Page Eight THE PILOT, Southern Pinas and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, October 14, 1938. CRADDOCK TERRY SHOES For Men, Women and Children HONEST QUALITY VP TO DATE STYLES Prices $100 to $3.95 Pair SEE US FOK YOUR NEEDS CHATHAM BLANKETS AIKLOOM 70x80 size, 80 percent Wool. Low price of $5.00 each. DONDA, 72x84 size, 100 per-ctnt Wool. Low price of $7.95 each. A small deposit will hold any blanket for 30 days. Other Blankets 59c to $3-98 “17 Years of Servio®’* Aberdeen and ikouthem Pines Dry Goods. Shoes, Hosiery, Notions and Ready to Wear. - Revised Opening’ Dates For Hunting in State Quail and Turkey Advanced to Dec. 11. Raccoon and ’Pos sum Open to February 15 WANTS If I am elected as county commis. «c>nei', it will be published once a month what is done- I will reduce jalaries and stop part of the crowd in the courthouse from living off the laxpayers. I will join no ring. Yes, I want democrats as well as repub licans to vote for me. —CLEVELAND CAGLE. Nov. 4.. PIANO; We have fine used upright piano of Standard make, almost like new, which the original pur chaser is unable to complete pay ments. Responsible party may se cure this instrument for the bal ance on convenient terms by promptly writing Credit Depart ment, Lee Piano Company, Lyn chburg, Vav 07 Changes in the opening dates for hunting in North Carolina were ap proved this Week at a meeting of the State Board of Conservation and Development. Under the revised schedule, the op ening dates will be as follows: Quail and turkey, advanced from Decem ber 15 to December 11; closes Feb ruary 15. Rabbit, moved from November 30 to November 24; closes February 15. Grouse, changed from November 20 to January 1 to from December 1 to January 15. Opposum and raccoon hunting with dogs, October 1; closes Febru ary 15. The turkey season set from No vember 20 to February 15 in Hali fax, Northampton, Bertie, Washing ton and Martin counties. The deer season was fixed from November 15 to December 5 in Yancey county. NO SUCH THING AS OLD AGE PENSIONS IN COUNTY FOR RENT: Several completely fur nished apartments in brick build ing. Garlajid Pierce, agent- FOR SALE: Buick Sedan, 1938 mod. el, A-1 condition. Owner’s illness reason for selling. May be seen by appointment. Box 655, Southern Pines or telephone 5894. tf. FOR RENT: Heated apartments, reasonably priced. Three, four and five rooms. Electric kitchens, all water furnished. Also bedroom ad- joining bath with or without break, last. All rooms newly renovated- Central location. Mrs- Foy P. Swindell at the Piedmont. 021. FOR SALE: Hot air furnace com- plete, ready for installation- For small house. Price reasonable. Ad dress E. M- care Pilot . GREATLY IMPROVED BUS SCHE DULES to Florida, also special low rates. We now have a morning bus, also two evening busses- Tickets, uiformation. Postal Telegraph Co., Southern Pines. No-4 TO SEND A TELEGRAM just call Postal Telegraph 6381 and tead your messages. Rates are cheaper, service is quicker. Some rates are 20 percent cheaper. Phone 6381^ Soathern Pines. No.4 ■ (Continued from page one) July, the number was 200. More than 1,000 persons in the county 65 years of age or over have signed up for assistance, but only 290 of these can be aided and these are chosen on a basis of need, re gardless of race or politics, Mrs. Brown stated. As rapidly as names are removed from this list by death or otherwise, others are added from the waiting list No one in the coun- ty is receiving over $8 per month as old age assistance- | Elarlier in the set-up, there were in a few instances two in a family, the husband and the wife, receiving checks for around $5-00 each, but in' Trrrrrryrrrxm'C Sunday services at the Village Chapel, of which the Rev. Thaddeus A- Cheatham, D. D-, is minister, will be as follows: Holy Communion at 8:00 a. m.. Children’s Service at 10:00 a- m- and Church Service at 11:00 a. m. At the Brownson Memorial Church meeting in the Civic Club Sunday morning at 9:45 Dr. Brownson will address the Adult Bible class. “Why Are We Left in this World?” will be the theme of the Rev. E. L- Barber’s evening sermon at 7:30 o’clock. “Doctrine of Atonement” is the subject of the lesson-sermon, at the Christian Science Church, East New Hampshire Ave-, Sunday morning, October 16th, at 11:00 o’clock. Sun day School meets at 11:00 o’clock, at the church. The Church of Wide Fellowship services this Sunday will be as fol lows: 9:45 a. m., Church School for all ages; 11:00 a. m., Morning Wor ship, sermon theme, “Worship”; 7:00 p- m.. Youth Fellowship League, for High School Young People; 7:00, The Fellowship Forum. Dr. Francis Osborne, leader in the movement to found a boys’ prepara tory school in the Sandhills, will preach at the 11:00 o’clock service Sunday morning at the Southern Pines Baptist Church. Dr. Osborne was the first rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Charlotte. oi-der to bring the number down to State requirements, one of the two has been cut off and the check made for $8.00, the maximum amount. This is another thing that cannot bo un derstood. Those who read this are asked to kindly pass the word along that there is not a pension in the welfare office awaiting Moore county citizens as they arrive at their 65th milestone, but that there is assistance only for those who rank among the 290 most needy of the 65-year-olds or older. To print all the encomiums that have been lavished on “Boy’s Town,” the attraction at Pinehurst on Sun day night, October 16th at 8:30 and at Souhem Pines Monday and Tues day, Ocober 17, 18, at 8:20 with a Tuesday matinee, would just about take up this page of The Pilot. Bas ed on a true situation, the Boys Town which Father Flannagan founded and has developed in Nebraska, M-G-M has brought a powerful piece of screen entertainment and at the same time has made a great human screen document. Spencer Tracy carves another memorable performance into the list he has built, as Father Flan nagan. Mickey Rooney, given a test of artistry as a gangster’s young, tough brother, forced into Boys Town, who sneers and is obnoxious. hut learns better, gives a brilliant Performance. Cold black type cannot begin to describe the dramatic pow er of “Boys Town.” Absent from the screen for more than a year, the Marx Brothers make an auspicious return in what has been described their funniest vehicle to date, “Room Service,” the attraction at Southern Pines for Wednesday and Thursday, October 19, 20, with a Thursday matinee. Adapted from the smash stage comedy which had New York audiences in an uproar for more than 61 weeks, “Room Service” pro vides the three zanies with a ready made story embodying the daffy sit uations and rollicking complications which always fit their peculiar com edy styl». A faithful transmutation of the play to the screen, "Room Service” features Lucille Ball and Ann Miller, tow of Hollywood’s more promising starlets; and Fran Albertson. It has alw'ays seemed that the Ritz Brothers could, if need be, turn out just as funny a picture without a script as with one, and If they can be funny without one, just imag ine what they can do with the fun niest story ever turned out by one of the great comic writers of our time! We refer, of course, to Damon Run yan’s "Straight, Place and Show,” the Ritz Brothers’ new starring pic ture which is the attraction at Sou thern Pines on Friday and Saurday, October 20, 21, with a Saturday mat- inee. Herewith is a quotation from a letter just received from the coast, which is more expressive than ele gant, but very expressive; “In the parlance of the title, here is a three- way entry to w’in, so play it right on the nose to cop the laughs handi cap in the money stak£ ‘Motion Pic tures Are Your Best Entertainment.” HIGHLAND PINES INN CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE SOUTHERN PINES Krinkle Bed Spi eads, Several Colors, Special $1.00 Special Showing' of New Cotton Frocks, Smart Styles, choice $1.00 SATURDAY Special Sale in Many Departments. Come in and Investigate The Highland Pines Inn closed tls summer season on Monday and is un dergoing renovations pending its op ening for the winter, Manager M. H. Turner announced this week. MEETING POSTPONED A meeting of the Willing Workers of the Southern Pines Baptist church which was to be held on Tuesday, October 18, has been postponed un til Tuesday, October.^ 25, at which time it will be held at the home I of Mrs. Kivett on Aahe street. Seasonal Rentals Do not postpone too long your search for your winter residence in or about Southern Pines. The demand this year is great. The supply may not meet the demand. Let us show you NOW what there is available. CAROLINA THEATRES SOU¥MERN PISES-PINEtiUCST Present STARS OF "CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS ... in their greatest hit! Drama that pocks Jaughter and tears ...a mighty wallop at your heart I ONE 2-BURNER PERFECTION OIL f; Stove and oven—$5.00; One large | js fern—$1.00. Mrs. B. L. Blake, Vermont Ave. Homes and Home Sites FOR QUICK SALE: $1,100 Frigi- daire Meat Chest, 10 feet long— f250; $200 Electric Scales, almost new—$100; $175 National Cash Register—$75; Glass Counter show case, cost $65, for $20. Also large store on West Broad St. Southern Pines, to rent B. J. Simonds. —02-1. FOR RENT: Modern heated apart ment, 2 rooms with kitchenette ind bath. Mrs. L. M. Daniels, 9 E. Penn- Ave. 021. Don't Neglect Your Chfld’s Cold l^raimon colds often settle in throat *nd chert; at the first sniffle rub on Children’s Musterole. Children’s Musterole is just good •Id Musterole, only in milder form. It penetrates with a warming tingle and gets such marvelous results be cause it’s NOT just a salvo, but a "coufiler-irrrtant"—helpful in drawing out local congestion. Musterole has been used for 30 years. Recommende