Friday, May 19, 1939, THE PILOT. Southern Pinaa and Aberdeen. North Carolina Coinings and Goings in Vass Beats Husband’s Catch by Over Half a Pound Birthdays Olwerved Mrs. W. C. Leslie and Mrs. W. B Graham were given a delightful ^ir- prise on Thursday of last week in celebration of their birthdays, which occurred on the Sunday preceding and the Sunday following that day, when their sister, Mrs. W .D. Matthews entertained at her home on Ridge street, Southern Pines^ in their honor The two were invited to spend the day, and as a surprise to them, Mra. Matthews had invited other relatives also, who upon their arrival show’ered the honorees with gifts to the ac eompaniment of “Happy Birthday to You.” At the noon hour a delicious din ner was served. Other guests were Mr5»_ C. J. Tem pie, Mrs. H. A. Borst, Mrs. C. L. Ty son^ Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs, W, T Cox and Mrs S. R Smith, all of Vass. Mother’s Day Mother’s Day was fittingly observ ed in the churches here. Special pro grams by the children were given in Sunday School at the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, and at the Young People's meeting. Mother’s Day was again the theme. The Rev, S. J. Starnes, who last week return ed from the Methodist Uniting Con ference at Kansas City, told briefly of the conference before bringing a Mother’s Day message Sunday even ing. At the Baptist Sunday School, aa is the custom, a special Mother’s Day Offering for the Baptist ITo'^’iUai Winston Salem \fras given. 13th Birthday John Albert "Buddie” McRae en tertained a group of his friends at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. McRae, on Wednesday af temoon in celebration of his thir teenth birthday. Buddie’s guests were Lincoln Causy, Junior A. Hudson, Janet Parsons, Doris and Helen Mc Rae, Margaret Bettini, James Hud son and Max Edwards. On Mother’s Day a family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Frye in Vass. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Wallace and famUy, of Pinehurst; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis George and children, of Rockingham; Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Smith and son, of Greens boro; Furman Frye, of Carthage: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Caddell and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Boggs, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Frye and children, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Frye and family, L. B. F*rye and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boggs and family, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Frye and children, Stacy Frye Mrs. W. P. Boggs, Carrie Belle and Ann McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Boggs and children, Charlie Cameron and Ruth Mashburn, all of Vass. A picnic dinner was served. bert. Miss Lucy Portress of Hender son spent Sunday with her and on Monday she and Mies Mildred Priest accompanied Miss Portress to Raleigh for the day. The three have just com pleted two years' training at the State Sanatorium, and after a two weeks’ vacation, will enter the Moore County Hospital for their last year’s course. Mr. and Mrs. Blainie McRae and children of Kernersville are spending the week with Mrs. McRae’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Williams on Car thage Road. Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Sr. and son Max spent the week-end in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bundy. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Griffin and family visited relatives in Sanford Sunday. Their niece, Miss Janice Trebuchon, of Jone.PAK pistons ■ TOP-SIZE bodies and RIDER-EASE cabs ■ 4 Shock absorbers ■ Sniartest appearance OutpulU any half-ton truck on the road! Outsaves others on gasi Maximum body space in panel Jlmt paymtntt throuflt om Style, pick-up or small stake! V-type cabs with more room, bet ter seat positioning^, wider vision. YMAC Han mt lowttl mrallmbit rmlm$ OSBOKNE MOTOR CO. Broad Street Couthern PincB spent last week with her sister, Mrs. W. C. Byrd and children, Mary j Mrs. Dougald Cameron. On Saturday, Lou and Keith, of Albemarle, and Eu- they and Miss Marian Scarboro wer'i gene Keith of Carthage spent last j dinner guests of Mrs. Dock Hudson. Pigf ihK hate sixe . . . pigs that have weight . . . pig» that have frame and stretch ... you can have them if you feed your sows and pigs Purtoa Sow and Pig Chow ak>ng with your corn instead of grain alone. It’s a combination that helps make plenty uf sow’s milk for iucklins pigs. It’s a combinatioa that gives pigs a flying start. They’re up to 50 lbs. before you know it. Come in and get a few bags and see the difference it makes. McNeill & Co. Telephone 6255 Scut hem Pines www/wwwiwtwwwwww SOUTHERN PINES NORTH CAROLINA COUNTRY DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL Ideal locattoD In the Sandhills Ample grounds for all aports Recognised achoUutln standing Handicrafts, music and other arts KINDERGARTEN AND IXEMKN’i'ARY 8CI100L FUR BOYS AND aiRLS Higher forms for girls to be added in October MnXICKNT A. HAYES, PRINCIPAL, Sales Leader**Per&rmance Leader•• Wue Leader- mArS CHEVROLEJL lt*s first in sal«s •. just as it’s first in acceleration •• first in hill-climbing •. first in all-round value I Mo efftar car comWiMs off famoot fmaturms 1. ncunivi VAcnon MARswrr. 4. ••-HOISiroWIR VALVMfMHAVanU •• NTMAU. uc BXAxn. •• !!fSt“S^*">VA110M CM" VISISIUTT. Agwowietw tvs. TIM Wmi IMTCOVn SwatnoormiE. i. Twisn ror. *- tr«M. Qf eourae, it’s the sales leader! Qf oourtt, orer half ■ million 1939 CheiTolets have been sold, and the demand is steadily increasintl . • • Because people eveiywhere defi nitely know that Chevrolet is the style leader—the performance leader ~the value leader among all cars In its price range! * Visit your Chevrolet dealer and buy the car that’s 9rst in sales and first in value—a new 1939 Chevrolet! Over HAIFA MILLION /9JPCHEVR0LETS sold to date! ivry 40 smconds of every day, Sommbody buys a new Cfievroletl **9 —AW VINmA. II. NANS SIAKS MenNTia HMaia •MM AT Un. IS. STMCie.MSSN "••awea**"*’'* CNASSIS *•. "two unmnu. Tvai sstvt. • • Offti scoTM of otKm poftoM ' • •DWRAI. MOTOIW VMM MID-SOUTH MOTORS, Inc. Aberdeen North Carolina