FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCl LATION & , ADVERTISING A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 21, NO. 8 LAKEView E.NO HAHUKY SPC^iNOS PtnK8 ASHU6V MfttQHTS piMceuiM PILOT MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen,North Carolina. Friday. January 11), FSA AIDS FARMERS Countywide Banquet Was IN ADJUSTING | Highly Successful Event DEBT PROBLEMS County Committees Working I With Farm Debt Adjustment Render Valuable Service Judife W’alter Siler Eulojo^izes Groundhog as Hearers Nod Assent HEARINGS CONFIDENTIAL Walter D. Siler of Siler City, for. mer assistant attorney general of North Carolina, was guest speaker at the third annual Moore County Chamber of Commerce banquet held Eagle Awards Four Members of Troop 3 Re ceive Highest Honor In Scouting Four E^gle Scout awards, the highest honor given a Scout, were made in the Southern Pines High School auditorium Friday evening, January 11, to Scouts John Berry, Allison Fields, Lyle McDonald and John Raymond, all of Troop 3, Sou thern Pines. This was the largest number of eagle badges ever awarded at one "Any North Carolina farmer who has difficult debt problems will bej l^riday night at the Carolina Hotel assisted in adjusting these debts by Pinehurst with approximately 350 voluntary county committees work. 1 and visitors in attendance, ing with the Farm Debt Adjustment,! introduced section of the Farm Security Admin j Senator M. G. Boyette of Istration," said Harry F. Watkins, of j Carthage, spoke in humorous vein on Raleigh, farm debt adjustment sup-!’^® greatness of-"the lowly ground, ervisor who visited here for a con.| and the tumultuous applause ference with BMward G. Odom coun. < '^•’ich his 45.minute speech drew was ' court of awards in Moore county, ty rural rehabilitation supervisor fo^j evidence of the hearty approval of The program began at 8 .00 p. m. Moore county. I hearers. Asked the question. "What can a| president of the farmer do who is worried about Presid. debts?’’ Mr. Watkins said. “Thous-j^^* absence of President cAan ands pf farmers are solving debt| following the ^ problems by taking them up with, invocation, which was spoken by the Scouts the county Farm Debt Adjustment Cheatham of Pinehurst, Committees. These committees are at Stimson in be. the service of North Carolina farm-;half of the Southern Pines Senior Claude Humphreys^ scout execut ve ers in every county, without cost, j Junior organizations, spon- , council, who^ after welcom ng Mr. Watkins explained that all, the banquet, welcomed Moore county as part of the Occo. committee hearings are confidentia! ^ the visitors and the organizations at. I (Please turn to page five) “Debt adjustment, ’ he stated, “is a tending, which included the senior I ' ^ service carried on in itrict confidence! Chambers from Aberdeen, Carthage ^ A DAI IjW A D ^ 1 to avoid embarrass; lent to either and Pinehurst and the Carthage Jun-' * debtor or creditor. A farmer can ap.j i”*'-'’- Responses were by J. Talbot i ply for help to the county rural re.j Johnson of Aberdeen and Charles habilitation supervisor of the Farmj Turner of the Carthage Jay.Cee, Security Administration. j both of whom spoke in pleading’ man. Questioned about how the commit- tee operates, Mr. Watkins said: | Realization of the attainment ofl "The local farm debt adjustment; the purpose of the meeting, which Officials, Dealers and Ewployees I. N. CLEGG, JR., OF CARTHAGE LEADS PARALYSIS FIGHT County Chairman Announces; His l.eaders For the Campaign I BIRTHDAY BALL PLANNED! fEUliX. FIVE CENTS In Business 43 Years with John M. Howarth, retiring chair, man of the Moore County Court of Honor, presiding. The various honors earned since the October Court of Awards were first presented to from Carthage, Hemp and both Southern Pines troops. The chair was then turned over to GROUP BANQUETS IN SANDHILLS committee asks the farmer who is | was to bring the people from through, applying for help to list all of hlajout the county together in a social crerlitors and give a history of hia; way in order to foster an even financial diflicuUies. After going! greater spirit of cooperation and over the case, the local committee makes suggestions for reaching a fair settlement. "In working out these adjustments, each case Is considered on Its own merits, and the .special needs of the , banquet program, presided over the farmer and his creditors are taken remaining entertainment features, into account. Committees have no , Please turn to page four legal right to enforce their recom.' (Pirate turn to page eipht) , PrOmoted tO Tx)cal Teams WiiT()ne Vagabond Theatre Staff Double; Divide Another Former Director Sandhills 3- Arts Group Havin? Success- Girls* Rout Wi(h Vass-Lakeview, fnJ Sea.son in Baltimore Most Thrilling Game of Current Season Sales Activities for 1940 at Meeting VECKER PRESIDES oneness, was felt on every hand, for good fellowship prevailed as the unit- The sales meeting of the Carolina ed group enjoyed the various events ’ Power and Light Company for 1940 of the evening. I was held Friday evening at the Charlie Plcquet, chairman of the' Church of Wide Fellowship with 130 officials, dealers and employees pres, ent for the banquet, which was serv. ed by Mrs. George White’s group of the Women’s society of the church. Among the officials from Raleigh, who presided over the meeting; H. 0. Tsley, residential and commercial sales manager; C. M. Rackliffe, in. dustrial sales manager; M. T. Dim. lap, distribution and .sprvice mana ger: K, N. Pope, advertising mana. ger. and others. Jackson Leo, for the past t%vo win. q-yip principal topic for discussion ters drama director of the Saiidhiil.s ^^33 sales activities for 19(0. The Southern Pinos High .School Three Arts Group, has been appoint-j Dealers from A.