FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCl LATION & , ADVERTISING A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 21, NO. 8 LAKEView E.NO HAHUKY SPC^iNOS PtnK8 ASHU6V MfttQHTS piMceuiM PILOT MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen,North Carolina. Friday. January 11), FSA AIDS FARMERS Countywide Banquet Was IN ADJUSTING | Highly Successful Event DEBT PROBLEMS County Committees Working I With Farm Debt Adjustment Render Valuable Service Judife W’alter Siler Eulojo^izes Groundhog as Hearers Nod Assent HEARINGS CONFIDENTIAL Walter D. Siler of Siler City, for. mer assistant attorney general of North Carolina, was guest speaker at the third annual Moore County Chamber of Commerce banquet held Eagle Awards Four Members of Troop 3 Re ceive Highest Honor In Scouting Four E^gle Scout awards, the highest honor given a Scout, were made in the Southern Pines High School auditorium Friday evening, January 11, to Scouts John Berry, Allison Fields, Lyle McDonald and John Raymond, all of Troop 3, Sou thern Pines. This was the largest number of eagle badges ever awarded at one "Any North Carolina farmer who has difficult debt problems will bej l^riday night at the Carolina Hotel assisted in adjusting these debts by Pinehurst with approximately 350 voluntary county committees work. 1 and visitors in attendance, ing with the Farm Debt Adjustment,! introduced section of the Farm Security Admin j Senator M. G. Boyette of Istration," said Harry F. Watkins, of j Carthage, spoke in humorous vein on Raleigh, farm debt adjustment sup-!’^® greatness of-"the lowly ground, ervisor who visited here for a con.| and the tumultuous applause ference with BMward G. Odom coun. < '^•’ich his 45.minute speech drew was ' court of awards in Moore county, ty rural rehabilitation supervisor fo^j evidence of the hearty approval of The program began at 8 .00 p. m. Moore county. I hearers. Asked the question. "What can a| president of the farmer do who is worried about Presid. debts?’’ Mr. Watkins said. “Thous-j^^* absence of President cAan ands pf farmers are solving debt| following the ^ problems by taking them up with, invocation, which was spoken by the Scouts the county Farm Debt Adjustment Cheatham of Pinehurst, Committees. These committees are at Stimson in be. the service of North Carolina farm-;half of the Southern Pines Senior Claude Humphreys^ scout execut ve ers in every county, without cost, j Junior organizations, spon- , council, who^ after welcom ng Mr. Watkins explained that all, the banquet, welcomed Moore county as part of the Occo. committee hearings are confidentia! ^ the visitors and the organizations at. I (Please turn to page five) “Debt adjustment, ’ he stated, “is a tending, which included the senior I ' ^ service carried on in itrict confidence! Chambers from Aberdeen, Carthage ^ A DAI IjW A D ^ 1 to avoid embarrass; lent to either and Pinehurst and the Carthage Jun-' * debtor or creditor. A farmer can ap.j i”*'-'’- Responses were by J. Talbot i ply for help to the county rural re.j Johnson of Aberdeen and Charles habilitation supervisor of the Farmj Turner of the Carthage Jay.Cee, Security Administration. j both of whom spoke in pleading’ man. Questioned about how the commit- tee operates, Mr. Watkins said: | Realization of the attainment ofl "The local farm debt adjustment; the purpose of the meeting, which Officials, Dealers and Ewployees I. N. CLEGG, JR., OF CARTHAGE LEADS PARALYSIS FIGHT County Chairman Announces; His l.eaders For the Campaign I BIRTHDAY BALL PLANNED! fEUliX. FIVE CENTS In Business 43 Years with John M. Howarth, retiring chair, man of the Moore County Court of Honor, presiding. The various honors earned since the October Court of Awards were first presented to from Carthage, Hemp and both Southern Pines troops. The chair was then turned over to GROUP BANQUETS IN SANDHILLS committee asks the farmer who is | was to bring the people from through, applying for help to list all of hlajout the county together in a social crerlitors and give a history of hia; way in order to foster an even financial diflicuUies. After going! greater spirit of cooperation and over the case, the local committee makes suggestions for reaching a fair settlement. "In working out these adjustments, each case Is considered on Its own merits, and the .special needs of the , banquet program, presided over the farmer and his creditors are taken remaining entertainment features, into account. Committees have no , Please turn to page four legal right to enforce their recom.' (Pirate turn to page eipht) , PrOmoted tO Tx)cal Teams WiiT()ne Vagabond Theatre Staff Double; Divide Another Former Director Sandhills 3- Arts Group Havin? Success- Girls* Rout Wi(h Vass-Lakeview, fnJ Sea.son in Baltimore Most Thrilling Game of Current Season Sales Activities for 1940 at Meeting VECKER PRESIDES oneness, was felt on every hand, for good fellowship prevailed as the unit- The sales meeting of the Carolina ed group enjoyed the various events ’ Power and Light Company for 1940 of the evening. I was held Friday evening at the Charlie Plcquet, chairman of the' Church of Wide Fellowship with 130 officials, dealers and employees pres, ent for the banquet, which was serv. ed by Mrs. George White’s group of the Women’s society of the church. Among the officials from Raleigh, who presided over the meeting; H. 0. Tsley, residential and commercial sales manager; C. M. Rackliffe, in. dustrial sales manager; M. T. Dim. lap, distribution and .sprvice mana ger: K, N. Pope, advertising mana. ger. and others. Jackson Leo, for the past t%vo win. q-yip principal topic for discussion ters drama director of the Saiidhiil.s ^^33 sales activities for 19(0. The Southern Pinos High .School Three Arts Group, has been appoint-j Dealers from A.<?heboro. Liberty, girls’baj?ketball team won over Vasa.; et] technical dlrectov of the Vaga. jsner City, Sanford, Troy, Carthage, Lakevlew last Friday night In one of bond Theatre. Baltimore’s Civic the- wadesboro, Rockingham. Hamlet. Maxton, Lumberton. Fairmont, Red Springs and other towns in this area were present. An afternoon meeting, mainly for employees, was held. I. N. Clegg, Jr., of Carthage has' been appointed chairman for Moore | county In the 1940 “Fight Infantile' Paralysi.'f" campalgrn. In accepting the appointement, Mr. Clegg announced the appointment of the following community chainrf^ for the county; AX. F. Grantham, Southern Pines; Charles Turner Carthage; Clifton Blue, Aberdeen; Fl-ank McCaskill, Pinehurst; M. C. DcDonald. Jr., West End; K. F. Lowry. Cameron; Vick Keith, Vass; and R. E., Hemp. The coimty chairman was named by Arthur Carpenter, Knoxville, Tenn,. i-eglonal director of the Committee for the celebration of the President's Birthday. "This Is part of a national cam paign carried on annually to money for combating this dread di.s. ease which attacks without warning, usually upon children," the county chairman said. "It will reach its height during the last two weeks In January, and will conclude with the celebration on Jan. 30th of the birth day of President Roosevelt, who i.^ a former victim of the disease. "The campaign plans vary in dif. ferent communities, but in general will Include a "March of Dimes” campaign, a "March of Sport," and various parties and special events." A Moore county Pre.sident’s Ball will be held In Carthage sometime during the last week of January. The date will be announced later. Bov Scout Executive Talks to Kiwanis Club Claude Humphries Di.scusses Scouting as Character Building .\Kency C. T. P.\TCH Mr. Patch, whose mercantile busi. ness has kept pace with the growth of Southern Pines, is one of the vtown's most progressive business men. METHODIST GROUP HOLDS MEETING IN ABERDEEN Stewardship Is Central Jheme as District Stewards Con sider Objectives GOLDEN CROSS REPORT DUNCAN S. BLUE DIES FOLLOWING LONG ILLNESS Funeral Services at Cuidee on Monday for Prominent Eureka Farmer WAS CHCTRCH OFFICER the most unusual and thrilling con. | atre. tests ever held here. j .iVssuming his position in October, The Vass.Lakevlew girls held the j Mr. Lee has been in charge of the locals scoreless in thet first halfj production department for four plays while they plied up 8 points, but In the second half the Southern Pines girls held the Vass.Lakevlew team scoreless while they scored their 9 points for a 9.8 victory. Fowler with 5 points was high scorer for South, em Pines. The local boys eked out a victory from the Vass.Lakevlew boys by a score of 25 to 14. Bob Durant was high scorer with 9 points. Southern Pines teams split a dou. ble.header with Cameron Tuesday night. The local boys defeated Cam eron by the very close score of 18 to 15. Cameron, trailing all the way, came back In the last quarter In a scoring spree, but it was not enough to win. Boney was hlgh.scorer with 6 points. ’The local girls lost to last year’s Moore county champions of Camer. on High to the tune of 39 to 23, with Fowler accounting for 13 points for Southern Pines. Both boys and girls of the South, em Pines High School will play Hoff- man at Hoffman tonight. Friday, the first game getting under v'ay at 7:30 o’clock. * STATE SANATORIUM WANTS OLD PLAVINO C.\RDS If anyone having dfscarded but usable playing cards will leave them with Miss Roberts, opposlt- Uunl- clpal Park she will take them to the State Sanatorium where they will be much apprfcclated. already this sea.son. They include "Family Portrait," “The Petrified Forest," "The Lovely Galatea,’’ an operetta and "Yes, My Darling Daughter.” His scene designs will be used in the theatre’s production of "Bachelor Bom.” Upon leaving Southern Pines last spring, Mr. Lee became associated with the Severn River Players, a summer stock group operating near Annapolis and sponsored by the Vag. abonds. Here, in addition to working on production, he played featured parts in "Room Servic‘d," "Whistling In the Dark,” "French Without (Pleate turn to page eight) LIBRARY BENEFIT CONCERT A coming musical event of out. standing importance in Southern Pines will be a recital sponsored by the Southern Pines Library Associa. tlon, by Eari Spicer, baritone, of New York, on the evening of February 2th. Mr. Spicer, known as "America’s foremost ballad singer," will present a program of old English and Amer ican ballads. Further details will be announced later. COUNTY CLERK RETURNS TO WORK .\FTER ILLNESS John Wlllcox. Clerk of the Court of Moore county, returned to his of fice last week after a month’s ab sence due to illness. Mr. Wlllcox says that he is "feeling fine.’" SCHOOL BOARD SELECTS FIRST UT:DNESDAY for MEE'nXGS The members of the school board of Southern Pines have selected the first Wednesday of each month for their regular meetings. At the last meeting with every member present, they authorized the purchase of 102 new wooden chairs to replace some of the old steel chairs in the high school auditorium. A great deal of thought, though tentative is being directed to the new school building which is to be started in 1041. Members of the local board are: Dr. G. G. Herr, chairman; N. L. Hodgkins, Secretary; Mrs. James Mil. liken, Frank Maples and John Howarth. S. P. ALL.STARS WIN VICTORY OVER CARTHAGE JAY-CEES Southern Pines All.Stars defeat, ed the Carthage Jay.Cees by a score of 39.25 at Southern Pines Wednes day night in one of the fastest bas. ketball games of the season. The clash wras sponsored by the South, em Pines High School Athletic As. sociatlon. This was the second defeat suf fered by the Jay.Cees at the hands of the All.Stars. the latter having won by a 2.point margin in Carth. age earlier in the season. The Snndtiill.s Kiwnni.s Club met lasj^ Wedne.sdny at the Pine Needles ■lotrl for its lopular weekly meeting. \ftpr ttip introduction of George Pot. tie of .Southern Pine.s and R. H. fioy. nolils, a Kiwnnian of Ruleiph, who is ITarold Blue; two sisters. Miss Flora the chairman of the Occonecchoe Blue and Mr.=i. J. M, Blue, and 13 Duncan S. Blue, 68, prominent far. mer of the Eureka community, died at Duke Hospital, Durham, early Sunday morning. Mr. Blue had been ill for several months. The funeral service was held at Cuidee Presbyterian Church at 11;00 o’clock Monday morning with a large gathering of relatives and friends In attendance. The Rev. John W. Crinkley, pastor, was assi.sted in the service by Dr. S. A. Maxwell, Meth odist minister of Aberdeen, and the Rev. W. S. Golden^ Pre.sbyterian min. ister of Carthage. Mr. Blue had served faithfully as an officer in the Cuidee church and both his pastor and Mr. Golden paid high tribute to the upright life and example of this man. Surviving are his widow; five (io»ghter.«, Mrs. J. B. Blue, Mrs. Tur. nor Fields, Mrs. Hoimnn P. Davis, Mrs. Allie Mao Garrison and Mrs. Kdith Black; six sons, T. Alton, Worth. Carlton, Kdgnr. John and The League of Steward.s of Fay. ettevilie dl.strict met Sunday after, noon in Page Memorial Church in Aberdeen with the district lay lead, er, Dr. M. L. Matthews of Sanford, presiding. Dr. Matthews, for the Conference Board of Lay Activities, discuscsed the objectives for the year, and urg. ed that the official board of each church be given a definite course in stewardship taught by the pastor or a qualified layman. Dr. W. K. Greene and Dr. F. S. Aldridge of Duke University, Dur- liam, were visiting speakers. Dr. Greene, whose subject was “Christian Stewardship,” defined Christian stewardship as "a state of mind and a mode of conduct," and a Christian steward as "a loyal part, ner and trusted representative of the Lord Jesus Christ on this earth." Dr. Greene also presented a brief out. line of the program to be held in Edenton Street Church in Raleigh on February 6. Dr. Aldridge made a stirring ap. peal for the Golden Cross and gave figures showing the advance made In this work in Fayetteville ‘district in the past few years. ‘ Dr. S. A. Maxwell of Aberdeen spoke on "The Methodist Advanrie.” The Rev. W. V. McRae, district superintendent, spoke briefly and presented the Rev. Mr. Crawford of Raeford, who gave an illustrated talk on “Where the Methodist Dollar Goes.” Mrs. Garg-is Given $1200 In Husband’s Death Council of Boy Scouts, as guests, J. Talbot John.son introduced the speak, er. Claude Humphnes. Mr. Humphries, executive of Oc. coneechee Council of which Moore coimty Is a part, spoke on the con-1 tributlon Scouting is jVnaking in | grandchildren, all of Moore county. .IKS.SE U. r ,JK.. ATTENDS MEETING IN ( HICAGO W. Page, Jr., formerly of Aberdeen, but now of P.ige William, building character above all else, the .son. Inc., In Charlotte left early this problems of boys In their teens and; week for Chicago to attend the first the methods used in Scouting to help j annual meeting of the National Air solve these juvenile yet all-important Conditioning Association January 15- questlons. He emphasized the chal. 18, lenge Scouting Is making to all men Mr. Page Is president of the to do their part in leading and help. North Carolina Air Conditioning As. Ing boys, through the various me. sociatlon and Is a member of the thods of the scout troops. temporary National Council of the association. E. C. STEVENS TAI.KS TO The North Carolina branch of the ROT.VRY' CLUB FRIDAY association, formed about a year ago. comprises in Its membership all of The Southern Pines Rotary Club the licensed air conditioning distrib. held its regular meeting; at the) utors, dealers and contractors in the Southern Pines Country Club last' State. The purpose of the associa-, Friday. The gathering was address- tlon Is to furnish a medium for dis. ed by Eugene C. Stevens who gave! seminatlng valuable technical and a most Interesting talk, his subject j trade information among members of being the Sovlet-Flnnlsh war. One, the Industry. of a number of U. S. railroad men | — In the Murmansk rail sector during i \\\ j. H.VRRINOTON OF WHITE the bitter winter of 1918, Mr. Ste. vens was able to bring a vivid pic. tuie of the frozen, swampy terrain over which the combatants are now struggling. HILL C-OMMITS SUICIDE PINE DODGERS HELD annual MEETINO TUESDAY The Pine Dodgers held their annual meeting at the Southern Pines coun. try Club Tuesday, Mrs. Roy Grin, nell was elected captain, and Mrs, George London aecretary.treasurer. Luncheon waa served by Mrs. E. A. Murphy following a nine hole golf tournament. William J. Harrington, son of D. T. Harrington of the White Hill sec. tlon, committed suicide by shooting himself through the head on the porch of his fathers home early Sat. nrdnv morning. Harrington, who recently took over the operation of a filling sta tion near Carthage, left a note for his father in which he stated that he had been In a "little business dlffl. rultv” which bothered him. Burial was in the White Hill cem. etery at 2;00 o’clock Sunday after, noon. Payment Made From T-aw En forcement Officers’ Benefit and Retirement Fund i ! Mrs. J. A. Gargis, wido\X' of the Into chief of police of Southern Pines, has been awarded $1,200 from the Law Enforcement Officers’ Ben- ' efit anri Retirement Fund on account of the death of Chief Gargis, which ; was attributed to a heart attack I auscd by over.exertion in arre.sting I Elmer H. Tilton of New York State, ! who became deranged while on his way South. The check was the nineteenth death payment made since the fund became operative on January 12, 1938, which indicates that 19 law enforcement officers have lost their lives in line of duty during the two. year period. PHIL H. CR.VWTORD. JR., SPEAKS AT J.W.CEE MEET The Southern F*ines Junior Cham, ber of Commerce held a dinner meet ing in the Southern Pines Country Club Monday evening with the pres- Ident, Paul C. Butler, presiding and with Phil H, Crawford, Jr., of Kin. ston as speaker. Mr. Crawford gave an Interesting talk on| "Economic Education," The losers in an attendance con. test, headed by Robert Dom. were hosts to the winning team which had Paul C. Butler as leader. C. P. & L. MANAGERS HOLD ALL. D.AY MEET AT COUNTRY CLUB Carolina Power and Light Company district managers from Asheboro, Troy ,Sanford, Wadeshoro, Rocking, ham, Hamlet, Maxton and Southern Pines held an meeting Wed nesday at'the Southern Pines Coun._ try Club to consider operating prob. lems for 1940. S. P. Vecker of Raleigh, vice-nres. ident of the company, presided. J. S. Bourne, assistant manager of the dis. tribution and Eorvlce department, had ^ a part in the meeting.

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