Ft'ir THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, March 3, 1939 Pine Maskers Present T wo Comedies Tuesday Will Enact “Tooth or Shave,” Club’s Entry in State Dra matic Tournament The Pine Maskeis, Southern Pines High School dramatic cUib, will pre- ■sint two one-act comedies in the •school ai.ditcrium on next Friday evening:. “One Egg,” by Barbette Hughes, is a hlarious farce in which two peo- plt, meeting in a restaurant, are biought together by the difficulty of t'rdenng one egg for breakfast. Hazel Kelley and David Speir give excel lent portrayals of the girl and btiy characterizations, and Rajrmond Hayes makes the old waiter a highly appealing character. "Tooth or Shave,” a Mexican folk comedy by Josephina Niggli, will be the second presentation on the even- ing"’s program. Miss Niggli gives a delightful picture of four Mexican peasants two of whom she has known ■since her childhood. “Tooth or Shave” is the Pine Mas. kers’ entry in the State Dranaatic tournament, the preliminary for u’hich is to be held in the Needham •Broughton high school auditorium in Raleigh on Marhc 15. The persons in the play are: Anseimo, a barber, Dick Pethick; Maria, his wife, Barbara Plumer; To mas, a carpenter, Richard Plummer; Juanita, his wife, Mary Belle Price. Comings and Goings in Vass “Fires of Evangelism” was the | sided over the meeting and a foreign subject of a challenging sermon preached by Dr. Guy C. Funderburk in the Vass Baptist Church Sunday morning to the good-sized congrega tion which braved the inclement wea ther to attend. Dr. and Mrs. Fimderburk were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tyson and Mss Kffie Bailey at the Ty:on home. The Rev. C. M. Voyles, pastor of the Cameron Presbyterian church, preached an inspiring sermon in the local Presbyterian church mission program was given undfr the leadership of Mrs. J. P. Blue with Mrs. Mack Cameron and Mrs. Martin Cameron taking part. \a-ss Persona Is Misses Raynor and Leamon Crouse ind Ml'S. J. F. Fox, all of Gieens- .loro, visited Mrs. A. L. Keith and Mrs. Cortis Thomas during last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Kimball had as thiir guests over the week-end Sunday j Mrs. Kimball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. evening, taking as his text the two words, “Follow Me.” The service was well attended. Home Ownership Gets B. & L. Fund Boost JLoans Made By Association in , State During January Total $1,625,000 * Home loans made by building, : savings and loan associations of North Carolina greatly e.ings and loan leadeis throughout the : State that 1939 will be even better ■ than 1&38, unless there is a sudden iincrease in construction costs or a Entertain .\u.\illary Mrs. W. P. Parker and Mrs. S. R. Smith were joint hostesses to the Methodist Auxiliary at the home of the latter on Wednesday afternoon of last week. ‘‘Widening the Horizons of the Home” was the topic and the program was presented by Mrs. G. W. Griffin. Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Jr., Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs. C. L. Ty son, and Mrs. W. C. Leslie. Mrs. T. F. Cameron conducted the Bible study During the social hour a Bible conteJt and a George Washington contest were enjoyed, with Mrs. H. A. Borst and Mrs. C. J. Temple win ning in the first and Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. W. T. Cox, Mrs, Borst and Mrs. W. J. Cameron tieing for honors in the second. Mrs. A. K. Thompson invited the Auxiliary to her home for the March meeting. *■ PINEBLUFF \>orld Day Prayer World Day of Prayer was observed last Friday afternoon at the Vass Baptist church with women from the three churches in town participating. Mrs. A. G. Crissman was general chairman and Miss Thomas of the Baptist church was program leader. Others having special parts were Mrs. Ben H. W’ood Mrs. Fairley Cam eron, Mrs. C. L. Tyson and Mrs. D. C. McGill. Mrs. H. A. Borst and Mrs. W. P. Parker sang ‘Others.” An of fering foi the four objectives was taken. I. J. Myers; her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Craver, and Myrtle and Clarence Craver, al! of Florence, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Griffin and children, Carolyn, Jimmie and Babara .lean, spent Sunday with Mrs, Grif fin’s parent!?, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bellel in Sanford. Miss Mary Davis Westcott of Ral eigh was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. D. A. Smith. J. B. Evans, who is about to lose the sight of one of his eyes entered a Fayetteville hospital last Friday for treatment. Russell Thompson of Greensboro spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Thompson. Mrs. A. M. Cameron spent from , ., „ , ^ ^ of Niagara drove to Pmebliiff last Tuesday until Friday of last week | Mrs. Lathrop Dyer and nephew Harry Gaddis of Berlin, N. H., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wallace en route to th'iir home af ter spending some tlnie in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Myers Zett of High Point were the guest Isat week of Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. James Zickler of Car- pen, N. Y., are spending some time with Mrs. A. B. Little- The Epworth League of the M. E. Church sponsored a box supper Thursday night at the church. A total of $3.45 was taken in. Mr. and Mrs. Willitam Col iers of Stamford, Conn., are guests of Mrs. Carmen Adams. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Wells are •spending some time at th9ir home In the north. They are expected to return some time this week. NIAGARA Miss Mabel Parker of Cameron visited at the house of Elwood Par ker over the week-end. Mrs. Janie Register of Durham is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. D. Mon. roe. Misses Nettie Williams of Niagara and Miss Wilcox of Southern Pines, end Earl Henry and Jimmy Duggin ENJOY ALL THE PLEASURE THERE IS IN SMOKING — Let up—Light up a Camel in Buie's Creek with her father, Dr. J. F. McKay, who recently suffered a stroke of paralysis. Her brother, Lis. ter McKay, accompanied her home- C. P. McMillan spent the week-end in Selma with his mother, Mrs. Hat tie McMillan, and was accompanied home by his wife, who had been in j Selma for several days. j Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fry and chil- I dren. Jessie Lee and Leon, visited | willie Hunter, extension Mr. and Mrs. Houston Parks in Car- j Nothing specialist from State Col- thage Saturday night. i icge, conducted a leaders’ school in Misses Elvyn and Gladys Snipes spent Thursday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phillips of Cameron visited relatives here Sun- i.iy- Mrs. D. P. Kelley of Carthage Route 3 visited in Niagara Saturday. LECTURES ON PATTERNS CAMSLS 6IVE /ME TWO BI6 THINGS I WANT IN A CieARETTE _ MILDNESS AND 6000, RICH HAVOn. CAMELS /MAKE SMOKING A4EAN A LOT /MORE 70 /ME. ■I'D WALK A /MILE FOR A CAMEL' TOO* "YYTHEN the combination W to a safe gets lost, Har old J. Wcidman is likely to get a call. His work as a lock smith is open ing locks by touch and sound. Often that’s a long, wearisome job, and, as Harold says, "No task for a man with jittery nerves.” So he pauses now and then to let up — light up a mild, tasty Camel. He finds these rccesses pleasant and refreshing. SMOKERS FIND- Camels never jangle the nerves Mrs. Smith Hostess Mrs. T. J. Smith was hostess to the Cypress Presbyterian Auxiliary on Wednesday afternoon at her home in Vass. Mrs. A. D. McLauchlin pre- Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mallaid of Wallace spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith. Miss Gladys Cox went to Liberty on Thursday of last week, where she has a position in a beauty parlor. Her many friends in the Sand hills will regret to learn that Mrs. Annie Smith Thompson is ill at her home near Maxton. Mrs. Thompson, who is a sister of T. J. and S. R. Smith of Vass, suffered a facial stroke several days ago, and this week a second stroke affected her left arm and leg. the office of the Moore coimty home demonstration W'ednesday, giving an interesting lesson on cittlng pat terns. Miss Hunter remained in the ct'unty for several days. Bibles, Prayer Books and hymnals, and many of the recently published pnd many of the recently published books suitable for Lenten reading at Haves.’ SOUTHERN PINES NORTH CAROLINA COl NTRY DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL Ideal location in the Sandhills Ample grounds for all sports Itecogni/ed sehola-stic standing Handicrafts, music and other art« KINDERO.XKTEN -AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KOK BOYS AND GIRLS Higher forms for girls to be added In October MILLICENT A. HAYES, PRINCIPAL PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS The Week in Aberdeen “Husband’s Night,” an annual af- isevera drop in business within the ' [ fair of the Walter Hines Book Club was observed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson by the club members on last Friday evening. The guest speaker of the evening was Dean House of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Miss Edna Maurer closed the se- les of Hospital Benefit card parties with an unusually enjoyable one at her home on Southern Pines Road last Friday evening, entertaining at seven tables of bridge, set.back and Chinese checkers. The sum of $8.00 was realized from this party. Continued emphasis upon the prac tical value of home ownership today 'is producing tangible results as • shown by the fine January record of these hti.-ne financing institutions. SERVICE CLUB DISCX’SSES “HOW TO WIN FRIENDS” The book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,’’ was discussed by members of the Moore County Sei-vce Club at its regular meeting held Friday night in the court house. , Miss Helen Morgan gave a brief accountof the writing of the book :■ and.the following divisions were dis- jcussed by the members named: “Six Ways to Make People Like -You,’’ Gertrude Lamb, “Twelve Ways to Win Others to Your Way | ..gpices.” All members were urged to of Thinking,” Letha Blalock. Brief | tickets fo rthe movie. “Four summaries of other parts of the book ‘ white’’ to b& shown at the were given. Aberdeen Theatre next Monday eve- Miss Anna Mae Richardson, vic^. nng. a percentage to go to the Club. president, presided. Personals The Rev. Greenlee Tate of Gastonia Mrs. John G. Sloan entertained the Home and Garden Club at the Spin ning Wheel club house on last Tue^ aay afternoon. Mrs. H. A. Page, Jr. was the speaker cn the program, making an interesting talk on Mrs. F. A. Cummings has return ed from the Moore County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leon O. Seymour spent last Tuesday shopping in Ral eigh. Mrs. Frank Shamhurger has return ed from High Point where she visited her cousin, Mrs. Clara Page Harri son. Mrs. William Carter, Jr., who has been quite ill, is spending some time in hte Moore County Hospital under going treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Thomas of Greensboro spent the past week end in Aberdeen with friends. F. A. Cummings was called to Charlotte last Monday on account of the death of his mother, Mrs. Char les Cummings. Mrs. Gordon Keith entered Moore County Hospital this week for treat, ment. Mr. and Mrs G. H. Hilliard and daughters, Misses Lucille and Mar. garet, at,t»nded the funeral of their cousin at Ce<^ar Falls on Monday. June Campbell, Jr., of the Presby terian College, Maxton, spenC the past week-end at home. Miss Elizabeth David spent the past week-end in Raleigh visiting III SOLD LAST WEEK by EUGENE C. STEVENS H.-VRLEM PAGE W.AITE, *6, OIES IN SOITTIIERN PINES , spent Monday night in .A.bei'deen vis iting his mother, Mrs. Tate, and his ■:i.«ter. Mrs. L. J. Dawkins. | McCrummon was called to his Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Herring visit- home at West End last Monday on II; ■'»n Page Waite died on Mon day, February 20th, Southern Pines, following a short illness. Funeral ser vices were held in the Clark Funeral Home at 2:30 o’clock on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. Voight O. Tay lor of the Church of Wide ellow- ship officiating. Pending arrange, ments for interment at Portland, Me., the body was taken to his brother’s honv? at Northfield, Mass. 'Mr. Waite, a seasonal resident for Hie past few years, was born Decem ber 6, 1862, at Portland, Me., the son of 3oshua Waite and Lucy Fogg Waite. He is gurvived by his widow, the former Cora Minor, for many years a winter resident of Southern Piu33; a brother, Walter H. Waite, a daughter by a former marriage. "d K. G. Deaton at Pittman ITospi- tal. where he ir undergoing treat ment, last Sunday afternoon. account of his father’s illness. Miss Una Lewis of Pinehurst is taking Mrs. Sherman Craven’s place Miss Katie Lee Shear of Candor, in the Lady Clara Beauty Shop. Our new stationery is attractive, up to date and reasonably priced.— Hayes.’ was the week-end guest of lier aunts, Mrs. Ella Jiiat and Miss Bes_ been carried there this week from he Rocky Mount Hospital. Scott Ru;sell spent last Sunday in Statesville visiting relatives. He v/at '.ccompanied home by Howar 1 Ru.s. ■•'cll and Je.'-se Lentz v/!-.o s"ent r couple of days heie. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hurley have returned from Florida where they visited their daughters, Mrs. Ralph Chamberlain at St. Cloud and Mrs. Arthur Janes at Daytona Beach. Miss Kathryn Charles, a student .it Flora MaMonald College, Red Springs, spent a few days at home last week. Accompanying her was a schoolmate. Mis? Patsy Harper of Pinetop-®. Miss Mae Rhyne, who is at home on sick leave from Pea^e College, Raleigh, underwent an operation for fppend c t s at the Moore County Hospital the first of this week, from which she is making a satisfactory recovery. Arthur Monroe, who has bsen In Moore County Hosptal for some time, has returned home much improved. PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS. I have several homes of various sizes and locations, each a bargain, for sale. These will be off the market by Fall. If you are seriously interested in a home in South ern Pines, let me show you my listings now. Eugene C. Stevens, Agent Telephone 5121 Southern Pines