Pape Four THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Caroling Friday, February 23, 1940. ANOTHER HAT IN RING IN FIGHT FOR SEAT IN CONGRESS Robert F,. Steele, .‘{d. of Kock- in^ham Fourth To Announce For Nomination It is a four.corncrcd race for Con gress from this 8tli district of North Carolina, ami bids fair to rival in heat the sreat fi^-ht of 193S when It took until months after the sec ond primary to determine the suc cessor to Walter Lambeth at Wash. Ington. BOAKI) OF BOVS SCHOOL SKI.F.CTS UKAO.MASTFU (Continued from page one) fiHind;\tlons. The need for better pieoiiatoiy schools in this section has boi'i iji Mr Burton's 'mind for some limt> So .vh.Ic investi^fiiting^ other pr >{MSals he has been spending the winter in >in,ll-.iin Pines with his wi'’o and family. While here he has been con. vinct'd of the need anti great possi bilities offered in North Carolina anci of the thoroughness ,'.nd excellence of the foundational woik already ac. complished by the Trustees of the North Carolina Trepanitory School project, The trustees are pleased that his services are immediately available Must (^hoose Hetween “Christ or Chaos” llev. W. 1., Warford of Carthage Talks to Kiwanis on ReliRious Needs "KcHgion in These Times" was the s\ihnil of an interesting talk made before the Sandhills Kiwanis Club on \i t(inesd:iy hy the Rev, W. L. War- fi'Ml of the Carthage Paptist Ch\irch. Q'li ting Lloyd George, he said wc must decide between "Christ or Chaos;" that we need a revival in thought that will make God real to the people, a vital, positive dynamic force in world affairs. Carlton McDonald and W, K, Kiv. ett were presented to the club a? new members by J, Vunr» .''■■'ve. The meeting was held at the Mid.Pines I".lb, HOSIMTAI. HAIJ. TO BE ON KVE OF STKErLKCH,VSE PINiaJLUFF Ussery's parents, Mr, and Mi s, .1, ■ jH, Lampley, Mrs, I's.wry is to re. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Foushee and '”i’in here some time family of Tramway spent Sunday at Miss Dorothy L/uvrence entertain- the home of Mr, and Mrs, J, U, ed several of her friends at ;i Val. Liwnpley, en*Jne party at her home on Satur. j Mrs, A. G. Wallace spent several day night. Games were played after j days this week in Southern PineslwbKh refreshments y\crc served, visiting relatives. ^ Those attending were Ruth Rar den. j Mr. and Mrs. Kverett Ussery of Sara Wallnce^ Dorothy Gregory, Gladys Adams, Walter Berry, Sue ,''dday School 11-1SS cf the Methortibt Church spon. sore.-; a r.ifetciili supper Wednesday nigVt in tUe lonii'ie I'lom of *he church, A large nunim-r attended, the proceeds going for a new altar rail. No, 4 to enter the ILsts is Robert' the building and L. Steele, 3d. yotmg Rockingham bus.' fquipment, selection of teachers and Iness man, who announced this week. | staff, making up the of con- Previnusly three of the candidates in •‘•'•niction, and aciministiation; and the 1938 nice had tossed in their,of importance in hatsj, the present incumbent^ W. o. ■opening and op- Burgin of Lexington, C, B. Deane, Pration of the institution They see also of Rockingham, and Giles Y. possibility right from the start Newton of Gib.son. There may be a *”‘‘"8: ir>to working out their fifth candidate, none other than for- the approved and most mer Representative Lambeth, who principles and methods in use has told Democratic National head. best preparatory schools In quarters in Washington that he would decide yes or no by March 1st. Mr. E\i)erlencw1 EducUtton Lambeth served two terms following Burton was for seven J’^ars the death of Congre.ssman Hammer the Lawrence School, L I, N. \,, of Asheboro. ■ the famous Bulckley Schools, Mr. Steele is II years oM. a great " here he rose to the position of Sen- nenhp'v of the Intp r'nl Walter T ior Master and was then sent to, nepne.\ ot tne late Loi. Walter L. , , . , ! tri- k Page Mrs. Richard S. Loverin Steele who served this district in J^rance to reorganize and American. ’ Congress Uvo terms from 1875 to :i MiFM/S£M7m‘S NEWEST AND $fiiAT£STIMPROi/EMENTJ FRIGIDAIRIi “Cold-WaH (Continued from pnge one) Donald J, Ross, Mrs, John L, Given, Mrs. Paul Dflnn, Mrs Jlomer H. John.son, Mrs, H, Frederick Lesh, Mrs. Julian Bishop, Mts, John U, Drexel, Jr,, Mrs, Fownes Blue, Mrs. Donald Parson, Mrs. Richard S. T^ift.s, Mrs. S. Donald Sherrerd. Mrs. Myron W, Marr_ Mrs, W, A. Le. land McKeithen. Mi-s. Harry Hogg, Mrs. Walter D, Hyatt, Mrs, Fred. 1879. H-i has wide family connections ^ a school for American boys in I Mrs, Heman Gifford, Mrs. Edward C, in the lower part of the district, be- mission he w’as for five years i ^t^T ing a son of Mrs, Bes.sie Little Steele, '^a.'iter of Staten Island Academy. | ' native of Anson county, and the late York City and then for five Robert L, Steele_ II, of Richmond Headmaster of Brunswick county, both familie= hnvino- School at Greenwich, Conn, At the I'oiul s N l ooA^ I n -line--' Color aii.l Flavor Days l,onj:«'r ...and you don t even luve to cuvet Noil' at Aeiv Loir Vric?s!^ Wt’fC now siiowing the refrigewtdr (h. r will stay moJtrn for years ro come. It's, the Fri^idaire “Cold-Wall" built oa an entirely new principle (>t fooj protection. Brines life-prestrvin!; col J to your foods in a new way keeps them from dry ing out. Saves vitamins, s^'Vis freshness, color. S^vcs food juices days longer. Come in. See this new miracleat our store today. Gr«*afe.«il .\dvanr<* in llonip Uefriaeraii«irs in 25 ^earsi! —- I— 'I Also Mrs, Preston T. Kelsey, Mrs. j .T imes Boyd, Mrs, Almet Jenks, Mr.*-. Richard Wallach. Mrs, Reid Healy, familipa hTvinn- hppn “cnooi ai ureenwicn, uonn, Al me. „ , . lamiiies naming Been j- , u- ' Mrs, M ,T, Nichols, Mrs. Frederick pioneer? in the industrial and agri- later place he won distinction his Georee Pulyer Mrs cultural development of the Pee Dee R,,phK. Trix Mrs. Harry M, Vale! I bara Lansing, MVs, George Johnson, I Mrs, William C. Mudgett, Mrs. J. H. Tine Trade Frigidaire Sales and ServV^ Southern Pines, N- C. Tel. 7885 charter member of Rockingham Ro. tary. His business activities include permament growth, farming, textile and lumber manu facturing, He is a director in two of the largest local mills, "After long and careful delibera tion,” his statement of candidacy 31r Burton is of English parentage j and was born in Illinois, but hss ■spent most of his adult life in and around New York. His personal in. If rest in and connection with North says, "I have decided to make the through marriage to Mi.=p race for Congress in the interest of Guilford College who| Andrews, Mr.s Struthers Burt, Mrs. Emmet E. Boone, Mrs Craighill jS Brown, Mrs, George Jenks, Mrs. John !; L. McKinney Mrs, Frank W. Me- •; Cluer, Jr., Mrs. George London and :: Miss Birdiiia B?»r of Si)Uthern •; «• Pines, •• restoring to the Democratic party of ^ ^rs, J, Talbot John.son, Mrs, the district a much needed mea.sure state. of peace and harmony." "I enter the race." hi,>i statement continues, ‘•thoroughly aware of the importance of the post to which I aspire and hereby pled,ge myself to nn honest, forthright effort to meet the needs of a constituency literal. to ly hungry for unity. I am making campaign no effort to gain support by reason Following the announcec’.ent of Mi. Burton's appointment on Febru-, riy l,")th the Charlotte Co.n litt^e ofi TrtiPtees consisting of Frink O,, irill Dr. Henry L .Sloa.T rr l Dr i Oit"" Moore have undertaken meas- Ttenry A. Page. Jr., Mrs. O, Leofi •; Seymour, Mrs. G C Seymour. Mrs.; j; H. E. Bowman and Mrs. W. D. Cav- i 55 iness of Aberdeen; Mrs. Herbeit F. •; Senwell, Mrs. U L Spence and Mrs. H Wilbur Currie of Carthage; Mrs. j| , • XI. George Maurice of Eagle Springs; accelerate the progress of/ ^ ^ * , , for funds now being Mrs. Malcolm D. Kemp. Har. ♦♦ riet Britton, Miss Gertrude Little, Mrs, H. F. Rob. i raised for building purposes in order of multiple promises but if nominated ^ oThTrs^'U^Jenr’lit’^ 7he >1"? Walter MacNeille of and elected T to .sen-e faith- date. Otheis present at ' pjn„ui,,fr fully the best interest of the neo- "^^eting were, Francis M, Osborne, Executive Secretary of the Board;' Dr. Thaddeus A. Cheat’iam of Pine- Stnithers Burt and Dean J. pie as a whole," hiirst FEIJ.OWSIIII* FORt M The Fellowship Forum of the Mark Hoffman Delisrht i \V. Harrelson of the North Carolina: Church of Wide Fellowship will pre in Mid-Pines Recital state College at Raleigh as well asisent "The Good Shepherd" at 7:15 a group of citizens of Charlotte. I o’clock Sunday evening. Mrs. Dwight Clubhouse Filled to Capacity f( | Hoskins will be in charge of the .Appearance benefit bridge will be held injs-pecial program. Pianist Second Concert Here of Noted A benefit bridge will be held in j s-pecial St. Anthony’s Parish Hall this even-j ing, Friday at 8:00 o’clock. The pub- Mr, and Mrs, George C. Moore DEALER'S SLOGAN OR HOT SPECIAL HERE! n «♦ *• j: On Monday afternoon at the Mid. lie is cordially Invited to attend. The and daughter Jane left Tuesday for Pines Club, the big lounge and rotun. admission is 25 cents, I an extended stay in Florida, da were filled to capacity for the recital by Mark Hoffman, pianist, who returned for his second season, ’ Mr, Hoffman said tt was always so nice to be recalled, for it made one : feel amtipng friends. He made many 1 ne"’ friends this year among the real music lovers of the Sandhills. Both 1 recitals have been given under the | management of Miss Florence Camp-, bell, with the kind and necessary as-! slstance of John Fitzgerald of the Mid.Pines Club in furnishing a large enough auditorium with a piano suitable for Mr, Hoffman’s use. So great was the enthusiasm with which j Mr. Hoffman was received, that many ^ requests to bring him again this , season have been made. j The opening number, Brahm's co- j lossal variations of Paganini's j theme, used every recourse of an | artist’s technique and velocity in in- ; . creasing scale until one felt relieved j when nothing more difficult could be I added. Thei followec’| a Chopin group, the Scherzo and Ballade and the seldom heard Nocturne in G. Ma jor, with Its haunting exquisite mel. ody and ever recurring run in thirds. In response’ to vigorous encores he played the great Valse, most beautL ful waltz ever written. Mi, Moffman 1 proved himself a wonderful Chopin ' interpreter. Modems we must have and the second part had Tango Americaine, by Carpenter; Sighs from the Maid en and the ,Kightlngale, Granados and March Wind Alkan.McDoweU, and for encore, Liszt’s Etude and a short Rachmaninoff number, clos. Ing a mDst notable progro,m. I HE big drive Is on... and we’re “ridin’ in” the finest herd of USED CARS in the business. We’re not sparing ourselves either to give you the bar gains of your young life. Just about every make and model a man could want-at a PRE-Season Clearance price to Icnock the shine off any you've seen in a mighty long time. Drop in brotber~and we’ll sure ma'^e you happy t John W. Wenger Is ill in Moore County Hospital with pneumonia. New Kind of Tire With Life- SaverTread SweepsWet Roads so DryYou Can Actually Light a Match on Its Track! • That’s t’xie kind of skid pro tection you have under your car when you ride on Goodrich Safety Silvertowns—the tire that dries as you drive. As you slam on the brakes, the amazing Goodrich Life-Saver Tread works like a rapid-fire battery of windshield wipers — instaiitly sweeping the water aside- gripping the road as you’ve never felt tires grip before. Remember, we don’t charge you a penny extra for this spe cial Goodrich road-drying tread, nor for Goodrich Golden Ply blow-out protection In fact, these Silvertowns stll at from 309b to TO^Ih less than several other nationally known tires. For safety tomorrow get '■■'vertowns today / Ooodrieh i| 1938 FOKD DeLuxe Coupe, $400 'vtiMo ujHp wall tire.s and rndjo 1938 FORD Tudor. Excellent Condition—a bargain at J 1937 FORI) 60 TUDOR. New Paint, good condition, priced to sell $350 1937 FORD 60 Tudor. Good tires, A-1 condition, with radio 1936 FORD DeLuxe Tudor 1936 FOKD Tudor, Reconditioned, not over 4,000 miles on motor 1935 FORD Tudor touring. Ex- tfOKA ccUent tires, a god buy at 1937 BlIICK Fordoor Sedan. White side wall tires. Car well taken care of; clean as a pin $650 1937 LINCOLN ZEPHYR 4- door Sedan. Runs like new $525 1932 CHEVROLET Tudor, (CI I Good condition tpUU S 1936 CHEVROLET Tudor. Thus is vour chance for $300 : 1934 KUICK Fordor Sedan. Priced to move $200 i f^^Silvertown LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY TREAD SKiD-#C^BLOW OUT PROTECTION PROTECTION PAGE MOTOR COMPANY Southern Pines, North Carolina 1938 FORD Station Wagon, with ra dio. Perfect tires, low mileage $600 A number of cheaper cars from $50 to $100 MOORE MOTOR CO. Phone 9111 Aberdeen, North Carolina R. C. Zimmerman, Mgr. It