Friday, May 12^ 1939. THE PILOT. Southeta Pin— Abardeen. North Carolina P«c« nUTM Comings and Goings in Vass Henry A. Borst, Sr., mayor, and R. P. Beasley, S. R. Smith and A. M. Cameron, commissioners, who were elected recently to guide the affairs of the town of Vass for the coming two years, took the oath of office at a meetmg Monday. They re-elected Ben H. Wood town clerk and A. R. Laubscher policeman. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy of High Point spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Wade Smith. Mrs. Charlie Brewer made a trip to Durham Saturday for examination and treatment. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mr.s. Edgar Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Graham and Miss Katharine Graham spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Graham in Ruffin and visited friends in Walterboro. Miss Jimmie Haynes of Lakeview visited Miss Janet Rosser Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Coynell Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allen, Miss Angie Marie Gilliland and Gilbert McPhaU attended the baccalaureate sermon In Aberdeen Sunday night. Miss Mar- jgaret Hilliard, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen, is one of the grad uates. Mrs. Ida McPhaU and Gilbert Mc- Fhall of Lllllngton attended the Scott funeral Sunday tvnd visited Mr. and Mrs. George Mason. Wilbur Edwaras spent Monday In Raleigh. ' ) Mrs. P. A. Wilson is in the Lee County Hospital in Sanford, recover ing from an operation which she un derwent last week. Mrs. G. O. Barnhardt of Sanford *pent the week-end with Mrs. Bertie L. Matthews and on Sunday they visited Mr. Barnhardt at the State Sanatorium. Mi^. Matthews and Mrs. G. W. Brooks accompanied Mrs Barnhardt to Sanford Sunday after noon and also visited Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Brooks of Jonesboro. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cameron and son, A. Mac, visited relatives in Buie’s Creek Saturday night. Mrs. J. J. Parker visited her sister in Duke Hospital Sunday. W. C. Cox and little son, Clyde, Jr., of Sanford spent from Sunday until Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cox. Sidney Cox was at home from Frankllnton during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil.son of Southern Fines visited Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Rosser Sunday afternoon. After visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffreys for several days, Mr. ana Mrs. George Laubscher left Saturday lor a visit to Florida before return ing to their home in Kansas City. A dog vaccination clinic against rabies will be held at the railway station in Vass on Tuesday, May 16, at 9: 30 a. m. All dogs must be vaccinated, says W. J. Symington, Public Health Officer. Miss Sarah Edith Matthew'j^ a student at Pfeiffer College, and her dad, W. Dunuan Matthews of South ern Pines, were in town Saturday night. The Rainbow Home Demonstration Club met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J, B. P»irker, with Mrs. Parker, the president, presiding. Miss Flora McDonald conducted an Interesting lesson on fitting dresses. Garden and poultry reports were given. The following members attended: Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Ben McRae, Mrs. M. B. Clayton, Mrs. Clayton Evans, Mrs. Herman Thomas, Mrs. Tom Bailey, Mrs. A. C. Bailey, Mrs. Ina Bailey, Mrs. George Morgan^ Miss Lula Pearl Morgan. Mrs. Fairley Cameron and Mrs. W. F. Alexander. Mrs. W. T. Cox received a telegram Monday bearing news of the arriv al of a 9-pound aon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Willis of Onan- cock, Va. Mrs. Willis was formerly Miss Bessie Mildred Cox of Vass. This is their second child; both are boys. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Grnbam on Friday of last week. May 5. Mrs. Thurlow Evans and little daughter went to Salem, N. J. this week to spend some time with Mrs. Ora Thompson, mother of Mrs. Evans. Miss Glennie Keith of Raleigh and Llnowod Keith of Loulsburg spent last week-end at home. Mrs. A. K. Thompson spent last week-And In Sanford with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney and Miss Juanita Thompson visited in Sanford Sunday. Mrs. A. G. EMwards, Sr., spent Thursday of last week in Wilming ton^ where her sister, Mrs. Albert Green, is quite sick. Mrs. C. J. Temple. Mrs. H. A. Borst and Mrs. C. L. Tyson visited their sister. Mr.s. W. D. Matthews, In Soathers Pines Monday afternoon. The Rev. Eugene Alexander of Manchester preached to a large con gregation at the Vass Presbyterian church last Sunday evoning from the subject. ‘ The Unoffered Prayer and the unanswered Prayer. The Rev. A. J. Groves of Sanford was guest speaker at the Vass Meth odist church Sunday morning, sub stituting for the Rev. S. J. Starnes, who is attending the conference in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Davis and children and Miss Ethel Davis spent last Sunday in Badin with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis. Vass Girl May Queen at Phieffer College Miss Jessie Thomas Honored.— Preston Matthews Editor of College Annual z>y////////.y/, y//////4xv//^^ Of These Features T«ke a look at the unequaled sales record of the new rolet—then take a look at the unequaled list of Cheyrolet quaitty features shown at the right. . . . There’s a direct connection between the twof Chevrolet Is leading all other makes of cars in sales for the eighth time in the last nine yeori--seUlnft at the i»te of a every forty seconds of every twenty-four-hour day—lycMse it a the only car that brings you all of these modem features at such low cost! You want the car that gives you the most for your money; TOu want the car that Is first In sales, first in value; want a new 1939 Chevroletl Better see your Chevrolet dealer—toINO STAilLlzn. 10. NO DRAFT VINTILATION. 11. HAND MAKI MOUNTID UNDIR DASH AT LIFT. U. SYNCRO.MISH TRANS. MISSION. 19. nrroMunc auTCH. 14. IXCIUSIVI •OX.OIRDIR CHASSIS FRAMI. 15. OflCO HNISHH. 14. HYPOID-OIAR RIAR AXLI AND TOROUI-TUBI ORIVL 17. DILCO-RIMY STARTINO, UOHTINO, lONmON. • • and scores of other important features. A OamAl MOTORS VAIM MID-SOUTH MOTORS, Inc. Aberdeen North Carolina R. E. Gouger, Pinehurst, Wins Trip To Cuba Prize Awarded in National Sales Contest of Bendix Home Appliances, Inc. damp-dries them ready for the line with the mere adjustment of two sim ple dials, and then shuts Itself off when the job has been done. Mothers Day Cards, also fine sta tionery suitable for Gifts at Hayea.* All the new i