r \ FIRST IN NEWS, «;iKCULATI()N & ADVEUTISING VOL. 21, NO « CAMTHAOL 'O EACCe &PAINC9 lakeuiew MAHU6V SOliTWCPH JAO<00»1 SP«J|NOS asmley Pl‘4EfMllFP Mi)ORE tOl'NTY’S LKADING NKWS-WKEivI.Y A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding Soul horn Pines and Aberdeen. t;i ( aiolina. I ’riduy. ,lanuar> of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina A r- r. HENRY M LONDON, STATE LIBRARIAN, | PASSES IN RALEIGH State Leader Dies Knew As Much About North Carolina As Any Man of His Time SON A RKSIDKNT HERE Henry Miiupor London, fi North Carolinian who knew about as much about his state as any other man of hia time an^ who served in many and varied npacities. died last Saturday at his home, 301 North Rloiiiit street. Rrileijrh. He was the father of Cieorge Klliott London of Southern Pines, and leaves a host of admiring friends in the Sandhills. He vas GO years of aRe. Known amons: his friends as ‘‘the secretary of serretaries,” Mr. London since 1919 had been State LcRisla- tive Reference Librarian and had been actively identified with the official life of the state. F’lincral services were held in Hal- <iRh iSunday afternoon at the Church of the Good Shepherd. The Rt. Rev. E. A, Penii k, Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, and the Rev. Jameg McDowell Dick, lector of the church, conducted services. Later that aftrinoon brief services were held in St. Bartholomew’.^ Epi.s. copa) Church in Pittshoro with bur ial in the church yam there, Mr. London’s father and prandfnther are buried there; The Pittsboro .service was conducted by the Rev. f{.oyal Shannonhoiise the rector, and the Rev. Thad A. Cheatham of Pinehurat. XatliP of I’Iffslinro 500 EXi'hClED TO TILTON. MNALLY MMBERS QJIIETEl). TAKEN JAN. 12 NORTH P,V POLICE V' ' A ^ KIVK < New Pm6J ^rhool Building Assured Athern Pines •Indite Siler, McKehvay - Cibson .Man \Vh<»se .Arrest Here Was No. 3 For (Governor (Juarlet, Dunes ('lub Orchestra on Program AT CAROLINA HOTEL F(il!«)wed by Chief Canals' Death, Rec(n>;nizes |’ri<>nd WRIX'KKD HIS ( I:LL lU’.NUV M. I.ONDON RECOGNITION FOR BOY SCOUTS OF Accompanied by thnv officer.s i fiom his home, KImei- H. Tilton of i Ifolconib .V. Y,. a tourist who be-1 i'an\e (ieraiiKed ta.<?t week as he was 'iti his w.iy to Flr>rida, left the j Five himdred persons from all I parts of Moore county are expected j to attend next Friday's annual ban- (juet of the Chambers of Commerce of Aberdeen, Carthage, Pin>'hurst and Southern Pines, to be held in the i.„unty jai] last Friday to re-, main dining room of the Carolina Ho. ,,j,. interrupted vacation tel in Pinehursf. There has been a ti-jp brisk demand for titket.s, and the Tilti)n’.s mother, si.ster and no. biggest affair of its kind in th.' pi,pw arrived in ('nrthage Wednes-■ county’s history is anticipated. The ’ Southern Pines Senior and Junior , , , , ,, :mil leariing of his condition wired Chambers t)f Conmieree are spon- , .soring this 1910 banquet. | Thur.sday Former Superior Court Judge VVal- tor D. Siler^ reputedly one of the One of the New York deputies best after dinner speakers in the ^vas John liiley, an old friend whom state, will make the addres.s of the evening. Jerry Mack's Dunes Club i Orchestra will play during dinner, an^i ' the McKelway-Gib.son quartet com- MOORE COUNTY . prising the Hev. and Mrs. A. J. Me- sooi' as the l.-itter could Tilton bail known for >ears. Along with Sheriff McDonald Mr. Kiloy vent ti) Tilton’s cell door Thur.sdav County Commission and Educa- cafion FJoard .\ppn»\e Project For tirades and Auditorium TO START LV .H’LY l‘»41 A new public school building for Southern Pines has been approved by the Moore County Board of Com missioners and County Board of Commissioners and County Board of Kducation, accordinj' to announce ment made yesterday by Dr. Cieorge G. Herr, chairniar of the Southern Pines School Board A ten-room fiivproof building will be erected, the work to start in .luly, 1911, Dr. Herr stated, it will be utilized by the primary and elem. cntary grades, and will contain in addition a new auditorium to scat .«ix hundred. Construction will be modern in every detail, fireproof ihroughout, and with the last word in heating, lighting and ventilation. “It will be a building of which .Southern Pines may be justly proud,” formally entered the race for the;j,,,j(j Herr .ta to highest of lice in an announce- -pf,,, jocal school board has been AM.KN .1. MAWNKi.l. Mr. .\la.\wfll, for many year.“ North Carolina's Cornnii.ssit)ner of Revenue ami in 1032 a candidate for Governor District Taken In To Occonee- chee Council With lleadquar- (f*rs in It^ileiffh ‘■U’e are now' part of the Oca Kelway of Pinehurst an(^ the Rev. he questioned enough to hear Kiley's j and Mrs. \. Gibson of Sanford voice, he recognized it. I will sing. A few words of greetinj; 1 from each of the Chambers of Com- I I merce will t-ome from the Rev. S : A, Maxwell repre.senting Aberdeen , W. D. Sabi.ston representing- Carth- teen afraid to e.it, Sln riff .McDonald nient eaily this week. He is the third for a new building for to annuonce, Lieut. Gov. W P. Hor- primary and elementary grades ton of Pittsboro and Attorney J. M the past seven years. During that Broughton of Raleigh having tos.sed t^ese grades have had make- liiley was the first one who was their hats in the ring previously. quarters, the first and second able to calm the unfortunate man. HOSPITAL GROUP neeche Council with headquarters in'age, the Hev. Dr. T. A. Cheatham of lelaticl. for fear of being doped. He 0]^ WORK the city of Raleigh" Rev. Thomas A. f’inehurst and the Rev. J. Fred Stim- accepteii an orange from .\Ir. Riley \/l* lu Uil fl l/llfl ^ son of Southern Pinc's. Charles \V Williams of the Moore County Boy Mr. Irondon was boir. in Pitts- Scouts announced this week. “We and immediately began eating it. Lo- f\f|pi\lP D A CT VI? A D Picquet will be master of ceremonies, cal ofiii’eis had been unable to get l/l jlilny I 1 I I j/llt boro April It, 1K79, son of Major have been anxiou.'ily awaiting this'j|,^. Tickets are on sale by members of, him to give up i> small piece of iron Henry Armand London and Betty news for some time. Now that it (img stores and newsstands at SI. 10 Jackson London. He received his A. ,,,,, B. degree from the Univer.'^itv of ^ I- . , ‘ gratitude by attending the first an- — ■ North Carolina in 1890 and was • ^ i i ■> i i- permanent president of that cla.'^s. meeting of oui (.ouncil sincc' OeS 1 Iltlfllv 1 llOiiO He studied at George Wa.shingtor. our acceptance .-us a part of the (")cco. ^oi" ('hristllKlS Liffhtirijl^’ (Please turn to page two) i neec hoe Council." ; I Moore c-c.iuity will play an impor- Mrs-Hayes’Shop Awarded First Howarth Takes Office *■' store rrize, anci .Mrs (leorj-e 1$- \u Kivi-iiiic '^’illianis .-.aid submitting the follow- (jraff First Residential I’rize 1 1 CSKlt. Ill program for the services to be held at Carolina Inn, Chapel Hill, The members of the Junior Cham- Tuesday, January 9: bor of Coninierce are sincerely grate- ‘J.OO p. m., Registration: 2:30 p. fui to the merchants and citizens of uganizations and at which he had taken from a plumbing Club Members Hear Reports From Corttmittee Leaders on .Activities fixture, but at Riley’s command, he handed it over. Siiperhuinaii Strength Sheriff McDonald .said that he be lieved Tilton was the strongest man he had ever seen, .\fter he had wreck. Ill the fir.st c’ell in which he was ■onfined. it required four or five Moore County llo.<.-pit:ii Auxiliary, men to remove him to another cell. Howi ver. he showed no i t sistance when the lime came to start home. Officor Kili'V handed him some At its weekly meeting held in Ab_ erdeen Weclnesdaay. the Sandhills Ki- wanis Club heard reports from chair, meu of the various committees, cov_ ‘ring the group's activities during 1939. Also at the meeting President Vance Rowe who has served as head of the local Kiwanians for the past year, turned over the office to lohn Howarth. recently elected pres. Ho(,ver Committee ‘‘■‘"“t. tion of Silver Beaver: C:00 In reliuqui.shing his office. Judge j..^_ m., C.eneral As.sembly and Welcome this eommunily whose coo^ioration to Chapel Hill; 3:00 p. m.. Ciroup jmd supjiort made possible the suc- Conferencc's Group 1, Scoutmasters ,.,.ss (-f the Jay-Cees' Christmas :-nd Troop Committeemen; Group 2, ijfrhting program. Ccmncil and Di.-^trict Officials: 1:30 I'lje organization wi.sV.e.'! especially j,, .Southern Pines Ih.il Chief p. m., Itece.ss. i,, thank the donors numbering in alli^^j. j \ Car^is 'hoppe l dead At ,"rOO p. m.. Rusine.ss meeting of iu>aiiv 100, whose financial aid '.as ('firislm.i.-' d.iv. Council Groups 1 and 2 together: „,,|t,.rially responsible for the in-1 Reports of Committees: Executives ,.j.,>;jsed scope of thi.5 ye:irs’ project. Rej.ort: Report of Nomin.iting Com- Christmas decorations in homes ' nailintM' 10 ^P^)llS<»l ^ mittee: Kloftion of Officers: Report ,j,jj (jusine.s.s hon.ses in Southern I'jJlstCl* Sun!"l'>t' St'TN ICC Elec- pi„ps this year were all so well done P- Ih.'it it took members of the Garden Kitr I‘'ii)irf Comnmnily ce.’^s: ti:rjO p. m . Tenth Anniver. Club of Alierileen, who ac ted Rowe expre.ssed his appredation to spon.sored by the Ki- j„,jg,,s j,, the Jay-Cc'e contc*st [of the the member.M for their loyal support j^,,^ary Clubs of Chapel holiday displays, five trips to during his term of office. Mr. How- jnve.=titure of Afoore County as warth, in as.suming his new dute.s, of the Council; Highli-rhts promised continuance of the work Picture, Song and Story; (luring the last year and outlined cjjjvp,. no.-iver Pre.sentation; Installa- his policies for 1910. officers; Anniversary .\d- rtalph Ch.indler was elected as a p,,. Frank P. Graham. director of the club, to fill the va. ’ _ , cancy caused by the resignation of <j. TIIOMl’SOV, .IK. Eugene Stevens, who said he was UKSlfiNS NV.\ POSITION unable to serve. I town before the.v finally decided upon An Ka.stcr -Sunn.se service v. ill bo held during Ivistor Week in South- In the residential class. Mrs. Geo- i-rn l’uu;^ it was decided ye.sterday rge B. Graff won the first prize of nt a meeting of the directius of the .S.'j.OO while duplicate sc'cond prizes Chamber of Commerce. Th grades in the old Baptist Church ! building on West Vermont .avenue, others in the building erected four ears ago on Ridge street for courses in home eccmomic.'i and in- iiistrial arts. This latter structure will he available for its intended puri)ose upon completion of the new building, and the old Baptist Church (^ount>' .Viixiliar>’ Complimented building, acquired by the School |{y Hospital President Board by Purchase several years on 1 Record .'igo, can be sold. — The main school building on May Impressive repoT'ts of vork :iccom. .•.‘ii-et. after 1011, will bo used exclu- pli.shcd diiiiiig 193!' were ii .'d Wed. .'-ively for high school purposes. ne.sday at the annual n.c ting of the change's and alterations will be made lo provide a complete plant. The fine educational rc'cord of the .M 'tnbi'i's of the or«::uitz:ition wore . . , , , . .Southern Pines .school during recent hi>;hly ( (impl.mentcil by C.eoige II. has been establi.shed under the -M.iurici', ;>! .'siili’nt o! the Hi'.spitaJ. f;..i;i(iicap of tompcrnry qiiarter.s. and “U ttieir siili'ndi'l riToril. .M".;. Paul '!io annour.centent of the new build- cli'thc-s ,iiul told him to pi ' ni . tiring ;i.'! pri'.sident of the j^g putting the grade i)iipil>-’ all un- .\uxili;iry alter thrci’ terni;: nf :«'i'V- i-nof, leaving the high school ice, V.<■!(unicil thi' new i^ia.rniar, j(.; ,,-^vn building, will be i-eceived .Mis. .1. M( Ki'lw.iy. vith enthusiasm. The School Board, I'ui'Mi).; Il'ie p.i.':t yc’ar, from dues, v.iiich comprises Dr. Heir. Mrs. ,1. I'MitI'il'utiops. .ii'.d thi' proc'cds oi ^ MilUken. Krank Maples. X. L. uiont.y-raisin^ acfivifii'S. the Auxii- Hcdf'ki'.is and John Hownrt’i, is to iaiy ii’c.'iv'd I."lO.(10. It made a con.gratulated on the success of I.lirin.uo cash donation to the hos. i(. (>ff(,rts. The County Cmimission j'it;\l, whirli w:'s uscil chiefly for| p|,^| ;^(.hool Board are due the thank.'^ fiirnishing the new .Viir.--s’ Home. f,f South'-rn Pines for authorizing Tl\.' Kquioment C.inimitt' c, headed; )],p fund.s nece.ssary for the much by Mrs Preston T. Kelsey, sjient' project, reiu'lv .s.'i.OOO OO in mlding to and im- provin- the equipm.'nt nf Uu' H.v- QuotaS I'or jiit.il propi'i-. .\ vry siici essful to- t t • rntor was in.stalled. tho oift of a wStatC I )U0 ,Ian!»aTV 1.) .Ml ir.ber. Al. ei'.mu’l waro through.; or.t thi- liiii’.p.irr '.as repi.ued with Flue-Cured .\i!olen(s tor '^'ear stainless steel. : Are Expected to Yield IKi,- Mrs. 11. P. Hotchki.ss, chairman' Stil.OOO Pounds .seivii'C "f the Supi.ly Committee, reported which he did .'ilid he folliiWed the cfficers ijiui'tly. Thoy planned to take him dir.', tly to ;i ho.spital, Sher. iff Mi Do-iidii .said. It was I'ollowi i^ the .am .st of 1 i'- I’lanned al Meetinu of Southern Tines (Jroup were awarded to Mrs. George Moore will be for thr Mnen : Flue-cureii tobacco allotments un. entire community, ^'n expenditure of $1,200.00 for Mr . . bhnk.ts towels and similar irator-ider the Agricultural Conservation and Mrs. James Spring. Honorable and the program is in the capabh^ ^ ^ ^ of -rogram will he in the hands of in- mention in this class went to Mrs, K. haml.s of Charles W. • The meeting ex-' dividual growers by Jamiary 15, it A. Tracy, L. D. McDonald. Mrs. Km- , will .select his own committee of appreciation of the was announced yesterday by E. Y. mett French and Louis Scheipers. i sistant.';. i' , , . ^ v,,- \ a pvomtivo officer of a„nou„c..a Ih.i th. «».ker: j,. «tni» ■d nmd.s* for^.stration. in repairing and making! will give growers ample time to make r ,11= inn linen This work wa.s done with-; their farm plans for the coming pro- Home wa.s awarded second prize of, planting during the year, and lis-|up (Please turn to Page Four! | cussod other pnyect.^ for 19(0. at next week’s meeting will be Allen Pine.s re.signod as Assistant State | ^^.OO for its Madonna ’ Scmthern Pines Country Club, the di-.pii'ls of the National Ymith window display. Clark’s I''uneral ‘ rectors also appropriate No Epidemic J. Maxwell, a yearly Pinehurst visi-, j^j„,inistrator of the National 'Youth tor, who has thrown his hat into'y\j],^j„i^t.ration to accept a position the ring for the North Carolina gub-|(jc| field representative of the Southern crnatorial nomination. | Summer School for Workers with The club’s budget was read by the; headquarters at High Point. Thomp- executive secretary at yesterday’s son formerly was n.ssistant city edl- business meeting and was formally j tor of the Raleigh News and Observ- accepted. | er. Chairmen of committees who pre-1 .scnted their year's reports were; Ag riculture, Peter Pender; Sandhilleers; Charles W. Picquet; .Vocational gui. ance, John Howarth; Publicity, How. ard Bums; Public affairs and pro gram, R. L. Chandler; Underprivi leged children, the Rev T; A. Cheat ham; Church attendance, Eugene Stevens; Educational, the Rev. J. | Fred Stimson (read by Judge Rowe); | inter.chih relations, J. Talbot John-| son; Membership and Classification, Dr. E. M. Mi diin. ) I'ick Tai’ton, giving the treasur-^ e-'s -. foit. said Uie club was in ex-, celler;. financial condition. | Little Influenza in Moore County, Physicians Inform School Board Rpports from the doctors of the County Board of Kducation this Department in a stattiment to the f'Miiily Boadr of Education this we. k indicates that there is very htt!'? influen7a in Moore county yt tnis time. Schools will not close ‘■'^r the timo being. out cost to thP Auxiliary or the hos.iduction year, and to prepare plant pital. : beds to a’.'>et their requirements. Award Of Automobile To Close Aberdeen Community House Drive ^ The Social Service Committee as-1 The State's flue-cured allotment sistcd 10 discharged pauent.s by gifts will be .509,534 acres, expected to Cr/crt/K? fitm to pope three) yield 446,861,000 pounds on the basis of 877 pounds per acre, Floyd said. AL MEETINTi S. I*. LlBHARVj The national acreage allotment is The culmination of an intensive drive for funds to complete the new Aberdeen Community Hou.se building will be the awarding of a brand new 1940 automobile at a public gathering in the Aberdeen Theatre on Saturday afteraoon, January 13th. following the regular matinee. The money Is being raised through the .sale of tickets at one dollar and at the conclusion of the meeting in choice. Tickets are on sale throughout the county—in Southern Pines at the Franjean shop and the Welch Gift Shop. The New Aberdeen Community House was designed by Aymar Em bury II of New York and is under constniction by tlie National Youth Administration. The campaign is be ing waged in a most worthy cause. the theatre, someone will drive off'The building will answer a long felt in a F(,rd or Chi Violet fresh from neorl, not only for Aberdeen but for the stork o'" the Moore Motor Com-'the commi.nity as i \'hole. A gener. pany or MM ^’oI•th Motors, Inc. The ous rc'sponsc by ci‘iz*ns throughout fortunate one will have hi." -or her the section is anticipated. ASS’N. WI1.L BE HEI.n MONDAY 749,660 acres, expected to yield 663,. 558.000 pounds. The Annual meeting of the South, ern Pines Library A.s.sociation will .XNNITAI. MEETING MEN'S be held at the Library on Monday,, C'H'B KL.KCTION OF OFFICERS ■Tanuarv' 8th at 5:00 o’clock in the af-j temoon. Reports of the trustees will: The annual meeting of the Men’s ho made and elections h«>ld. Four [ Hub of Southern Pines wns held in trustees to serve for three terms. I the club house at four o’c’ock New .^nd all the officer* are to he elect- Year's f^'V. All the officers and pj I trustees v.e'.e i‘'elected. Dr. George All members of the Library are, G. Herr. },n.!*ident, Walter T. Ives, ’iv virtue of their mrmbership. en- vice pre.sidcMit, E. J. Woodward, s«c- Mtled to 9. -'ote in the meeting; and retpry-tr isi rer and C. W. Keslam, <t 1s ho-e- t' nt there will be a S. B. Richardson and E. W. Barton, full atteniiar. . ; trustees.

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