MOORE COUOTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY TTJ'C 1 HIS A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 19, NO. 19. ^VfARTMAOE ftAOL.K fiPRiHoa «lakevibw JAO<SO«4 9PRINOS •OUTHBRN PtHGS ASHLSy HKWHTS K r Libra FIRST IN NEWS. CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina. Friday, April 7, 1939. FIVE CENTS CAUCUS TO NAME CANDIDATES HERE FRIDAY, APRIL 28 Mayor and Board of Commis sioners To Be Nominated for Election on May 2d REGISTRY BOOKS OPEN Voting time is drawing nigh in Southern Pines, for the biennial elec tion of a Mayor and Board of Com missioners of five members. Official notices of the town caucus on Fri day, April 28, and of the election on Tuesday, May 2 appear in this issue of The Pilot. CJandidates for Mayor and Com- miseioners will be nominated at the caucus to be voted on by duly regis tered voters at the election. Registra tion books for those eligible to vote will be open at the City Clerk’9 of fice for the next four weeks. Despite the proximity of the time for selection of those who will man age the city’s affairs for the next two years, comparatively little talk has been heard on street comers about candidates, and at the present (writing no contests have come to li^t to enliven the proceedings, Though he has not made any state ment it is believed that Mayor Dorsey G. Stutts is willing to stand for reelection if there appears to be a general demand for his continuance in the office he has held since 1929. There has been a little informal dis cussion of other mayoralty candi dates, but nothing definite. The present Board of Commission ers comprises L. V. O’Callaghan, Charles S. Patch, Eugene C. Stevens. Robert L. Hart and Hugh Betterley, ^nd as far as is known and will stand for renomination at the caucus. Other candidates are expected tc annour.ce themselves before the nominating meeting comes around, but none has come to the front with definite news on the subject. New Nurses^ Home Open For Inspection April 15th Hospital Auxiliary Votes $3,500 Additional For Furnishings, a Total of $6,500 in Year Boyd To Read Author of “Bitter Creek” To Appear for Benefit of Library Fund James Boyd will give a reading from his latest book, "Bitter Creek” next Thur!»iay at the Civ ic Club at 4:00 p. m. Admission will be $1.00 at the door, for the benefit of the Southern Pines Li brary Fund. EASTER ORATORIO ON SUNDAY NIGHT 100 Mixed Voices Will Present “The Cross and the Crown” at Wide Fellowship Boys’ School Office Now On Midland Road Blake House' Acquired as Head- quaiTters.—Fund Campaign Under Way On Monday of this week the Board of Trustees of the Nortli Carolina Preparatory Schobl for Boys, Inc., of which Francis M. Osborne is ex ecutive secretary, took possession of the Blake hoxise on Midland Road, op posite the steeplechase course, and established an office and headquar ters for the twelve weeks intensive campaign for the building fund which is now in progress under the direc tion of L. H. Marlin of Greensboro. Beverly L. Walter ha» af-’cpted appointment aa office manager of the cainpciisn. Mr. and Mrs. Waitftr and Mr. Oribome have taken up their res idence in this house. Mr. Osborne says that a generous gift from an unnamed winter resident of Pinehurst has enabled the trus tees of the school to secure a lease ?ind option to buy this house and large lot, owned by Mrs. F. H. Blake, v.'hich adjoins the 100-acre tract for which the people of Moore county have pledged $10,000 as a site for the projected school. Elventually it iB planned tc use this property and adjoining lots as an Imposing en trance to connect the school cam pus with the paved highway. The campaign is now moving rap-; ... L I The new Nurses’ Home at the Moore County Hospital will be opened for inspection on Saturday afternoon, April 15th, from 3:00 until 6:00! o’clock, and all friends of the hospl-1 tal are invited to examine the build-1 ing and its furnishings at that time. I This announcement was made at' the regular meeting of the Hospital' Auxiliary, held on Wednesday. The directors of the institution have re quested the women’s organization to take entire charge of Opening Day, ■ in recognition of the splendid part | the Auxiliary has played in the Nurses’ Home an accomplished ^ ^ Ivf fact. Last fall the Auxiliary contribut ed $3,000.00 toward the cost of fur nishing the Home. At this week’s meeting a further contribution of $3,500.00 was voted. The total gift of $6,500.00 will pay for all furnish ings purchased at this time, except for rooms whose equipment has been the gift of the Birthday Clubs or of individuals. The furnishings have been planned by a committee of the Auxiliary, assisted by a conference group from the board. Simplicity, durability and economy have been the guiding principles in all selec tions. A further gift from the Auxiliary of $1,500.00 will make it possible to replace enamel ware with stain less steel throughout the hospital it self, in operating rooms, delivery rooms, utility rooms, and In general service. The Supply committee of the Aux iliary, which provides all linen, drap eries, etc., has again been granted a budget of $100.00 per month during 1939, and a similar appropriation ha^ been made for the EJqulpment com mittee. Twelve members of the newly or ganized Women’s Auxiliary at the Baker Sanatorium, which is a general hospital at Lumberton, attended Wednesdajr’s meeting at the Moore County Hospital, and conferred af terwards with officers and commit tee heads of this’ Auxiliary. On sev eral occasions the work done by the women of our county has been stud ied by other groups. Furniture Is being rapidly put In place at the Nursea’ Home and con siderable planting Is being done upon the grounds. Ehrerything should be splc and span for the reception on the 15th, and a record crowd is ex pected. FUND DRIVE FOR MATERNITY WORK GREAT SUCCESS Mrs. Wilbur Currie, County Chairman, Thanks Public for Its Generous Support FILM NETTED OVER $600 McLean Stays in Race For Aberdeen Mayor Will Succeed Frank Shamburg- er.—12 Candidates For Board of Commissioners TJiat John Duncan McLean will be 'ihe next mayor of Aberdeen was definitely settled this week. His will be the only name on the ballot for mayor to be voted on on May 2d. A. L. Burney, another caucus nom inee, withdrew from the race, and Mr. McLean tried to, but was this week persuaded to accept. He will succeed Frank Shamburger. Of 14 nominated for the five com- The Spring Music Festival, for which a chorus of 100 mixed voices has been in rehearsal under Charles W. Picquet since January, will be presented at the Church of Wi<^e Fellowship this Sunday night, start ing at 8:00 o’clock. The festival is sponsored by the Sandhills Kiwanis Club, for the benefit of its under privileged child activities. A silver collection will be taken. The chorus, assisted by soloists, will sing the Easter oratorio, “The Cross and the Crown," by E. Lj. Ash ford, and special numbers from “The Messiah,” “Holy City,” and “Elijah,” are also on the program. The chorus comprises residents of practically al! towns In Moore county, and the church Is expected to be filled on Sunday night with people from every section. Many of the churches of the county have dispensed with their reg ular services that night that the members of their congregations may enjoy the festival. The Kiwanie Olub, which is a coimty-wlde organization, has long been active In underprivileged child work throughout the community, and among other activities, supports a bed In the Children’s ward of the Moore County Hospital. The mem- ^lership of the club hopes that as many as can be accommodated will avail themselves of this opportunity to appraise the work of the chorus which has worked diligently in prep aration for the festival. It is the plan of the club, if this year’s presenta tion Is successful, to make this an annual affair. Kiwanis, Three Arts To Present Play and Dance ^Double-Barreled Evening Offer ed at Playhouse in Pinehurst Next Thursday “It is with deep gratitude that the Moore County Maternal Welfare Committee reviews the activities of its friends all over the county dur ing the drive for funds covering the past two weeks,” Mrs. Wilbur H. Cur- xie of Carthage, cliairman of the committee, told The Pilot this week. "LasL October, the linance commit tee viewed the band statement which showed only $47.34 and wonderod wiiat should be done to meet the .Si,- oOO.OO budget it had so hopeilliy made out the preceeding May. It was de cided to put on two drives in every ejection of the county, one in the fall and one this spring. “The response to our appeal in the fall warmed our hearts £i>s friends in every part of the county rallied to our support as follows: Samarcand Manor Study Club, $12.00; Eagle Springs, $25.00; Pine- bluff, $50.00; Hemp, $25.00; Pine- burst, $15.00; Southern Pines, $25.00; Aberdeen, $30.85; Carthage, $80.35; West End, $25.00, atotal of $288.20. “Then the wonderful gift of $500.00 from a friend who wLshes to remain ananymous, swelled the receipts. We lelt sure the remaining $200.00 couid be raised in the Spring. I “However, the March drive far exceeded our hopes and has left us with the deep conviction that only Divine guidance and God’s great j Slot Machines in County Seized by Sheriff Pending Decision As. To Legality Are They Legal? Lowly Nickel Suddenly Finds Himself Without Accustomed Haunts on Wednesday NO LICENSES ISSUED SHERIFF C. J. McDON.VLD EDUCATION BOARD REELECTS THOMAS SUPERINTENDENT J. W. Graham of Aberdeen Con tinues as Chairman; J. F. Taylor Succeeds Von Canon J. W. Graham of Aberdeen and J. F. Taylor of Pinehurst, app^^inted by the Legislature to the Moore county blessing upon the work from its be-\ ^oard of Education, took the oath of office before the clerk of court mlsslonershlps, two have withdrawn, ' y ® rA.ndi<ifl.tes! Jzatlon and will terminate June 3d. Objective is $100,000 for the first step in a $600,000 program. SUNRISE SERVICE EASTER at community church A Sunrise Service at 5:30 a. m. will 13€ the first of the Easter ser- ■vice.1 of worship at the Pinehurst Community Church next Sunday. ■ At the 11:00 o’clock worship there will be special Baster music by the Junior choir and by the church choir. *The Rev. A. J. McKelway will preach, ^ere will be no evening worship at the Community Church, this service ^ying way to the Music Featlval lit the Church of Wide FeUowship “ fiouthen* leaving the following candidates H. A. Gunter, W. H. McNeill, C. L. Braslngton, O. Leon Seymour, H. aifton Blue, J. M. Taylor, Forrest Lockey, M. S. Weaver, F. O. Free man, Dr. A. H. McLeod, Dr. E. M. Medlln and J. B Edwards VASS TO NOMINATE FOR MAYOR 4ND COMMISSIONERS A double-barreled evening Is In store for the Sandhills next Thurs day night In the Playhouse of the Three Arts Group In Pinehurst, when the Sandhills Kiwanis Club in coop eration with the Three Arters stage *a play and dance for the benefit of the Kiwanis Charity fund. The Three Arts Group will present “The Late Christopher Bean," a comfedy, with the following In the cast: Mrs. Mildred Petway Cramer, Mias Florence Campbell, Beverly Walter Miss Mary fillen Yarborough, Miss Dorothy Ehrhardt, Ben Bowden, Carl G. Thompson and Jack Lee. Dancing will follow the play, and the public is invited to either or both. Combina tion tickets are being sold, or you can pay for Just the play or Just the dance. A caucus will be held in the Vass town hall at 7:30 o’clock next Mon-j day evening, April 10, to select can-; didates for mayor and three commis sioners to be elected May 1 for a i two-year term. The registration books will be open on Saturdays in the Little River Store building. April 29 wiU be chaUenge day. No Court Monday The next regular Recorder’s Court day being Easter Monday, lourt has been called ollf for leyt week. The next session will ye held on Monday, April 17. ginning three years ago can account for the people’s response to our ef forts. The fact that no clinic mother has died during the past months since the beginning of our Nurse-Mldwife’s work is also cause for great rejoic ing. “The proceeds from the special week for Maternal Welfare which was inaugurated by the excellent ad dress . of Dr. . Bayard Carter on March 23rd covered events. Successful Acti\’itics ‘A group in Southern Pines glad ly oifered the committee the pro ceeds from the sale of parking spaces at the Hunter Trials held the day before the steeplechase races. We wish tc tliank them, also those who sold the parking spaces, for the $113.00 which it netted us. “ Tag Day’ set aside on Satur day, March 25 brought in a total of McKeithen, 3. $115.15 with only four towna so far (Plecue turn to page five) Monday when the Board held Its reg ular meeting. Mr. Graham, who has served on the board for several years, was re elected chairman. Mr. Taylor Is tak ing the place of F. W. Von Canon. ’The Board reelected H. Lee Thomas as county auperintendeni for a two- year term. School committeemen were elected, a number of I with only a few changes appearing j in the list. There is one vacancy on the Pinehurst board, brought about by the elevation of Mr. Taylor from the district to the county board. Tlie committeemen with their length of term in years follows: Hemp district; Dr. W. N. McD\if- fie, 1; Dan Dunlap, 1; G. C. Boone, 2; J. C. Cummings, 2; Earl Hicks, 3. Cameron district: Mrs. G. M. Mc Dermott, 1: J. E. Snow, 2; L. B The lowly nickel was lonely Wed nesday afternoon. Something had happened to hia new found home of the past few weeks. He wandered into shop after shop where he’d accustomed himself to play chute the chutes, only to find no chutes. Investigation disclosed that Sher iff Charles J. McDonald and his band of deputies had decided that slot machines musn’t operate In Moore county until their legal status determined. At least they can’t operate until they are licensed by Moore county, and official licensing must await some determination of their legality. It got all around the state that ‘‘slot machines are back” when the General Assembly a while ago took some action toward their legalization. But nobody seems to know definitely how legal they are, or whether some are legal and some aren’t, or what. And among those who don’t know, and who aren’t going to take any chances, is Sheriff McDonald. So on Wed iesday morning he and his brothers of the shiny badges swoop ed into placa after place throughout the Sandhills and walked away with the machines. In a few cases they served warrants on the operators of the establishments, just for a test case which will probably come up in Recorder’s Court when It convenes again, which won’t be until a week from next Monday, there being no court on Easter Monday. Drug stores, rastauran(ts, filling stations, every place that had seiz ed the opportunity to Install ma chines as soon as ttte leglplature ap peared to legalize them In one form or another, were visited, and de-ma- chined. And the lowly nickel, at least for the present, has quit chutlng the chutes. Ruth Doris Swett at Civic Club on Monday Will Exhibit Her Etchings and Demonstrate “Pulling” of Proof From Press The usual Friday program and tea at the Southern Pines Civic Club is being omitted today because of Good Friday, but the club announces a fea ture attraction next Monday at 3:00 o’clock when Miss Ruth Doris Swett, a daughter of Southern Pines and a ' Vass-'Lakevlew district: J. W. Smith, 1; Arch Parker, 1; Iledga Thomas, 2; Mrs. A. M. Cameron, 2; J. E. Cavlness, 3. Eureka district' Walter McCaskill, 1; D. R. Guin, 1; Murd Kelly, 2; Her man Davis, 2; H. H. Fry, 3. Pinehurst district: Holt McKenzie, 1; Mrs. H. A. Campbell, 2; Thomas R. Cole, 3; I. C. Sledge, 3. West End district Jesse Page, 1; J. P. Richardson, 1; W. A. Johnson, 2; Mrs. M. C. McDonald, 2; J. H. Poole, 3. Highfalls district: W. E. Woody, 1; George Purvis, 1; Frank Howard, 2: R. H. Upchurch, 2; Frank Maness, 3. All members of the Board were Appeal For Funds For Completion of Church Presbyterians To Dedicate Of fering Sunday to Root For Brownson Memorial nationally known artist and etcher, will be the speaker. In addition to her I present at the meeting. They are J. talk on etching. Miss Swett will give j w. Graham of Aberdeen, W. B. Gra- a demonstration of how the actual | ham of Vass, W. E. Kelly of Car- work of completing *in etching is j thage. Dr. J. F, Davis of Hemp and done, “pulling” a proof from the press. All day Monday many of Miss Swett’s etchings will be on exhibition at the Club. Tea will follow the pro gram In the afternoon, with Miss Florence Campbell, Miss Anna B. Jenks, Miss Alice H. Southworth, Mrs. Francis H. Robinson. Mrs. Hugh J Betterley and Mrs. James R. Swett acting as hostesses. Miss Swett has recently returned here from Winter Park, Fla., where she spent the winter and where she will return next winter to give a course In etching at Rollins College. She Is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. J. Betterley, while in Southern Pines. John F. Taylor of Pinehurst. THREE-HOUR MEDITATION SERVICE AT EMMANUEL The customary Three-Hour service of meditation on the Passion of Our Lord will be held in Enmianucl Church on Good Friday. The service will begin exactly at noon and end at 3:00 o’clock. Ine meditations on the Seven Last Words from the Cross will be given by the rector. All persons are cordially Invited to attend at least a part of this service. Those who do not remain through the entire service are re quested to enter and leave the church only during the singing of the h3rmna. Feeling £ure that there are many people in Southern Pines who would like to have a part In the establish ment of the Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church, and providing a modest and attractive house of worship for the Presbyterians who live here and who come as winter guests, the officers of the church are announcing a special offering for Easter Sunday which will be used for the purpose of putting the roof on the building and windows and doors in. The membership of the church will make a sacrificial offering for this purpose. It hopes that many others will take advantage of this opportun ity to give a helping hand when it Is so acutely needed. The Presbyterians are rallying their forces for a trem endous drive to get the church ready for occupancy by summer. Arty gift addressed to the Brown son Memorial Church, Southern Pines, marked for “Building Fund,” will be used for this purpose. Gifts may be brought to the service next Sunday morning, or given to Walter E. Blue at the Modem Market, treas urer of the Building Fund. EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE IN WIDE FEIXOWSHIP GARDEN The Fellowship Forum of the Church of Wide Fellowship will have charge of the sunrise service EJastor morning in the Church garden at 6:30 o’clock. The public Is cordially Invited and It Is hoped t’.us special eervice will be vrcil attended. In ths event of rain the service will be held in the churcb.

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