Pupe SiK THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, December 8, 1939 Girl Scout Head Here Comings and Goings in Vass night, December 12. and the pubhc' is invited to enjoy the dellghtfuj pro gram of musical numbers and short Misses Jessie and Eloise, Dr. and plays. A. small admission foe will be |l Mrs. R. G. Ki)sser, Robert, John and charged. Janet Rosser, attended the golden Miss Angie M’aric Gilliland enter- wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. t:;ined a large group of friends at a Tom Rosser at their home near Jones- T l anksgiving party honoring the boro last week. members of the senior class of Vass- Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Craig and I-^kJview high school. Games and jt were won by Miss Havoliue Corner,; baby visited relatives at Fiiquay and contests were enjoyed Glenn Criss- Miss Eiiglish and Howard Gschwind. ; Sanford Friday. man was winner of a potato race, jj Thf> hostess .served a .salad course, j ^j. and Mrs T C Gaddy and hostes.s served a plate lunch. •: Those present included Misses Rosa, Miss Hattie Bell Gaddy of Sanford P Lee English, Marie Tyson, Louise visited in the A. K Thomnsnn Kiitertains for Niece Mrs. Charles Gschwind entertain ’d several members of the younger :et at a delightful party at her home 'riday evening honoring her niece, Miss I'tosa Lee EngliEh. Games and ontcsts were enjoyed and prizes visited in the A. K. Thompson home Callahan. BJthel Scarboro, Havoline sunda% Comer, Irene Whitaker and Hazel , k... u n, j Mary Prank McMilan of Crouse: Kdison Callahan, Ted and u , i. „ , . Fayetteville vi.sited her people here Henry Klingonschmidt, Marilyn Whit., , . ■ j during the week-end. aker, Edv.’ard and Howat'd Gschwind, IIILDKKMAX II.XS LK.XD IN C’OI.LEGE I’LAV l\ and Wilbur Edwards. Quarterly Conforenre The Rev. W. V. McRae, district superintendent of Fayetteville dis trict, will preach in the Vasa Metho dist Church Sunday evening, Decem ber 10, and following the sei'vice will conduct the first quarterly con ference of the year for the Aberdeen- \'ass charge. I HKLEN Ol'HENLANDEK ■Giving yoimg people an opportun ity to lea cm some of the serious Ihiiigs of life in an atmosphere of f»ui and congenial companionship is •»ne of the most important functions the Girl Scout organization today, according to Miss He!en Oppenland- tr of New York City. Misa Oppen. lander^ who is a member of the Girl Scout national staff^ arrived in Sou thern Pines Sunday and will stay will tomorrow. “In these turbulent and uncertain times, helping young people to learn facts and to think for themselves, *nd giving them definite standards to guide them in their development as citizens, has become a great re- ^ attended the football game spon.sibility,” Miss Oppenlander said. ■*Our future citizens, w'ho are sub ject to the most powerful instru- vients of propaganda that the world %as ever known, need many experi- «ncc.s for this development. Some of Mrs. T. F. Cameron spent Thanks giving with her sister, Mrs. Bright Andrews, noar Chapel Hill. Miss Doi'is Smith of Hope Mills visited Mi.ss Mariraret Bcttini Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Beal have an nounced the nriival of twins, a girl and a boy, at their homo in Vass on ^iuitl|rrn ^iiifs ^\irtl] (lijtrnliun A School for Hoys and Cirls KinJarfitrtcn through Eifilitli Grade I RjsidLmt Pupils (uid Duy Pupils Ilifili Scholastic Shuidiufi Music, Art, Ihuidicrufts, Sports. December Sth. Mr. and Mis. Ralph Crissman have backstage. announcs'l the aiiival of a son, /\ttatt a cariTM OF^FM Robert and John Rosser, students George Craig, at the Lee Ccunty Hos. Si-.ASON OPE. ED D . . . at the University at Chapel Hill, pj^r,] November 22. Mrs, Criss- spent the Thanksgiving holidays with ^aby have r?turned to their their parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. ppg,. Vass. Rosser. I Amateur night will be held at Miss Jessie Brooks of Wilson was Vass-Lakeview school Tuesday at home for the Thanksgiving holl- days. Miss Eloise Brooks of Buie’s Creek came for a week-end visit. Mr. and Mrs. H, A. Borst spent Thanksgiving Day in Raleigh and Miss Catherine Hilderman of Sou- ♦? them Pines a member of the Sopli- *t X* omore class at Woman’s College has jj the leading role in the next Play- l| I iker production at the college, “Our Town.’ Miss Hilderman is one of the out-standing acti esses with the |* group this year, having played an important role in the last play ■‘Girls In Uniform." She joined Play- || Likers If.st year, and has played sev- y eral parts and has done technical J» H Tor Cf'llt'se Preparatory and other courses for older girls Ml). M'LMJtVr A. HAYES, Principal 3FR 1ST. POST YOUR LAND NOW. WE HA VE THE POSTERS, ^ SPECI\L PRICES ON LARGE QUANTITIES. THE PILOT, .Xl’IM.N I ) M {S. C li lUC'li, S'l'. Hii.das SmrHKKNi I’lM'j, OR TO Mks. Haves tnese needs are an appreciation of Vie democratic process, such as Girl ^Scouts gain in their troops, by shar. tig experiences with others, and by pliinnmg their projects so that each member has an opportunity to make her own contribiition T.nd to accept Her own responsibility in a group «qtivity. "Other needs of young people to- tfjiy are opportunities to meet with «n(! understand people of different fcackgrounds, race and outlook, and ffie developments of skills and of in- iter resources, to give them a staimch philosophy and the courage of their •wn convictions," Miss Oppenlander fontinued. “Our revised Girl Scout program I gp^nding this week with relatives in with 10 fields of interests for girls 1 (jjpfiprisboro. in thr-e age groups from seven toj jj,.g .j. pj Lorine «ighteen offers just such oppcrtuni-, Royall, Jr.. of Lumberton were lies. In taking advantage of these j j,,jpppj. CT-uosts of Mr, and Mrs. C. L, raried activities. Girl Scout.‘ learnFriday evening. tiy doing. Thiough the various »jum-| q p McMillan spent Biunity service projects they develop, T^ianksgiving in Selma with Mrs. MU understanding of other pcoplesj McMillan. From there Mrs. *nd an appreciation of the -'^^fmdardSi went to Smithfield to visit *nd responsibilities of active partic-1 mj-s, Seth Lassiter. /[pation in community affairs. The Mj-g x. Cox and daughter, wide ftioice of arts and crafts P^o-! Mae, visited Mrs. Robert ■jiecLs^ music appreciation, literature, 3ogrgs and her new babv daughter at and th- variety of summer nnd win-' Friday. Mrs. A, M. Cameron and A. Mac Cameron visited in Buies Creek in Chapel Hill. | Mrs. J. D. Bundy and Mrs. Joe Bundy of Raleigh were Thanksgiv ing guests of Mr. and Mr.s. A. G. Edwards, Sr. | Harry Laubscher, who for the past while has been stationed at Folkton, spent from Thursday un til Sunday with Mrs. Laubscher. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Corbett and' daughter. Faye, attended Thanks- giving seiTices at Culdee Thursday and were accompanied home by Perry Wayne and Oscar McKenzie,' who remained i.:itil Saturday. E. B. Keith and sons. Junior and Billy, of Groen.sboro were guests of A. L. Keith and family Thursday un-! / I til Saturday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Caley Lawrence re turned Monday from a week-end visit with relatives in Hoke county. Mrs. A. L. Keith and baby are icr ou‘'-of-doors activities and ad tfentures included in the Girl Scout prr>g^,»in. offer many opportunities for the development of life long in terests,’’ Miss Oppenlander conclud- *4 Sea.l Sale Drive Helps Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tyson visited Mr. and Mis. W. A. Mcljeod of White Hill Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. L, C, Wallace of Carthage visited Mr. and Mrs. J. ' To Eliminate Disease 1*“ Tyson Sunday ^ ^ ; j Mr and Mrs. H. C. Callahan. Mrs. ;ft w:is announced this week that Callahan and Miss I^uise ^r>«Tiditures in Southern Pines in Callahan attended the wedding of Ae last year for its fight against! Miss Eva Callahan and J. W. Idol tuberculosis far exceeded the amount j High Point on Wednesday of las *«r money taken in from the 19381 SKa! Sale drive. The amount receiv-' Mrs. Garneth Falenstine NEW "ROYAL CLIPPER STYLING NEW EXCLUSIVE VACUUM-POWER SHIFT "THE lONOEST OF THE LOT" From front of grille to r«or of body (181 inches) Chevrolet for 1940 U the longest of oil lowest-priced corsi td was $447, while more than $1,000 ♦aK sr“nt ■ and Miss Anna Laubscher of High I Point visited Mr. and Mrs, Frank ' ;It is hoped by those in charge of Jeffreys Sunday. ifijs year’s sale that their annual' The W. T. Richardson family re- za.mpaign will more than wipe out the turned this week to their home at deficit and raise sufficient money i Trinity after residing in Vass or to . carry on the w'ork as they have j several months. Mr. Richardson was fteen doing. I superintendent of the Morristown Thank.s to the $9,50 00 contributed. Manufacturing Co. ! through the 1938 Pinehurst Sale and' Mr. and Mrs. W,\E, Gladstone vis- <Urther private donations through | iled relatives at Greensboro from. the year the County Committee has Wednesday until Sunday, | Ueen able to handle all phases of tu-| Mrs. G. W. Brooks and daughters, aerculo.sls w'ork in the Pinehurst dis trict and help some of the needier; PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES NEW SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS ' SUPER-SILENT VALVE-fN-HEAD ENGINE NEW FULl-VISION bodies by fisher 77if Special O** Luxe Sport Settan. SS02 ■ Everybody knows, it takes fine fea tures to make fine cars! . . . And Chevrolet for ’40 is the only car in the low-price field that has all the fine car features pictured at the left! . . . Furthermore, this briUlantly engineered Chevrolet is the lonf>est of all lowest-priced cars—it's "The Beauty Leader'^’—it has a degree of driving and riding ease all its own— and it definitely out-accelerates and out-climbs all other cars in its price range!. .. Small wonder, then, that it is also out-selling all other new cars for ’40... . Eye it, try it, buy it, and you’ll be thoroughly convinced that “Chevrolet’s FIRST Again!” 8S-H.P. VAIVE-IN-HEAD SIX £i|elt**Tiu|lt**Biu|lt! Chevrolets are Shipped to Dealers-NOT DRIVEN OVERLAND! ^0 ANO UP, *at Flint, Michigfin. Tronsportation bat^ on roU rofes, ifote and loco/ foxes (if any}, opfiono/ equipmtnf and aceessoriet—^Mfra. Pricei tub- /9ff fo chonge without AO’/ce. Bumper guordi—exfro on vioi* 85 SerMi. ABERDEEN MID-SOUXH IMOXORS, Itxc. NORTH CAROUNA F •tascs throughout the County. j This moans not only the care of j tciua! cases but a thorough over- jight of exposed people and a large} •mount of prevention work. One white man (who has a wife Mtid child) threareneri with this trou- •Fe was cared for and c.iiTied until | fte could get a job. Many hqve been nourishment, bedding and Pod IVer oil and have been saved. A «oIored minister has been cared for ir the Sanatorium and work has 4e6n found for his wife tt enable her 49'S’ rjport the family of seven. These “jre tj^pical cases. Due to the vigilance of the Com- m^ti o there ia now no case of the -it!Sease within three miles of Pine- IBnrSi REG’LAR FELLERS Tlie Clerk’s CoU.ar Was Uti Cc!vi;' B\ nit MY fbf> Wftr<TS A TUW-Oowrl ColLflR S\1£ A OUftl?rej? LIKE THi<i On£ I HavP ON^ WMAT STYLE W*»rtTS N'cwk Features. Inc.)

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