FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 1‘), NO l i 5^ *>^TMAoe'^ sPAiNca &NO lakeview MANUfiY OACKSOtl SPC^IhOS SOUTHeRN PmC9 ASHUGV HtKiHTS AeKA.OC,Ol XpiNEOLUFF PILOT MOORE COUNTY’S LEADLNG NEWS-WEEKLY of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Fines and Aberdeen.North Carolina. Friday, March 1, 15M0. DISTRICT CONTEST IN DRAMATICS TO BE STAGED HERE Raleif^h, Albemarle, Lexington, Southern Pines School Groups in One-Act Plays LOCAL CAST SELECTED Dramatic groups from Raielgh^ Al. bomarle and Lexington High School will compete with the Pine Maskers in the Southern Pines school auditor ium, Thursday evening, March 7, at 7:30 for district honors. Each school will present a ot e-act play not exceeding 30 minutes in playing time. Judges for the tour, ■nament nre from the Carolina Play- makers of Chapel Hill. The Pine Maskers won first place in last year’s district tournament against Durhafnv Needham Broughton and Hugh Morson High Schools of Ral eigh, in Raleigh. The local group wiil present "The Terrible Meek” by Charles Ranrv Kennedy, a magnificent plea for the furtherance of world peace. “The Ter. rible Meek" was written three and a half years before the beginning of the World War. "On the day of produc tion. copies of the play were sent by the author to the various monarchs and presidents, war lords_ leading statesmen, judges, and other promi. nent men of all countries. Much for. vid correspondence ensued, public and private, official and otherwise: sev eral of the royal copies wero return, ed, and tho play was banned in Lon don. Berlin^ and Petrograd.” W'ith Armistice Day, the ptuy be. gan to breathe again. Rapidly, in creasingly. For the last 15 years. '■'The "Ten'ible Meek” has been pro. duced in American and foreign coun. tries numerous times. Members of the cast lor th" school production are: A Peasant Woman. Hazel Kelley: A Roman Centurion, Richard Plum, or; A Roman Legionary, Ifayniond Hayes. Kach member of the ra.'t is ex. perienced. Richard Plumer was a ont. of last year's contesting group and Hazel Kelley and Raymond Hayes have played in several r''cent produc. tions. Mrs. A. L. Ellis, producer of last year's play, is directing this year’s production also. Schooling Course To Be Built ^BANKS SHOULD DO. Here For Steeplechase Horses LENDING, HOOD TELLS RIWANIANS Big: Demand Record-Breaking FLirly Reser vations for Annual Steeplechases There are fewer unsold rosei’ved parking spaces available for the sixth annual race mceHng of the Sandhills Steeplechase and Racing Association than ever before at this early date, officials of the associa. tion announced yesterday. They staled that Requests were coming from all parts of the country. Work on the on the Mid. land Road was practically com. pleted this week, and with the closing of entries on the 10th all will be in readiness for' the ma. jor attraction of the year in the Sandhills. SEAL SALE NETS FIRST TIME HERE Report of (’ounly (’ommittee Re veals S17<) More Itjiised in I!).'?!) Than Previous Year Dr. D. Brewer Eddy To Speak Sunday Morninjr Secretary of American Hoard for Foreign Missions Coming To Local Church Dr. D. Brewer Kddy^ secretary of the American Board of Commission, ers for Foreign Mi.ssions, with offices in Boston, Mass., will be the guest speaked at the Church of Wide Fel lowship this Sunday morning, Mar. 3rd., at the 11:00 A. M. morning worship hour. Dr. Eddy, brother of the also fa. mous Sherwood Eddy, comes to Sou. them Pines to bilng a mes.sage on the theme, "America Faces Strange Dangers”. This message will be par ticularly timeiy to all who feel that there is much of actual and poten tial danger in today’s world, and who desire to discover views of this learned and informed leader in our thought life. Dr. Eddy’s address will be concerned further with the prtib lem as to whether America’s policies can be Christian policies. He is in continual touch with Christian mis- sionnaries the world over and from them he has been able to glean greater and more fundamental truth than most of us are priviledged of having access to. BOOK RKMTBW .'IT CIVIC CLITB THIS .AFTERNOON The Moore County Tuberculosis Committee's annml cu.=tom or rnis. inp >n<’ro money each year than it did the previous year continues in loi'ce. Figuris just relcasetl by Mrs. Thaddfus A. Cheathr^m,, chairman, leveal tot.-J contributions of $2,05". U's the first time the sale of those iittle Cliristnias Seals has topped •?2,000 in .'.loore county. Last year's total was $1,881. The schools of the county helped put the 103!i campaign over the goal of .$2,000 which the Committee had .‘••et for itself. Pupils in the white .-chools raised $-169, in the colored schools giantl total of $82S which is a pretty substantial part of the county’s grand total of $2,057. The Pinehurst school, Mr. Tilley, chaitTiian, raised $13S, anil Mrs. E. A. West, chairman for the Hemp school, reported $97.52. One of the most gratifying things about this year's Seal Sale was the fact that contributions came from a greater number of places in the county than ever before. Another, the splendid work of the colored people. In several towns they raised more money thar the whites. A number of colored schools did better than the white schools in the same towns. Mrs. Cheatham informs the Pilot that six new patients have been ad. nii‘’ted to the State Sanatorium from Moore county, case.s supported by the County Committee. "This does not mean that there is any increase in the disease here,” Mrs. Cheatham said. ''There have been a number of cases on the waiting list for some (Please turn to page eight) Pinehurst vs. Camden On Polo Field Sunday Feature Game of Season on Schedule, with Sandhills Seeking Revenge “The Chinese Are Like That” by Carl Crowe will be the book review-ed by Miss Florence Swan at the Sou. them Pines Civic Club this after noon, Friday,, at 3:00 o’clock. Mrs. Anne E. Jacobus of Tufts College, Mass. and Mrs. Lewis McLaughlin of StaJford Springs, Conn., guests of Misa Eleanor "Valentine, the club’s social chairman, will pour tea, and all visitors are cordially invited. Facilities Will He Provided For Working‘Timber, Brush and F'lat Horses A thrilling polo game is on the Pinehurst sports calendar for Sun. day, with a strong Camden, S. C. team coming up for the contest. The game will draw hundreds of fans to the No. 2 field, the gallery j coming from the Sandhills and many other parts of the state. The game starts at 3:00 o’clock Sunday after, noon and the public is invited. Tick ets may be procured at the gate. The game will cap all others of the season In sports Interest and thrills, since Pinehurst met a 7.6 defeat at Camden earlier In the year Sundays lineup: Camden: Kirby Tupper, 1; Charlie Little, 2; Carl Lightfoot, 3; Joe Bates, back. Pinehurst: R. B. Green, 1; Floyd Carlisle, Jr., 2; Me.Till Fink, 3; Earl Shaw, back. Let Bai?/* ;^*‘nd FIVE CENI'M (JIKNKY I*. IlOOl) Southern Pines is to have a steeple.' ^ ^ ercent of Ped- chase schoohng cour^. Vitally need. I sary, Says Commissioner td here since the late Noel Laing's necessitated his discontinu- N (]. HANKS IN FINE SHAPE i ance of the course he was Ifiying out near Young's Road, arnmgements \ of the pre.sent lend. were made this week to build a'*"/ ^ agencies of the UnitPti States Government track with both tuuber and brush could and should be handled by our fcnces on 20 acres ol flat land, just banking institution.s, in the opinion south of the Mile.Away Stables, Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of loaned for the pui pose by Mr. and Banks for North Carolina and presi- Mrs. W. 0. Moss. Work twill be ‘ip^t of the National A.ssociation of fitarted at once on hardening the Supervisors of State Banks, Mr. Hood course and construction of tliu fences, addressed the Sandhills Kiwanis Club It is planned to put up four brush Wednesd;iy noon at the Southern I jumps and four timtjer jumps, sini., fiiPs Country Club. PAniTHf nil ilar to those at tlie Midland Road Hood described the growth of | | N course of the Sandhills Steeplei hase installment loan busines in this and 'Kiicing As.socintion. . since the 1937 General Assem. The lack of suitable facilities here ^ authorized such depaitments in for schooling timber and brush hoises ^^ate banks, and said that the only has acted as a deterrent to the at. reason why the federal government tracting of niBre stables of hunt|^®'-* gone .so deeply into the nice to the Sandhills. One'"‘'*'‘* '•*'at bankers generally through. Pulit/er prominent owner who brought horses country had not developed a ' here this winter was forced to send progi'ani to take over the functions them on to Camden, S. C., last week in.stallnient lending. Paying a high to cimci.ition them for the '^'aces j^tribute to Kotiert N. Hanes, of Win- liere on March Kith. Others are •‘*ton..'>aIi.m. president of the Amer. kno'.vn to have considered Southern ’‘'“n Hankers Association. Mr. Hood Pines for winter training but to have listener.s that Mr. Hanes gone to Camden or Aiken of launcheii such a program lack of s< hooling facilities. Wiien Mr. ‘"'nd had person.'dy raised $7.')0,000 to this week offered the use of cdui-iti' and interest these bankers, his land for a permanent course it .Loans in the State banks of North was readily accepted by those in. Carolina are now greater than in teiested in tlie sport locally, and ar. totaliiig in excess of $130,000.- rangements made to finance the nec. Hood said_ in .nnswer to ess ary work. those who complain that "the banks The coi^rse will be approxinjately money these day=!." one mile around, and wit! be so laid people of Noith out as to bo suitable for exercising C.irolina shoulil be proud of whnt fl.'il hoi'ses as well as for schooling happened since 1933, but that tin^ber and brush A few bur. they should take the pride unto thcm_ attempt "to coor.linate dies may be put up if there is that it was not the Commis. NEW HOME FOR HEALTH CENTER HERE IS OPENED Permanent Quarters For Clinics Result of Two Years Efforts of Committee AUSLANDERS ON MONDAY EVENING Prize Winner, on Pro^jrani In Pinehurst Next Mond.'iy evening March )th,' the I’inehurst Koruni is offering one of its outstanding Uterary events, ■ioseph Auslander ami his wile, Au- (irey Wui'ilema..n in their Poots iiyui. posiuni." Mr. Auslandei, who asuie fi'uni his renown as a poet, has been brcught to the attention u{ every scliool.chiUI tiii'ough liis "Winged llotsc " anttiol-, ofry. is now chief c(msult;.nt of Kng- iis'h Poetry at the Library of Con. rii'tss in Wasiiington. He in believed nriny (I'lnpctent critics to be the nicst vei.satile of all cunti niporaiy American poet:i. His work in Wash. a demand for such jumps by owners or trainers. sioner of Rank.-?, not ttie Ki’di'ial De- po.ojt Insurance Corporation, nor any other agency that had bro\ight this recovery about; it was the people _ _ . thcn-.selves. The pre.sent resources of ln\ IlHlIOnS IhSUed banks in this state arc the highest For Hospital Ball *i>st‘>ry, more than t'.vice the to. tal at the end of 1933. This despite Indications P(*int to Most Sue- cessfu! Partv in Hislorv ^'’22. On March 15th the -system of (barging fees for small loans, stat. tlie iicatli'iI'd poetic ('nergios aiul ac- tivitirs of the Ameiican people, .striv ing to educate the public in the daily and delight.^ of poetry and le.s. lorir.f, to its rightful place in the lives and affections of the American people." Mrs. Auslander, who has inherited i’er literary ability from her great great g'and.parents. Percy By.sshe Shelley and Harriet God'.vin Slielley, i.s the youngest woman to have been IN WP]ST SOI THERN PINES The newly acquired permanent home for the West Southern Pines Health Center was opened on Wed. nesday, successfully crowning two years of effort on the part of Rev. F, Craighill Brown and his Negro Welfare to provide satisfactory quar. ters for local clinics. In the mean time, for the past tw'o and one.half years, veneral disease and other din. ical work has been carried on under handicaps )in various buildings in West Southern Pines. Including the schoolhouse. The pernaanent home for clinics and nece.ssary medical treatment for the colored people of Southern Pines was recently acquired from the Home Owners Loan Corporation thru the efforts of Mr. Brown's Committee aided by the town of Southern Pines. It is understood that the County will provide $1,'')0 a year toward its sup. port, other than operating and main, tenance funds coming from contr-i. The committee will welcome all such donations toward a worthy and es sential cause. Southern Pines inaugurated th« first free clinic for the trentnient of venereal diseases in the state. It is operated by the County Health of. ficer. Dr. J. Symington, and his staff. Regular clinics will be held from 9:30 to 12:00 o'clock each W’ed. nosday morning, with periodical pre. school clinics, b.nby clinics, etc. T'nder a st.nte law. employers of (domestic labor are required to de mand a certificate from their em ployes showing them to be free from vcnfial disease. Mi'. Brown urges local employers to see that their servants have such certificates, send, ing them to the clinic for examination otherwise. Well Aimed Shot Gets Neffro Jailbreaker .iwarded the Pulitzer Prize, and also , Invitations are going out this week ''ig that his records .showed that these receive it for her for the annual Charity Ball spon. fees were spelling the difference be. president of the! sored by the Woman’s Auxiliary of profits and loss in many of women of America and in this, the Moore County H.-.pital. the lead. n'so she is the ymingest person to i^.g social event of the .season in the blanks should be run for distinction, and the only PsndhilU.. The fact that the ball is benefit of their .stockholoers, native to ever hold the to be held this year on the eve of the stockholders should pnnual Steeplechase races, plus the •"<’f>ve a fair return on their in. Auslanders are being present-' fact that there are more than the '‘‘^tinent. ; Forum, through the cour-: usual number of people in the resort presenting the speaker, J. Tal. Donald Par.son. whose section, indicate that the affair ^-ill Johnson of Aberdeen expressed ,ni,ir.g their short bP by far the most successful In ‘'PP«-‘'fi*ition of the people of Sandhills, history. North Carolina for Mr. Hood's of hte necessity for their Tickets for the Plymouth car and t*”' immediate retiiin to Washington, for the silver fox scarfs to be awardedthe Forum has changed its regular on the night of the dance have been ^ I date and the event will take place selling rapidly throughout the week, ,,, ' t’.iis coming Mond.'iy at S:15. lending to the occasion. On tcu. SOUthem PineS HorSe of this, the news that the well known Show Great Success Sidney orchestra of Washington, MIS.S WINTYEN EI.ECTKI) D. C., one of the capital’s most pop. Hundreds Witness Fine llunlinjj! BlKl> CM B l UESiDENT ular dnace bands, \\ill the, .)um|)in>r at Country _ , music, has been received with fa. Club Rin.ij regular meeti g vor locally, so that there is ever,v ’ them Pines Bittl Club was attended reason to believe the ball will be a The first annual Southern Pines hy more than 20 enthusiastic bird^ great success, socially and finan. Horse Show at the new Country lovers. This being the annual meet- cially. It will be held at the Pine, club show ring last Friday after.' ing the following officers were elec. hurst Country Club the night of „oon was a brilliant success from all tod for the coming year: Honorary March 15th. angles. The hundreds who attended President. Mrs. Nellie Sanborn; witnesses 14 fine classes, mostly hun. President. Mary Keller Wintyen; EDITOR-PREACHER TO OI\E SERIES OF TALK.S HERE ters and jumpers, and were rewarded with almost perfect performances. Green Hunters. Won by Ronilad,, South Down Farms, Fred Wilms- The Rev. J. A. McMilan, managing' hurst. Spray up. Trophy donated by editor of "Charity and Chidren,” will Mrs. George W. Johnson, speak each evening at 8:00 o’clock be. j Hunter Hacks. W’'on by Lucky ginning: March 4th through the 10th Buck. Mrs. George Watts Hill, Del. at the Southern Pines Baptist mer Twyman, Durham, up. Trophy Church in political realms, Mr. Me. donated by Mr. and Mrs. Almet Millan is one of the best known and Jenks. most loved men of the state. He has Lightweight Hunters. Won by Ora. alumni secretary of Wake Forest tion 11, Ernest White, William Me- — College and in addition to being ed. Cullough, Southern Pines, up. Tro-, phine. the Club n>eets at the New Itor he is now pastor of the Baptist phy donated by Mr. and Mrs. Harry England House Orphanage at Thomasville. The lo. M. Vale. cal Baptist Church is proud lo have! Open Jumping. Won by Little Vice.President and Secretary, Mias Louise Haynes; Recording Secretary Mrs. Cecil Robinson; Treasurer, Miss Norma Shiring; Miss Hamilton gave a very inter esting and instructive talk on the Nuthatches, all three of which we have in the Sandhills, Reports were made on the Bird House Building Contest which the Club is conduct, ing among the Boy Scout Troops of Moore county. Every Tuesday jnomlng at 9:00 o’clock, rain or Chief Newton Scores Hit in Heel After Chasintj Man P’or Half a >Iile Southern Pines had a jail break this week, and it took a well aimed shot by Acting Chief of Police New ton to got the breaker back in cus- tc-dy. Ellis Baldwin was arrested in Hen. der.son on a w'arrant from Southern Pines charging him with obtaining goods under pretense, using another's Iname. He was brought back here and jailed last Sunday night. On Monday morning when Chief Newton opened the door of the jail to give Baldwin his bre.ikfast, the negro butted him, knocking New. ton down, and making a run for it. Newton pursued him for half a mile, finally bringing him down with a shot in the heel. Baldwin is now in the Moore County Hospital. He is 2.'i, a native of Niagara, and is on parole from New York .state where he was arrested in 1937 for robbery. 8H mSTRU^T nEMOCR.VTS GATHER AT DI NES CH B Directors of the Southern Pines secured him for a week’s preaching, Squire, Mrs. William J. Kennedy, mission and Invites the community to Mickey Walsh, Dedham, Mass., up. share the privilege. (Please turn to page 7) Chamber of Commerce transacted routine business at a meeting held yesterday noon at the Country Club. Young Democrats of the Eighth^onal district gathered at the Dunes Club here on Tuesday night for one of the most enjoyable parties in the history of the organ, ization. Representatives of each of the 12 counties in the district were called upon for a few remarks, after which Forest Pollard, prominent Durham attorney and president of the Young Democratic Clubs of North Carolina, made a stirring address. The clubhouse was filled to capacity for the occasion and it was a most enthusiastic meeting. W. A. Leland McKelthen, president of the Moore county organization, welcomed the visitors. Among the guests was Miss Isabel Hoey, daught«r of the Gov ernor.

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