FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING 1 JtlJZr A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding tLACt,fL SPAINCd VASS iLAKEVI£W WtST E.NO MANI.KV jacksoh SPI^IhOd •OUTH^RN PlhCS A^HLSy ME»CNTS AeCf^OCXIi ^PlMfietUFF PILOT MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY Va of the Sandh??f "tory of North Carolina VOL. 21—NO. 10 Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Carolina. Friday, February 2, 1910 FIVE CENTS MOORE ALUMNI OF UNC TO BANQUET AT THE CAROLINA Sixth Annual Steeplechase Races to Be Held Here Saturday, March 16 Interesting Program Including Faculty Quiz and Football ; Pictures Being Planned TO BE HELD FEB. 16th Plans are getting well under way lor the Moore County Alumni of the University of North Carolina dinner to be held at the Carolina Hotel on Fri. day evening^ February 16th. J. TaL bot Johnson, chairman of the alumni committee, has plans under way for a most interesting program. j Myron Sandors, secretary of the alumni association, has announced that he is bringing Dean House and several members of the faculty along. It is his plan to line them up along the wall and put them through a ■quiz. This feature of the program, i which has not yet been fully com. pleted, promises to be most inter esting In addition, Coach Wolf, who ‘ piloted one of the most successful^ football tenms this season, ia expec. | ted to be on hand to show a picture j of the Tulane and the Pennsylvania' games. These were two of the out. standing games played by the Uni-| versity of North Carolina duriiig thc| past Fall. An orchestra is expected to be on, hand to render a musical program ' during the dinner. The turnout will probably exceed the one hundred and fifty present last year. | 1 HOMER H. JOHNSON STREET SHOW TO DISCUSSES CAUSES! FEATURE SCOUTS’ OF PRESENT WARS Desire for Commercial Expan sion Chief Cause, Cleveland ' Attorney Tells Kiwanis MEET AT HIGHLAND PINES Homer H. Johnson, Cleveland at torney. addressing the Sandhills Ki- wanis Club at its meeting Wednes day at the Highland Pines Inn, said the chief cause of the European war was a desire on the part of their rulers to expand their commerce with other nations. He pointed out ^ trade barricre are the fundamental I FESTIVAL WEEK Moore County Troops Will Meet In Southern Pines for Final Event of Celebration “SCOUT SUNDAY”, FEB. 14th Culminating with a street show in Southern F*ines on Saturday, Febru ary 17th, Scout Anniversary Week will be celebrated by the Moore county District Boy Scouts of Amer. ica with a program or outetanding interest. The celebration will i;et under way on Friday evening, February 9th, when a Court of Awards for the cause of the war, and until son^e | district will be held in the Aberueen plan can be worked out to adjust i grammar school'auditorium at 7:30 these difficulties there can be no ^ o’clock. Scoutmasters and their as. economic basis for peacr I ‘istants will discuss Hst minute de- He referred to Germany a.5 want. anniversary celebration The National and Iliint.s Asso oat'on week awarded the date of Saturday, March 16th to the Sandhills and Piii-inj? A.s.sociation for it.s sixth annual meeting on the Barber Estate course on the Midland Ro ad. PRESIUEN'rS BALL FOR COUNTY HELD “Information, Please,” Says Pinehurst Forum Southern Pines and Pinehurst Scions to Participate in NV)vel ' Program Tebruary 8th Dance In Carthage Gymnasium Attracts Young People From Neighboring Counties BENEFIT PARALYSIS FUND On Thursday evening, February’ 8, i the Pinehurst Forum will present j their first "Information, Please" pro-j gram. With Mr. Homer H. Johnson as the officiating Master of Ceremo.j niea, the success of thu evening is, j to a considerable extent, assured.' Although the local solons have not| as yet been named, tcveial well.' known residents of South*'rn Pine.i, and Pinehurst are expected to par-! ticipate in the roles made fajnouaj by F. P. Adams, Oscar Levant and; John Kieran. i Qiiestion.s are solicited both from' members and from the public at large. One dollar will be paid to each, per.son question is used and found to be unanswerable by either j the sages or the audience. j Que.stions may be submitted toj the Forum secretmy, Mildred Ma.son, Holly Inn, Pinehurst, either on or before 6‘ p. m. on Tue.^day, Feb. 6. All questions must be accompanied by the correct answers and source together with ti.e name of the per. son submitting the question. As the meeting will be an open one, people sending in questions, whether members or not, are urged to come over and find out whether or not they h.ave .succe.ssfully stunn. ed the audience. A committee has been selected to choose both the aolons and to ;»clect the most appropriate que.stions. Pref erence^ will be shown to questions of particular local interest. This com- (Pltnse turn to page five) • rrN'EK.VI. FOK .MKS. Fltl.SIUCK MeKINLF.Y HKI.D SI NDAY ’ A private funeral service conduct, ed by the Rev. F. Craighill Brown of E;manuel Episcopal church was held In her late home on Ridge street. Southern Pines, at 2:00 o’clock Tue.sday afternoon, for Mrs. Kate Frisbee McKinley who died Sunday morning. Interment at Mt. Hope cemetery. Mrs. McKinley, the widow of William B. McKinley and a woman of marked executive ability, was born at Folio, 111., the daughter of John Frisbee and Phroclne Whiteside Frisbee, and had ben a seas jtia! res ident of Southern Pines for the past fifteen years. Moore county’s annual President's Birthday Ball for raising funds to combat infantile paralysis was held Wednesday evening from 10:00 to 2:00 in the Carthage high school gyn^nasium. Socially, the affair was a distinct success?, but due to the extremely cold weather and the prevalence of colds and influenza, the attendance was only about hull as laroC as the management anticipated. The popular Wake Forest orches. tra of Bill Vamiendries played for the (i.ancing, which wis enjoyed by young people from Carthage, San ford, A.shcboro, Southern ^ Pines, Pinehurst. West End and other com- nuinities. ' The dance was a cotiipanion fea ture of the ‘‘Ma.'ch of Dimes”. One. half of the proceeds will be sent to the National Foundation and the remainder will be kept in the county for local work. The purpose of the campaign is to organize the nation for a sue. cessful fight against infantile paraly- .“is. I. N. Clegg, Jr., of Carthage is county chairman, and Cailos l<'rye of Carthage was chairman of thp arrangement committee for the dance. \ Jesse W. Page, Jr., 'Formerly of SandhUls> Given National Honor Receives Hijirh Honor II. .\. I-F.WIS WIIX HF.r.ISTKU I NEMI*I.OYV;n NVITIIOI T < ()ST IKSSK ing a place in the sun, which means trade expansion on ■ an equal basis with Great Britain. He cited the in. vasion of Italy into Ethiopia^ Ger. many Into Poiand^ and Japan into I China as examples of nations hop. i I ing to increase then natural re-1 sources so as to be less dependent on others. He pointed out there was not ih.j desire in this w-ar for profits as there was in the World War and that it is . j the opinion in most nations today harlottean Elected President ‘hat war is destroying profits rath- of Nation:il Air Condition ing Association er than increasing them. He referr- ] at this meeting. Sunday, February 11th has been designated as "Scout Sunday” and each Scout is to attend his own church wearing his unifom. WTiere po.s.sible. the troop chaplain should arrange a .special scout .service for the entire troop. The Street Show to be held at the playground next to the Scout Hut, will begin at 11:00 o'clock Saturd- day Incoming Feb. 17th. Troops will come to this affair after having stu. died the program and prepared them.selves to compete with the other ed to the Versailles Treaty as part, ly the cause of the present difficul. troops in the county and other near. N’AT'VE OF MOORE COUNTY Europe. In conclusion. he said the United Jens? W. I'age, Jr., a native of: States should keep a watchful eye Moore County now residing in Char-! on tlie situation abroad and be on otte, wa.s recently elected president' the alert in recommending a; of the National Air Conditioning As.! gether if such time should arise | .ociation at the .annual meeting he>d | when the problems might be broughtnny~other ! by counties for high honors. They will bring and set up their tents and other equipment to furnish a real Scouting b'ickground for the event. Prizes will be aw'arded for the best camp set-up. Tin can cooking will be a fea_ ture of the day’s program and Scouts to a .succe.ssful conclusion. Hoi se Show Entries Indicate Fine Event Enlrie« Are Exncclofl fo Reach lOfl Mark. I’fans For ward SuccL'ssfulv Kntries for the spring hor.s<> show to bo held February 22 and 23 at the Southern Pines Country Club horse show grounds arc coming in in gratifying numbers and indication? are that approximately 100 horses will compete, according to informa tion given out by Howard F. Burns, secretary. No effort is being spared to make this one of the outsta»idlng events of the kind for this section of the mid. south. Nancy Johnson, daught. For the benefit of looking for situations, H. A. Lewis announces that he will register all applicants for positions without charge to ero- plover or employe. interested,^*' George W. John.son of may call at his office with references New York, is in charge of the pro- and health certificates. ] .'I*’'!'"- New jumps have recently been HOSl*IT.\L .M'XIIJ.VllY TO MEF'T erected on the outside courses, the ring has been enlarged, and every. The regular monthly meeting of thing will be in<?pe for the the Moore County Hospital Auxiliary, event which is expected to be one will be held in the nurses’ classroom, t'f the high lights of the season. Tne at the hospital next Wednesday i ••'how is to be strictly non-commer. Mr. Page attended the convention TS representative of the North Car. olina Association, of which he is president. Other officers of the State branch are Van Sick of Charlotte, vice-president, and S. A. Sigler of Greensboro, secretary and treasurer. Mr. Page, who is vice-president of the Page.Willianuson company of C'hai'lotte, said that the Chicago con vention was a most successful one. “All of the distributors, dealers and contractors at the convention V I re most optimistic .nnd hopeful of 'ontiniied busine.‘<s gains in 1910.” Mr. Page said. "Optimism was par. lidilarly noticeable in the refrigera. lion lines.” Mr. Pago is the son of Mr. and Jesse W. Page of F^agle Springs, iind a brother of Chan Page of Sou thern Pines. P’or ,«eveiul years he was head of the Franklin Sales Co., I by all of the Troop.s under the lea. i dership of their respective scout- ' I manner will be disqualified for this I event. All equipment except wood Former Local Girl i for the fires should be brought. To Exhibit Paintings; The street show win open with \'he raising of the colors at 11:30 a. Mrs. H. M. Di^y. ,lr., to »o be conducted Private Showing of Pictures Feb. 4 in I.,ewiston, Me. ^ I masters. Bon Bradin, .scoutma.ster of Mr.s. Henry M. Dingky, Jr., the i Troop 4 of Southern Pine.s, will be former Miss Lucille Mudgett of' in charge of the opening and closing Southem Pines, will give a private ■ c^reimonies. Fhowing of twenty-four of her paint. | In the afternoon, there will be a ings i nthe well-known art center,! Please turn to imgo four Lewiston, Me., on Sunday, February! Foiowing this, the exhibit will be gunrisc F^aster Scrvice A„- For Couiity Proposed t„„n. Mo., ha, .ma»r f horU8. lo art teachers m Oquinquit, Me., and Palm Beach, Florida. She was for merly a pupil of the Italian artist, Nuncio Vanaya. Residents of this section have a which did ,i flouri.shing business in interest in the success of this At.ercK'en during the pre-dopression ^ daughter of days. Be Directed by Mr. Picquet. Rehearsal February fith It has been proposed that the Churches and civic organizations of Moore county unite in an open air Raster Service Sunday morn. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Mudgett, of jng, March 24th. Southern Pines. CUK’ fMB \NXOl\'(’K.S The movement hjis been endorsed by clergymen, Chambers of Com merce and civic societies and it is TWO INTEUKSTI.Nli F.A KNTS >|ORE ClVlI. ('OFKT I TO CONVENE FEB. 12 ^ hoped that all citizens of the com .'^fruthers Buit will bo the speak. | munity will join in the first of rr at the Civic Chib meeting this af-^ xhe February term of ^Superior i what is planned for an annual ser- tornoon, Friday, at 3:00 o'olcrk and j court for the trial of civil cases is; vice. the public is invited to attend. Mrs. .scheduled to c^mvene In Carthage on j All singers in the county who are Frances Rohin.son and Mis? Klean. j Monday, Fob. 12, with Judge Clement ^ interested in-the movement are in- moming, February 7yi, at 10:30 o'clock. cial, open to akn^teur riders. Important financial matters arej JE.ANNE B.^TCHEIX)R ELECTED to be discussed and a dance is requested. full atten- STORY JHOUB AT LIBRARY There will be a story hour at the Southern Pines Library, at 5 p. m. on Monday, February 5. All boys and girls from six to twelve years of age are urged to cotne. TO PK.\qE STUDENT COUNCIL Miss Jeanne Batchelor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Batchelor of Aberdeen, has been elected to rep resent the Junior class In the Stu dent Council at Peace Junior Col lege, Raleigh. Miss Batchelor won the Masonic citizenship medal last year in the Aberdeen high school. or Valentine will be hostesses. | presiding ■\ style show with lovely outfits The following have boon drawn for worn by .society models will be stag.' jury ,ser\’ice: cd on Fridav of next week, with vited to join in a chorus which it is hopoj will consist of at least one hundred voices, uhder the direction Mrs. Hayes', Patch's. Tot'." Toggery and franjean's cooperating. A luncheon at 1:30 at the Civic Club will precede the style show. lor L. F. Comer. D. C. Hamer, J. W. Harrington, Barrett Harris, W. R. Tiiiiigford, Y. W. Lee, J. L. Ma- ness. I'lVEBLUFF CLIB >MLL i 'Roy Marion, D. K. McDonald, J. HOLD DIN.VEK MliETINCJ | H. McLauchlin. Howard McNeill, J. F. Patterson. O. K. Patterson, J. W. C. L. Austin, Arthur Barber, Dun-1 of Charles W' .Picquet, for the rendi. can Boggs, K. S. Burnett, Claud But. | tion of appropriate music for i.he oc_ The Pinebluff Home Demonstra tion CTub will hold its monthly meet ing on Thursday, February 8, at one o'clock at the Club house with a covered-dish dinner. Everyone is In vited to come and bring the family. Poe, G. H. Putvis, H. C. Purvis, H. C. Russell, J. Carl Williams and K. W. Yow. .^rrEND STATE MEETING Philip Weaver, superintendent of the Sout.iem Pines Schools, and Dr. G. G. Herr, chairman of the local school board, attended a meeting of the executive comnjlttee of the State School Board Association at Chapel Hill Thursday. E. A. HARLEY HOUSE ON MASS. .\>'ENUE UK\SED FOR SEASON The rental of the E. A. Harley house on Massachusetts Avenue to Mr. and Mrs Arthur McCashion of Westport, Conn., for the remainder of the season has just been announ. ced by Paul T. Barnuni. The Me. Cashions will take possession Unm/e- diately. casion. The first rehearsal is called for Tuesday night, February 6th, at 8:00 o'clock in the parlors of the Church of Wide Fellowship at South ern Pines, and the carrying out of this program will depend upon the response of the singer.s at this re. hearsal. It is requested that all singers who have copies of “The Cross and Crown,” and the “Hallelujah Chor us” will bring theen with them. MOORE.GUNTER Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Mildred Mae Gunter of Southern Pines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Gunter of Lakevlew, to John Francis Jo. seph Moore son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ICoore of Philadelphia, Pa.

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