Friday, December 2, 193S. THE PILOT, Southern Pinea and Aberdeen, North CarpUna Page Seves Many New Books On S. P. Library Shelves Both Fiction and ^on-Fiction Acquired by Gift and Purchase The following is a list of books added to the shelves of the Southern Pines Library during the past mon th. Fiction: "The Fifth Column, and the First Forty Nine Stories,” by Em^t Hemingway. This volume contains all of Mr. Hemingway’s stories to date, as well as a play written in Madrid in 1937—“The Fif. th Column.’’ Many of the newer stories are also concerned with Spain and the Spaniards of the present Civil War. "All This and Heaven Too," by Rachel Field. Those readers who enjoyed this author’s first book, “Time Out of Mind,’’ will find this equally delightful. It gives you the feeling that it couldn't be true and yet the basic facts are taken from the life of the author’s great- aunt, Henrietta Desportes. It is the story of a French gOA»erness who be. came enmeshed in a French murder case, and with this past, came to America and married a preacher, la. ter making her home an intellectual center of New York. Mysteries: “The Fashion in Shrouds,” by Margery Allingham. Another ingenious and sophisticated novel by a master of the mystery ®tory. “Trent Intervenes,” by E. C. Bentley. A series of twelve stories built around Bdntley’s creation— Philip Trent, detective. Non.Fictlon: “Listen | The Wind,” by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. With a style which has greatly improved over that of "North to the Orient,” Mrs. Lindbergh here chronicles ten of the days from the six months sur. vey flight of Atlantic air routes, made five years ago by her and her husband. It is a splendid work—a story of air pioneering which is real literature. “Edwin Arlington Robin son,” by Hermann Hagedorn. Did you know that Robinson’s poetry be came popular through the sponsor ship of Kermit Roosevelt and his fa ther, Theodore? This and many more interesting facts are told in this full length portrait of one of America’s best poets. “A People’s History of England,” by A. L. Morton. The new trend in history writing is that of emphasizing the social and economic elements as well as the political. Ths book is a splendid example of that trend, covering the time from prehistoric Britain to hte present day. “The Best Plays of 1937.38,’’ by Burns Mantle. A useful book contain, ing “The Star.Wagon,” “On Borrow, ed Time,” “Susan and God,” and many other Broadway hits. Among the gifts the library receiv ed this month are "In Hazard,” by Hughes, and “Benjamin Franklin,” by Van Doren. The former is a sea yarn, a story of man’s battle with the ele ments, which will bring to mind Jos. eph Conrad’s “Typhoon.” The letter is another biography of the truest American, the chief aim of which, in the words of the author—"to restore to Franklin, so often remembered piecemeal in this or that of his di verse aspects, his magnificent central unity as a wise man moving through great and troubled events.” Other gifts received are: “The Need We Have." by Gibbs; “Of All places,” by the Abbe children; "The Prodigious Lover, New Aspects In the Life of Richard Wagner,” by Barthou; and “The Riddle,” by de la Mare. The library has new hours for Wed. nesday night. It Is now open from 7:30 to 9:00 o’clock p. m. DEC EMBER 10 CLOSING DATE FOR P. O. JOB CANDIDATES Comings and Goings in Vass The United States Civil Service Commission invites attention to the fact that as an Insufficient number of applications has b.=en received for the position of Substitute Clerk, Southern Pines postoffice, the date originally set for the close of receipt of appli cations has been extended to Decem. ber 10. Qualified persons are urged to file their applications with the Manager, Fourth United States ClvU Service District, Mather Buldlng, 916 G. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., on or before December 10. 1938. SANATORIUM CARD PARTY FOR CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS Bride Ih Honored Honoring Mrs. Elmer Cameron, a bride of the fall season, Mrs. Fairley Cameron, her', entertain ed Tuesday evening at a miscella- leous shower at her home In Vass. After a number of games and con. tests had been enjoyed, the bride was led to a “wishing well” from which 5he drew many lovely gifts for her ■■uture home. A dainty salad course was swved by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. B. M. Corbett. Those present Were Mrs. Elmer dameron, Mrs. Murdoch Cameron, Mrs. P. A. Wilson, Mrs. N. N. Me. Lean, Miss Agnes Smith, Mrs. Ber tie L. Matthews, Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Jr., Mrs. C. P. McMillan, Mrs. C. L. Tyson, Mrs. W. T. Cox, Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Sr., Mrs. H. A. Borst, Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs. S. R. Smith, Mrs, C. I. Calcote, Mrs. R. L. Oldham, Mrs. Charles Gschwind, Mrs. Frank Jeffreys, Miss Louise Leslie, Miss Marorle Leslie, Mrs. W. P. Parker, Miss Lula Pearle Morgan, Mrs. B. M. Corbett, Miss Faye Corbett, Mrs. Alton Chappell, Mrs. Ben H, Wood and Miss Katharine Graham. Mr. Starnes (« Preach The Rev. S. J. Starnes will preach In the Vass Methodist Church at 11:00 o'clock this Sunday morning, begin, nlng his second year’s work on this charge. The public is cordially invited to attend. eral of Miss Pansy Chandler, his brother’s fiance, at Walnut Monday. Miss Chandler and Paul McMillan of Selma were to have been married within a few days. The Women's Missionary Union of the Vass Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. A. G. Crlssman last week to complete a quilt to send to the Mills Home- Those taking part In the quilting were Mrs, Dwight Rollins, Mrs M. B. Clayton, Mrs. J. J. Parker, Mrs. G. L. Culler, Mrs, J. B. Parker and Mrs. Crlssman. ■MRS. CAROLINE SMITH DIES AT HER HOME IN VASS Mrs. Brown Elected District President Moore County Welfare Superin tendent Is Honored by 17- County Group ThankNgivlng Servkv Young people of the Vass Presby terian Church conducted an Interest ing Thanksgiving service at 9:00 o'clock Thursday morning, with Mrs, Delmas Kimball as leader. An offer ing for the orphanage at Barium Springs was taken. Entertains Class Mrs G. L. Culler entertained her Sunday School class of the Vass Bap. tist Church at the home of Mrs, A. G. Crissman on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Games and refresh, ments were enjoyed by the following: Ruby Crlssman. Elizabeth Clayton, Wllda Mae Laubscher, Doris Smith, Luginia Honeycutt, Annie Belle Wicker, Junior Culler, Albert Crlss man and Bobby Culler. Miss Pauline Crlssman was a special guest of the class. Mrs. Caroline Smith, aged resident of Vaf^, passed away at her home early Saturday morning after a lln- gering illneES. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev, C. I. Calcote at the home at 3:00 o’clock Sunday afternoon, and burial was in John, .son’s Grove cemetery. The following grandsons .served Jas pallbearers: Weldon, Russell and James Smith, Edgar Mashburn and Arthur Lassi. ter, and granddaughters carried the floial designs. Mrj. Smith, the widow of John A. Smith, is survived by two sons, Hume and Wade Smith, of Vass; four dau ghters, Mrs. L. C. Ford, with whom she made her home, Mrs. G. R. Mash burn, of Vu.‘'-s, Mrs. Maude Lassiter of Bear Creek and Mrs. Emma Nall of Carthage; two sisters, and a largo number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. GENEKAI. WELl- .ARE GROUP M»:ETS at COLE RESIDENCE Mrs. W. G. Brown, welfare super intendent of Moore county, was elect, ed president of the Central District, which comprises 17 counties, at a dis trict welfare conference held In Hen derson on Wednesday of last week. J. D. Pegram of Lee county was named secretary. Mrs. Brown’s election came as a surprise as she was not in attendance at the conference, and it Is a matter of pride to the county that Its wel fare department Is thus recognized by the district at large, Mrs. Brown served as district secretary year be fore last. The annual benefit bridge and rook party will be held tonight, Friday, at Sanatorium In the Nurses’ Home be. ginning at 8:00 o’clock. The proceeds will be used for the children’s Christ mas and for the Indigent patients in the hospital. MISSIONARY MEETING ’The women of the Southern Pines Baptist Church will hold their mla. slonary meeting Tuesday, December 6, at 3:00 p. m., at the home of "Mrs. Elizabeth SUver, No. 6 Ben nett street. All Interested are cor. dlally invited. Va-ss Personals Mrs. A. G. Edwards and son, Max, Islted relatives In Raleigh during he week-end. Mrs, W. D. Hunter and Mrs. E. W. Hunter of Sanford visited In the Mc. Craney home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Smith of Wadesboro were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Mc Lean. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mallard of Wallace spent the week-end with Mrs. Mallard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith. Mis. W. C. Byrd and children. Mary Lou and Keith, of Albemarle and Mrs. Jonah McAuley of Biscue spent last wek.end with Mrs. J. A. Keith and family. Leon Keith return, ed to Albemarle with Mrs. Byrd. Mrs. J. Lee Johnson and daughter, Mary Ina, and Julian Smith, all of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Norton and children of Raeford and Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGill and baby of Max- ton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith and Mr, and Mrs. A. A. McGill Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cameron and son, A. Mac, spent Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McKay in Buie’s Creek. Mrs, James Callaghan of Wades, boro called on Mrs. D. C. McGill Thursday afternoon. ?.iiss Eva Callahan and two friends from High Point were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Callahan Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Taylor, Jr., and J. E., Ill returned Sunday from a Thanksgiving visit with relatives in Lynchburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hemphill and son and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bolick and Bob Baxter of Greensboro spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ellis and Miss Lucille Simmons of Burlington spent Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs A. K. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Thompson, Miss Mary Thompson and Miss Betty Blevins spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. C. (J, Holt in Carthage. Miss Glennie Keith of Raleigh and Linwood Keith of Loulsburg College spent Thanksgiving at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson of Ellerbe and Mrs. Jewell Hemphill of Cameron were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Thompson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Thompsot! on Cameron Route 1 C. P. McMillan attended the fun. The General W'elfare Center w'as very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cole on Ridge street on Monday evening. These meetings are gaining in interest and popularity. Many people feel that this is the only plan whereby the elderly people of the country can be properly taken care of after thirty years of ac tivity and earning are past. It solves the problem by a simple two percent gross income tax levied on all cltL zens alike and will provide work for the younger generation and security for the aged without adding a penny to the government debt. Many are inquiring and looking into this plan which already has 180 supporters In the House of Representatives. It dif fers much and Is entirely separate iTom the Townsend Plan. A club in Southern Pines was form ed a year ago and is doing active work toward the furtherance of this plan, and Invites all Interested to join in its meetings The club meets on Monday evening, December 12 at the home of Mrs, G. R. Crosby on East Broad street. An Indoor picnic sup per will be enjoyed at 6:30 previous to the meeting at 8:00 o’clock, and a cordial invitation Is extended to all who are Uiterested In this move ment. !•». NOTICE OF SALE OF FOR TSm SURPLUS PRODUCTS HELP M.\NY DURING OCTOBER There were 722 persons represent. Ing 149 families certified by county welfare officials in Moore county as eligible for receipt of surplus com. modties during October, Arthur E, Langston, State director of commod ity distribution with the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare, an. nounced this week. CARD OF .APPRECIATION We wish to thank all of our many friends and relatives for the many deeds of kmdness shown us in our recent bereavement in the loss of our husband and father. —MRS. T. A. RICE. MARGARET RICE. Drs. J. I. Neal and J. M. McKinnon VETERINARLANS Southern Pines Sanford ^anmd Q)irejdjm 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 6161-SOUTHERN PINES To aer\’e those wbo c&U upon oa to the best of our ability mmI with thoughtful tftlmeM !• Um basis upon which our organixattoD l« tonxMd. U, <3. McELROY >LMUiger (Continued from Page Six) McPhatter, Margaret, M&12, No, 20, 21 McPhatter, oiiver, L&15, No! 9, 10 McPherson, Geo., 25 a Allen br.; K&8, No. 12, 13, 14 McPherson, Mary, 19 a Allen br 6.36 McPherson, Nora 1 lot Jimtown 3.32 McRae, Albert, N&ll, No. 13 McRae, Jas., O&ll, No. 11 McRae, Mary & David, 1 3-8 a. Eastman Id. Marsh, Cherry Est., 1 lot W. So. Pines Marsh, Geo. R„ J&7, No 7, 8, 10 Marsh, Hattie L., J&7, No. 6 Marsh, Jas., J&8, No. 5, 6, 7, 8 Marsh, Will A., 10 a D, Ar Bliie Martin, Alex, K&8, No, 3, 4; K&8, No, 23. 24 Martin, Ella, 1 lot near Vass Martin, F, E., 1 lot Vass 1.95 Martin, Henry, 2 lots Wash. Hts. Martin, Sarah, 5 a McNair Id. Ma.wn, Margaret, L&:i, of 13, 14 Mepkins, Flla, 1 lot Vass Minter. Colin. 1 lot W. So, Pines Morrison, Moses, 1-2 a School House Moss, Lonnie, 1 lot Page Id. Murchison, Jane Est., 1 lot Iowa Ave. Murphy, Grace C., J&7, No. 1, | 2. 3 17.52 Nelson, Clarence, 1 lot Page Id. 7.75 Palmerlee, Emma D., N&16, No. 3, 4 Parson, J. T., K&8, Pt. 13, 14 Pass, Harvey, M&12, No. 22. .. Pegness, A. W„ N&12, No. 14 Penson, Jas. W,, K&8, No. 19- 22 Person, Rebecca, 1 lot Page Id. Person, T. C., 1 lot McDeed’s cr. Pouncy, Scipio, K&15, Pt. No. 4 Powell, Obedlah, L&ll, No. 3, 4 Quick, Edward, J&7, No. 18 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER’S LAND S.\LE 6.18 5.90 6,26 4.17 7,98 2.18 3.32 3.10 2.1& 7.33 4,68 i 11.76 2.20 2.20 2.36 2,05 1,95 1,89 2.79 7.75 7.33 2.18 1.92 6.95 2.06 5.75 5.04 2.74 6.61 4.59 12.92 Under and by virtue of an order of Hon, John Wlllcox, In the special pro ceeding entitled “Will R, Burgess et al.« vs. Mrs. Mollle Burgess et als,” the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for ?ash, on the premises on MONDAY, DECEMBER 191h, 1938, at 12 o’clock- M. the following described real estate: 1st, Being that certain building lot fronting on May street In the town of Southern Pines, Moore Coun ty North Carolina and known and lesignated as Lot No. 1 in Block G % 2 shown upon the aforesaid map of said town, which Is of record In the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County. 2nd, Property known as the Pate property, being Lot No. 3 in Block L & 7 as shown on a map entitled “A map of the town of Southern Pines, Moore County. North Carolina” and recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of said County. 3rd, Being lota numbers 72, 73 and 71 in West Southern Pines, N. C. and shown on a map entitled “A Map of West Southern Pines, Addition,” on file in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, North Car olina. This November, 1938. H. F. SEAWELL, JR., Commissioner. TIME OF SALE: 12 o'clock M, PLACE OF SALE: On the premises. Southern Pines, N. C. TERMS OF SALE: Highest Bidder FOR CASH. N25-D16. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE S.\LE Under and by virtue of the power of .sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by A. R, Cole to N. M. McKeithen, Trustee for Standard Fertilizer Company, under date of LEGAL NOTICES >ne hundred feet to the beginninf: point in the edge of Pennsylvania, \venue; said parcel being situated i* Block K. and Five. AL'^o one-half of the alley betweeik Lots Nos. 22 and 23 in said Block K and Five beginning at a sta,ke at the comer of Lot 23 and runnii]|^ thence with said lot North 53 1-4 150 feet to a stake; thence North 36 3-4 W'est 8 feet to a stake; thence South 53 1-4 West 150 feet to stake; thence South 36 3-4 East * feet to the beginning point. The first foregoing parcel, coi^iA. ing of Lots Nos. 23 and 24, contaia a frame dwelling, CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Mortgagee. N18-D9, NORTH C.AROLINA, .MOORE COUN'TY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS CLAIM ING .\NY INTEREST IN THK Sl'BJECT M.XTTER OF THIS AC- TION. Town of Southern Pines, Plalntift, vs. A. Montesanti and wife, Delia Mon- tesanti, A. S, Ruggles, Trustee foif Southern Pines Building & Loan As sociation, Wm, E, Flynn and Lilliaa W, Creamer, Admrx. of the Estat* of Andrew I. Creamer, T. C. Aber- iiethy, Trustee for Home Owners Loaa' Corp. and Sacred Hart Academy, De fendants. All other persons claiming any in. terest in the subject matter thereof, will take notice that an,fiction entiUed as above has been commenced In tlw Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose certala liens for taxes held by the Town of Southern Pines for the year 1935 mett- tioned in the Complaint against thofle certain lots of land, lying and bein|f in McNeills Town.ship, Moore County, Southern Pines, North Carolina and more particularly described as foll- lows: May 4, 1938, which deed of trust is . N & 4, Let N->. 12 in Block L &4, Ranely, Savannah, 1 lot W. So. Pines 2.18 Rav. Ella. 2 1-2 a S. Kennedy recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina, in Book 63 at page 500, to which record reference is hereby made, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust, and the power of sale therein contained hav ing become operative, and the holder of the notes thereby secured h *ving lequested and demanded the under signed Trustee to foreclose said deed of trust and to offer the real estate therein described for sale in order to .satisfy the Indebtedness due as in said deed of trust prescribed; Now, therefore, pursuant to said de. •nand and request, and because of s’aid default in the payment as afore. as .°hown on a map entitled “A Mai> of the Tow»: of Southern Pines, N. C.” and recorded in the Moore Coim*^ ty Registry. BEING LOT No, 16 in Block L A 4. and one-half alley and one quarter square adjoining said Lot No. 1ft as shown on a map entitled "A Map of SoutheiTi Pines, Moore County, North Carolina,” and bounded as follows: “BEGINNING at a stake in the bounds of Bennett Street, the north west comer of Lot No. 15, run ning with the bounds of Eonn*tt j Street, 54 feet to a stake; thence S. j "6 3-4 E. 192 feet to a stake; thence I N. 5.3 1-4 E. 42 feet to a stake, the .corner of central square; thence witk .said, the undersigned Trustee will sell' Id- 1.80 at auction, at the main entrance of | Reaves. Robt., 5 a McNair Id.; 6 a McNair Id. 8.42 Rhodes. Laura, J&12, No. 320 6.19 Richardson, John, Hrs., 10 a Carthage rd 2.35 the Court House In the Town of Car- | thage, Moore County, North Carolina, I Southern Pines, Moor* at the hour of 12 o’clock Noon, on the 19th day f December, 1938, the County, North Carolina on the sou thern side of Pennsylvania avenue Robinson, Chas,, 1 lot Niagara 1.S9 following described real estate, to-1 ***&• ’nani„.’ 1-j a ...... ’ | Street and BEGINNING at a stak« 1 in the southern edge of Pennsylvan- j ia Avenue 78 feet wesrterly from th* I intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Bennett Street; running thence PILOT ADVER'nSING PAYS- Rogers, Daniel, 12 a Little Riv.; 30 a Mill cr 8.00 P.o.^S, Lucius, K&15, No. 5 4.82 -launders, Jas., 1 lot Penn. Ave.; L&15, No. 13, 14 20.08 Saunders, J, T., 132 a Crane’s cr 18.72 Scott, A. J., 1 lot Conn. Ave. 2.18 Sellars, Thornton (Special) 109 a Vass-Union rd ,,,, 21.58 Sellars, W, C., 6 a Vass 6.83 Shaw, T. M., 1 lot 1.95 Shepherd, Lillie, 1 lot Niagara 1.89 Small, Will, 3 lots Vass 2.49 Smith, Nathan, 1 lot W. So. Pines 2.46 Stanback, Annie, O&ll, 7, 8 . 4.76 Steele, Geo,, 1 lot Conn. Ave....,4.53 Stevenson, James, 1 lot N. H. Ave. _ 7.45 Stover, Robt., M&9, No. 13 4,46 Stubbs, Henry, P&ll, No. 17 7.18 Sturdevenat, Chas., K&15 2.18 Thomas, Laura, 1 'ot Niagara 1.94 Thomas, Lucy Jane, M&12, No. 18 3.31 Thompson, R. M., K&12, No. 4, al. and sq. 4.97 Troy, Mary E,, 2 lots Page Id. 2.18 Turner, Sophia, K&7, No. 17 and al. 2.18 Waddell, Geoi-gia, M&ll, No. 5 and al 3.76 Waddell, Joe, M&ll, No, 15 5.75 Wade, Robt., J&7, No. 16 . 4.46 Weaver, Albert, M49, No. 8, 9 White, Pearl, 1 lot Conn. Ave. Wicker, J. W., L&12, No. 10. .. Williams, Annetta, 1 lot Vass Williams, Annie L,, N&12, No. 2 2.18 William, Delaniel, 1 a Blnck br.; L&14, No, 6 6.31 Williams, Dunk&Inez, 1 lot Page Id. 3.61 Williams, Dora, P&8, No. 14 2.74 Williams, J. A., 4 a Eastman Id; L&13, No. 23, 24 and al; L&16, No. 4 11.06 Williams, Lessie, N&12, No. 21 3.03 Williams, Mary, K&8, No 7, .. 2.18 Williams, Nora, K&8, No. 8 5.61 Williams, Odell, 7 lots Vass Williams, Pearl, 1 lot Niagara William, Rolit. L,. 16 a Litle Riv. Wlllls, Jim, 9 at Eastman Id. Wlllls, John, 1 1-2 a VanLlnd- ley Worthy, D. J„ K&8, No. 10, 11 and al. Worthy, Floyd, 1 lot Niagara York, Edward, J&14, No. 178, 179; J*1S, No. 78, 79 13.85 White. Walter, 7 lota Sarah Wil. llama wit: A tract of land containing fifty (50) acres and known as the A. R. Cole home place and being located In Carthage Township of Moore County, Tnd being lands bounded by lands of P. W. Lamb on the East; by Bob Ca gle on the South; by Mrs. Laura Lang on the West and by the Godwin lands on the North. For a more complete description see deed from John N. Cagle to A. R. Cole as will appear of |the Public Regi^'^ry of Moore :::ounty. This 16th day of November, 1938. N, M. McKEITHEN, Trustee, By Johnson & McCluer, Attys. V25-D76. NOTICE Under by virtue of power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage N18-D9 Deed made and executed by W. F. King and Adelaide A. King to the j Citizens Bank and Trust Company,; with Pennsylvania Avenue In a wes- terly direction 50 feet to a stake; thence at right angles to said Penn sylvania Avenue 150 feet to a stake; thence parallel with Pennsylvania Avenue 50 feet to a stake; thence parallel with Bennett Street 150 feet to the point of beginning, being por tions of Lots Nos. 9, 8, 7, 6 and 5 in Block L & 5, as shown on the official map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C., and recorded in the Moore County Registry. Dated this 15th day of November, 1938. JOHN WILLCOX, Clerk of the Sunperlor Couix t 3.32 2.18 4.46 1.94 2.49 4.46 5.32 9.62 1.94 8.04 1.90 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix un der the Last Will and Testament of , , _ . „ . ^ , Clarence M, Rudel, deceased, late of ed in the Moore County Register in | Montreal, Canada ,said deceased hav- Book of Mortgages Number 46, Ing died seized of certain real prop- Page 324, the undersigned Mortgagee Moore County, North Caro- wlll on Monday, December 19, 1938 notify all persons hay. ’ me claims aeamst the e?tato of said at 12:00 o’clock noon at the Court house in Carthage, North Carolina expose to sale to the highest bidder for cash all that certain real estate 'ying and being in Moore County. North Carolina, In McNeill Township, and described and defined as follows, to-wit: Those certain lota in the town of Southern Pines beginning at a stake ‘n the north edge of Pennsylvania Avenue one hundred feet from the northwest comer of Bennett Street ind Pennsylvania Avenue and runs thence North 36 3-4 West ninety-two feet to a stake; thence North 53 1-4 East one hundred fifty feet to a stake; thence South 36 3-4 East for ty-two feet to a stake, the north west comer of Lots Nos, four and twenty-three; thence, as the line of said two lots and of three and twen ty-four; to the common comer of lota Non, two, three, and twenty- 5.22 fo\ir; thence South 53 1-4 West ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Pinehurst, N. C, on or be fore the 28th day of October, 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thfclr recovery. All persons indebt, ed to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This . 27th day of October, 1938- ANNA MAY RYDER RUDEL, 028-D2 Executrix. KH^RATS WITHOUT POISON YOUR I MONEY * BACK IF RATS, DON* DIE. K-F kwon't ^ LiveMock, ^ IVtaorPoii!-' try;GeURatt ' Every Time. Is made \ 1 Squill, raticicJe recommended | by U.S. Depl. Agr, (Bui. 1533). ReadV'Mtxcd, for hemes, 3S» and $ 1.00; lew der, for fftrrnt. 75#. , t)nig and Seed Storet. ^ eech ret doet ctmn v -i- $j.OU ■ ye^tr

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