Friday, March 17, 1939. THE PILOT. Southern l*ina«t and Aberdeen. North Carolina Pa ge Tbnm Social News of the Week in Pinehurst I’arent-Tftvcher AHsociation Meets Tlie regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association was held in the school auditorium Tues day afternoon with Mrs. Karl John, son, president, presiding. The treas urer, Miss Edna Gentry, reported a gift of $100.00 from the Red Cros: to be used for free lunches and thi organization voted to send the presi dent to Raleigh for the State P. T. A. meeting April 12, 13 and 14. pointed as follows: Mrs. Wesley R. poined s follows; Mrs. Westley R. Viall, Mrs. Watson Smith and Mrs. Rassie Wicker, Miss l.iillian Moore presented a group of second grade children in a fairyland play. Wedding On February 13th Announced Mrs. DuPont Entertains Mrs. Frank L. DuPont entertained Saturday at luncheon, followed by bridge at her home. Guests on this occasion were Mrs. True P. Cheney, Mrs. H. J. Callaway, Mis. Eric Nel son, Mrs. Bert Nichols, Mrs, J. W. Harbison, Miss Anne Harhison, Mrs. R. K. Footnmn, Mrs. Henry Graves, Mrs. W^illard L. Dunlap, Mrs S. R. Jellison, Mr.s. Wesley R. Viall, Mrs, Thomas L. Black, Mrs. Sam A. Hen- nessee, Mrs. Betty McGouldrick, Mrs. Frank Cosigrove and Mrs. Annie Mulcahy. Mr.s. Harbison Entertains Mrs. J. \V. Harbison had as guests lor the day Wednesday the following members of her bridge club from Kannapolis: Mrs, Ernest Alexander, Mrs. Henry Townsend, Mrs. L. H. Barlow, Mrs. Flay Kyser, and Mrs. O. B. Lowdermilk. Mrs. John F. Tay lor and Mrs. F'rank L. DuPont join ed the group for lunheon and bridge. I’ersonals Mrs. H. C. Beall left Tuesday night for Birmingham, Ala., to spend some time with her son, E. C. Beall and family. Mrs. David Johnson arrived the first of the week from Cleveland, Ohio, and has opened her cottage for the Spring season. Mr. and Mrs. F. Shelby Cullom an nounce the birth of a son, Finn Bow en Cullom, on March 7 at Mary Elizabeth Hospital in Raleigh. Mrs, A. J. McKelway, Sr., has re turned to the home of her son, the Rev. A. J. McKelway from Fayette ville and Laurel Hill, where she vis ited friends for two weks. Miss Mary Kelley left Saturday by motor for New York City after vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew is G. Kelley. Joe Montesanti, Jr., Ellis Fields, Jr., and Fred Fields are home from the University, Chapel Hill for the spring vacation. Rllis visited his roommate, Hai-vey Jonas, in Lincoln- ton the forepart of the week and Harvey is arriving today for the week-end here. Mrs. Henry L, Graves and dau ghter, Carol, of Charlotte were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs Dunlop. iting in Orlando, Fla., for the past month, and his daughter, Mrs. W. B. McCullough, Jr. and young son, of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barr en. tertained at dinner at the Carolina Hotel last evening for Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swope on the occasion of their third wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hogg were their guests. of which he is chairman, expre.ssed his tenure of office, regret over the loss of D. D. McCrim. “We are glad to have Mr. W. J. man from the Board, and apprecia- Dunlap as a member of the Board of tion of the fine service rendered the Commissioners and we feel that he county by Mr. McCrimmon during i.= a capable man,” Mr. Currie said- li 8 WILIJNG WORKERS’ Cl’RRIE lauds In discussing county affairs Tues’- day, Wilbur H. Curiie, speaking for the Board of County Commissioners, II ♦« it :: ill ' »« n II Apron, Food and Candy Sale Tuesday, March 21, 10:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. Southern Pines Baptist Church Junior Wiliinj? Workers will serve a Cafeteria Supper from 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. Mrs. James Wilson Pierce, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Carlisle Page of Aberdeen, last Sunday an nounced the marriage of t^eir dau ghter, Caroline McIntosh, to Jajnes W'ilson Pierce, Jr., of Swarthmore, Pa. The wedding took place Febru. ary 13 at Cheraw, S. C. Mrs. Pierce is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Page, the grand daughter of the late Henry Allison Page of Aberdeen and the late Dr. Atwell Campbell McIntosh of Chap el Hill and a niece of the late Walter Hines Page. She attended Peace Col lege in Raleigh and Salem College in Winston-Salem. Mr. Pierce is the oldest son of Mrs. James Wilson Pierce of Durham and Swarthmore, Pa„ and the late Mr. Pierce. He attended State College in Raleigh and is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. W. L. his home from Duke Hospital, Dur ham where he has been receiving treatment. Miss Catherine Hogg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hogg, is home for the spring vacation from Trinity College, Washington, D. C. Miss. Hogg has the following classmates as her guests; Louise Calaglian, Mary Doherty, Lillian Colleran, and Jean Schumann. Mr, and Mrs. Irving Roberts and their daughter and .ion-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Benson of Bethel, Vt., are the guests of Mr. Roberts’ sister, Mrs. Tom McKenzie. Miss Nancy Richardson, daught er of Mr. and Mrs. Byron U. Rich ardson has arrived from Greensboro College for the week-end. Mias Annie Marie Choate will have a dance in the school gymnasium this Club and their friends. I Friends of Martin Wicker will be j glad to learn he is showing improve-1 ment following a recent illness. { Harry Latting of New York City i£ the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Dudgeon, j Mrs. Willard L. Dunlop entertained , with a luncheon Tuesday at the Country Club for Mrs. Chas. B. Hud- '' i-on, who celebrated her eighty-sixth birthday Monday. Other guests were j Mrs. Charles r-icquet and Mrs. S. R. i Jellison. i C. H. Bowden has as his guests at his Midland Road home, Folly Farm, i his sister-in-law, Mrs. E. G. Kelley | of Richmond, Me., who has been vis- 1 BEl rER LIVING and a BALANCE BUDGET < C> VV^« Stili ^owtt in the wttk 1 ELECTRIC RATES m isplaying ELEG tKe, 19 Basy m ric Ranges la Aui omati tyle4 to meet your requirements erm i to meet your budget—may sugg( St that you see them I m CAROItNA POOVER & LIGHT COMPANY Edwin L. Scofield has returned to | evening for members of the Glee t: :: FINEST QUALITY STANDARD BRANDS MODERATE PRICES To fill your Spring needs. FERTILIZERS Feed and Garden Seeds CHEVROLET iUI Tho^ isit ot You can pay more—but you can t get more quality! The only low-priced car combininq Wood’s Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, Acme Old Re liable Fertilizer for your Farm and Garden. Vigro Bone Meal and Cotton Seed Meal for Shrubbery, Lawns and Hedges. 40 lbs. clipped and cleaned Oats and the best choice Timothy Hay. Purina’s famous Chows for Poultry and all Live Stock. i;i Lowes I McNeill & Company Telephone 6244 Southern Pines Chevrolet brings you the outstanding quality features of the I day—including Exclusive Vacuum Gearshift, Body by Fisher, Perfected / ^ Knee-Actlon Riding System'"—at the lowest cost for purchase price, gas, oil and uplceepl Drive this car—be more comfortable physically—ornd be more ee>mfortable mentally, too— .because of the big savings! * Availabh on Miritt.’ D» luxe ttiodels on/> be satisfied with anything but tSsa A GENEuHaL. viort ■«E YOUR LOCAL CHEVFIOLET MID-SOUTM MOXC R =5, Inc. .A.berdeen North Carolina BUY A CmVRCUT! v^oropft