members of the Townsend Club, and all who J tped to lighter • sorrow In my cent bereavnient. —MRS. MARTHA 0. CHURCHILL. ed visit with John Willcox and fam ily. Miss Lorraine Willcox has returned to Flora Mpcdonald College after spending the week-end with Mias Anne McCree K )berts in Charlotte and at her home in Carthage. Miss Lucille Farrell of the Carth- aee sg^ckiI facultv .i called to her . .ome li nttsboro, Thursoay due to tbfc serious illness of her father, who suffered a stroke of paralvblg. John Holmes McCrimmou, who is a student at Campbell college, spent the week-end with friends here. Miss Annie McKeithen of Sanford An examination for the position of chairman in the .same service, start ing at 50 cents per hours, is also an nounced, with the same conditions prevailing. NO RECORDER’S COUB’i ; HIZZ07.ER EL^ MUMPS The mumps recently M.ided tho Hall of Jus'^ce In Carthage and at tacked Hlb Honor, Judge J. /ance Rowe, with the result that no Re corder’s Couft session was held on Monday of this week. AQ the latest books at Bayes.' L V. OmiAGHAN PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR OIL BURNERS ESSOHEAT FURNACE OIL IRON FIREMAN STOKER EASY WASHERS and IRONERS Frigrida're Sales and Service Telefriione 5341 Southeni Pines Pilot Advertising Pays

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