I Friday, November 25, 1938. THE PILOT. Southern Finos And Aberdeen. North Carolina Page Five It’s An Old Southern Custom. Take or Give Nunnallys The South’s Finest Candies Broad- Street Pharmacy Prescription Druggists R, L. Hart, Proprietor NOW OPEN COL.ONIAL. INN A Southern Home, Open To Winter Guests NEW YORK AVENITE, OPPOSITE THE LIBRARY The Week in Southern Pines Phone 50L3 MRS. LEIGHTON HUSKE Southern Pines, N. C. COAL COAL Penn Anthracite (Nut and Stove sizes) Va. Anthracite (Nut and Stove sizes). Red Star (Ky. Red Ash) W. Va. Splint (Egg and Stove sizes) Pocohontaf? n)ust Treated) Stc ker Coal (Pea Size) C. H. Bowden and his guest, Wal ter Conlan, returned to Philadelphia Tuesday evening after spending sev. eral days at Mr. Bowden’s cottage, Folly Farm, on the Midland Road. Miss Nancy Wrenn of Aahe street entertained as her house guest over the week-end Miss Grace Carpenter of the Salem College faculty, Winston- Selem. Mrs L. H, Jenkins and her son, Alfred P. Jenkins have moved to their home on Highland Road, after a short stay at the Pine Needles Inn. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Bush have as their house guest this week Miss Ada Lillian Bush of New York City. The Junior Auxiliary of Emmanuel Church met Monday evening at the Rectory with the Rev. F. Craighill Brown and Mrs. Brown as host and hostess. Mr. Brown gave a very in. terestlng and informal talk on the history of the Jewish Church. Plans for the winter were discussed and refreshments served. Mrs. Walter Spaoth will entertain at a bridge luncheon Friday at her home on Arhe street. Mrs. Cutler Lee is visiting her sis. ter-in.law, Mrs. Er.gene Woodward on Ashp street. Mrs. W. N. Hutt has returned to Southern Pines for the winter and has opened her home on May street. She has as her guest Mi.ss Nell Har_ denbergh of New York City. Mr. and Mrr. George W. W'oodcock of Montague, Alich., w’ere house guests this week of Mis.q Elizabeth T. Lees in her Resthaven apartment. Mrs. Roy Grinnell was called to Lakeview, S. C., on Tuesday because of the sudden death of her father. Mrs. Milton Engstrom leturned Tuesday night from Kushequa, Pa., where she visited her mother. Her sister, Mrs. Howard Butler remain, ed for a longer visit. Mrs. Warren Smith was hostess to the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Brownson Memorial Church on Mon. day evening at her home on Indiana avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Burke entertained at dinner and the thea. tre Tuesday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Ewing and Mrs. Reid Healy. Migg Jean Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Williams, spent last week.end in Greensboro where she was the guest of Miss Peggy Graves, a freshman at the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. The Misses Jean and Illona Wil_ Hams had as dinner guests last Tues_ day Miss Rosalie Fallon of Raleigh nnd Miss Mary O’Callaghan. Twelve of the girls of the Senior Class of the Southern Pines High School were joint hostesses at a fiance at the Holly Inn in Pinehurst on lart Saturday evening, with a large number of the high school set attending. Mr. and Mrs. George Lon_ rion, Mii^s Catherine Pierson and M. G. Backer were the chaperones. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett E. Boone entertained at an eggnog party Thanksgiving Day noon for guests it The Pine Needles. Mrs. C. R. Mills and son, Ray, spent last Sunday in Apex where they visited Mrs. Mills’ mother. Mrs. C. L. Hayes left Wednesday for Indianapolis, Ind., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. William Matchett and Mr. Matchett for a few weeks. Miss Mary Ellen Sadler and Miss Frances Mills visited in Carthage Sunday. j The Willin'!: Workers of the South ern Pines Baptist Church will hold j their annual Christmas Sale Tuesday, November 2J, from 10:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m. at the church, corner of New York avenue and Ashe strei-.-t. j There will be food, candy and miscel laneous tables. Supper will be seived a la carte from 5:30 to 7:00 p. m. -fall aiiJ O^hiter I Ilfs and (Soais (^JXeJiiceJ 10. io 2f) per ceiii Io / gJ ec ill le ^ Issorlmciit Cli FARRELL COAL CO. Phone 58 Aberdeen t: ®lie Ai-h > C SOUTHERN PINES NORTH CAROLINA COUNTRY DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for GIRLS and BOYS Successful preparation for Iea«ling Schools. Pinehurst Paragraphs Mrs, R. L. Flannigan and daughter University for the holidays. Johnsie of Statesville and Walter j Vivian Currie is home from Busi. Flannigan, student at State College, j ness College in AshevUle for a few Raleigh, are Thanksgivings guests of days. Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Dunlop. 1 John T. Austin of Hartford, Mrs. Hugh Anderson departed Sat. departed Saturday for Atlantic urday night for her home in I’itts- I ^‘ty> after being the guest of I burgh, Pa., after visiting Mrs. E. C. George A. Magoon. [Keating at her Knollwood home. Warren A. Cicknell and a party of Mr. and Mr.s. John S. McNamara ' *^i''cnds, v. ho were guests at his home arrived from New York Sunday and 'Varlick, departed during- the week- are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. 1 Cleveland and Ohio. R. Jellison at their Midland lioad Horablower has returned to j his home in Boston after spending Miss Pearl McNeill of Charlotte is weeks at his cottage. During UEMIXdTO.N lJ \Tv>N S SIH'IAL TVI'EWKITKHS ST A TIOXEKV CON'GHE.SS I*L.VVIX« <’AUDS the guest of her sister, Mrs. I. C. Sledge. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shelby Cutlom are his stay he had as gue.^ts, Governor Channing Cox, Thomas Wing, Wil liam Hedge and William LeFoure .“pending Thanksgiving with Mrs.,Bo.-ton. Music (Pianoforte and Violin) Art Handicrafts Dancing Tennis Riding Cullom’s father, A. F. Bow’on in Ral eigh. Mr,9. .John R. McQueen of Eliza bethtown, N. C., spent from Sunday s. I. C. R.C.A. R A I) I O s II KINDEKG.AUTEN, SI^B-PKIM.VRY, GK.XDES I—VIII i| SEASON OPENS OCTOBER 4TH || I# H » I; Mrs. Rlillicent Ilayes, Principal. •* Mi.ss Nancy Richardson is home through luesday with Mr for the holidays from Woman’s Col. Pledge and lamily, lege, Gi'eensboro. Miss Lillian Moore and Mrs. H. C. Conant were joint hostesses to the Set-Back Club at the Teacher’s Club Friday evening. Mr. and ]^Irs. H. Bingham Ballou Mis. Winfred Hawley and twin daughters of Durham are the guests of Mrr. Blanche Wescott. Mrs. Best of Goldsboro was the guest Tuesday and Wednesday of her sister, Mrs. Eric Nelson and toyeth. Buy The Best H AYES’ SANDMIL^LiS OOOK SFIOF* Southern Pines North Carolina PARKER P E N S Be Comfortable Before cold weather arrives modernize your HEATING PLANTandPLUMBING SYSTEM ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN FRIGIDAIRE OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMEN (Automatic Coal Burners) ESSO-HEAT FUEL OIL • L. V. O’CALLAGHAN FRIGIDAIBK SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 6841 Southern Pines SEAL S.\LE DRIVE EVELYN EDSON Notary Public Telephone Office N. H. Av« E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storasre Southern Pin«s, N. C. Tel 6033 and daughter Suzanne have arrived with Donnie and Carolyn Ann Nel* from their home in Arlington, Mas£ , ■ they motored to Shelby to spend for the .season. i holidays with their mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morrison and Palmer, daughter Helen of Spring Lake, N. , ^r. and Mrs. John Diggers and J., have returned to their cottage for *^^by and Miss Helen Ruth Cole of the season. i Conetoe are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jellison and Cole, children, Marjorie and Buddy, will spend Thanksgiving holidays as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Fitzgerald in Augusta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chaney of Hal ifax, Va., were guests last week of Mrs. Chaney’s sons, Cliff and Ray. mond Johnson. On Sunday Mrs. Ray mond Johnson entertained with a family dinner in their honor. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crews and Mrs. Henry Crews of South Boston, Va., Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Huntley, Jr., and son, Billy of Chapel Hill and Miss Heien riart- grove. Misses Catherine Sledge and Kay Johnson are spending several days as guests of Mtsses Eva Fitzgerald and Dolores Johnson in Augusta, Ga. The Friday Afternoon Bridge Club met last Friday at the home of Mrs. W. Raymond Johnson. 1 Saturday yvening Mrs. I. C. ^ Sledge entertained the club with a j dessert bridge party at her home for club members and their hua. bands. Mrs. Thomas R. Cole and By. | ron U. Richardson held high scores i for the evening. There were four ta-' bles in play, and Miss Pearl Me. I Neil and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Keith j were guests of the club? | Mrs, Frank M. Harris, Misses Mina and Cuma Harriss of Fayetteville are spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mr.<^. Herman Campbell. Joe Montesantl, Jr., Fred and EL lis Fields, Jr., are home from the (Conthtucd from page one) of the Southern Pines committee at the home of Mrs. Nelson C. Hyde, chairman, on Tuesday. Pinehuiat will have its Sale on Tuesday. Mrs. Rudel McGill is chairman there. In Carthage the Junior Cham ber of Commerce, with the aid of the school children, is sponsoring the Sale, with Jack Hurwitz the active chairman. So it goes throughout the county, the various chairmen and their workers lining up for their drives to sell the little Christmas Seals, which mean so much to Moore county's health work, between now and Christmas. BANCUOFTS TENNIS RACKETS B. A I*. BL Wli BOOKS AliT STLEl FILING CABINETS xi it WILLING WORKERS CHRISTMAS SALE SOUTHERN PINES BAPTIST CHURCH Tuesday. November 29, 10:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m. Food, candy, miscellaneous tables. Supper a la Carte from 5:30 to 7:0e P. M. FligHlanci l-iOdge A QUIET HOME LIKE FAMILY HOTEL Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OC TOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely Furnished Comfortable Apartments for Rent Mrs. M. F. Grearson Telephone 6933 Southern Pines, N. C. JONES’ Thanksgiving Sale Continues Through November 30th Prices have been carved to the bone, with redactions on merchandise in EVERY department. Unheard-of values. ^ W. W. Jones & Sons Carthage’s Leading Department Store CARTHAGE, N. C. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE PILOT