t '/ / FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVKRTISING THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding jjw ^^a«thaoe EJ^LK SPAINC8 9^ AlJkKEViCW W&9T eNO JACKSOh SPQIN09 SOOTH CRH Pih£9 ^SHi.sy MC.»CHTS PILOT MOORP: COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY VOI,. 19. NO 15- AeCAOCOl I ^PINEBLUFF Southern Pines and Aberdeen. iNorth Carolina. Friday. March 8. 1!)U) of the Sandhill Terri Carolina 0/ FIVE CENTS HOFFMAN PROJFXT MAY BE USED FOR NEW C. C. C. CAMP Slate Official Confers W'ith Sen ator Hailey and Officials in Washington Hosoital Receives Anonymous D. C. PHILLIPS IN Gift of New Station Wagon CONGRESS RACE; FIVE HATS IN RING Record Crowd Expected at An nual Ikill For Institution Next Friday Niijht ‘HIGH HOPES’ OF APPROVAL The Sandhills will have another Civilian Conservation Corps camp if C'fforts launched by J. D. Chalk, North Carolina Commissioner of Game and Inland Fisheries, in con-' Junction with United States Sena, tor J. \V'. Bailey meet with s;;''f'ess. The Sandhills Land Use project I near Hoffman is the proposed site for the camp, and it is pnrbahle that the idea has behind it the util ization of this property which was cleared and developed at great ex. pense by the federal g’ovemment and then turned over to the State. Little use has been made of the extensive acreage by the public. It is ideally | located and equipped for a CCC camp, j with a made lake, a system of roads,' and a number of buildings. This plan j ■might bs the ideal solution of the j problem of getting out of the prt>p. erty some of the money spent upon it. According to a despatch from Washington, Mr. Chalk stopped off there en route to Raleigh after de. livering an addres.s before the Dart, mouth Club in New York City earlier this week. He conferred with Sena tor Bailey and officials of the Bu reau of Fisheries and Biological Sur. vey. Following these talks, he said Tie had "high hopes” of receiving approval of the plan to establish the camp which would construct duck and fish ponds and undertake wild life improvement throughout the area. The CCC camp formerly located between Southern Pines and Fort Bragg was abandoned some time ago. Through the generosity of a "friend,' 'the Moore County Hospital is the recipient this week of a brand new station-wagon, according to an announcement made by Mrs. M, G, Nic'fiols, treasurer of the Moore County Hospital Auxiliary at its Goodbye, Sandhills We’re Going To Be Known As “The Pinelands” From Now Henceforth S(»uthern Pines Resident En ters Against Hurgin. Deane Steele and Newton Kis.s goodbye to the Sand hills.” This good old section isn’t MILL MEN FILE FOR "ROH” 50 Entries Received For Sixth Annual Sandhills Steeplechase Race Meet For Conffress D. C. Phillips of Southern Pines ririi-i week announced his candidacy going to be the Sandhili.s any . . ^ . Ti> • t r>:.,n *”>' Flepresentative in Congress from , more- U s going to ho the rine-i meeting on Wednesday morning. The I district, giving Moore coun- ., . „ ‘ 1 1 T Ti u . ' tv a candidate to compete against vehicle replaces one the hospital has Donald J- Ross has made .. . I ,, Hi, , + ine four others who have announced. been using for a number of years, ^ the very wcellent «^tl^n and from constant use was in a'that hereaftoi when this sec tion of the country is being ” I written about or talked about, .vears. i, ; that it should he designated as, ! , , mu 1. former Oongressman Walter Lam. the Pine ands- The Outlook has ,. » • ■ - .u , u, ^ • 1 1 iu ..1 would not join in the fight. Mr., cor(;idered the word Sandhills ■> ’ J .^jjyised announced some time ago badly worn condition. Hardly any oth. er gift to the institution will be more appreciated by the entire staff, as well as the community as a whole. Thomas Staples Fuller Passes in New York Rrother of Mrs Hurd of Pine- hurst, Father-in-Law of Mrs- Fuller. Nee Helen Thompson A vote of thanks was given the do-, . nnhliritv 'ind -idvised Miiuummu Mume nine ago nor through Mrs Nichols, who stat-1 ' • ^ ..uo jf ” unys the would de( ide by March 1st. Shurst OuT^^^^^^ ‘ forthcoming from This news will be a blow to'‘hat date, m the a community that has come to a'-e tue P>’esent love the Sandhills as “the Sand*: >ncumbent, W. O. Burgen of Lex. hills” And it’s going to fake a ^ lot of undoing to convince a,’” of 'Rbckingham, and Giles Y. report for the Equipment Committee^ , country' ^^^"ton of Gibson. Sandhills”^ *'00 fi'-K fee was any longer- i Raleigh last Saturday in But the most difficull +hing ^ five-pounu sugar bag. made up of quarters, halves and dollars collect ed by mill men in the Rockingham sector. They filed for him, voluntar ily. and in the name of "Bob” by w-hich they know him, not by his real name of Robert. So his name will go on the ballot as Bob. His filers were Robert Sherrill of Han. nah Pickett Mills No. 2, Hugh Car. penter of Hannah Pickett Mills No. 1, E. L. Cox of Steele’s Mills, Roy Cox of Hannah Pickett No. 1 and J. T. Page of Rockingham. Mr. Steele w'as in Southern Pine« this week getting acquainted with somp of "the boys.’ He is believed to have many supporters in the county. Mr. Phillips gave the following statement of his candidacy to The Pilot this week: I’hillips’ Statement To The Voters of the Eighth Congre.s. sional District: I can all but hear you say "Now hero come.s a brand new bull calf (Please turn to Page Four) ed that the name of the person mak ing the g.It must be withheld. The Auxiliary also expressed its sincere thanks to Mrs. Nichols for her ef forts. Mrs. Preston T. Kelsey, giving a said that the pneumonia mask which was ordered last month had been re. ceived. The mask will be a great aid to pneumonia patients and is an item which has been needed by the pro. fessional staff for a long time. Among items listed on Mrs. Kelsey’s expenditure list which were approved Wire a number of reference books and a medical dictionary for the stu dent nurses' library. Mrs. Burt Hunt chairman of the > I Ball Committee, gave a very en. couraging report on plans for the Hospital Ball, which is to be held at i the Pinehurst Country Club next; Friday evening, March 15th .Invita-1 tions to the ball were issued to a large number in the county last week a ltd a record crowd is expected. An excellent orchestra, Sidney's of Wash, ington, has been engaged to furnish music for the affair, which is al ways the highlight of the Spring so cial activities and a much.heralded event. Dancing will begin at 9:30 in the ballroom of the club and during is going to be to make Pinelands” identify us as a dis tinct locality- There are probably a thous and “Pinelands” in the country- There’s only one good old “Sandhills” $2,156 FIGHTING FUNDS FOR FINNS' RECEIVED HERE St rut hers Burt Reports Gener ous Respon.se From the Sandhills Section Thomas Staples Fuller of Durham, former Raleigh attorney and a fre quent Pinehurst visitor, died sudden, ly in the Metropolitan Club in New York on Sunday. Mr. Fuller is a brother of Mrs Nat S. Hurd of Pinehurst and father of W. VV. Ful ler, 3d, whose wife was Miss Helen Thdm,pson of Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs, Hurd and Mrs. Fuller, 2d, left at once for New York. Mr. Ful ler, 2d, is on an ocean cruise and could not be reached at once. Mr, Fuller v/as formerly associated with James H. Pou in the practice of law in Raleigh. He was the son of the late general counsel of the American Tobacco Company^ W. W. Fuller and Annie M. Fuller of Dur. ham. In addition to his son, two (daughters, the Misses Canida and Margaret Fuller, surVive. LOOK FOR OOOD FIELD FOR WOMKN’S MID-SOl'TH Howard F. Burns and Roy Grinnell of the Tournament Committee for the annual Women’s Mid-South golf tournament to be held dt the South, em Pines Country Club March 18, 19 and 20 returned on Monday from Florida highly optimistic over the size and quality of the field for the local event. Two former national champions, Estelle Lawson Page and Patty Berg, last year’s winner here will be on hand, Miss Berg to defend her title, and most of the other wo. men stars plan to compete. EDITOR-PREACHKR T.\LRS TO SANDHILLS KIWANIS The Rev. J. Arch McMl'lan, edi tor of "Charity and Children” and pastor of the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville, made an inspirational talk on the subject of "Neighborli. iiess" before the Sandhills Kiwanls Club Wednesday noon at the High land Pines Inn. Mr. McMillan is making talks each evening this week at the Souther Pines Baptist Church. By Struthers Burt The time has now come for me to make an initial report on the intermission .sandwiches and coffee Fighting.Funds-for will be served fiom a buffet table, of which I am local chair- ^ ronn niinn H^d vice.chairman for the State " 'on "the evening's ,progra.m_and Carolina. As you know, the Ml S. Wood S ConditiOFl the most important feature to almost ^een splendid, everyone-will be the awarding of "'ithin only a week and a half Remains Unchanged Pick of Hunt Race Horses To Face Barrier on Midland Road Course .March !♦> l’.\RK!N(; DKMAND GFtEAT I). C. I*HILLII*S MATERNITY ASS’N. TO HEAR TALK BY DR. BRADFORD One of State’s Leading Authori ties on Maternal Care at Carthage Saturday GROUP’S ANNUAL MEETING Dr. Williamson Z. Bradford, prom.; inent Charlotte physician will make j an address tomorrow, Saturday i livelihood one could also render ser-1 .! Plymouth four.door .sedan, double organization Gen. O'Ryan was ablej • silver fox scarfs, and several smaller ^'’ .send Mr. Procope, the Finnish | **** ifh items, including a miniature radio, an ^*'n'-‘>ter at Washington, a check fori hand. Seriously Injured in ! electric iron and other gifts donated ^^00.000. I suppose by now some-j Auto Colli.sion by several shops. Mrs. Frank W. Me- where around half a million dollars i . . Cluer, Jr., head of the Car Commit-, subscribed. All that seems I condition of Mrs. Joseph W. tee, and Mrs. Paul Butler and Mrs. necessary so far is sufficient | "'‘^h Mr. Wood was Clarence Ed.son, in charge of the fox Publicity. The Sandhills district has j seriously injured in an automobile scarfs, all report a good sale of ‘‘P reputation for gener- “ccident on the Pinehurst, Aberdeen tickets. j I Yesterday the total of contribu. •’oad, last Sunday evening, is re- tions from Southern Pines and Pine- ported at ihe Moore County Hospital hurst reached $2,1.’)6,00, practically i as unchanged. Mrs. Wood has re. all of which is now on its way to.foained unconscious since the acci. Woman Sees Husband Dang'ling’ From Pole After Witnessing Rescue. Finds C P- & L- Crew Was Just Practicing Life Saving As two young women drove up to the Carolina Power & Light place in Southern Pines Tuesday afternoon, they were horrified to see the limp form) of a man dangling half.way down from a high pole, from which he was being lowered with a rope and tackle by fellow workmen. A second glance revealed that it was the husband of one and brother, in-law of the other. They were panic, stricken. The body was placed upon the ground and efforts at artificial res piration were begun. Trembling with fear, the two young women rushed into the group, whose levity did not seem to fit in with the occasion, and found that the linemen were only engaging in a practice of life.saving with David Gillis as the victim. Mrs. Gillis and Mrs. John Camer. on delivered to him the forgotten keys which they had brought and In ^ much weakened but relieved state went on their way. The next time any new safety measures are to be tried out, they will appreciate a bit of previous notice. Finland. "First IJne Defenoe" But when you break down these Southern Plnes.Pinehurst figures they are not so gallant as they fient. \^r. Wood suffered several fractures and abrasions but is not in danger. The accident occurred when the Woods, en route to Pinehurst from might seem. To date just exactly five i Aberdeen, met a car approaching people have subscribed from Pine-1 from the opposite direction, the dri.i hurst, but since three of the checksjver of which appeared uncertain as' were large, Pinehurst has subscribed to which side of the road to take' $950.00. Southern Pines In this re. |ln passing their car. Mr. Wood, ac-' spect has done better. Twenty.eight| fording to statements did not think j people have contributed. I speak it possible from the location on the | frankly because this Finnish busi-| highway of the approaching car to| ness seems to me and millions of pa.ss on the right side, so he shot; other Americans a matter of future | over to the edge of the left side of life and death. Laying aside all hii. the road, successfullj* paa.sing thej manitarian motives, it la just good ^ car. However, an oil truck was fol-i hard.headed common sense and; lowing the first car, and the Wood, (Please turn to page eight) car caught the rear end of this and 1 was hurled into a ditch. The driver j McXEILI. COLLECTS $,>0.00 (of the truck stated after the acci.j IX PENNIES FOR riflCKS dent that he followed the other car frcin Pinehurst and that the driver j W. H. McNeill of S6uthem Pines had "been all over the road,” which delivered some chicks out in the would account for Mr. Wood's action country the other morning, then; in attempting to pass on the wrong asked his customer for the pay. ] side. "Just step around to the front’ Though Mrs. Wood's condition Is of the house," the man said. | critical, hopes are held out for her There he produced two one-gallon j recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have fruit jars, full to the brim with pen.l long been popular members of the nies—nothing but pennies--$50.00 in j Sandhills colonv and their many pennies. The jars wieighed 35 pounds,; friends have been anxiously calling but Mr. McNeill loaded ’em in the| (he ho.spital for news of their con- car and drove off. If you haven’t seen 1 dition since the unfortunate accident, him around town the past few days ^ Mr. Wood Is manager of the broker, he’s busy counting pennies. [ age office in the Carolina Hotel. morning, before the Moore County j Maternity Association on the occa. Sion of its annual meeting. The gnih- ering will be in the Courthouse at Carthage, starting at 11.00 o'clock, and following Dr. Bradford's talk there will be an informal round ta ble discussion. All those interested in the splendid work which the Ma. temity Association has ben doing ■ in the county during the past year ' it has reduced maternal deaths to zero—are cordially invited to attend | the meeting which will be both in. I toresting and instructive. j The desire to have his life count for service led Dr. Bradford to en ter the medical profession. He felt i very strongly that while earning a livlihood one could also render ser. vice to God and man. Those close to him in his work and many who have cdme under his care know how lully he is using his medical career in that way. Dr. Bradford studied medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Med. ical School, graduating in 1928. He W'as fortunate in working under the noted Dr. Polak, who was regarded as the leading obstetritian In this coimtry. His summer vacation be. fore his graduation was spent in Charlotte where he worked with Dr. Addision Brenizer well known sur. t geon. Later, for six months, he was in complete charge of the obstetrical division of Belleview Hospital, New York City, where he gained wide ex- perience in handling the thousands of cases that came under his supervis. ion. Upon receiving his license to practice medicine in North Carolina in 19o0, he located in Charlotte. Work Among the Poor He has been actively Interested in expansion and pro<>ision of maternal care among the poorer rural areas of North Carolina. He is the author of numerous articles in reJation to ma ternal and infant care and the prob lems of pregnancy toxemias. For several years he has been director of the Charlotte Maternity Clinic, an organization naanned by senior students and internes cf Duke Un. iverslty and supervised by Charlotte obstetricians. It was established on a small scale when Dr. Bradford com. m need his practice in Charlotte. He and others induced Duke Hospital of. ficials to enlarge and operate it. The '■cone of the work can be somewhat realized when it is known that this (Please turn to page eight) Some .50 horses have been entered in the sixth annual race meeting of the Sandhills Steeplechase and Rac_ ing As.sociation to be hold on the Barber Kstate cour.se on the Midland Road a week from this Saturday. Kntries received to date were an- notmced yesterday afternoon by Filichard Wallach, Jr., racing secre tary. Indications point to sizeable field.s in each of the five races on the afternoon's caid for the $2,900 in purses offeree by the association. Final touches are being put on the course in preparation for the big event of the winter in the Sandhills .section. Men were bu.sy all this week putting new brush in the brush jumps and erecting the hurdles which are used in the first race. The course is in excellent condition. At the office of the association in Dr. Neal's veterinary hospital, be. side the course, the demand contin. ues heavy for reserved parking spa- ces in the Clubhouse Enclosure, and there is no doubt (that this well be filled on race day. Arrangements were concluded last week with the State Highway Commission to close the Midland Road for three hours before the races to expedite traffic to the course, only cars bearing windshield stickers for the races to be permitted to approach the en. trance gates. This year general parking has been reduced from two dollars per car to one dollar, but a general admission charge of 50 cents per person will be made to witness the races. The Entries The entries received thus far as announced by Mr. Wallach are; l.st Race, The Catawba. Mile and cne.half over hurdled; Ro’iteby Sta. bles. Pittsburgh, Pa., F.nterpiise and Frozen North; R. K. Mellon, Pitts- burt;h. Pa., Different; Mrs. R. G. (Please turn to page I’ight) McDonalds Purchase Olmsted Residence Attractive Home on Weymouth Heights Sold to Attorney— Kellam Buys Home Considerable real estate activity was reported during the past week In Southern Pines, featured by the sale of the Robert 01m,sted residen. tial property on Weymouth Heights. This attractive home, on three beau tifully landscaped acres, was acquir ed by Mr. and Mrs. A. Carlton Me. Donald, who are moving to Southern Pines from West End to take immed iate possession. Mr. McDonald is an attorney and is on the legal staff of the State of North Carolina. The sale of the property was ne gotiated by the R. F. Potts agency. The Olmsted house was built about 15 years ago by E. V. Perkinson and the late Thomas Burges.s from plans drawn by Alfred B Yeomans. The property adjoins the winter residence of Mrs. J. J. Warren of Toronto, Canada, the property of Col. E. C. Carey, and woodlands belonging to the Boyd Estate. C. W. Kellam of Newton, N. J, has purchased the Frederick Baker property on East Indiana avenue. Southern Pines. The property adpoins the new Presbyterian church. The sale was made by Mrs. Turner of the Turner Insurance and Real Estate Agency. Mr. and Mrs. Kellam have been wintering in Southern Pines for a number of years, and for the last five seasons haye lived at 73 South Ashe street. Mrs. Turner has also leased the Winnie J. Dodge cottage on Wor. ' then Court to Mr. and Mrs. George C Moore of Baltimore and for the balance of season. /

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